A blast from the past!
Look who I found in the comments over on Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield’s site! None other than the 2011 Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave, offering up his unique (and in this case highly air-conditioner-centric) perspective on women’s history.
Brings back memories, huh?
Oh, and here are some photos I found of women in the pre-air-conditioner era sitting around at home eating bon bons while their husbands were at work. Bunch of lazy broads, if you ask me!
That being said, I do think that Americans overuse A/C.
@raysa – My husband lived in central Florida for some time. He jokes, “Move to Florida if you like being really cold when inside amd hiding scuttling from shade patch to shade patch when outside.”
Ugh – “scuttling from shade patch to shade patch”.
@Alan – When I watched the episode of The Great British Bake Off that culminated in what’s-his-face throwing out his ice cream cake, after I looked up how how hot it was (“Centigrade? Whut’s that? ‘Murica!”) I got a chuckle that 77 F was considered to be unreasonably hot.
That’s legit lovely here, especially if the humidity’s on leave.
Mockingbird :
We have had a few of those single digit nights in the winter. The winters are supposed to be mild, I feel cheated when it gets down to 20 degrees at night, even a few times, lol.
I have seen the baking show you mentioned. I don’t ever watch anything regularly, so I missed the 77 degrees being too hot. That’s hilarious!
And, Florida. Ick, not a fan of Florida.
Just another irredeemable shitpile, I see.
On the flip side, that dad and son who are going to dress as Anna and Elsa for Halloween are pretty sweet.
To clarify– that first sentence refers to NWOSlave.
Did NWO end up getting banned or did he just wander off in search of people who agree with him? Maybe people like this:
Of course it didn’t work. It’s just a short clip from Blazing Saddles.
NWOstoopid should bear in mind that it was women who invented agriculture and beer. They also cooked, cleaned, built their own damn fires, fanned themselves (with fans they made themselves!), and gave birth to the ne-‘er-do-wells from which he arose. And often died in the process. Of childbed fever. Spread by oh-so-macho male doctors usurping the role of midwife, who couldn’t even be arsed to wash their fucking hands.
Absolutely! I had two jobs where–in the middle of summer!–I wore a wool blazer to try to stay warm. My hands were freezing as I filed, filed, filed (lots of standing) and typed. I was freezing and bored out of my skull.
Of course, the real victim in all this is Paul Elam.
Oh Owly, how I do not miss you!
As for weather and A/C — everywhere I’ve worked, pretty much, had one. I do not, though I think that’s getting purchased before next summer cuz fuck is it a nightmare keeping my axolotl below 70 when it’s pushing 100 out! New England, where summers are 90+ and humid, and winter might snow you in for 5 days!
I refer the learned gentleman to any description of washday prior to the invention of the mechanical washing machine. At least two women, often more, crammed into a tiny, humid space, with a large pot of boiling soapy water and an open fire, and all the linen in the household. Chemicals for stain removal included vinegar, soap, lye and urine. Water was largely pumped by hand, and carried by bucket, heated over an open flame, and clothing was boiled up with soap in order to get it clean. Rinse water was pumped and carried by hand as well, and in order for things to dry they needed to be wrung out, usually by hand (the invention of the mangle was a mixed blessing – it made it easier to wring things out, but they caused a lot of injuries, too) and then dried either in front of an open fire, or on a clothes line.
There’s a reason I strongly believe the washing machine is the most positively feminist piece of household mechanisation known to humanity.
Speaking of weather in South Carolina, I hope that you are safe and dry and stay that way.
“Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?”
Sojourner Truth said this in 1851, when no women at all worked because no airconditioning in the cotton fields…
I work in a mid-sized company in the UK, in a new (post 2000) office building. There’s AC that I only notice by its absence: when leaving the building on a warm summer evening, or when I have to come in at the weekends when it’s turned off. But there are enough employees who don’t ‘get’ AC that a few will open the windows anyway.
I’m also from Yorkshire (technically Humberside) originally, now living further south, but I’m not convinced the regional variance is that much.
If I recall correctly, nwoslave abruptly disappeared after Obama was re-elected in 2012. I think it broke him.
Those were the days. When trolls were entertaining and creative. Nwoslave is the originator of the idea that women cry in the street for money, I believe.
Sounds VERY familiar.
*hears the words “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” and “we died in burning buildings and were gassed in the trenches”*
Yep! I know those words didn’t come from that dude, but still. Oh, how it rings so identical.
I can’t be angry at this. The “WE WANT TO PIGGYBACK OFF OF THINGS OUR ANCESTORS DID!” stuff is just so… so comical.
But as David’s other article today shows, a little boy had better not wear a T-shirt that says “Surf,” unless he’s an actual surfer. Otherwise, his kindly grandpa will curse a blue streak at him.
I do believe you are correct on both counts.
He just up and never came back.
@megpie How could you, brave men probably DIED inventing the washing machine for those selfish, selfish women! I hear inventing is a very dangerous profession.
Sorry for my late reply and sorry I’m really bad at explaining I was wondering if it was bad to share pics of women who have worked and who are working now in harsh conditions to use against NWOslave like how MRAs and other anti feminists use male workers, etc as counter arguments against women and feminists but I see its really not the same because the pics of women are shared to show how yes women did and still are working in harsh conditions see how awesome they are? And MRAs and antifeminists use men to shut up women and antifeminists about their problems but actually don’t do anything to help those men.
*shut up women and feminists
Interesting article in Salon. I thought the author summed up toxic masculinity well.
My husband and I are good, thanks for asking.
It started raining last Monday night, and the downpour did not stop for a full 7 days. About 10% of the time, we had drizzle. The other 90% was full on, open sky down pour. I have never seen anything like it.
We are in the upstate, though, where the only issue we had was losing power, which only happened to a few people. The low country is getting the run off, though, those guys are suffering. They still have water pouring in, and some of the dams are expected to break. Every day, I am expecting to hear that it’s Katrina down there.
That salon article is a good read.
Did you see some of the comments? Ugh.