a voice for men awesome homophobia irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

A Texas woman’s Dildos-Not-Guns protest is causing gun fanatics to lose it

Is that a gun in your pocket or, oh, never mind
Is that a gun in your pocket or, oh, never mind

An Austin woman has come up with a rather innovative way to protest a new “campus carry” law that will allow Texans to carry concealed weapons on campuses: what if gun control advocates were to show up on the University of Texas at Austin carrying not guns, but … dildos?

Naturally, she’s calling it #CocksNotGlocks.

As Jessica Jin, the woman behind the proposed protest, explained on the Facebook page she set up for the event,

“You’re carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I’m carrying a HUGE DILDO.'” 

Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play.

She’s got a point: As the Washington Post has noted, for every “justified homicide” carried out with a gun — that is, for every time someone kills someone with a gun in an act of legitimate self-defense — there are 34 gun homicides, 78 gun suicides, and 2 people killed accidentally with guns.

Predictably, gun enthusiasts have responded to Jin’s protest — which isn’t even scheduled until the law takes effect next August — with the sort of behavior that suggests once again that they are the absolute last people in the world who should ever be entrusted with guns.

And that includes this guy:

Bang! Boom! Blam!
Bang! Boom! Blam!

The gun enthusiasts have been flooding Jin and her Facebook page with threats, angry rants, and an assortment of obscene pictures. Some of their, er, wisdom:





You can find more along these lines in Raw Storys post on the protest.

This guy, meanwhile, has been posting offensive pic after offensive pic. A few of the more palatable:


The threats have been worrying enough to Jin that she’s contacted the local police.

Just as worryingly, one self-described “Anarchist, Atheist, Asshole” by the name of Christopher Cantwell has decided to doxx her, posting her address and phone number on his blog and informing his readers that “I can confirm the number is working. I called her, and she called me back and left a voicemail with her name.”

Because why not give angry gun owners what amounts to a map to her home?

If Cantwell’s name sounds familiar, that’s because we’ve met him before: I wrote about last year when I discovered him on Twitter telling numerous people to go kill themselves in assorted inventive ways.

Oh, and did I mention he wrote not one, not two, but nine articles for A Voice for Men last year? And that AVFM’s Paul Elam and Dean Esmay responded to my post about his Twitter “activism” … by telling me to kill myself? Ah, memories!

Happily, gun control supporters have rallied around Jin and her protest, posting supportive comments and repurposed gun fetishist propaganda with dildos taking the place of guns.


So far, more than 4000 people on Facebook say they will be attending the protest, and there’s talk about getting a sex toy company to sponsor the event.

H/T — Thanks to Jennifer Graham and Snork Maiden for pointing me to this story.

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9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention | October 13, 2015 at 2:27 pm

freemage | October 13, 2015 at 11:43 am
The fact that the market for them is so large, and the offerings are so varied, make it very clear that women enjoy sex very much, thank you–and in fact, likely enjoy it more than men (note that fleshlights and the like make up a much smaller segment of the market).

I think that has less to do with men enjoying sex as men being shamed for not being able to successfully have sex with women, and using a fleshlight being seen as a thing for “losers” in the Game of Sex.

A fleshlight is seen more as a failure, associated with shut-ins and people who aren’t socially accepted rather than men who like sex.

To an extent, though, that’s my point. MRAs and MGTOWs love to sling around the idea that women only have sex for some reason other than sex, while men are supposed to be evo-psyched into wanting sex all the time just for sex because sexsexsex.

But if that were true, the market for toys for men would be at least as large as it is for women, instead of so much smaller. Instead, women are the ones with a huge and varied market catering to their desire for purely physical pleasure, while my fellow doods and I are usually just not interested in such things. (Even among the manosphere shitheads, they only talk up ‘sexbots’ out of the belief that the bot will provide something other than a purely physical stimulus.)

Hell, even their obsession with “HB10s” is tied to this–they don’t want sex for sex’s sake, they want sex with a woman who will raise their in-group status. If a woman isn’t considered brag-worthy, she’s not worth having sex with at all. This dramatically undercuts so many of their arguments about how things are supposed to be that they cannot address the point at all.

9 years ago

Regarding the comparison between cars and guns, it always struck me how people don’t treat these incredibly super-powerful, super-dangerous killing machines with the respect and outright *fear* that they deserve.
I mean, I’m personally pretty much terrified the entire time I’m driving my vehicle from place to place – constantly checking my mirrors, taking note of my surroundings, etc., etc. If the phone rings and I start fumbling with it I don’t ever take my eyes off the road, not even for a second. (Ideally, I should be ignoring the phone and letting it ring until I can pull over, but I admit I am weak-willed in this regard.) I am ALWAYS cognizant of the fact that I am piloting a several-ton hunk of steel, plastic, and glass. So seeing so many people be so absurdly reckless in their driving just makes me wonder… what is going on with these people?
It’s hard for me to believe that someone actually has any respect for life when I see them driving in such a fashion that could *very easily* result in them, on a bad day, taking someone else’s life. And I have just as much of a difficult time when I see people treating guns more like toys and less like the death devices that they are. It’s terrible, and I just can’t understand why we don’t impress into our population just how important it is to value life over handheld killing devices or getting from point A to point B a little bit (and with how traffic lights work, it IS only ” a little bit”) faster. I can only imagine how fucked up it all looks from an outside perspective.

9 years ago


Being a Super-Socially-Awkward-Penguin is alright. Honestly, when I’m socially awkward it’s not like I’m purposefully being awkward. It just happens. Of course, my socially-awkward-peguin-running-away moments don’t usually end with me and the person I’ve accidentally ambushed with awkward being new conversational besties.

Which is totally okay.

Sometimes it ends well, like when I was asked to come up with something new for people to

I’m not entitled to people loving me when I stick my foot in my mouth and trip all over my own feet like a labradoodle after a growth spurt, only without the cuteness.

As long as you don’t get super angry that people aren’t always willing to hold your hand and support you and accept you when you’ve just flopped through a conversation like a fish out of water, and as long as you don’t keep pushing into a conversation after you’ve figured out you’re making someone uneasy, you’re probably doing fine.

If you know you’re making someone nervous though, and you get mad at them because ‘I’m just socially awkward and you should be nice to me!’ or if you notice them looking nervous and you’re like “I’m going to continue this conversation even though I notice you’re uncomfortable because me talking to people is more important than your comfort level” then …

Yeah, those are when a socially awkward person contributes to the problem and starts being hostile.

Socially awkward in and of itself? Nah, you’re okay.

9 years ago

I forgot to finish that third paragraph. Which, were this a conversation face to face, would be an awkward penguin moment.


9 years ago

Everyone shut up, I have a solution: We shoot all the people with guns, including ourselves, because we now have guns. Now no one has guns, unless they pick up those guns, but then we tie little notes to them that say “pls shot urself thxu” and so they probably do.

Problem solved. No more people with guns, except maybe the illiterate survivors. Luckily, it appears that illiteracy and gun fanaticism go hand in hand.

Plan B is just run away whenever you see a white person. It has worked for me so far, though I do have issues with the police claiming I’ve created “domestic disturbances.” That’s bullshit. If you don’t point out what you think might be a white person (terrorist/mass shooter) and shriek as loudly as possible before sprinting away, how else will you alert people to imminent danger? Further, I recommend loosing your bowels before running, as the waste matter acts as a coolant for when you’re sprinting and will only slow you down anyway. I am a scientist, just like Thunderf00t, so you can trust whatever I say to be intellectual and factly.

Otherwise we could just go through with the whole getting rid of gun shows thing, but I don’t know, that’s boring. It doesn’t have enough guns or poop in it.

If any MRAs, etc. are reading this, I am dead serious. Dead. Serious.

9 years ago

Scribbles… could we please not joke like that?

I know you’re joking, but please don’t joke about death or serious injury. Please.

Stepping on legos? Sure, absolutely! Also, petting cacti is great and highly recommended to all jerks everywhere!

But death? Please don’t.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Wow, please tell me, when/where did THIS bullshit pus start breaking out, this rebranding of mass murderers who self-identified in their manifestos and autobiographies as toxically masculine into “triggered liberals”? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it and it is so wildly incredible and unbelievable that I, erroneously I think, dismissed it as the fringest of the fringe.

The first time I heard it was way back in ’08, long before the rise of the modern MRA “Movement.” Early Tea Partiers calling Hitler a “Liberal.”

(Not a Godwin. Actual quote.)

So… Yeah, just more proof that MRAs are a far-right hate group. Not that we needed more proof.

9 years ago
9 years ago

I live in the US. You can suck my ass, Pangloss.

9 years ago

This place IS violence incarnate. If you can’t joke about it then you’re probably one of the lucky pieces of shit who haven’t seen it; that is, you’re one of the people creating the problem.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


What the fuck?

9 years ago

@Zyrusticae — curiously, I just read a very good article related to what you wrote about steering a massive means of death.

Also relevant to feminism!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Did somebody replace Scribbles with an MRA gotcha troll? ಠ_ಠ

9 years ago

Hardly. Just because I think the petty bourgeoisie, living in their suburban bubbles reinforce a culture of violence doesn’t mean I’m some kind of neoreactionary. Don’t be so incredibly thick. There are people who don’t subscribe to the centrist democrat horseshit that helps perpetuate this violence anyway. Some of us are actually on the left.

Anyway, that “step on a lego” shit is some god awful reddit meme. Can you blame me of being suspicious about someone who regurgitates that garbage?

9 years ago

Also please don’t use that “gotcha” buzzword. People who repeat the empty bullshit buzzwords they see on television give me a headache. Do me that favor and I’ll avoid joking about the real world that some of us have to actually live in.

9 years ago


“Step on a Lego” has been used in here for like ages? I mean, I’m really hard-pressed to think of a convo thread where someone doesn’t wish that Horrible Person should step on a Lego (or catshit or catshit-covered Lego) like at least once?

9 years ago

Whatever the case, at least it isn’t “flip flopper.” Oh my fucking god. I swear to god, I’d step on a cat covered in cat shit or whatever. Apparently that “flip flopper” shit is still in use and still influencing people and it makes me want to do whatever other euphemistic catchphrase shit that flies around here to my own face.

9 years ago

From the comments policy

No threats or violent comments. That includes telling someone to “die in a fire” or remarking that so-and-so would probably be better off dead. This rule is in effect even when you are talking about vile misogynistic shitbags … You don’t have to agree with all the rules and/or cultural norms here; but while you’re commenting here you are expected to respect them. If you think a rule is really, really wrong or ridiculous, don’t argue about it in the comments; send me an email about it.

That is all.

9 years ago

I guess I can see why that would be important in a place that’s constantly swamped by neoreactionary morons who are incapable of parsing basic English.

Seriously, manosphere drones have a REALLY hard time figuring out what people are saying to them. You ever talk to one of them? They’re incredibly fucking dense.

Seriously though, if you haven’t tried it, go read one of their twitters. I haven’t found one -not one- who’s fluent in their first language.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

comment image

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Jokes” about murdering people, accuses us of perpetuating violence.

Claims to be suspicious of people who say “Step on a Lego,” huffs about who-cares-what when I’m suspicious of them.

Has a random screaming meltdown about being told to obey the rules, says that they’re not a reactionary.


9 years ago

You don’t have much contact with impoverished leftists. This is a middle class liberal space, so you won’t see many of us. If that doesn’t make it clear then it can’t be clear.

9 years ago

Is agreeing to obey the rules a screaming meltdown? Christ, learn to read. I was agreeing to obey the rules based on the MRAs who read this crap.

Please don’t be dumb.

9 years ago

Come on, this site is opposed to reactionaries and manosphere idiots. How is that even possible to misinterpret?