All is not happy in the world of Roosh Valizadeh. The formerly amoral hedonist, who built his online fiefdom on a bunch of books urging men to “bang” women in an assortment of countries, is turning into a moralistic, hectoring scold only a few steps removed from the Taliban.
And some of his old fans are wondering what the hell has happened to him.
Earlier this week, Roosh posted an especially dour and authoritarian post titled “How To Stop The Fall Of Women,” telling his readers that
It is completely your responsibility to create the environment of a good home, a good city, and a good country to prevent the fall of your women. It’s your responsibility to create the right environment where all women remain good instead of succumbing to an evil where within a short amount of time she becomes a useless, tattooed, overweight, and masculine slut. It should be clear to you by now that women absolutely can not save themselves, and have no inherent resistance to the pollution that tempts them in this world. It’s solely up to us men to shield their natural virtue so that they become the wives and mothers that allow you to fulfill your biological destiny while furthering the health of your society.
He continues on in this vein for several hundred more words.
It’s a big change from his older PUA writings, but one thing is consistent: Roosh doesn’t think women have the right to control their own lives.
Still, some of his old fans are having none of it. A reader pointed me to this interesting exchange in the comments to Roosh’s post:
A lot of Roosh’s old fans — like “Former Banger” there — are sympathetic to his new direction. But clearly not all of them. Alexa (an admittedly imperfect cataloguer of web traffic) also suggests that Roosh’s sites are losing steam, and losing readers. He’s still a long way from irrelevant, but he gets closer every day.
No wonder Roosh is so grumpy.
Must confess I’ve been using the Internet since before it was called the Internet and I’ve no idea what tags are.
Well, it’s time you look on either the bottom portion of the post or on the sidebar and learn.
@Policy of Madness | October 10, 2015 at 6:59 pm
So even WHTM has a hazing of newbies, huh?
@Aris Boch
When you linked website says “You were given this URL by someone who
feels that you should go fuck yourself” and tries to download malware, well, it doesn’t exactly scream “Asking in good faith.”
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | October 10, 2015 at 7:27 pm
Neither tinyurl nor amishrakefight.org has any kind of malware. Your malware recognition measures suck.
*When your linked.
Nope, my AV is fine. My typing, however, that sucks. =P
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | October 10, 2015 at 7:31 pm
Like I said, neither tinyurl nor amishrakefight.org do distribute any kinda malware (although some punk DO use tinurl to obfuscate links to malware sites, so that may’ve trigged your AV).
A couple of times I’ve seen people use the term ‘butthurt’ on this site. Wouldn’t that be against the rules? It seems odd that people object to the word ‘crazy’ but don’t seem to mind casual rape references.
@Aris Boch
Yep, hazing. The problem is definitely that I’m hazing you, and not at all related to how you demand that other people cough up a quote for you before you’ve made the slightest effort to look for one yourself. Here’s another way you could find the answer yourself without making other people dance for you: Google the phrase “roosh v rape wehuntedthemammoth.” A miracle, Google is!
And the problem is definitely not related to the fact that you could have even phrased your request with the knowledge that nobody is required to do this work for you (and it is work, which you know, because if it weren’t you would have done it yourself). “If you have a link handy, could you throw me a quote? Or let me know how to find one myself?” Nope, there’s no problem whatsoever in your failure to so much as acknowledge that it would take another person effort to do this, effort that you clearly don’t feel like expending yourself.
The problem is hazing. Yep. You’re so right.
Wait, it’s a rape reference? I thought it was a haemorrhoids joke. o.O
I remember back in the day when it referred to someone getting a metaphorical spanking.
Although I can see how a generic “pain in the arse” meaning could arise.
I dunno. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/butthurt says it’s actually a reference to spanking, but I’m not sure I believe them or like that any better.
@Policy of Madness | October 10, 2015 at 8:36 pm
On one hand, I’m not sure what Aris Boch did that wasn’t a case of n00b. On the other, your URL, malware detection aside, does say “go fuck yourself”. That kinda does push the “n00b or troll?” meter over towards “troll”.
Footnote — we need a “n00b or troll?” meter.
https://youtu.be/v6p3IsVjVn4 NSFW
@Argenti Aertheri | October 10, 2015 at 9:29 pm
The 1st. Not everyone has a nifty blog or an absence of humor.
@Aris Boch
I always thought butthurt was referring to getting your ass metaphorically spanked, whupped or kicked and then being bitter about it. It seems sort of related to the more tried and true “pain the ass”. I’m not a fan of it, but I don’t see a rape reference there.
It’s been, for better or worse, added to the American Oxford Dictionary.
@RosaDeLava | October 10, 2015 at 9:54 pm
Holy flying fuck, this guy is an utterly sick fuck, but I don’t think, that any of the stuff in his books has any kinda connection to reality (or else he’d be facing at least some rape charges).
I learned the word “butthurt” from Amanda Marcotte, who made a post about it years and years ago, and who doesn’t think it’s a rape reference.
I have a possibly-false memory of her explaining that it comes from a southpark episode that had to angry/uptight people clenching their buttocks to the point of pain and hemorrhoids. But I can’t now find that post, and googling south park + butthurt reveals nothing, so I’m beginning to wonder if I egregiously misremembered or somehow made up the whole thing. She was just on here yesterday, so I guess I missed my chance to ask.
@Arise by his own words he is a rapist. Why do you choose not to believe that? Are you not aware that the vast majority of rapes go unreported? Do you not know how women are punished for coming forward with rape accusations?
@Aris Boch
I suspect the main reason he goes to other countries is to avoid legal repercursion. If it’s hard to convict a rapist when both the rapist and the victim are in the same country, imagine what it’s like when they’re not.
Regardless, he’s advicing men to bypass consent.
@kupo | October 10, 2015 at 10:50 pm
Even with that, at least someone at least would’ve gone to the cops. Were there any kinda accusations against him anywhere?
@RosaDeLava | October 10, 2015 at 10:54 pm
Judging by the quotes in the article you linked, it reads more like jack-off material for the more fucked-in-the-heads-severe types of guys than advice, but that may be Poe’s Law in action.
@Aris Boch
His books are marketed as guides for men to have sex with women in other(than the US) countries. People who buy his books expect to find advice.
As for people charging him, as I said, the country difference matter. These women might not have had the information they needed to charge him. The women might have blamed themselves for the incident and not press charges. They might have tried to, but were dissuaded because it would be too hard, or because they would be shamed by people.
There are a lot of reasons why someone might not want to press rape charges.