All is not happy in the world of Roosh Valizadeh. The formerly amoral hedonist, who built his online fiefdom on a bunch of books urging men to “bang” women in an assortment of countries, is turning into a moralistic, hectoring scold only a few steps removed from the Taliban.
And some of his old fans are wondering what the hell has happened to him.
Earlier this week, Roosh posted an especially dour and authoritarian post titled “How To Stop The Fall Of Women,” telling his readers that
It is completely your responsibility to create the environment of a good home, a good city, and a good country to prevent the fall of your women. It’s your responsibility to create the right environment where all women remain good instead of succumbing to an evil where within a short amount of time she becomes a useless, tattooed, overweight, and masculine slut. It should be clear to you by now that women absolutely can not save themselves, and have no inherent resistance to the pollution that tempts them in this world. It’s solely up to us men to shield their natural virtue so that they become the wives and mothers that allow you to fulfill your biological destiny while furthering the health of your society.
He continues on in this vein for several hundred more words.
It’s a big change from his older PUA writings, but one thing is consistent: Roosh doesn’t think women have the right to control their own lives.
Still, some of his old fans are having none of it. A reader pointed me to this interesting exchange in the comments to Roosh’s post:
A lot of Roosh’s old fans — like “Former Banger” there — are sympathetic to his new direction. But clearly not all of them. Alexa (an admittedly imperfect cataloguer of web traffic) also suggests that Roosh’s sites are losing steam, and losing readers. He’s still a long way from irrelevant, but he gets closer every day.
No wonder Roosh is so grumpy.
I almost wonder if ‘FormerBanger’ is someone who took the actual red pill and got out of the PUA/MRA/MGTOWMGWTFBBQ movement.
The ‘manosphere’ has pretty much disappeared.
PUAs and the Taliban: two sides of the same misogynist coin.
It’s like Dylan going electric. Except talent-less and evil.
Dirty old man
Standing in the hall
Cain’t shake that thing no more at all
Done used up his thing
O Lord
He done used up his thing.
Roosh is just exchanging one form of abusive thinking for another. The “bang” mentality and the “keep women virtuous” mentality come from the same old, stale sense of entitlement. It’s not that much of a stretch.
So exactly the same as Dylan going electric. 😉
Are there any studies on the side effects of getting beer in the face?
Somebody cleverer than me can probably analyse this in terms of the whole Madonna/whore thing.
Yeah, as others have already kind of said: it makes sense that a guy who’s literally advocated for rape would also be into female chastity and ‘virtue.’ As many smart people on the internet have pointed out: purity culture and rape culture are, in many ways, the same culture. (Further reading: just Google “purity culture is rape culture” and a bunch of articles come up. This one by E.J. Graff is good, but be warned that it contains really some really gruesome descriptions of sexual violence: http://prospect.org/article/purity-culture-rape-culture )
@chaltab Probably a red-piller-turned-MGTOW when he either realized nobody wanted to be with him longer than a quickie.
…where’s the taliban come in here? I missed something.
Going through life doing nothing but have sex with young women and then die what a sad, pathetic way to live.
He’s mad at his perceived loss of power over women. He’s not the PUA that he used to be and now, if he can’t “have” women as he pleases, he demands that they all must remain virtuous. You know, because he says so. And his opinion is so very important.
I’d laugh at what a bleating clown he is, but then I remember that he’s a literal rapist and I just feel grim about the whole thing.
(Not that there’s any other rapist besides a literal one; sorry for the poor choice of language.)
It’s funny that the last time I read about this guy he was accusing women of making poor decisions in their lives. I think he’s kinda like a stripper who has stayed in the biz too long – pushing forty and trying to move on with no real resume to speak of. At least the aging stripper can still get laid.
I hate to stick up for him, and I’m not, but it feels a little racist to go throwing terms like “Taliban” at the non white man.
It’s not like he’s calling for a jihad, these are views shared by a lot of (equally awful I hasten to add) people, including fundamentalist Christians.
The RooshMan! He is complex. Do not question his ways. Send money.
It seems like the manosphere is slowly fading away, like a ghost in the night.
Huh. It’s almost like it finally occurred to him that loads of guys having sex with loads of women requires a lot of women to have sex?
I mean, otherwise, with all the banging going on their only options would be to become “beta” gays and fuck like minded sad sacks…
According to the comments on that article, the way to fix every ill and issue in the entire world is by controlling the sexuality of all women.
The decline of civilization is directly related to how much sex women are having? How very odd. And stupid.
This is funny, depressing, and anger-inducing, all at the same time.
But which man should control me? I don’t have a partner, my boss at work is a woman, I have no brothers. Admittedly my dad is sufficiently misogynistic but even he realised at least a decade ago that attempting to control me results in fuck-all benefits. Perhaps this is why I’ve ended up covered in tattoos.
Excellent link! I have never thought about rape culture being a lot like purity culture, but it so obviously is very similar.
So much time is spent on our lady parts, with birth control, abortion, etc. all being a part of public discussion and decision, and judgments on how we dress, what our basic rights are, etc. that it’s broken up into so many pieces, it’s hard to remember that it is really all the same issue. It’s exhausting.
I didn’t get very far into that article, because the “rape is invariably about power” formulation is just as wrong and erasing as the “rape is invariably about men having a high sex drive.” It erases a lot of women’s experience of rape. A lot of rapes are not about putting women into their place or punishing them for being female in public, but about men feeling entitled to do whatever they like with women. A lot of rapes happen to men and have nothing at all to do with what women are doing with themselves.
Any description of rape that takes the form “rape is about X, all the time, no exceptions, full stop” is always reductionist, erasing, and it gives rapists a way to tell themselves that what they did wasn’t actually rape because the thought of punishing that drunk lady for being drunk and a lady was not on his mind at all.
There is a rationale behind it, a very racist rationale having to do with controlling who fathers women’s children in order to preserve a particular racial/ethnic or cultural identity.