![We got a badass over here](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/fakemuscules.jpg?resize=580%2C825&ssl=1)
When I saw the headline on Return of Kings, PUA scuzzball Roosh V’s garbage site, I braced for the worst.
Men Benefit From Acting Potentially Violent And Explosive Around Women
Because the not-so-secret truth about domestic abuse is that abusive men do benefit in various ways from being abusive, just as bullies benefit from stealing other kids’ lunch money.
Happily, in this instance at least, Return of Kings refrains from explicitly endorsing domestic abuse.
It turns out that this post. by regular RoK contributor David Garrett, is mostly about running into people on sidewalks.
On purpose. To show what a total alpha badass you are. Or at least what a total alpha badass you are pretending to be.
As Garrett sees it, women go weak in the knees around “bad boys” because they think these “bad boys would be willing to use or have used physical force in expressing their badness.”
Trouble is, dudes who go around punching people tend to get punched back. So the real trick, Garret writes, is
to be seen as potentially violent and explosive, without the regular drawbacks of spending time in prison, getting badly beaten up by five other guys, or some other event you don’t particularly want to experience.Â
The key word is “potentially.” And in case you missed his point, Garrett repeats it, with the word “potentially” in bold:
There’s a distinction here, as you can see, between being violent and acting potentially violent around women and others.
So how do you convince the Hot Babes you’re potentially a big tough guy … without ever having to get into an actual fight to prove it?
Well, here’s where the whole “running into people on sidewalks” thing comes in.
If you want to be seen as a big tough guy who never apologizes for taking up space in the world, what better way to show this (in a reasonably safe way) than by running into people on sidewalks? Or at least by running into people you’re pretty sure won’t punch you for it.
When you walk in large cities, you might notice the propensity of people, especially young women, not to move around you when you’re walking towards one another. Sometimes they will deliberately try and cut you off, expecting you’ll concede space. Don’t. Aside from those with infirmities, the elderly or parents with young children, plough through.
Last month, one middle-aged woman …Â refused to make way … Oh well, my bag ran into her. And it hurt. Too bad for her.
Oh, and for maximum benefit, do this in front of the Hot Babes you’re trying to impress. I mean, duh.
When you’re with your girl, a female target or just female friends, try things like this out. There’s a time and place for etiquette and politeness but at least 90% of the time, barring those with mobility issues, it isn’t on the streets you walk.
You can also try getting mad at people who blow cigarette smoke in your general direction.
I also (calmly) confront those who blow tobacco smoke in my face accidentally, half- or full-daring them to try again (depending on whether I’m being sarcastic or plain condescending).
After explicitly telling his readers to do all this in front of “your girl, a female target or just female friends” in order to convince them in a low-risk way how potentially violent they are, Garrett assures us that he totally acts this way even when there are no HB8’s in sight.Â
If an alpha male falls in the forest, and there’s no HB8 to hear him, does he make a sound? Garrett says YES and pumps his fists.
Rather than being a staged action, it’s who I am, someone utterly repulsed by cigarette fumes. I would do the same thing alone or with a girl. … The context is more like becoming who you really are, rather than what society has demanded you be: the timid, ball-less gentleman.
Oh, but don’t do any of this with, you know, black dudes, or anyone else who might actually punch you.
I am going to suggest to you that making retaliatory or wisecracking comments to abrasive males in the projects of Detroit or the Bronx, or the non-tourist suburbs of Moscow, is maybe not worth the effort (or the dental bill).
I mean, BECOME WHO YOU ARE but only with people smaller than you, and who probably don’t have friends in the vicinity who might punch you. Seriously, you may want to stick to middle-aged women you can “accidentally” hit with your bag.
Because nothing turns the hot babes on more than a dude who “accidentally” hits middle-aged women with his bag.
Right back attcha, Thom.
This directly contradicts my entire life experience being in crowds, which to be fair I try like hell to avoid because agoraphobia ya’ll. I never see these young women just barging down the street without a care for anyone else, trying to cut poor dude-men off. I know for myself and what I have noticed of other women is trying to shrink ourselves and move out of everyone’s way, even if they are the one’s cutting us off. Not all women, I’m sure, but I feel like many of us are raised to not get in the way, especially of men. As usual an MRA’s cool idea starts on a premise that comes from an alternate dimension and is therefore doomed to fail.
I imagine this dude crossing the sidewalk to barge into people who are nowhere near being “in his way” and looking like the jerk he is.
What? That makes no sense. Who would even do such…
Oh… oh
Paradoxical Intention:
Wow, that’s so weird. I usually avoid crowded sidewalks, and when I am in them, I spend most of my time trying to keep from being trampled in general, but jeepers, so are guys always slamming into each other? Or do the “less dominant” (read: less assholish) guys get out of the way first? And would that mean that the super high % of guys she collided with just expected her to move because she was woman and deemed “less dominant” (read: less of a douche)? Such a weird but utterly predictable and obvious in retrospect phenomena.
@dhag OMG I love your cats.
Drawing on my own experiences, these fools who think that knocking into people is something to be proud of and make them a mensch are tools of the first water. I do feel sorry for them, it must be a terrible feeling living a life with such fear and confusion.
I guess their bitterness only gets worse when they are confronted and asked to question their behaviours.
These guys must be constantly walking around evaluation just who they can and can’t bully and intimidate and they must get even more fucked up when they make mistakes and get done over by someone who won’t tolerate it.
But then if you again your interpretation of the world from porn, action films, TV dramas and the gameification of violence through GTA or CoD, then I’m not surprised that they have little self or situational awareness, especially if you haven’t grown up past the school corridors.
They love you too!
It’s a bittersweet symphony this life
Barging down the street
You’re a slave to buttocks then you die
That just came to me in the shower this morning – genius really can strike at any time.
@Alan Robertshaw it was just for a tiny sample too, wasn’t it? I remember thinking at the time it was sooooo unfair.
@Bryce I agree; I think we can file this under ‘Things that only happen in a redpiller’s head’ (it’s a big, heavy file). Anyone doing this on a regular basis would have experienced either the victims or witnesses retaliating or at least giving them a telling off!
@samsara “I play roller derby, and my first thought was Yay, it will be really fun to knock over PUAs, MRAs, and MGTOWs when they try this on me. But seriously, women not getting out of your way is a that big of a threat to your masculinity!? Ugh.”
For real. I’m a rugby prop forward (or will be again when/if I get my injury sorted). I’m not excusing my behaviour, and it was a pretty shit thing to do, but when a bloke who was harassing my colleagues (a woman and a man for being the only man in a group of women) deliberately blocked my way in the pub, I dropped a shoulder into him and would have knocked him over if I hadn’t held him up.
Have you read this? It’s about violence and is really quite interesting. I need to follow this up, I think, but I don’t have the knowledge of the specialist areas of study to do so.
The way RedPillers hyper-analyze the most banal of activities and turn them into epic power struggles will never, ever stop being hilarious.
Plowing into people on the sidewalk is just straight-up territorial dominance and bullying. For guys that take evo psych and survival of the fittest as gospel, they certainly spend a lot of time advocating that everybody behave like animals who never left the jungle, while disparaging the complex social behaviors that set us apart as a species. Stomping around and puffing yourself up like a pissed-off peacock isn’t very adaptive if you’re, you know, human.
This type of aggressive display certainly does send a clear message to the woman, and it’s not “I am a strong protector and a good mate.” It’s “I am a violent, unpredictable asshole, and I can do this to you too. So you’d better toe the line.”
Sorry if this is a little off topic but I wanted to share this article from The Guardian. It gives me hope or reminds me that most people are inherently kind and decent. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/14/selfish-proof-ego-humans-inherently-good
I don’t know how to link so forgive me if you need to copy and paste.
Alan – you lived on Hoxton St in the 90s? I have lived in the area for 20 years now – we were very close neighbours.
@Simon Russell I think the way it ‘works’ is that you brainwash yourself with enough red pill garbage until you (1) Have developed a profoundly misogynistic worldview; (2) Believe that dating ‘success’ is determined by the number of random, casual sexual encounters you can notch up, regardless of whether the ‘target’ is really willing or even conscious. Once you’ve done step (1) you will no longer have any qualms about using deception, manipulation or even outright coercion to get sex, and thanks to (2), you will kid yourself that you turned your luck around, rather than just lowered your expectations of yourself and life to practically nothing.
Yeah! At 110, above what was Les’s cheap washing machine shop that became the trendy print place.
You ever go in Ossie’s cafe? Wonder if we know each other?
I remember this – I called it running the gauntlet and happened to me alot in my late teens – 30 years ago. Men similar in age would make a point of forcing me to step aside. It got to the point where I would see a young man at a distance and know what was coming. I used to wonder if they discussed it amongst themselves – how best to intimidate women and girls.
I don’t know where this man gets the idea that women do this to men – men might do it to other men, and men certainly do it do women, maybe the women he is talking about have got sick and tired of being expected to get out of men’s way all the time. Or maybe he is just full of shit – like the rest of the Manureosphere.
You lived above that dodgy geezer? I wanted to buy a fridge once and his attitude was so dodgy I never went back!
It has changed a few times – yet another cafe now. I never went into any of the cafes (can’t afford to eat out), and had small children so I think our paths were unlikely to cross.
“timid, ball-less gentlemen”
Why the hell do they need balls? They’re clearly never going to procreate if they think ambushing middle-aged women with back-pack-smacks makes them alpha.
Ha, did indeed.
I do sort of miss Hoxton but how it *Used* to be. It’s funny to think that I was able to buy the flat there so cheaply because it was considered to be such a dodgy area, then after I moved there it became the trendiest place on the planet.
I like to think those facts are connected. 😉
Being from Yorkshire I still kept up the stereotype even after it became posh. If you ever saw a guy and his Belgian Shepherd foraging for free food after the market packed up for the day, that was me.
Alan – I have never seen the ‘trendy’ side (obviously I can see it, but it is alongside my life, not part of it). I live on a council estate, surrounded by council estates. I have never eaten in the cafes or drunk in the bars. My kids go to the college. For me it is just a place to live.
I looked up your old flat – it costs £270 a week to rent – ONE bedroom!
Circus monkeys doing tricks to impress women = totally not “beta” “pussybeggers”
Eek! It was a nice flat though.
I had mixed feelings about the trendification. I’m pretentious enough that I liked all the galleries that sprung up and the creative vibe. But then it became fashionable for the sake of it and attracted all the idiots. Have you seen that “Nathan Barley” series? That encapsulates it really well.
I loved the people on Hoxton Street though. It was a really nice mix (even Les!) and everyone made me very welcome, from the people who’s families had been there forever to the Kurdish guys who ran the shop.
I also found it a pretty cheap place to live, especially for London. Like I say I used to blag a lot of stuff from the market. Can’t believe how they’d just abandon perfectly good food. And we had not just a regular Greggs but a Greggs Special Shop! Discount pies, Yay!
The only Nathan Barley I watched had a bunch of late 20s men wanting to fuck a girl who said she was 13 – and losing interest when she said she was 19, so I didn’t want to watch it again!
The regular people here don’t know it became trendy. We know we have been priced out of some of the shops and cafes, but there are still many regular places that locals can use. But I really do hate the Monster Supplies shop – a gimmicky pile of crap that no local person would be seen dead in!
@Alan… Sounds like there’s a bit if an East End crew here. I was working just down the road from you off Hoxton sq near the Lux in the mid to late 90’s, just as the Nathan Barleys were taking root. Look up TV go home by Charlie Brooker a piss take of the radio times. I worked for Sky for a while and I’d read TV go home frequently, then I moved to the BBC only to discover it was blocked… That started my hatred of the BBC. I was originally taken by the area because of Leigh Bowery involvement in some of the clubs… Then it got co-opted by the Nathan’s. Interesting I was fascinated by the outrageousness of Michael Clarke and Leigh Bowery but one the brogrammer medja proto hipsters moved in I list my love for the area.
@ej I firmly believe that violence is too much programmed into society, from the cartoons we watch as children to the TV dramas as adults, its everywhere. Worse it’s a pastiche of what violence really is. I was watching American Crime and some chap hit someone else with the butt of a revolver 8,9,10 times, bloke gets up and walks away, reality one smack to the temple and your very badly injured or dead
East London represent! I’m in Stratford. What a small world.
All depends on how good their aim is. I suppose if the person has gotten themselves worked up and rabid they will keep swinging until they hear the police sirens, but at least out here in Southern California if they have a gun they’re more likely to fire it instead of use it as a bludgeoning tool.
I’ve lived in the same area my whole life, and there have always been gangs on the periphery – since the injunctions preventing them from hanging out together, a few region-wide multiple law enforcement agency raids to arrest literally hundreds hitting simultaneously so nobody has time to warn others or flee the area, and violent crimes have dropped dramatically. I always hear people talking about there being an increase in crime, more sexual predators out roaming the streets looking for children to snatch up, and they believe the world has become a much more dangerous place – when it’s really just that between the news and the internet (which are both always on, and any/everything one can think of can be found with keyboard and a few clicks) we hear about these things more.
.OT but all this talk of England got me thinking..I tease my s/o from time to time about having some sort of plan should a man with a Scottish or Irish accent come along, and he jokes about my needing one of my own should he ever get a time travel device and goes back to hook up with Gene Tierney or Veronica Lake. Like he’d be the only one getting to use a time travel device – there are a few years of Dave Gahan and others being rather appealing.