Here’s an interesting little chart from Alexa. We Hunted the Mammoth is the green line; A Voice for Men is the yellow line:
For more details on Alexa’s estimates, see its pages for WHTM and for AVFM.
Now, Alexa bases its rankings for most sites — including mine and AVFM — on estimated, not actual, traffic, and I have reason to believe that Alexa is underestimating when it comes to my site. I’m pretty sure that WHTM has actually been doing better than AVFM for some time. (I can get into that in the comments if you want to know why; I also have some suspicions about AVFM’s traffic.)
In any case, here are my actual traffic stats for the period in question; I’m averaging more than a million pageviews a month. The current month (in orange) is obviously not over yet, but if my traffic continues on in a fairly typical way for the rest of the month I should easily clear a million again. (The red bit is my estimate for this month’s traffic.)

Paul, if you want to post your own traffic logs, we can compare the two sites more accurately. (Somehow I don’t think he will.)
Oh, and one more thing:
AVFM has 18 people on its masthead, including a Publisher, a “Managing Editor,” an “Assistant Managing Editor,” a “Senior Editor,” an “Editor for the Falsely Accused,” a just plain “Editor,” an ‘”Australian News Director,” an “Indian News Director,” a “European News Director,” a “Chief Public Relations Officer,” and even a “Chief Marketing Officer.”
Here at the We Hunted the Mammoth Editorial Offices, which also double as my apartment, it’s just me and the cats.
…Wait, “Editor for the Falsely Accused” wasn’t a joke?
lol – you ought to worry less about changing diapers and more about being a good bitch for your Dom, lest he continue withholding your HIV meds.
Anonymous, you’re supposed to be verbally abusive to women here, but instead you were homophobic. Even as a weaksauce troll, you’re a failure.
But your salty tears were delicious, so thanks for stopping by. XXX *smooch*
Anonymous is gunning for the highest bpw (bigotries per word) prize, but unfortunately, fatphobia + LGBT hate + ableism in 21 words isn’t the least bit impressive. In fact, the most noteworthy part of that whole deal is a champion of the MR “false accusations are ruining men’s lives!” M would call someone a “pedoface” for no good reason.
Messages from anon’s boner, part II. Look, this isn’t a phone sex line. Run along, now.
What can I say, you’re all one big tidal wave of POZ to me.
What’s a POZ? Besides me, of course. It’s weak trolling when you load it up with unexplained acronyms.
David, I would like to apply for the sports editor position. I realise you never have any sports stories on your blog so this position is perfect for me as I hate sport, plus I will require no payment and I promise not to do any work.
I don’t think you will find a better qualified candidate!
So what you’re saying is… you’re hiring??? 😛
“Pedoface” is an odd choice of slur given that one of the planks of the manosphere is that women hit a wall at 30 after which they are sexually unattractive.
Spearhead gone, Roosh imploding, AVFM tearing itself apart, PUAs getting kicked out of countries and venues if they can even sell tickets… Given they all seemed regular readers of WHTM I hope they eventually work out why they failed, but it’s probably beyond them.
I don’t suppose the internet’s going to run out of the wilfully ignorant and nasty minded for David to mock any time soon, but it does seem to be the end of a certain fashion of organised misogyny. I just hope the distilled residue thats currently so obsessed with school shootings remains too antisocial to form their own groups and websites.
I hope all of them get help. Not in a traditional mental health sense, but the kind of help a religious person might pray for them for. That they find a hobby or real friends or that they go for walks and notice how pretty the leaves are. Anything that gives them the perspective to realize that wallowing in a self-made cess pool of self-pity and hatred and envy of happiness isn’t the best way to spend a life. That they might not be in so much pain if they stopped stomping on everyone else’s amazing leggo buildings.
*points and laughs at anon*
Oh my god you’re pathetic. Not even a fucking original insult, 1/10, don’t bother trying again.
So far, anonymous has collected:
– fat-shaming
– falsely accusing of paedophilia
– insulting every non-cis group
– insulting those who do BDSM (counts as slut-shaming)
– insulting those who have HIV
– logical failure (calling David a loser for… completely surclassing AVFM)
What will they do after I’ve posted this comment?
PS: ex-lurker here. Hi everyone!
What does pedoface mean? Face that would attract a paedophile? Face that has features that anonymous considers common to paedophiles? Or just a version of (bad word + body part) – my sister was very fond of calling people poobumhead when she was about six.
You can probably get away with making your cats full time employees, I don’t think there are any laws against it…yet.
“Chief Public Cuddles Officer”
“Senior Meow Analyst”
Man I’m getting real sick of all these trolls that could essentially be bots for all the originality and effort that goes into their screeds.
At least Thomas Hobbes has slightly more variety in his word salad. This troll is just your bog standard “edgy” 13 year old boy subspecies.
Five bucks says “anon” is Paul Elam.
…any takers?
All these flavors and you choose to be
Seriously though, weaksauce is weak. I mean saying “You have a deadly disease you have to manage every day!” and “You engage in the BDSM lifestyle!” and [insert gendered slur here] is hilarious, and says less about us, and more about Nonny and their beliefs.
Shit, I’ve heard worse from 12-year-olds shrieking into headsets on XBox Live. Step ya game up.
anon, I’m disappointed. Going in insults blazing is a generally poor trolling tactic, since it usually fails to get people mad; it’s like walking into a bar and punching the first person you see off of their stool. They’re going to be more surprised than mad, and you’ll have utterly failed at starting a proper fight.
You need to have a good build-up: say something only mildly inappropriate first, to get people annoyed, then slowly escalate the stupidity and abrasiveness of your arguments and draw everyone further into this verbal quagmire of your own creation. Then, and only then, do you start with the head-on insults.
Your kind of shit might play on 4Chan, but these are the big leagues, son. You need to step up your game to impress us.
I don’t think anonymous is Elam. He hasn’t made any threats or thrown out any false statistics… yet.
“Paedoface” is a bit rich coming from a “Movement” that consists so heavily of actual paedophiles. Then again, they call us “Feminazis” despite all being actual Nazis, so…
“Poz” is a reference to being HIV+, short for “positive.” It’s a term used by many in the HIV/AIDS community. That today’s hovering ball of smegma would use it as a slur is ignorant, unimaginative, and assholish.
Boring unoriginal troll is boring and unoriginal. Next, please.
Oh! Thank you. It being capitalized confused me; I thought it was an acronym. >_<
I can’t figure out why the troll is choosing to troll with HIV insults. It’s kind of off topic for this blog.
@Paradoxical Intention
Seems less salt and vinegar to me and more just plain salt, such as