feminism MRA

This 45-second video demolishes the MRA delusion that women have gotten too powerful in contemporary society

This video, put together by the UK edition of Elle magazine, imagines what the worlds of politics and culture might look like if all the men were to suddenly vanish from positions of power and influence.

Naturally, it’s a bit UK-centric in its examples, but, well, POINT MADE, regardless.

Your move, MRAs.

H/T — Quartz

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9 years ago

Brilliant. No words are needed.

9 years ago

This proves nothing! Everyone knows that women control the world through the super seeekrit feminist illuminati!

9 years ago

(side note: i dig the music in that video. anyone know what/who it is?)

Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
Malitia - SJW Who Lurks Above in Shadow
9 years ago

Obviously women rule from the shadows by compelling men to do their bidding with the power of the butt so they don’t really need to be in leadership positions. … My brain hurts now.

9 years ago

Brian is right. The video doesn’t show the whole truth: that men do everything to impress women in the hopes of getting laid. So women control everything.

9 years ago

Heh. Makes the same point that the comicbook series _Y, the Last Man_ did about men and society, but without the rampant Nice Guy(tm)/Marty Stuism that series was soaked in. (Or so I’ve heard; never had the chance to track down any of the issues to see for myself yet.)

9 years ago

When I have tried to point out the lack of gender parity I have been told that feminists do not need to be seen to be in power as they just tell the men what to say and do! When I pointed out that no one would really be happy to have someone else taking the credit and getting all the power I did not hear back!

Lack of parity in governments is apparently a non issue as women should be confident that a male representative will represent women as well as any woman – another thing I have been told. I am not confident that ANY government represents women properly unless there is parity – even the Nordic countries are not there yet at 41.1%.

9 years ago

I don’t get it. More than half of these examples are elected representatives of the people. Although the representative might not be a woman, women still contributed to the election of those people. I think it’s a stronger point to say that women have gained a lot of power given that some of the worse-off countries represented at the UN have female representatives. It shows a nice progression forward.
Personally, I think it’s great that women have access to such powerful positions, but I don’t think this is accurate to say that this debunks the MRA position or necessarily represents it well. Perhaps the positions further down on the line, but not the positions I’ve seen so far.

Fetor Flank
Fetor Flank
9 years ago

Of course, any number of women with any power at all meet the MRA criteria for “too powerful”.

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

B-but women are still in control because men would do anything for them! Except they’re too stupid to be able to rule the world secretly! Except they ARE!


9 years ago

This article title sound like a clickbait article. Up next: Which PUA are You? – This Cat Attacking A MRA Will Warm Your Heart – The 10 Worst Things Thay Happened to Feminists On Internet

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

There was an episode of Sliders, in which our sliders slid into a world in which some kind of disaster (I want to say a biological weapon but don’t hold me to that) killed virtually everyone with a Y-chromosome. A very tiny number survived, and these men (all the ones presented to us are cis-men) live in a world where they are in high demand for their reproductive services but far too valuable to be allowed to roam around loose. So they are confined to facilities where they are otherwise treated very well, but they aren’t allowed to leave.

There is also no artificial insemination or other reproductive science in this world, either because the female scientists are too stupid to think of it, because: ladybrain, or because there are no female scientists at all, because: same. So these men have to have sex a dozen or more times a day with different women. Our sliders are, IIRC, three men and one woman, so the men are immediately apprehended and sent to one of these facilities, and the plot is about trying to reunite so they can slide into the next world.

Aside from the inherent wtfery in there being no scientists left who could think of artificial insemination, it was an interesting look into what a society run and populated entirely by women might look like.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Lack of parity in governments is apparently a non issue as women should be confident that a male representative will represent women as well as any woman – another thing I have been told.

This is an interesting argument, in that it goes way way way back. This was the argument made by the British Parliament when the American colonies started to demand representation: that Parliament was full of perfectly intelligent men who were fully capable of thinking about, and representing, the interests of the American settlers despite not having ever visited America, so the Americans didn’t need direct representation. The concept is called “virtual representation” or “trustee representation.”

The Americans didn’t buy that, and we had a war to sort it out.

At one point, Abigail Adams wrote to her husband, John Adams, to remind him that women deserved representation, too. John Adams wrote back with the reply that the men would certainly keep them in mind and represent their interests, so they didn’t need direct representation. He did this with, to all accounts, a perfectly straight face.

9 years ago

There is also no artificial insemination or other reproductive science in this world, either because the female scientists are too stupid to think of it, because: ladybrain, or because there are no female scientists at all, because: same

Because: author appeal.

9 years ago

PoM – What about the one that’s dominated by women and…er, John Rhys-Davies attempts to throw an election (can’t remebering how he got wrangled into being a candidate) by crying at the podium (the thought being that he’d appear weak and unelectable).
Instead, he wins by a landslide (or maybe just polls in a landslide – the 90s were a long time ago).

You also had male secretaries who said that they couldn’t be trusted to make big, I portal decisions because men’s hormonal cycles were all over the place – women’s were predictable and stable.


*sidles off*

9 years ago

Remeber*, not remebering.

In the episode you mentioned, didn’t the characters say something to the effect of, “Yeah, they don’t have artificial insemination technology for some reason…”
“What if we introduced it to them?”
“We can’t interfere!”

And Australia was a superpower because the virus that killed men didn’t impact them as badly.

THIS is the stuff that my brain holds on to.

I didn’t even particularly like Sliders.

9 years ago


Remember*, not remembering.

My phone autocorrects the correct spelling to “remembering” but sees spelling that leaves out an M or two and is like, “Seems legit.”

9 years ago

Sadly, I think the response will be a mix of, “See? Women don’t want/can’t handle having authority!” and “See? Like we even NEED them to have jobs outside the home!”

Women make no difference because they’re not in a position to make a difference because they don’t make a difference. It’s very tidy.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


I don’t recall the other one you’re talking about. I wasn’t super-into the show so I only caught eps here and there. It sounds lolriffic.

IIRC there was no non-interference principle. The professor guy said at one point that if they were interested in him for his brain instead of his balls he could teach them tons of stuffs! I don’t recall any mention of him not doing so because of the Prime Directive, but because the women didn’t want to listen to him (ladies, amirite???)

9 years ago

The video description says Get Your Way by Zilla, but all I find on YouTube is The Jamie song.

Anyone got a link to the song?

9 years ago

But, apex fallacy!!! Whine the MRAs.

9 years ago

I was going to say something about women controlling all the men with their vaginas, but I already got ninjad about twenty times on that.

9 years ago

But but but they didn’t have any pictures of GROCERY STORES, did they? Those pictures would be FULL of women!

9 years ago

re: the music
finally did a modicum of searching. found this:
her first album isn’t out yet.

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