The Red Pill take on “Fat Chicks” is usually, well, let’s just call it strongly negative.
So I was a little surprised to find a post on the Red Pill subreddit suggesting that fat women aren’t necessarily the worst things in the world. The surprise went away as soon as I saw the explanation:
A woman can lose 20 pounds in three months but she can’t unsuck 20 dicks, ever.
And I can’t unread the phrase “unsuck 20 dicks” either, alas.
You see, as the lovely Red Pill individual who calls himself windowkicker explains, if you’re looking for a future mother to your children, fat girls aren’t always the wrong choice, so long as they’re only slightly fat, and practically virginal.
If you find an attractive girl with a low N-count but is a few pounds overweight don’t worry too much about it. Red Pillers should take this option every day over a girl with low bodyfat but is a self confessed party girl with a high N-count and here’s why-
Brace yourself.
If you have been lifting and taking care of yourself when you start the relationship she will naturally fall into line with your lifestyle; this is on the condition that you are maintaining frame and employing light dread.
“Light dread” is a Red Pill euphemism for “grinding away at her insecurities by making her think you could leave her at any moment.”
Once you have demonstrated your superior SMV [Sexual Market Value] she will start to take better care of herself automatically. … for the majority of instances, a woman will get the vibe off you that she needs to lose some weight without you saying anything. Subtleness should be applied if you do approach the subject of weight loss but for the most part this is unnecessary (again, employ dread).
Sluts, by contrast, can never unsluttify themselves. Once they’ve been with an alpha they are pretty much ruined for good decent men like the amoral abusive creeps who read the Red Pill subreddit.
Once she has been alpha widowed there is no way back to re-establishing her ability to pair bond and raise stable offspring.
I’m not saying to go out there and be Captain save a hoe, if she doesn’t respond, next her immediately, but for a girl who is on the borderline and you want to raise a family, don’t waste all your time looking for skinny bitches who are going to jump at the next dishwasher repairman that calls at your house.
Huh. Apparently those Maytag repairmen aren’t really the loneliest men in town.
In the comments, other Red Pillers share their highly enlightened thoughts on the weight issue.
Antariusz reports on his efforts to “hard dread” his current girlfriend into dropping a lot of weight.
I’m kinda taking that approach with this girl I’ve started seeing, she’s pretty much everything I’d want in a woman, 20 with a low n-count, and wicked smart, but her weight is a huge issue (no pun intended), I’m getting what I want out of the relationship, and if she improves, awesome, if she doesn’t, well I’ve invested less time and emotion into her than any of my older blue pill relationships, so it’s all good. …
I steer almost the conversation at least once a day toward diet or working out.
Pirateninj4 advises him to
Treat [her] like you know you you’re better. Make her working out a requirement and employ dread if she doesn’t do it.
Walk away if she’s not complying.
blkbullmentor meanwhile, warns that
Dread can backfire.
If she’s a lazy bitch then she’ll refuse to compete. At that point, dump her ass as it’s easier to train a new one than fix a lazy one.
nantucketghost suggests you aim for younger “girls.”
Girls you can mold. They are willing to please an alpha. New clothes, change hair style, makeup, etc. Get them into a gym, workout and bond, run, etc. You can turn an HB5/6 into an HB8/9 with very little effort and after you do so, they will feel like they owe you and be forever grateful to you.
The women who start out with the looks and thinking they are the shit are used to the betas falling all over her to do things. She’s the one night stand. She wants to sleep with the alpa, but she’ll never give up the beta and being waited on hand and foot. This woman will end up unhappy and unfulfilled in life.
redadactyl suggests that his comrades don’t try to mold women who are more than a little bit overweight.
I feel like this is possible If she is 10-25lbs over MAX. I unwittingly did the conversion on my LTR pre TRP and got her to drop 15lbs and it was great. I kinda just had to suck it up at the beginning because I saw the potential. I don’t know if I could do it again today.
Moose_war, more pessimistic than most of his colleagues, laments how easily “humble, low self esteem virgin” fat girls can be transformed into evil, sassy sluts.
A lot of fat girls stay virgins into their 20s and then just get fucked one night and it opens up this weird world tinged with hunger for sex and validation. So they get a beta boyfriend or they get fucked, and the more male validation they get, the sassier they get, and the fatter they get, and the sassier they get.
The horror!
Until one day they are a morbidly obese 45 year old woman who looks 55 and who no man is having sex with anymore and she is nasty as fuck to everyone around her, to the cashier at the store, to her male co-workers, to the skinny pretty female co-workers.
Or maybe they end up still fat, still sassy, still having sex, and still glad they never hooked up with any of the bitter gaslighting dickheads who fill the Red Pill subreddit.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Oooo! OOOOOOO! I’ll volunteer to teach. Here’s a sample lesson plan, based on the wankstains and their stradgedies:
“Okay, girls, gather round. Here we have some examples of Red Pillocks and their ways of messing with your head. I’m going to show them to you one by one, and then tell you of a foolproof strategy for getting rid of them and getting on with your life. Ready? Here comes the first one:
“Okay. That was nasty. But can anyone tell me what the best response to that is?”
“That’s right. DON’T SUCK THAT DICK! That dude is a dick himself and does not deserve to be sucked by anyone, ever. Does anyone know what happens next?
“Yes! Leave! That would be a good idea. Leave and never talk to him again? Even better. But do you know what to say as you’re leaving? You say: BYE, FELIPE. And be sure to give a sassy little wave of the hand as you say it.
“All right. Here comes another one. Let’s practice our sassy leave with this one together, shall we?
“Okay, girls, let’s kick this crap to the curb, on the count of three. One, two, three…BYE, FELIPE! Very good!
“How about another one? Here he comes now:
(Everyone, together) BYE, FELIPE!
“That was excellent. I didn’t even have to count him out. Now, let’s try this with another one, just to be sure we’ve all got the hang of it:
“Oh look, there he goes, walking away. What do we say to his back?”
(Everyone) BYE, FELIPE!
“Excellent. And how about this one?
“All right, he’s just dumped you and claimed you were fat and lazy. How’s that saying go?”
(Everyone) BYE, FELIPE!
“Fantastic. You’re really doing well. Keep practicing this sassy leave every chance you get. And if you ever find yourself stuck with a Red Pillock, you know what to do, right?”
But, but… I thought that fat women were SO desperate that we’d put out for ANY guy who gave us the time of day! What gives?
@ Nicolaluna
It will probably fall foul of the harassment legislation if it amounts to a ‘course of conduct’ which on the face of it, it does. There’s also the possible revenge port route.
In practice the police will probably just initially issue him with a harassment notice. That’s effectively just a warning. It actually has no legal effect but often that’s enough to make people quit.
If he carries on then they may bring charges.
Harassment law is unusual in that even if he is acquitted the court can still impose an injunction if they find it’s “more likely than not” that he actually was guilty.
To be honest, I think it’s hilarious that those guys think they are worth the lost orgasms.
“You can have sex with any of the men that you want, or you can save yourself for a manipulative asshole who’s slowly going to destroy your sense of self worth, then ditch you for an 18 year old when he hits his mid-life crisis.
No thanks, I’ll take the 20 dicks.
You know, these guys are so obsessed with the number of partners a woman has had, but how the hell do they even know how many partners any given woman has had? I suppose in a small community people usually have a good approximation of other’s sex lives. My small college was gossipy like that. But for the most part, people don’t advertise that information to people they don’t know well.
They must be assuming based on looks alone. In their minds, conventionally attractive thin women are always sluts. Not conventionally attractive women are always inexperienced.
I’ve figured out what they’re doing. They’re doing a “you can’t fire me, I quit!” They aren’t unable to find a perfect trophy victim because they’re inadequate. It’s just that every single woman they meet is either a slut or a level 6 kaiju, therefore not good enough to bother. This is how they tell themselves they could get any woman they wanted, they just choose not to because they’re soooo discerning.
I don’t know why I wrote trophy victim when I meant trophy girlfriend, but considering what abusive, rapey shits red pillers are, it’s a fitting error.
Does anyone else think that when redpillers watch disaster movies they fantasize about kicking women and children off the life boat then bragging about how they did the right thing?
If a young woman wants to suck 20 dicks, 1000 dicks, or just 1 dick – more power to her, might not be the choice I’d make but I 100% support their right to make decisions unhindered by others trying to dictate how she lives her life. If it’s consensual and not hurting anyone are the two factors that matter.
I was picturing something more along the lines of “Katie-spread” (wearing pants), giving RP’s what for with sass, toilet papering their houses, etc…in terms of sassiness development.
For those unaware
In he’s got about 2-3 ish years before he croaks and is forced to leave his family behind.
Despite how I feel about him as a person that’s an awful thing to happen to his family.
Blech. Blech blech blech. Reading RP “theory” always makes me feel gross. Like, I’m all for finding a partner that you’re going to be happy with, but the way that they talk completely disregards the fact that their potential partners are also humans that deserve to be happy too. Like, the simple idea that a woman would want to do something that they don’t want them to do is downright offensive to them. The above quotes are a lazy find-and-replace away from being a discussion about modding cars for racing, or something similar.
@msexceptiontotherule… can you toilet paper mums basement or dads garage??? I didn’t think redpilkwrs had the economic where-with-all to afford a house
@msexception, I think you may have misinterpreted Bina’s post – I took it to say don’t suck the dick of the redpillian who said “A woman can lose 20 pounds in three months but she can’t unsuck 20 dicks, ever” rather than advising women not to suck the other 20 dicks if they so desire.
I know it’s inoperable and stuff, but, like, he can still pull through, ya know?
I mean, like…you know, I’m just upset about this. I can’t say I know TotalBiscuit well, everything I’ve heard about him was from third parties, but, like, it’s cancer and he’s in pain. It doesn’t excuse shit but it’s just unfair? Like, I’m genuinely upset about this guy, who’s a known ass, who I barely know, having cancer, and I really hope he pulls through. No one deserves this.
For the folks talking about doing a red pill avoidance thing — the hosting on Feminist Borg expires soon, but if you guys actually want to blog the avoidance stuff, I can see what the cost of renewing it would be. I’m happy to do the backend, the running a site thing doesn’t bother me any, I just can’t write for shit and idk if I can afford the renewal given circus ain’t cheap! (Oh is it fun though!)
you know what I don’t understand about these Redpilkers (as well as the PUA’s and MGTOW-ers) is that they are extraordinarily fussy and choosy as well as being hyper narcissistic. They make me feel ashamed to be geezer.
NicolaLuna: Ah, sorry, my error–I think I conflated the nudes with the fake account, and assumed they were fake, too. In that case, yes, Alan’s “revenge porn” option is probably the best way to do, depending on where you live. (In the U.S., it’s a state-by-state thing for the most part.)
Oh, and to hell with this guy an extra time for abusing your trust like that. I sincerely hope this resolves quickly for you, with the least additional turmoil.
Chances are he won’t. I know from seeing relatives with liver cancer that you don’t win, only keep it at bay. Now we could wish for a super cure that can treat the particulars of liver spot related cancers, but since I also have a friend who’s brother is a cancer researcher, it’ll probably not show in his lifetime.
All he can do now is hope he doesn’t permanently traumatize his child with this.
Okay, I understand the amount of sex doesn’t matter, although I’m going to say this: Men don’t need women to have a ton of experience unless they have some sort of very specific kink (this isn’t a values judgement…just a statement that you need something specific). If you are a man and you are having bad sex for a reason other than the fact that she isn’t enjoying it? Okay.
While I’ll also say that the only woman I ever loved was heavier and I’d be much better off in that relationship than I ever have out of it (she’s recovered well enough relationship wise…I’m currently 1, her, out of 30,000 approaches). Number of times having sex isn’t a big thing as long as everyone is safe and tested appropriately.
Also, I take it from the need to employ “dread” that you don’t love this person, since you are making them feel like shit.
I wish people would lay off the “Despite how I/im not a fan/ I stand by my” language. It just seems kind of pointless and a bit mean spirited. This is just tragic.
God damn it all.
No advice here, but wanted to send you positive thoughts.
I don’t understand the virgin obsession, either. It’s asking for trouble to want to know how many partners your partner has had, or telling your own.
My husband and I have each been married once before each other. What kind of asshole would I be, if I expected him to wait around and have no relationships, dates, etc. until he met me? I’m glad that he had women to keep him company and relationships to learn from.
Honestly, I don’t know how many partners I have had, and I know that I have forgotten some of them. It doesn’t matter, and it’s a bad idea to think it does.
Aside from that, lack of experience is not a turn on for me. I like a person to know their way around what they are doing.
Dean Winchester says “being easy is all upside.” I tend to agree.
Most cancer in the liver is metastatic from other areas of the body, and yes, it’s almost always fatal.
Hush, hush.
Don’t tell me ’cause it hurts.
Kind of just reminds me of how they seem to think women with dildos/vibrators/sex toys in general are lonely and sad and mock-worthy and just need a good, real-life dick to fuck.
And I’m just sitting here like “At least my rabbit vibrator knows where my clitoris is”.
I disagree. I don’t find it mean spirited.