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Red Piller: Go for chubby girls over sluts, because you can grind down their self esteem enough that they’ll lose weight

Fellas! It's not necessarily the end of the world if your date eats some food.
Fellas! It’s not necessarily the end of the world if your date sometimes eats food. Sometimes.

The Red Pill take on “Fat Chicks” is usually, well, let’s just call it strongly negative.

So I was a little surprised to find a post on the Red Pill subreddit suggesting that fat women aren’t necessarily the worst things in the world. The surprise went away as soon as I saw the explanation:

A woman can lose 20 pounds in three months but she can’t unsuck 20 dicks, ever.

And I can’t unread the phrase “unsuck 20 dicks” either, alas. 

You see, as the lovely Red Pill individual who calls himself windowkicker explains, if you’re looking for a future mother to your children, fat girls aren’t always the wrong choice, so long as they’re only slightly fat, and practically virginal.

If you find an attractive girl with a low N-count but is a few pounds overweight don’t worry too much about it. Red Pillers should take this option every day over a girl with low bodyfat but is a self confessed party girl with a high N-count and here’s why-

Brace yourself.

If you have been lifting and taking care of yourself when you start the relationship she will naturally fall into line with your lifestyle; this is on the condition that you are maintaining frame and employing light dread.

“Light dread” is a Red Pill euphemism for “grinding away at her insecurities by making her think you could leave her at any moment.”

Once you have demonstrated your superior SMV [Sexual Market Value] she will start to take better care of herself automatically. … for the majority of instances, a woman will get the vibe off you that she needs to lose some weight without you saying anything. Subtleness should be applied if you do approach the subject of weight loss but for the most part this is unnecessary (again, employ dread).

Sluts, by contrast, can never unsluttify themselves. Once they’ve been with an alpha they are pretty much ruined for good decent men like the amoral abusive creeps who read the Red Pill subreddit.

Once she has been alpha widowed there is no way back to re-establishing her ability to pair bond and raise stable offspring.

I’m not saying to go out there and be Captain save a hoe, if she doesn’t respond, next her immediately, but for a girl who is on the borderline and you want to raise a family, don’t waste all your time looking for skinny bitches who are going to jump at the next dishwasher repairman that calls at your house.

Huh. Apparently those Maytag repairmen aren’t really the loneliest men in town.

In the comments, other Red Pillers share their highly enlightened thoughts on the weight issue.

Antariusz reports on his efforts to “hard dread” his current girlfriend into dropping a lot of weight.

I’m kinda taking that approach with this girl I’ve started seeing, she’s pretty much everything I’d want in a woman, 20 with a low n-count, and wicked smart, but her weight is a huge issue (no pun intended), I’m getting what I want out of the relationship, and if she improves, awesome, if she doesn’t, well I’ve invested less time and emotion into her than any of my older blue pill relationships, so it’s all good. …

I steer almost the conversation at least once a day toward diet or working out.

Pirateninj4 advises him to

Treat [her] like you know you you’re better. Make her working out a requirement and employ dread if she doesn’t do it.

Walk away if she’s not complying.

blkbullmentor meanwhile, warns that

Dread can backfire.

If she’s a lazy bitch then she’ll refuse to compete. At that point, dump her ass as it’s easier to train a new one than fix a lazy one.

nantucketghost suggests you aim for younger “girls.”

Girls you can mold. They are willing to please an alpha. New clothes, change hair style, makeup, etc. Get them into a gym, workout and bond, run, etc. You can turn an HB5/6 into an HB8/9 with very little effort and after you do so, they will feel like they owe you and be forever grateful to you.

The women who start out with the looks and thinking they are the shit are used to the betas falling all over her to do things. She’s the one night stand. She wants to sleep with the alpa, but she’ll never give up the beta and being waited on hand and foot. This woman will end up unhappy and unfulfilled in life.

redadactyl suggests that his comrades don’t try to mold women who are more than a little bit overweight.

I feel like this is possible If she is 10-25lbs over MAX. I unwittingly did the conversion on my LTR pre TRP and got her to drop 15lbs and it was great. I kinda just had to suck it up at the beginning because I saw the potential. I don’t know if I could do it again today.

Moose_war, more pessimistic than most of his colleagues, laments how easily “humble, low self esteem virgin” fat girls can be transformed into evil, sassy sluts.

A lot of fat girls stay virgins into their 20s and then just get fucked one night and it opens up this weird world tinged with hunger for sex and validation. So they get a beta boyfriend or they get fucked, and the more male validation they get, the sassier they get, and the fatter they get, and the sassier they get.

The horror!

Until one day they are a morbidly obese 45 year old woman who looks 55 and who no man is having sex with anymore and she is nasty as fuck to everyone around her, to the cashier at the store, to her male co-workers, to the skinny pretty female co-workers.

Or maybe they end up still fat, still sassy, still having sex, and still glad they never hooked up with any of the bitter gaslighting dickheads who fill the Red Pill subreddit.

H/T — r/TheBluePill




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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Bina | October 18, 2015 at 9:11 pm

The Manosphere says feminists never protest the misogyny found in Muslim countries.

And as usual, the Manure-sphere is wrong. There are Muslim feminists, believe it or not, protesting just that, and throughout the Muslim world. And as usual, these brave armchair warriors aren’t supporting THEM, are they now? Nope…they’re just using someone else’s oppression to bash us into not protesting our own.

Fuck those guys, seriously.

And when they say that, it’s usually fueled by their own racism and Great White Savior complexes.

They just want us to fight amongst ourselves in a tiny Oppression Olympics so they can try to ignore us and continue to be jackasses.

Arthur Meyer
9 years ago

I personally will never understand why these “real men” have such ridiculous standards for. Then again, perhaps I’m just biased because I prefer the softer and rounder ladies. But then I have to realize that the concept of a meaningful relationship is something most people don’t seem to have on the mind these days… It’s better to be with someone you actually want to be around with, rather than someone who tries to look like a magazine model.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I finally realized that “N-count” stands for notch count. At first I thought “nookie,” which got me thinking how I used to mix up “noogie” and “nookie,” embarrassingly 🙂

Anyway, the whole “n-count” thing seems to me like: “Oh noesies, women are bragging about having sex? Only men can do that!” (And apparently “being happy about” = “bragging about,” now.)

@NicolaLuna – I’m really glad things are going better. That sounds really frightening. Once I had three emails in a row from a work supervisor, insisting me take on an editing project (he’d already promised a third party he’d deliver the work, and he didn’t want that party to contact me directly because he was getting a profit being the middleman)… anyway, just those three emails in a row felt overwhelming. I guess I’m trying to say that you’re dealing with things much better than I would, and keep taking care of yourself!

(warning for violence, harassment)

This brings up bad memories on the other side too. Once I got into a fight with a friend and I hit her in the face, cutting her nose – and this was three years ago, not when I was a teenager. Afterwards she would not talk to me or work in the same room as me (we were in the same university program, but finishing up our research projects and no longer taking classes). I wanted to apologize – mainly I was selfish and wanted the friendship back – so I emailed her about three times over the space of two months. When I saw her in the lounge room I tried to talk with her from the doorway (as if I weren’t trespassing any boundaries by staying physically outside!), asking her to come to counselling to resolve our argument, but the admin assistant told me I was not being fair and I should leave. I turned around but on my way out, a professor who knew about the whole thing stopped me and backed me into a corner (he was much taller) saying that if I contacted her again he would call security.

At the time I felt intimidated and threatened too (by him, not that he used actual force), but it was worse realizing what I’d done. I’d been so focused on myself, I hadn’t considered that this written/verbal contact was harassment, which is a kind of violence itself, and how she might feel threatened and stressed from everything that I’d done. But when the prof confronted me I was shocked at myself and I avoided that whole building as much as I could afterwards, until I graduated and moved away.

I don’t want to hurt anyone or make anyone feel unsafe again. (Unless I suppose it’s to protect a vulnerable person, though I don’t much like the use of coercive authority either. I dunno.)

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

@Alan Just refrain from making any threats, including saying you would like to see something violent happen to people. We know you don’t want to threaten anybody, just consider a different choice of words when you’re expressing your disgust at assholes.

9 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility

Just an opinion here but I don’t think there was anything wrong with wanting to apologize. Sending one short apology email and leaving it at that doesn’t seem inappropriate in those circumstances.

As you say, the problem lies in continually contacting them under the pretext of an apology, expecting something to come of it.

9 years ago

They just want us to fight amongst ourselves in a tiny Oppression Olympics so they can try to ignore us and continue to be jackasses.

Won’t work. We can support feminists abroad AND still carry on our own battles here, simultaneously. Just because these guys have one-track minds, doesn’t mean WE do.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“The Manosphere says feminists never protest the misogyny found in Muslim countries.”

“And as usual, the Manure-sphere is wrong. There are Muslim feminists, believe it or not, protesting just that, and throughout the Muslim world.”

Yeah I know. There are also non-Muslim feminists doing the same. Plenty of them. They’ve educated me quite a lot on the issue, in fact. Actually most of the info about how shitty women are treated in Muslim countries comes from Feminists. I mean, where does the Manosphere think the world gets its info in this regard? Feminists have done a lot of hard work to create awareness and help people everywhere.

“Yeah, sorry. But it’s a regime that really bugs me. Sending school girls back into a burning building for the sake of “morality”.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. The US government is “allies” with people who did that?

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Roosh isn’t Muslim. He’s violently Islamophobic. He just pulled that one out of his ass as a failed gotcha a la #NotYourShield.”

Well Scented, he didn’t just pull it outta his ass. His father is a Shia Muslim from Iran which is one of the most oppressive countries on the planet toward women. Some of that rubbed off on Roosh. He didn’t grow up in a vacuum. None of us do.

9 years ago

“Yeah, sorry. But it’s a regime that really bugs me. Sending school girls back into a burning building for the sake of “morality”.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. The US government is “allies” with people who did that?

Oh yes. I highly recommend House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger if you or anyone else is interested in this topic. Some of what’s covered in there is pretty blood curdling. The most famous topic from the book, which ended up in the movie Farenheit 9-11 was when the US government secreted members of the Bin Ladin family, who are close friends of the Sauds out of the country immediately after September 11th even as every other flight was grounded and even the rich and powerful couldn’t get a flight.

9 years ago


I’m really glad that he says that he’s deleting your phone number. I hope that it’s true and that he never bothers you again.

Good for you for standing up for your rights.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Years ago I remember reading some novel based on true events by a woman writer telling the stories of Saudi princesses and the horrors they went through in their marriages. She did a series of books on this theme. I believed it at first, years later remembered it and thought it must be sensationalism to get book sales, but am now inclined to believe again. Some of the stories were just outright inhumane. Its still hard for me to believe anyone would force children back into a burning school. I want to believe that is just made up propaganda fabricated to make them look bad. Did the people who did that go to jail? Who ordered them to do it, the Saudi government?

9 years ago

“…when the US government secreted members of the Bin Ladin family, who are close friends of the Sauds out of the country immediately after September 11th even as every other flight was grounded and even the rich and powerful couldn’t get a flight.”

I’ve never really understood why people criticize Bush for that. I guess our government could have held on to them for a while, but I’ve always thought it was a good idea to get them somewhere safe before anyone tried to kill them.

9 years ago

“Its still hard for me to believe anyone would force children back into a burning school. I want to believe that is just made up propaganda fabricated to make them look bad. Did the people who did that go to jail? Who ordered them to do it, the Saudi government?”

Not sure, but they might mean this from 2002:

9 years ago

At this point, I kind of want to laugh at them, but when I think about how they genuinely believe this shit, the horror kicks in.
I tired to talk to some of these guys on you tube, and it was utterly hopeless. They are your stereotypical internet trolls, and they bring nothing to a debate except insults and their own stupidity. The very fact that they consider this red pill rubbish to be a “philosophy” and that they answer any critic with nothing more than a string of expletives, says a lot about their understanding of the world around them. To be honest, I don’t know what form of misogyny they subscribed to personally, since they were chucking around all the usual mra talking points, as well as the alpha/beta crap, that no reasonable adult would use in any reasonable conversation.


9 years ago

I’m no fan of the younger Bush (like, at all). But if he hadn’t gotten them out, people would be attacking him for failing to follow protocol. One can argue whether or not said protocol is the best idea, but putting that aside, it’s one of the few things he did right.

9 years ago

Completely OT, but apparently the Westboro Baptist Church has decided to picket outside the house of Kim Davis, they’re saying she’s a hypocrite for protesting against gay marriage when she herself has been married four times. I guess they have a point, but I reckon they’re just jealous of the attention she’s been getting:

9 years ago

Re: girls being forced back into a burning school,

I’m sorry to say it’s true. The school girls didn’t have their veils on so they were forbidden from leaving, and male emergency workers were prevented from saving them.

Needless to say this runs counter to Islam, which allows men to see/touch women in emergencies regardless of whether or not they’re married or related. Pretty much all religions have such caveats, like those cases when Sikh men have used the cloth of their turbans to help people.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Dread ? Fear ? Erf, is a relationship of this kind not supposed to be built on a love feeling ?
No matter the “amount” of dread/fear, it is a manipulative behavior (part of the principle of reciprocity, according to Roberto Cialdini), mainly linked to a domination relationship, not a love one (Domination ? Well, so much for the equality, then…).

I am wondering : as dread is a manipulative behavior, and as they proclaim to do it consciously, does it not make them confidence artists rather than pick-up artists ?

Hmm… This way they have of saying they are going down their “beauty value scale” to secure a relationship and, as it is quite implied, save such a woman whom they believe surely would remain eternally single otherwise, remind me of an ironic song called “Don Juan”, from Georges Brassens.
Yeah, saviors, nothing less. Ha.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

sn0rk: Truly, they deserve each other.

9 years ago

Re: the OP – how does this advice differ from “Search for people who you think may be vulnerable so you can groom them into accepting abuse”?

Oh. It doesn’t.

@NicolaLuna – Well done for speaking up and really glad the police took it seriously and that they now know this anal fissure’s name and contact details.

All the very best to you and stay safe.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The Mecca fire incident happened, yes. The Religious Police are not exactly what you’d call good people; I would go so far as to say that I would struggle to think of a constructive role that they could play within society. Then again, my opinion of priests is well documented so I may be just a smidgeon biased.

9 years ago

I have a lot to say re: Saudi / the Sauds (it’s a BIG family tree, there are actually some branches that have yielded good fruit), but I only have a minute, sooo –

Speaking of Islam’s more awful manifestations, Frontline has a new program on efforts to get women out of Daesh-controlled territory:

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

A woman can lose 20 pounds in three months but she can’t unsuck 20 dicks, ever.

The whole “I demand inexperience in blowjob-givers” has me thinking about TeRPs making similar demands in other situations, and how utterly ridiculous they’d sound…

Friend: Hey, I’ve got the new Avengers movie on Blu-Ray! Wanna watch?
TeRP: But…the seal is broken. *squints suspiciously*. Have other people already watched this?
Friend: Well, sure, uh…
TeRP: How many?
Friend: I dunno…we had some guys over for pizza the other night and we put it in….maybe 15?
TeRP: *stalks off in a huff*

Doctor: It’s a rare condition, but there is a surgical option, which I’ve performed before on dozens of patients with successful outcomes. In fact, I’m the foremost authority on —
TeRP: *stalks off in a huff*

Friend: Want some potato salad? It’s homemade.
TeRP: HELL no. There’s already a scoop taken out of it and now it’s a germy, disease-ridden mess all stretched out of shape. If I can’t be the first, I don’t want any. *stalks off in a huff*

TeRP Hiring Manager: Tell me about your background.
Candidate: Certainly. I have a master’s degree, and 15 years of marketing experience at 4 of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies…
TeRP: You can’t un-hold 4 jobs. We need someone with no idea what they’re doing. NEXT.

9 years ago

There are ways to keep people safe. They didn’t have to send the main suspect’s family out of the country and beyond the reach of investigators. What if they information about Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts? What if they had been involved?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Speaking as a member of the be-pened gender, I would much rather have my blowjob-donors with substantial experience. Teeth are sharp.