A blast from the past!
Look who I found in the comments over on Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield’s site! None other than the 2011 Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave, offering up his unique (and in this case highly air-conditioner-centric) perspective on women’s history.
Brings back memories, huh?
Oh, and here are some photos I found of women in the pre-air-conditioner era sitting around at home eating bon bons while their husbands were at work. Bunch of lazy broads, if you ask me!
@ sn0rkmaiden
Ha, they are daft. Everyone knows The Flintstones is only a reference about stuff from PRE-history.
My office is air-conditioned, but my home is not, so I guess that’s why I’m working right now and my boyfriend isn’t. I’m forcing him to sit in our terrible home and invent new bon bon machines as I spend my days flapping my arms around in my cubicle and accusing male colleagues of sexual harassment.
It’s ok for individual women to talk about their personal experiences and include female inventers, etc I just think not only we should bring up women and girls who worked very hard in very harsh conditions against NWOslave but because one he’s a male supremist so whatever we say isn’t going to change him and two he and others could just look them up themselves and stop being lazy and ignorant.
it just reminds me of the times the MRAs would bring up male workers, etc in their memes to be used against women and feminists that they should check their “female privileges”.
I don’t know I’m also speaking to myself too. If any of this makes sense.
Alan Robertshaw :
There is some assistance for those that need it here, too, both summer and winter. It’s not much, either.
My husband and I are both from the northeast US, and I much prefer heat. But some do think that 65 inside is just great, like Katz said, and I hate that. Grocery stores are the worst, I almost need a winter coat in there all year.
The book: remember the part about dogs? I LOVED that. It makes so much sense, that dogs react to our intuitions. I still think that my dogs may actually be smarter than me, in some instances. 🙂
*I just think not only we shouldn’t
Ditto for here in northern Australia. I finally caved and threw my savings at an air con after it broke 48 C/118 F in my bedroom a couple years back. =P
(It was “Only” 42 C/107 F outside, but my room faces the sun.)
I’ll admit, I’m one of those folks being catered to by chilled interiors; I usually start getting uncomfortable around mid-seventies, especially if it’s humid out.
This is another factor in the U.S., Alan–the sheer size of the landmass means we’ve got a more diverse climate than the whole of Europe, pretty much. We get about as cold as your worst, but our hot–both dry and muggy–tends to be considerably worse.
@ Raysa
There’s a quote I like.
“I don’t trust a man who doesn’t like my dog but I trust my dog when she doesn’t like a man”
Oh, and my first thought, before I got distracted by that conversation:
Dear troll wannabes. You drive-by posters, you C&P wankers, you Roosh fanboys and Elam apologists. Look, look at the glory of that post up above, and comprehend that you dwell in the shadow of giants. The trolls of yesteryear were titans compared to you, and your piddling efforts. We get more meat off a single NWOslave post on another site than we do from a dozen threads of you sorry, pathetic pretenders to the throne. Look, look upon him, and know despair.
Lucky us, in Minnesota we get dangerous heat and dangerous cold! Fortunately, there’s a law against turning off the electricity if someone can’t pay the bill during the cold months so people don’t freeze to death.
On A/C being an American thing: I seem to remember a Glenn Beck “screaming-until-red-in-the-face” rant from a while back that went something along the lines of: “If I want my office to be 62 degrees, then I’m going to run my A/C at 62 degrees, because I’m an American goddamnit, and freedom!”
There was a time when not being wasteful, and making prudent, forward-thinking choices, in order to safeguard a better tomorrow, were Republican values. Not anymore.
Yeah, fields and gardens are totally air conditioned and heated. So were early homes and pioneer sod homes and shacks.
What world do these MRAs live in, anyhow? The only way their posts make any sense is if they come from a universe where all this bewildering garbage is true.
Sheesh, 118! We have a few days when we can get a little over 100, and, lots of people here live in metal mobile homes, so I well understand how it can be much hotter inside.
Alan Robertshaw :
I still have a lot of the book to go, but I love that he encourages people, especially women, to listen to our gut instinct. So much of how we react to things, especially things that can be dangerous to us, is not that we think our intuitions are incorrect, but that we must not offend men when our instincts are telling us that they are creepy, dangerous, etc. He throws all of that socialization out the window, and gives good reason for doing it.
How on earth did some men get so delicate? My husband is the nicest, kindest guy I know, but if a woman didn’t want to interact with him for some reason, his feelings wouldn’t be hurt, and he certainly wouldn’t become enraged.
@ Raysa
My summary of all that is
“Don’t die of politeness”
The power company here can and will shut off power to those that can’t/don’t pay. The only exception is if you can pay to go to a doctor and get a note saying that your health is too frail for intense heat/cold.
So, people die here every year, as a result.
Isn’t there an issue with office spaces being airconditioned to temperatures that women often feel are too cold, cause men find those temperatures comfortable? How does airconditioning help women work if it’s making them uncomfortable to prioritise men’s comfort?
But he isn’t here. He was banned years ago. We’re not trying to convince him of anything; we’re posting pictures out of an interest in the topic, and for the edification of everyone else present.
It would be scoring cheap points if we were saying “here are some women working, so shut up about male workplace fatalities” or something like that, but we’re not bringing them up to silence an argument about something else, we’re bringing them up because we’re talking about the history of women in the workplace.
(Not trying to rag on you, I’m just trying to understand what’s the problem here.)
If anyone wants more NWOslave, click on the troll of the year link in the OP to see an early draft of the NWOslave Book of Learnin.
I have an aunt (sadly deceased now) who worked at Sloss Furnace, which was notorious for it’s blazing heat and poor working conditions.She held one of the few jobs for women, which was to stand over the molten steel and scrape the black stuff off the top with rakes. Sloss was a terrible place to work, with large numbers of workplace fatalities. There’s a reason people believe that it’s haunted.
My aunt was tough as nails and suffered no fools. She was also very well dressed and put together, and it was some years before my child self could reconcile that image of her with working in a blazing furnace.
NWOslave has no idea what he is talking about.
Obviously there are a lot of other issues with the post but the historical illiteracy is gross, his education has failed him badly. Just to use a less common example, almost 2000 years ago a woman led the revolt that almost drove the Romans out of Britain. Not the declining late Empire Romans either, early empire within a generation of their peak power Romans.
We have NO RECORD of ancient women ever working!
Oh, I love Boudicca.
You know Mauseleous has the Mausoleum, Hadrian has his wall and Offa has his dyke; but is there anything cooler in archeology than your legacy being the “Boudiccan Destruction Layer”?
@Alan – There’s a reason the American south has experienced a great in-migration since the use of A/C became widespread.
I lived in southern Alabama for a bit…
…”air you can wear” (high heat, very high humidity) from April/May – October/November.
But, still, you do acclimate some. I remebering going to get a jacket when it fell down to 72 on Christmas evening.
Even here (Virginia), July and August often have more 90+ degree days than not. My youngest was born on a day when we hit 107. I joked that she made me go into labor just to get some of that sweet, sweet hospital air conditioning.
But then we dropped down to -5 to -15 some nights over the past few winters, so…the state’s trying to kill us off, I think.
When evaluating NWO’s grasp of history, remember that he also thinks Russian and Spanish use the same alphabet.
I’m from Yorkshire and the definition of absolute zero here is that women will consider putting on tights.