a voice for men announcements awesome men who should not ever be with women ever MRA schadenfreude

Guess who’s getting more traffic than the #1 Men’s Rights website again?

A Voice for Men’s not-so-bright future?

Here’s an interesting little chart from Alexa. We Hunted the Mammoth is the green line; A Voice for Men is the yellow line:


For more details on Alexa’s estimates, see its pages for WHTM and for AVFM.

Now, Alexa bases its rankings for most sites — including mine and AVFM — on estimated, not actual, traffic, and I have reason to believe that Alexa is underestimating when it comes to my site. I’m pretty sure that WHTM has actually been doing better than AVFM for some time. (I can get into that in the comments if you want to know why; I also have some suspicions about AVFM’s traffic.)

In any case, here are my actual traffic stats for the period in question; I’m averaging more than a million pageviews a month. The current month (in orange) is obviously not over yet, but if my traffic continues on in a fairly typical way for the rest of the month I should easily clear a million again. (The red bit is my estimate for this month’s traffic.)

We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months
We Hunted the Mammoth traffic, last six months

Paul, if you want to post your own traffic logs, we can compare the two sites more accurately. (Somehow I don’t think he will.)

Oh, and one more thing:

AVFM has 18 people on its masthead, including a Publisher, a “Managing Editor,” an “Assistant Managing Editor,” a “Senior Editor,” an “Editor for the Falsely Accused,” a just plain “Editor,” an ‘”Australian News Director,” an “Indian News Director,” a “European News Director,” a “Chief Public Relations Officer,” and even a “Chief Marketing Officer.”

Here at the We Hunted the Mammoth Editorial Offices, which also double as my apartment, it’s just me and the cats.

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Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

My, uh, image got eaten. Let’s try that again.

9 years ago

If ‘anon’ is the best caliber troll AVFM can send over, no wonder they’re dying on their feet.

9 years ago

@ssou: Wow, those are the most British Lay’s chips I’ve ever seen.

9 years ago


“And then I told them that they all have AIDS!”

*high fives all around*

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I can’t figure out why the troll is choosing to troll with HIV insults. It’s kind of off topic for this blog.

I think it’s supposed to be “Haha, you’re sluts!” and/or “Haha, you’re gay!”

If so, dude has no idea how anything HIV works.

9 years ago

Why is there so much British food on this blog recently D: I need to order a care package for myself…

9 years ago

Yeah, cuz you showed ´em.

9 years ago

Does it do anything that i use adblock here :/

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

And I bet your cats don’t even help with the writing or photo editing at all! Still a more capable staff than those at AVFM….

9 years ago

Anon, don’t be jealous of David just because he’s been chatting with all of us hot babes/dudes/awesome gender non-specific folk all day.

9 years ago

Let that be a lesson to me, always reload before posting.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Spearhead gone, Roosh imploding, AVFM tearing itself apart,….”

But Obsidian’s got a youtube channel now so that should do us for shits and giggles through to about the middle of 2016.

9 years ago

I’m glad the movement seems to be dying. (Longtime lurker here. Hello everyone)

9 years ago

I think Obsidian is too boring for shits and giggles.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Definitely a lot of shit, at least.

9 years ago

I can’t figure out why the troll is choosing to troll with HIV insults. It’s kind of off topic for this blog.

Projection, as usual. Also, zero originality.

9 years ago

“And then I told them that they all have AIDS!”

*high fives all around*

9 years ago

David, you and your feline bosses do a great job.

9 years ago

Here at the We Hunted the Mammoth Editorial Offices, which also double as my apartment, it’s just me and the cats.

So you’re running a kitty sweatshop, is that what you’re saying?

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

I’m amazed that AVFM has that much staff left after the constant purges and splits with Chairman Paul.

9 years ago

Over on the AgainstMensRights subreddit, I’m using my flair to point out that FurAffinity’s alexa ranking is roughly 1/16th of AVFM’s. Therefore it is objective fact that furries are 16 times more important than their movement.

9 years ago

And we’re not all terrible people either (though we’ve got our MRA specimens as well). It’s just a little more comical to see a giant gryphon ranting about feminist ideals.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

I don’t suppose the internet’s going to run out of the wilfully ignorant and nasty minded for David to mock any time soon, but it does seem to be the end of a certain fashion of organised misogyny. I just hope the distilled residue thats currently so obsessed with school shootings remains too antisocial to form their own groups and websites.

I’m happy to see them go (gamergate also seems to have run its course except for a few diehard reality-dissociates), but I’m not sure I’m less worried about the redpill/alt-right cuckolding-obsessives that seem to have infected 4chan and reddit. /pol/ is worse than Stormfront, and probably more influential. This might be more a change of venue and form for the “New Misogyny” rather than a diminution.

In some ways, the recent stuff is worse. At least classical MRAs had a thin veneer about caring about equality; the newer alt-right people openly just want to kill/enslave everyone different from themselves.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’m happy to see them go (gamergate also seems to have run its course except for a few diehard reality-dissociates), but I’m not sure I’m less worried about the redpill/alt-right cuckolding-obsessives that seem to have infected 4chan and reddit. /pol/ is worse than Stormfront, and probably more influential. This might be more a change of venue and form for the “New Misogyny” rather than a diminution.

In some ways, the recent stuff is worse. At least classical MRAs had a thin veneer about caring about equality; the newer alt-right people openly just want to kill/enslave everyone different from themselves.

Interestingly, this seems to be becoming more and more a mainstream political worry, which means that David has accidentally become the most knowledgeable journalist in the world on what is becoming a major story.

David, if you play this right, this could be a career thing.