On Saturday, esteemed Breitbart “journalist” and Gamergate panderer Milo Yiannopoulos took aim at the matriarchy in which we all apparently live by inventing a new fake holiday (and Twitter hashtag) he called #WorldPatriarchyDay.
In a labored, gratingly unfunny Breitbart post announcing the new fake holiday, he explained that
World Patriarchy Day is the day on which you should feel free to express your masculinity in the most odiously toxic manner imaginable.
He encouraged his male readers to (among other things):
- Cat-call at least five women.
- Leave the seat up.
- “This isn’t going to suck itself.”
- Commit #CyberViolence.
- Find a successful female scientist and explain basic algebra to her slowly and carefully.
And, for those men in his audience who’ve somehow convinced some poor woman to live with them, he suggested that they
leave a sandwich knife, a spread, and a loaf of bread in plain sight in the kitchen. Let her work the rest out.
He rehashed this last joke in a Tweet:
"Well, bitch? I'm waiting." #WorldPatriarchyDay pic.twitter.com/xnDJLiS2Tt
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) October 18, 2015
But the photo of his unmade sandwich left a number of Twitterers a bit puzzled. Why did his “sandwich knife” have a handle like a toothbrush? Was that really bread? Were the things at the bottom of the photo his feet? What the hell kind of sandwich was he making, anyway!?
One Twitterer did the best he could to label all Milo’s sandwich fixins.
Soon others were posting their potential sandwich ingredients, awaiting only the arrival of a “bitch” to make them into actual sandwiches.
@theshrillest I'm expecting the best sandwich I ever had pic.twitter.com/OwDjQWkv3A
— Jim Avery (@TheSoundDefense) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest pic.twitter.com/Khu7x2QXM0
— Dr. Janet D. Stemwedel, PhD 🏳️🌈 (@docfreeride) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest pic.twitter.com/ljUtbtg0YV
— Furloaf (@ruppelsive) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest pic.twitter.com/oc8ZdJUvah
— cal50 (@cal50) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest pic.twitter.com/KaVRQxRByA
— haunted tweet (@zandywithaz) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest pic.twitter.com/12fpCFH1aM
— Jonathan Blanks (@BlanksSlate) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest well bitch, I'm waiting… pic.twitter.com/AZey44T3m5
— chuck 🏔 (@crowcialist) October 19, 2015
@theshrillest still waiting on that sandwich pic.twitter.com/PGZFf0h6pe
— Andy (@LotionDolphin) October 19, 2015
Joe Walsh, perhaps the most underappreciated sandwich fixin of all time.
Add your own! Extra points if your photo contains your feet.
I’ve posted a photo of my own potential sandwich above. I’ve been waiting about half an hour, but alas it remains unmade.
Honestly, if someone left a knife, bread, and fixings out in plain sight in the kitchen, I’d be like “Wow, thanks!” and proceed to make myself a delicious sandwich.
@David Rutten — I see you got a Fiskars axe, so you’re taking this sammich-making bizniz seriously! Good choice.
If I saw a bunch of sandwich stuff out on the counter my first reaction would be “babe, were you by chance halfway through making a sandwich and got distracted? Is this food still good or should I toss it?”
If I saw Yiannopoulos’ “sandwich” ingredients my first reaction would be “okay, which of us has started sleepwalking?”
@kupo The people who claim there’s an inherent gender disparity in math skills say the disparity begins at the advanced graduate level (like your dissertation for a PhD in math or physics, whether your work is “distinguished,” etc.) and beyond (which could easily be explained by male professors in the department who might have some unexamined prejudices). There’s no significant evidence of difference in ability if you’re talking about lower division undergraduate material or even the courses math or physics majors take or graduate courses.
The food microbiologist in me appreciates this comment, especially because I know what might be lurking in the deli meat. *shudder* I’d say more, but I don’t want to ruin anyone’s appetite for all the delicious looking sandwich selections on this page.
It’s amazing how willing Milo is to demonstrate his own stupidity – I know he thinks this is some show of dominance for men and that making their own sandwiches is somehow above them, but what it really looks like is that they’re just idiots who can’t take care of themselves.
Thinking back to that delicious “put a plain chicken breast in the oven for 45 minutes” recipe featured on AVFM, maybe this is true. They just… never learned how to be adults.
Make me a sammich. With science. And Cake.
(Cake is the name of the plush toy.)
Also, where is Milo from? That looks like British bread and I miss it so much.
If somebody left sandwich ingredients out on the counter, my feeemale cat would jump up there and steal them.
I don’t know where he’s from, but he lives in London, just like I do. I’m hoping that I cancel him out.
I know how this would go in my house (not that I live with a nobhead, but let’s pretend)
“Where’s my sandwich?”
“In my stomach, thank you for asking”.
I’d clear up and wash up too!
Uhmm, yeah, no. its not a good idea at all to insult the person who will be touching your food. For some reason, people who are a**holes always seem to forget this rule.
@occasional reader, you’re looking too deep. The joke is that none of these things are good for making a sandwich, because in Milo’s original tweet some of the items looked strange or inappropriate to put in a sandwich. So people are making fun by taking pictures of weird items for “sandwich ingredients”. 🙂
Milo is from the UK. He used to be a technology journalist who was into the techno-libertarian/techno-conservative stuff. He realized he could use fear, uncertainty, and doubt about feminism to convert gamers to right wing politics.
Your cat would steal substitute butter?
Oh, and anyone dumb enough to use the “it won’t suck itself” thing richly deserves all the ‘small penis’ insults that he will no doubt receive.
Hell yes. I approve.
I wanted to put Aloysius (my CC plushie) in mine, but he took up the whole frame.
@History Nerd
And Milo is implying that even successful female scientists don’t understand basic algebra.
You know you’re living in the ghetto when…
I don’t think he is. I think he and his audience know full well that she understands algebra, and that’s the “joke,” such as it is. “Celebrate world patriarchy day by deliberately wasting a woman’s time, and make sure all women are condescended to no matter how accomplished.”
Sorry Milo. We know you’re hungry but we can’t allow classified sandwich technology to fall into MRA hands without a binding and verifiable non-douchiness agreement. You may, of course, continue to hold small amounts of your own baloney for peaceful research purposes. I don’t think we could stop you there.
***Not trying to be alarmist. It looks like they’re still years away from the construction of an edible threat.. besides a few inexpertly heated hot pockets. Our secret is safe.***
Hahaha, wow. I do like the response to his sammich humor. A lot more than I would ever like Milo’s actual “humor”
This from the man who would fail a third grade cooking lesson, judging by that picture.
I have occasionally asked my husband to make me one of his famous PBJs (he likes peanut butter that’s fresh-ground and low in oil, resulting in a super-thick spread that only he has mastered the art of putting on bread without ripping it). But I wouldn’t just put the ingredients out and assume, because I am not an asshole (I hope). I also thank him when he has made said sandwich.