alpha males bad boys douchebaggery evo psych fairy tales irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill return of kings

Impress the ladies by ramming into people on the sidewalk, Red Pill writer suggests

We got a badass over here
We got a badass over here

When I saw the headline on Return of Kings, PUA scuzzball Roosh V’s garbage site, I braced for the worst.

Men Benefit From Acting Potentially Violent And Explosive Around Women

Because the not-so-secret truth about domestic abuse is that abusive men do benefit in various ways from being abusive, just as bullies benefit from stealing other kids’ lunch money.

Happily, in this instance at least, Return of Kings refrains from explicitly endorsing domestic abuse.

It turns out that this post. by regular RoK contributor David Garrett, is mostly about running into people on sidewalks.

On purpose. To show what a total alpha badass you are. Or at least what a total alpha badass you are pretending to be.

As Garrett sees it, women go weak in the knees around “bad boys” because they think these “bad boys would be willing to use or have used physical force in expressing their badness.”

Trouble is, dudes who go around punching people tend to get punched back. So the real trick, Garret writes, is

to be seen as potentially violent and explosive, without the regular drawbacks of spending time in prison, getting badly beaten up by five other guys, or some other event you don’t particularly want to experience. 

The key word is “potentially.” And in case you missed his point, Garrett repeats it, with the word “potentially” in bold:

There’s a distinction here, as you can see, between being violent and acting potentially violent around women and others.

So how do you convince the Hot Babes you’re potentially a big tough guy … without ever having to get into an actual fight to prove it?

Well, here’s where the whole “running into people on sidewalks” thing comes in.

If you want to be seen as a big tough guy who never apologizes for taking up space in the world, what better way to show this (in a reasonably safe way) than by running into people on sidewalks? Or at least by running into people you’re pretty sure won’t punch you for it.

When you walk in large cities, you might notice the propensity of people, especially young women, not to move around you when you’re walking towards one another. Sometimes they will deliberately try and cut you off, expecting you’ll concede space. Don’t. Aside from those with infirmities, the elderly or parents with young children, plough through.

Last month, one middle-aged woman … refused to make way … Oh well, my bag ran into her. And it hurt. Too bad for her.


Oh, and for maximum benefit, do this in front of the Hot Babes you’re trying to impress. I mean, duh.

When you’re with your girl, a female target or just female friends, try things like this out. There’s a time and place for etiquette and politeness but at least 90% of the time, barring those with mobility issues, it isn’t on the streets you walk.

You can also try getting mad at people who blow cigarette smoke in your general direction.

I also (calmly) confront those who blow tobacco smoke in my face accidentally, half- or full-daring them to try again (depending on whether I’m being sarcastic or plain condescending).

After explicitly telling his readers to do all this in front of “your girl, a female target or just female friends” in order to convince them in a low-risk way how potentially violent they are, Garrett assures us that he totally acts this way even when there are no HB8’s in sight. 

If an alpha male falls in the forest, and there’s no HB8 to hear him, does he make a sound? Garrett says YES and pumps his fists.

Rather than being a staged action, it’s who I am, someone utterly repulsed by cigarette fumes. I would do the same thing alone or with a girl. … The context is more like becoming who you really are, rather than what society has demanded you be: the timid, ball-less gentleman.

Oh, but don’t do any of this with, you know, black dudes, or anyone else who might actually punch you.

I am going to suggest to you that making retaliatory or wisecracking comments to abrasive males in the projects of Detroit or the Bronx, or the non-tourist suburbs of Moscow, is maybe not worth the effort (or the dental bill).

I mean, BECOME WHO YOU ARE but only with people smaller than you, and who probably don’t have friends in the vicinity who might punch you. Seriously, you may want to stick to middle-aged women you can “accidentally” hit with your bag.

Because nothing turns the hot babes on more than a dude who “accidentally” hits middle-aged women with his bag.


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9 years ago

Is Thomas Hobbes an actual Hobbesian moron or is he some kind of tired troll gimmick?

9 years ago

I wonder how these manlings would feel about the old-timey Victorian rule according to which a man accompanying a woman (not necessarily one he was intimate with) had to walk closer to the roadway, thereby shielding his female companion from any water or dirt kicked up by passing horses and carriages.

9 years ago

Lol! If you have to work this hard every minute of your life obsessing over whether or not whatever you’re doing at any given moment is alpha or not, are you really alpha? Yeah. You aren’t the Big Cheese, bro. You’re a sloppy chunk of Velveeta.

9 years ago

Autosoma: For those of us who have actually lived rough, fucked up lives where violence was a means of survival, yeah. These suburban manbabies who think “acting like mommy’s tough widdle cookie” will get them laid are fucking dumb, weak pieces of shit. Violence isn’t fun. it isn’t glamorous. It’s a rush, yeah, but it’s not a good thing. Violent people are a serious headache to deal with, on top of that.

I’d love to see these soft little manbabies who think human interaction has some kind of cheat code dropped into my old neighborhood, poor, and next to being homeless. Due to their total lack of empathy it’s pretty clear none of them have ever had to seriously struggle outside of girls being put off by their disgusting “beta” (read: entitled, whiny) asses.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

mockingbird: Aw that’s Adorable! I’m not usually the biggest Yoshi fan but that trailer is just to cute for words.

Simon Russell (@Panthalassa_101)

I doubt this is an original insight, but I was blissfully unaware of the whole “manosphere” thing until recently, and I have to ask: what type of women are these supposed “alphas” actually attracting with this kind of behavior and thought-process, other than (maybe) those who are equally immature, selfish, insecure, and aggressive?

Or do they eventually just go full-MGTOW when these pathetic techniques fail to “work”?

9 years ago


My husband said that a guy that hits a woman with his “bag” sounds like a dude wacking people with his purse.

I was thinking the same thing. It’s an old lady move.

9 years ago

Exactly, cretaceouskitteh. they essentially invented the rules for the whole alpha/beta thing because it is not academic. then they go and break these rules by claiming “alphas” can be disgusting nerd manbabies who obsess over how they’re coming off.

Their stupidity is breathtaking.

9 years ago

Simon: usually women who have histories of abuse, who are vulnerable, who are very young, who are simply ignorant, etc. their warped tactics generally do not work from what ive read, so there’s a pipeline from PUAs to other parts of the manosphere where the manchildren congregate to wallow in their collective bitterness until an elliot rodger type shows up and shoots a few people.

9 years ago

@Simon Russell

I doubt this is an original insight, but I was blissfully unaware of the whole “manosphere” thing until recently, and I have to ask: what type of women are these supposed “alphas” actually attracting with this kind of behavior and thought-process, other than (maybe) those who are equally immature, selfish, insecure, and aggressive?

There are, generally, five kinds of women attracted (or “attracted”) to so-called “alphas”. The categories are ranked below from most to least numerous:

1. imaginary women;
2. inflatable women (and various equivalents);
3. very drunk women (until they sober up);
4. women with incredibly low self-esteem and a history of abusive and damaging relationships;
5. mail-order brides who dump these “alphas” first chance they get; sometimes in favor of working in a strip club, even.

9 years ago

Female target? Oh no, PUA isn’t rapey at all!

These guys talk tough, but I never get out of the way for men who are taking up the whole sidewalk. I stare them right down and they back off and let me through every single time. These douchebags are no different.

9 years ago

I could see this being a crazy hilarious piece of sketch comedy. Call it “Manly McMan’s: How to Alpha” and have an alphabro teach all the wannabes proper alpha form for everyday activities. Someone needs to get on it. The possibilities are endless here.

9 years ago

Simon Russell: Mostly, once you learn to read between the lines, the “success stories” parlayed online tend to fall into a few categories (trigger-warnings for some of these descriptions):

1: The woman really didn’t give a damn about their ‘game’; she was looking for an easy, no strings attached fling, and he was available, with both a pulse and a penis, thereby meeting the minimum requirements for success. They fail to realize this, because the manosphere generally insists women have no actual interest in sex except as a means to an end (status, money, etc), so the idea that she was just horny and had low standards doesn’t fit their calculus.

2: The woman was in an emotionally vulnerable state (the nature of which is usually fairly individual and idiosyncratic), and he just lucked into exploiting those weaknesses. This, of course, is how much of ‘game’ is supposed to work, although they never put it into those terms precisely. It’s nowhere near as common as the self-styled gurus would like to claim to be, but sometimes things fall into that category.

3: He got her drunk, then figured the fact she didn’t push him off was a sign of consent, not inebriation–so yeah, date-rape.

4: He got her into a situation (alone in an apartment or room at a frat house, for instance) where she was afraid to give a firm no, and he just escalated his efforts to get her into bed until she acquiesced rather than risk him using additional force. Again, rapist piece of shit.

5: Totally fictional encounters, usually put forward as an attempt at garnering in-group status. If you’re not a PUA/MRA type, the fake dialogue attributed to the woman is usually sufficiently on the wrong side of the uncanny valley to send up warning signals.

Categories 2-4 are, of course, utterly vile. Sadly, they’re each at least as common as #1, though I suspect #5 is ahead of all the rest.

9 years ago


Is Thomas Hobbes an actual Hobbesian moron or is he some kind of tired troll gimmick?

He’s a returning troll who used to use the handle Pro Patria Truth Teller.

That comment was a bit out of his usual style, though. His usual style is to come in, make some banal patriarchy-supporting bullshit argument, then claim some historic figure, like Mozart, Chaucer, or who-have-you, was going to write an expose supporting all of his points, except that figure was assassinated just before they could publish.

Like, Janis Joplin was going to expose all the hypocrisy that was Vatican II, but the Pope had her killed. That was his first comment under the Hobbes nym that I can recall, because it left me scratching my head, because he’d said stuff to make me think he was Catholic, but then I realized he was pretending to be a Catholic who was against Vatican II.

I admit, I egged him on by making requests for the lolz but then I got bored. I thought he’d been banned.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

This guy totally stole this idea from Beth Breslaw!

Except she was doing it to show that men expect women to move aside on the sidewalk and make room for them, and this guy’s doing it because he apparently wants someone to get into an altercation with an actually violent person while they’re pretending to be violent.

9 years ago



My husband said that a guy that hits a woman with his “bag” sounds like a dude wacking people with his purse.

I was thinking the same thing. It’s an old lady move.

See, I thought it was less swinging it around and trying to hit people, and more just letting it jut out to the side to increase your effective width, and running into people with that.

9 years ago

I know this might not be popular to say, but there really is something too this.

It’s UNBELIEVABLE how many hotties have thrown themselves at me after hearing my story about “The Wild Brawl at the Bingo Hall” (as I like to call it). I’m not going to spell it all out here since it’s not really important but let’s just say Mildred isn’t going to pretend to have “misheared” B16 instead of B60 ever again …. and her bridge club also learned a lesson about minding their own damn business.

9 years ago

I was walking a couple months ago near a shopping center in the downtown area where I work. I was already at the edge of the generously-sized sidewalk when up comes this phalanx of five men all walking abreast. None of them seemed particularly keen on letting me past them (and, again, short of “into the street” I had limited options) so I just put my shoulder into it and checked the guy on the end. He probably had a foot and at least 100 pounds on me, and he seemed quite shocked.

I wonder if it’s the same guy who wrote this article.

9 years ago

I always laugh when people like PPTT call me a hedonist, a word that seems to mean “person who dares to harmlessly enjoy themselves, and doesn’t even have the grace to feel guilty about it.” Ooh, ouch.

9 years ago

Holy shit Hobbes, that’s fucking weak.

Yeah, totally gonna defend the woman who pulled out a gun and tried to shoot at someone for what was almost certainly a fucking misdemeanor or like e felony. Not even the security at the store has the authority to do something like try and shoot out tires, let alone a fucking *customer*.

Now, we can talk about how douches can strut around in chipotle with assault rifles and get away with it cause they’re white, but the damn fact of the matter is that escalating force like that is *not* on the side of law and order, no matter what you think about gun control.

Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
9 years ago

It seems the falcon can no longer hear the Falconer. Most tragic indeed.
Yesterday I read the thread about the dastardly demagogue Lou Reid; I will admit that despite you all being Planned Parenthood drones, you are all better people than Lou Reid or Roosh.
Kurt Cobain was about to expose Lou Reid’s cooperation with banking and freemasonry interests, and was also about to convert to Catholicism and contribute to an album of Palestrina masses, but of course he was assassinated by the powers that be.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

I’ve known some accomplished martial artists, and a lot of vets that actually saw combat. One thing they all had in common is that they were not casually violent, let things slide, were nearly impossible to provoke, and even if you did, they’d only respond just enough to defuse the situation. I once watched a friend who won state jeet kune do competitions in school, then did some tours in the marines, talk very calmly to a drunk jerk that kept insulting him and hitting on his fiancee. Yes, he could have stomped his face in, but the guy wasn’t a threat and he didn’t have anything to prove, so why bother?

I don’t like the whole concept of “alpha/beta,” but even if it were a useful descriptor of human beings, what PUAs are describing isn’t “alpha,” it’s just a glorified and aggressive form of insecurity.

9 years ago

Hitting people with your bag, is just being an asshat. However carrying a bag/purse/satchel is just damn practical.
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Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
9 years ago

My point aout the woman with the gun is that women need to be careful of supporting feminists, because once they run afoul of the Zamutinesque programming beehive of postmodern civilization, they will be hung out to dry.

9 years ago

Shit. The most “alpha” person I know personally is female and would straight end any of these little cocktail wieners.

Exhibit A: There’s a luxury resort near where we live that everyone that lives around here ends up working at it least once. It’s a rural area, country folk. But to cover all the positions, the hotel ends up hiring a large number of Jamaicans. S (who I’ve known since HS and is, visually a lithe and unimposing white female) was employed as a server and she lost her job there because during dinner service some stupid redneck lady made the mistake of saying something to the effect of “Isn’t it nice? Being served by all these n!@@ers?” within earshot of S. So S straight up slapped that wretched bitch out of her chair right up in the middle of the hotel’s main dining room.

Alpha. As. Fuuuuuuuck!

If like to see one of these spineless wonders do this shit to that particular middle-aged woman lolololol!