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Red Piller: Go for chubby girls over sluts, because you can grind down their self esteem enough that they’ll lose weight

Fellas! It's not necessarily the end of the world if your date eats some food.
Fellas! It’s not necessarily the end of the world if your date sometimes eats food. Sometimes.

The Red Pill take on “Fat Chicks” is usually, well, let’s just call it strongly negative.

So I was a little surprised to find a post on the Red Pill subreddit suggesting that fat women aren’t necessarily the worst things in the world. The surprise went away as soon as I saw the explanation:

A woman can lose 20 pounds in three months but she can’t unsuck 20 dicks, ever.

And I can’t unread the phrase “unsuck 20 dicks” either, alas. 

You see, as the lovely Red Pill individual who calls himself windowkicker explains, if you’re looking for a future mother to your children, fat girls aren’t always the wrong choice, so long as they’re only slightly fat, and practically virginal.

If you find an attractive girl with a low N-count but is a few pounds overweight don’t worry too much about it. Red Pillers should take this option every day over a girl with low bodyfat but is a self confessed party girl with a high N-count and here’s why-

Brace yourself.

If you have been lifting and taking care of yourself when you start the relationship she will naturally fall into line with your lifestyle; this is on the condition that you are maintaining frame and employing light dread.

“Light dread” is a Red Pill euphemism for “grinding away at her insecurities by making her think you could leave her at any moment.”

Once you have demonstrated your superior SMV [Sexual Market Value] she will start to take better care of herself automatically. … for the majority of instances, a woman will get the vibe off you that she needs to lose some weight without you saying anything. Subtleness should be applied if you do approach the subject of weight loss but for the most part this is unnecessary (again, employ dread).

Sluts, by contrast, can never unsluttify themselves. Once they’ve been with an alpha they are pretty much ruined for good decent men like the amoral abusive creeps who read the Red Pill subreddit.

Once she has been alpha widowed there is no way back to re-establishing her ability to pair bond and raise stable offspring.

I’m not saying to go out there and be Captain save a hoe, if she doesn’t respond, next her immediately, but for a girl who is on the borderline and you want to raise a family, don’t waste all your time looking for skinny bitches who are going to jump at the next dishwasher repairman that calls at your house.

Huh. Apparently those Maytag repairmen aren’t really the loneliest men in town.

In the comments, other Red Pillers share their highly enlightened thoughts on the weight issue.

Antariusz reports on his efforts to “hard dread” his current girlfriend into dropping a lot of weight.

I’m kinda taking that approach with this girl I’ve started seeing, she’s pretty much everything I’d want in a woman, 20 with a low n-count, and wicked smart, but her weight is a huge issue (no pun intended), I’m getting what I want out of the relationship, and if she improves, awesome, if she doesn’t, well I’ve invested less time and emotion into her than any of my older blue pill relationships, so it’s all good. …

I steer almost the conversation at least once a day toward diet or working out.

Pirateninj4 advises him to

Treat [her] like you know you you’re better. Make her working out a requirement and employ dread if she doesn’t do it.

Walk away if she’s not complying.

blkbullmentor meanwhile, warns that

Dread can backfire.

If she’s a lazy bitch then she’ll refuse to compete. At that point, dump her ass as it’s easier to train a new one than fix a lazy one.

nantucketghost suggests you aim for younger “girls.”

Girls you can mold. They are willing to please an alpha. New clothes, change hair style, makeup, etc. Get them into a gym, workout and bond, run, etc. You can turn an HB5/6 into an HB8/9 with very little effort and after you do so, they will feel like they owe you and be forever grateful to you.

The women who start out with the looks and thinking they are the shit are used to the betas falling all over her to do things. She’s the one night stand. She wants to sleep with the alpa, but she’ll never give up the beta and being waited on hand and foot. This woman will end up unhappy and unfulfilled in life.

redadactyl suggests that his comrades don’t try to mold women who are more than a little bit overweight.

I feel like this is possible If she is 10-25lbs over MAX. I unwittingly did the conversion on my LTR pre TRP and got her to drop 15lbs and it was great. I kinda just had to suck it up at the beginning because I saw the potential. I don’t know if I could do it again today.

Moose_war, more pessimistic than most of his colleagues, laments how easily “humble, low self esteem virgin” fat girls can be transformed into evil, sassy sluts.

A lot of fat girls stay virgins into their 20s and then just get fucked one night and it opens up this weird world tinged with hunger for sex and validation. So they get a beta boyfriend or they get fucked, and the more male validation they get, the sassier they get, and the fatter they get, and the sassier they get.

The horror!

Until one day they are a morbidly obese 45 year old woman who looks 55 and who no man is having sex with anymore and she is nasty as fuck to everyone around her, to the cashier at the store, to her male co-workers, to the skinny pretty female co-workers.

Or maybe they end up still fat, still sassy, still having sex, and still glad they never hooked up with any of the bitter gaslighting dickheads who fill the Red Pill subreddit.

H/T — r/TheBluePill




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9 years ago

I would say “they’re not Barbies, you asshole, they’re people”, but somehow I doubt redpillers would get the message. >.<

9 years ago

I’m sure I’ll be even more disgusted when I find out, but my curiosity doesn’t allow me NOT to ask, so… what does “n-count” mean?

9 years ago

The ironic thing is that oral sex* is WAY better from someone who knows what they’re doing. Not that the typical MRA would have any way of knowing that, of course.

* And every other kind too.

9 years ago

“what does “n-count” mean?”
I think it means ‘N’, as in number of partners, because apparently these assholes went to schools with those horrifying sex-ed courses that tell kids that women are stick of gum.

9 years ago

Those redpillers are just………*insert a long list of bad Words here*

9 years ago

Or maybe they end up still fat, still sassy, still having sex, and still glad they never hooked up with any of the bitter gaslighting dickheads who fill the Red Pill subreddit.

This is a perfect description of the woman I’m married to. Although one of the bitter gaslighting dickheads would have lasted approximately five seconds with her before being felled by a single blow of her tongue. And not in a sexual sense.

And if she’s happy with her weight, so am I. The key word being “happy” – because who wants to live with someone who’s miserable all the time? And worse, miserable because you’re the one actively making her miserable by insisting that she jump through entirely arbitrary hoops in order to conform to some bullshit ideal?

9 years ago

Brian, I had to look it up too: it’s the “number” of people she’s slept with.

9 years ago

I’d guess that n-count would mean notch count, like notches in a bedpost.

Though, given how virulently racist most of these assholes are, it might have an extra (and sorry gross) connotation. But maybe not, these dudes keep talking about a ‘low’ n-count, and many of them would think that a woman would be ‘ ruined’ by sleeping with a black guy even once.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I wonder how many of these guys prefer bigger women but they’re so insecure they can’t admit that to themselves. So they need to come up with excuses to rationalize that and make it fit with their ideology.

9 years ago

*super gross, not sorry gross. Damn you autocorrect.

9 years ago

The one thing that stands out to me here is that they constantly talk about putting in as little effort as possible. They want an easy method to getting a virginal submissive HB10 who will stay with them forever – with almost no self- improvement required. No wonder they’re angry all the time, they’re expecting pure fantasy out of the reality we all live in.

9 years ago

Whenever I read stuff like this it reminds me of a song that use to be on the hits of the 50s and 60s cassettes (yes I’m that old) my parents would play on lng car trips –

9 years ago


The one thing that stands out to me here is that they constantly talk about putting in as little effort as possible. They want an easy method to getting a virginal submissive HB10 who will stay with them forever – with almost no self- improvement required.

And yet, and yet, all their proposed methods sound like an exhausting amount of work, not even addressing how horrible the methods are.

9 years ago

‘Dread game’ is horrendously over rated. Back when I still attempted to have relationships the surefire way for me to sabotage everything was my paranoia that I was going to get dumped at any moment, I wrecked at least one good relationship by worrying so much I stopped being myself with him. The idea any guy might deliberately make me feel like that makes me want to fill said guys shoes with umpteen legos.

9 years ago

Every time you do a post about red pillers it comes to me all over again that there are people having discussions in public about their various strategies for emotionally abusing their partners.

9 years ago

I’m just smiling over the fact that these guys believe a conventionally attractive, smart, 20 year old woman who “could lose 20 lbs” would have so much trouble getting laid. They seem to be saying that women who are very very slightly overweight would automatically be “incels”.

Once again it’s been confirmed these people have zero grasp on reality.

9 years ago

I don’t understand why these guys want to prey on someone’s self esteem issues. My wife has terrible self esteem issues that she inherited from previous relationships and toxic parents, even after eleven years they surface (especially if she’s been in regular contact with parents or X’s have been facebooking her).

The only thing I can think of is that

9 years ago

their own self esteem issues make them this way. Why for God sake would you want to emotionally torture some one in the way that is being described above?

A Cranky Spider
9 years ago

EW! *waves giant spiders to keep such men away from me* Why would i even WANT to have babies with people like that? ESPECIALLY GIRL BABIES!

9 years ago

I swear if I ever come face-to-face with people spouting this crap, I will spontaneously develop a superpower of vomiting spiders on their heads.

9 years ago

I think because of the stuff I’m going through right now, the thing that really hits home for me about this post is the sheer fucking amount of entitlement these dickwads display.

Nobody is entitled to another human, no matter what their “hb” rating is considered to be by conventional beauty standards. But these guys are convinced that hb9s who are virgins but also somehow amazing at sex should be gift wrapping themselves and falling into their laps.

I need a bit of advice and I trust the people on here to have good insight. A few months ago I met a guy online and we talked for a few weeks before going on a date. After the date he made fake profiles to talk to me to check if I was talking to other guys so I told him not to contact me again. He’s been sending up to 70 text messages a day and calling me day and night. I never answer or reply. But today I found out that he’s made a fake profile pretending to be me, talking to men and sending them naked pics of me. I’ve called the police and they want me to go to the station tomorrow to make a statement.

But now I’m scared it’ll make him worse and retaliate. I’m still going to go ahead with it but I feel sick and I’m shaking. I also don’t know what to expect tomorrow, I don’t know what will happen after, if he’ll be arrested or cautioned. I’m in the UK so thinking maybe Alan could answer some of that.

Sorry for the teal deer. I’m just freaking out and I love how people on here are really knowledgeable about dealing with stuff.

9 years ago


Holy fuck what an asshole. :/

9 years ago

Um, I should’ve added I don’t have any useful advice. Hopefully others will know more than I do about this sort of situation.

9 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that take better care of herself is code for develop an eating disorder?

I’d need to see a citation on their little hypothesis that skinny women have more sex partners than heavier women. Actually fat women statistically have higher libidos.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

All my hugs, NicolaLuna*. Nobody deserves shitty behaviour like that.

Sadly I don’t have any useful advice other than he richly deserves whatever happens to him. Don’t feel guilty; you’re protecting the next person he would meet.


*Unless you dislike physical contact, in which case all my best wishes.

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