When I saw the headline on Return of Kings, PUA scuzzball Roosh V’s garbage site, I braced for the worst.
Men Benefit From Acting Potentially Violent And Explosive Around Women
Because the not-so-secret truth about domestic abuse is that abusive men do benefit in various ways from being abusive, just as bullies benefit from stealing other kids’ lunch money.
Happily, in this instance at least, Return of Kings refrains from explicitly endorsing domestic abuse.
It turns out that this post. by regular RoK contributor David Garrett, is mostly about running into people on sidewalks.
On purpose. To show what a total alpha badass you are. Or at least what a total alpha badass you are pretending to be.
As Garrett sees it, women go weak in the knees around “bad boys” because they think these “bad boys would be willing to use or have used physical force in expressing their badness.”
Trouble is, dudes who go around punching people tend to get punched back. So the real trick, Garret writes, is
to be seen as potentially violent and explosive, without the regular drawbacks of spending time in prison, getting badly beaten up by five other guys, or some other event you don’t particularly want to experience.
The key word is “potentially.” And in case you missed his point, Garrett repeats it, with the word “potentially” in bold:
There’s a distinction here, as you can see, between being violent and acting potentially violent around women and others.
So how do you convince the Hot Babes you’re potentially a big tough guy … without ever having to get into an actual fight to prove it?
Well, here’s where the whole “running into people on sidewalks” thing comes in.
If you want to be seen as a big tough guy who never apologizes for taking up space in the world, what better way to show this (in a reasonably safe way) than by running into people on sidewalks? Or at least by running into people you’re pretty sure won’t punch you for it.
When you walk in large cities, you might notice the propensity of people, especially young women, not to move around you when you’re walking towards one another. Sometimes they will deliberately try and cut you off, expecting you’ll concede space. Don’t. Aside from those with infirmities, the elderly or parents with young children, plough through.
Last month, one middle-aged woman … refused to make way … Oh well, my bag ran into her. And it hurt. Too bad for her.
Oh, and for maximum benefit, do this in front of the Hot Babes you’re trying to impress. I mean, duh.
When you’re with your girl, a female target or just female friends, try things like this out. There’s a time and place for etiquette and politeness but at least 90% of the time, barring those with mobility issues, it isn’t on the streets you walk.
You can also try getting mad at people who blow cigarette smoke in your general direction.
I also (calmly) confront those who blow tobacco smoke in my face accidentally, half- or full-daring them to try again (depending on whether I’m being sarcastic or plain condescending).
After explicitly telling his readers to do all this in front of “your girl, a female target or just female friends” in order to convince them in a low-risk way how potentially violent they are, Garrett assures us that he totally acts this way even when there are no HB8’s in sight.
If an alpha male falls in the forest, and there’s no HB8 to hear him, does he make a sound? Garrett says YES and pumps his fists.
Rather than being a staged action, it’s who I am, someone utterly repulsed by cigarette fumes. I would do the same thing alone or with a girl. … The context is more like becoming who you really are, rather than what society has demanded you be: the timid, ball-less gentleman.
Oh, but don’t do any of this with, you know, black dudes, or anyone else who might actually punch you.
I am going to suggest to you that making retaliatory or wisecracking comments to abrasive males in the projects of Detroit or the Bronx, or the non-tourist suburbs of Moscow, is maybe not worth the effort (or the dental bill).
I mean, BECOME WHO YOU ARE but only with people smaller than you, and who probably don’t have friends in the vicinity who might punch you. Seriously, you may want to stick to middle-aged women you can “accidentally” hit with your bag.
Because nothing turns the hot babes on more than a dude who “accidentally” hits middle-aged women with his bag.
“The context is more like becoming who you really are.”
Fake (being an asshole) until you make (yourself an asshole)?
So, fake it until you make it when it comes to utter alpha douchebaggery?
Zounds! This story deserves coverage
Notice how your friends in the craven and hedonistic liberal establishment wish to throw this brave woman (of a racial minority, no less; where’s your precious intersectionality?) to the wolves for her meritorious actions of defending law and order.
Is there any small act, of any kind, that these guys won’t analyze to death? And then douche-i-fy, to the very best of their sad little abilities?
Anyone remember that post from a while back, about the guy saying that his girlfriend walked in front of him? And how it made him less manly, or something?
After never thinking about how and where I walk, not once over the course of my life, my husband and I had an hour long conversation about walking, and how it affects his masculinity. And, shocker, his penis, testicles, testosterone, etc. are all doing ok, even though it turns out that I mostly walk in front of him.
People in the way? Just barge on through. Apologies are for betas! If they didn’t want to get shoved out the way they shouldn’t have gone out!
Game is the things that you do when you don’t want to actually do anything that requires effort. The PUA community is marked by a search for the Philosopher’s Stone, or a kind of Vaginal Konami Code that will allow you unlimited sexual licence anytime and anywhere you perform it. Failing that, it puts forward all sorts of little “churn” activities like bumping into defenseless-looking people on the sidewalk or “interaction timers”. These seem generally to either promise immediate, one-weird-trick success with women, or to purport to be quick and easy ways to train yourself gradually to embody the VKC.
Does this guy have any grasp of reality?
Sixty years ago, that would have gotten him stuck with a hatpin. He can only do that now because middle-aged ladies don’t wear them any more.
He’s going to do that to the wrong middle aged lady one day.
My Mom may be approaching “elderly” and may fall outside of his circle of shoveability, but she’s still a genuinely scary tiny person when you tick her off.
“a female target”
How very romantic.
@runsinbackground – “There’s, like, a Konami code or something for interacting with other people. I’ve just got to find it and stay on target!”
@Thomas Hobbes: Be funny or get the fuck out.
Well! As a formerly violent man, from a violent family that spanned as many generations that I know of. Chummy boy here has got it massively wrong, I can’t think of any woman who wanted to continue a relationship with me after them seeing me getting into a ruck in a boozer, too scary working by half.
The only woman who saw it as roughly ok-ish was the woman who became my wife because her X is/was (I say that as I doubt he’s changed) a relationship rapist stalker who was threatening to halm her and me at the start of our relationship.
I can’t stand these ‘Bros’ who live some kind of half arsed fantasy life about being a ‘hard man’. I’ve been knifed, slashed and glassed in my life, a broken leg where the schmuck missed my kneecap and a broken wrist. Some of these injuries are nearly two decades old but they still ache/hurt today.
I dunno what to say about guys like this other than its not a life worth living, especially as you get older and you look back on the unnecessary halm that’s been done in the name of machismo and all this dies is perpetuate worthless behaviour.
It saddens me that there is an audience for this man’s fantasy garbage.
In direct contrast to PUA douchebags, I offer up a trailer for Yoshi’s Wooly World:
…or…IS IT?
I mean, he does seem to intentionally bump into an awwwwful lot of stuff.
Oh, well.
At least he’s adorable, is made of yarn, and cooperates with friends (as opposed to seemingly endlessly displaying).
My husband said that a guy that hits a woman with his “bag” sounds like a dude wacking people with his purse.
Very manly, isn’t it.
Pretend to be violent, so that you only attract women who are into violent men, and find yourself in competition with genuinely violent men. I can’t see any possible downside to this.
Aw man, I just saw a gif where Rocket Raccoon calls Star-Lord’s bag a purse and he insists it’s a satchel, but I can’t find it again ::sadface::
(Let’s hear it for toxic masculinity)
If a man I was dating behaved like that, I wouldn’t want to see him again. Even dropping litter or being rude to a server would be a deal breaker for me.
Where do these nitwits get the idea that grown women are into bullies?
Oh my god this is cringeworthy. Like most RedPill BS, this describes the behavior of a complete and utter try-hard. I’m sorry but insecurity is a huge turn off, especially if you compensate for it by acting like a 12 year old. If a guy I dated ever did this I’d walk away without batting an eyelid and never speak to him again, because I’d be fxcking humiliated.
Redpillers are whiny little babies overcompensating for their lack of social skills and unappealing physical appearance. Try as they might, they will never come close to being real men, or “bad boys” for that matter.
Ah, yes, the important masculinity issues of the day.
Hate to miss the gif, but I do hope that the great satchel/purse debate gets settled with minimal injury. 🙂
“Where do these nitwits get the idea that grown women are into bullies?”
It’s called “projection”.
@sn0rkmaiden made the point I was trying to get across, and having been that type of man, I can recall a number of situations where my behaviour has broken the deal.
Anything, anything, rather than attempting to actually build a genuine rapport with a woman you’re attracted to, I suppose. (sarcasm)
Well, clearly that guy is a beta. Every real man knows the best way to impress the ladies is by painfully bumping into random children. Besides, it’s not like kids can punch you back. What kind of a feminized weakling says he’s making exceptions for kids?
Because only a true alpha male can have his alpha status demolished by not shifting a few inches to the side to make way for passing middle-aged women walking down the street.
Such alpha.
Very man.
So dominate.