a voice for men announcements awesome men who should not ever be with women ever MRA schadenfreude

Guess who’s getting more traffic than the #1 Men’s Rights website again?

A Voice for Men’s not-so-bright future?

Here’s an interesting little chart from Alexa. We Hunted the Mammoth is the green line; A Voice for Men is the yellow line:


For more details on Alexa’s estimates, see its pages for WHTM and for AVFM.

Now, Alexa bases its rankings for most sites — including mine and AVFM — on estimated, not actual, traffic, and I have reason to believe that Alexa is underestimating when it comes to my site. I’m pretty sure that WHTM has actually been doing better than AVFM for some time. (I can get into that in the comments if you want to know why; I also have some suspicions about AVFM’s traffic.)

In any case, here are my actual traffic stats for the period in question; I’m averaging more than a million pageviews a month. The current month (in orange) is obviously not over yet, but if my traffic continues on in a fairly typical way for the rest of the month I should easily clear a million again. (The red bit is my estimate for this month’s traffic.)

We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months
We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months

Paul, if you want to post your own traffic logs, we can compare the two sites more accurately. (Somehow I don’t think he will.)

Oh, and one more thing:

AVFM has 18 people on its masthead, including a Publisher, a “Managing Editor,” an “Assistant Managing Editor,” a “Senior Editor,” an “Editor for the Falsely Accused,” a just plain “Editor,” an ‘”Australian News Director,” an “Indian News Director,” a “European News Director,” a “Chief Public Relations Officer,” and even a “Chief Marketing Officer.”

Here at the We Hunted the Mammoth Editorial Offices, which also double as my apartment, it’s just me and the cats.

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9 years ago

Anon, can you at least try to come up with something other than “bet you’re gay. And have HIV”? It’s not clever, it’s not original, and it’s not particularly insulting.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

spacelawn | October 19, 2015 at 1:50 pm
Does it do anything that i use adblock here :/

Yeah, David doesn’t get money from advertising if you use adblock on his page. : (

I’ve whitelisted WHTM for specifically that reason.

ColeYote | October 19, 2015 at 2:56 pm
Over on the AgainstMensRights subreddit, I’m using my flair to point out that FurAffinity’s alexa ranking is roughly 1/16th of AVFM’s. Therefore it is objective fact that furries are 16 times more important than their movement.

Uh, I’m a designer, not a mathematician, but that seems off.

davidknewton | October 19, 2015 at 3:02 pm
And we’re not all terrible people either (though we’ve got our MRA specimens as well). It’s just a little more comical to see a giant gryphon ranting about feminist ideals.


*ahem* Allow me to introduce the Potoophon.

The most glorious of gryphons.

9 years ago

No. The kitties are running a David sweatshop.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“Uh, I’m a designer, not a mathematician, but that seems off.”

Depends what is 1/16th of what — if you finish a race in 1/16th the time it takes me, then you’re 16 times better, I think. So whatever site is ranked #100 is 16 times more popular than the one ranked #1600. Not sure if that’s what ColeYote meant, but I can’t work out how else you’d get a number being 1/16th another on a ranking site.


David, can I please be in charge of caring for the non-furry animal staff? I’m good with fish and amphibians, with a bit of reptile experience… you’d need a separate Director of Birds though, my mother’s terror of them has prevented me from having any experience in heir care.

9 years ago

Well done, David! Superb work, especially considering it is mainly just you and your cats at your office. And what has AVfM got to show for their ‘efforts’? They are an 18 person team and they are being out performed by one guy and his cats! There is obviously something wrong at AVfM (besides the rampant misogyny).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I call dibs on Evil Lord Director Of Spiders.

9 years ago

“it’s just me and the cats.”

This alone makes WHTM the superior website. AVFM has zero cats. Losers!

9 years ago

I’m amazed that AVFM has that much staff left after the constant purges and splits with Chairman Paul.

The current staff list may go some way to explaining AVFM’s current traffic stats. It’s all the “staff” compulsively checking the site every 30 minutes to see if they still have a job “volunteer position”.

9 years ago

@paradoxical intention

In his defense salt and vinegar is the best chips lays offers.

Anyway AVFM vast amount of editors is like when your a kid, you form a club, and have like 27 different titles for you and your friends.

Anyway I think will all be happy when Davids cats start editing his posts.

9 years ago

Also when it comes to the future of online misogyny I think we will be seeing more “grassroots” stuff like #GG. The thing is Gamergate has died down but the opinions it espoused have not gone away.

9 years ago

I know the troll’s long since banned and gone, but my phone won’t let me post videos here and I wanted to share the best ever response to homophobic “hurr durr AIDS” assholes.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

LOL who’s this “Judgy Bitch” character?

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I think the various MRA subreddits and fora are more popular than groups like AVfM that try to look like traditional non-profits.

9 years ago

I think the various MRA subreddits and fora are more popular than groups like AVfM that try to look like traditional non-profits.

Stands to reason; they don’t have to pay money to the Douchebag in Chief for the privilege of frequenting a forum for douchebags. They just have to d-bag it up.

9 years ago

I believe Dr. McCoy would tell Kirk regarding AVFM…He’s dead, Jim!

9 years ago

Delurking to +1 zoon echon logon’s comment. While the manosphere we’ve known from the last number of years seems to be losing influence, what appears to be rising instead is probably worse. As an example since it came up earlier, “poz” is a term that was appropriated recently by pol/therightstuff/mypostingcareer type “communities” (I’m guessing around the time cuckservative became a thing, it just hasn’t caught on in the mainstream the same way) to describe anybody who isn’t as virulently right wing as they are. According to them, we’re all “pozzed”/spreading the poz, etc. Yeah, it’s as disgusting as it sounds.

9 years ago

coleyote, does AVFM actually try to quantify their importance through their Alexa ranking or are you just being funny? I could totally see Elam being dumb enough to do that.

9 years ago

Of course WHTM is doing better than AVFM. David has kittyz sleeping for him. Paul Elam? He does not strike me as a cat person.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Virtually Out of Touch | October 19, 2015 at 6:50 pm
LOL who’s this “Judgy Bitch” character?

She’s one of the manosphere’s Token Women™ who gets used as a shitty shield against accusations of sexism. She’s also known as Janet Bloomfield. Her blog’s in the sidebar, but go there at your own risk, as she’s sexist as fuck.

Though, recently, she seems to have come rather close to a few revelations, but as usual she veers right back into Manosphere Lojik™ at the last second.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Kat | October 19, 2015 at 7:43 pm
Of course WHTM is doing better than AVFM. David has kittyz sleeping for him. Paul Elam? He does not strike me as a cat person.

Then why does he keep screeching about “pussy”?

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention:

*ahem* Allow me to introduce the Potoophon.


Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Judgy Bitch is also an admitted serial rapist who targets men. Because compassion for men and boys.

9 years ago

You must have some very smart cats.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

It’s the cats… It’s always the cats that make everything better.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Judgy Bitch is also an admitted serial rapist who targets men. Because compassion for men and boys.

Where’d she say that?