A blast from the past!
Look who I found in the comments over on Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield’s site! None other than the 2011 Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave, offering up his unique (and in this case highly air-conditioner-centric) perspective on women’s history.
Brings back memories, huh?
Oh, and here are some photos I found of women in the pre-air-conditioner era sitting around at home eating bon bons while their husbands were at work. Bunch of lazy broads, if you ask me!
MRAs need to read an actual history book once in a while. Instead of pulling nonsense out of their arses.
And as per usual, we’re only considering eras as far back as the patriarchy goes and NO FURTHER. Because societies totally weren’t egalitarian before then, with women doing just as much work as men, right?
Women have been midwives (aka doctors) since time immortal soooooooo yeah.
Also like… I don’t get it. People’s homes weren’t air conditioned back then either? So why does he think women would let that keep them from working or going to university or whatever?
Aww, I miss him.
It’s no laughing matter. Thousands of men died while inventing air conditioning, secretarial work, and cafeterias.
Nice to see what NWO has been up to! Haha, just kidding, don’t care at all.
“Women weren’t doctors in the past.”
Stifling. Ignorance.
Ah, but of course the MRAs would suck at the humanities, being super STEM He-Men… and that’s why they fall for every dumb evo psych crank ruse. Or something.
Oh well, they still suck the worst at the humanities regardless.
I don’t get Mras they complain we don’t work but then they complain when we do because we’re entering their spaces. They don’t know what they want they just want to find any reason to excuse their hate for women.
Air conditioning wasn’t in homes either so um yeah don’t know what else to say to the delusional arse.
And women suffered and died giving birth and gave up their careers and time to raise us so shut up Nwoslave.
R Cawkwell
“MRAs need to read an actual history book once in a while. Instead of pulling nonsense out of their arses.”
Reading History books are misandry because they were written by men who were hypnotized by the power of boobs and butts, don’t you know women are in control of everything? But somehow men are the superior ones? Don’t question this ‘Man Logic’. /s
ah yes
those comfortable, air-conditioned fields that women all over the world totally don’t work in
that has never been a thing that happened ever
DAE think we should start saying “shut up NWOslave” like we been saying “Shut up Woody”?
He can’t possibly be serious! I mean, if I were to parody stupid MRAs or troll JB’s comment section, I might write something similar.
It’s hard to say anything when you’re laughing this hard, Fruitloopsie. 🙂
Oh, I see, historians under the influence boob hypnotism. I thought it was because they (MRAs) were illiterate prats.
I’m the first person in my family to ever go to a four year college. For centuries, we were farmers, then factory workers, then service industry workers — the men AND the women. We had no SAHM in my family. Everyone was poor, and everyone worked. I’m the first one to have barely crawled out of the working class and into the middle class. People outright ignore class issues when they say crap like this. So glad he doesn’t post here anymore.
Does this idiot not realize that, at least in the West, women dominated healthcare before healthcare practitioners were burned to death? The industry, after that, was largely taken over by male academics.
Obviously not because this person pulls shit out of his ass and claims it’s history I guess.
I’m so tired of people who haven’t done the reading trying to critique anything. If you don’t know the first thing about a subject you can’t fucking critique it. Idiots make my head hurt.
Obviously the vast history of women working outdoors doesn’t count, because there was a breeze! Nature’s AC! Such easy work, that.
What I’m curious about is the apparent enormous death toll associated with central heating. Invention must be the most dangerous profession by far.
And let’s not also ignore the fact that for centuries, many women in this country were literally slaves who absolutely were “working outside of the home.”
So his theory is that women never left the home in the past because these places weren’t air conditioned? Does that mean that he think their homes WERE air conditioned?
I’m pretty sure you’re putting way more thought into this than NWOslave ever did.
And here are some women towing barges up and down the comfortable, air-conditioned banks of the Volga. They appear to be barefoot.

So like most things these people say, it doesn’t make much sense, but i find this to be more so than usual.
If the crap NWOslave just said was true, that would mean women knew about air conditioning and whatnot before it even was invented and waited until it became a reality so they could plot their evil schemes.
Something about the DoF in that picture fucks with my eyes.
I don’t think we should post any more pictures of women working because I feel like using them just to score points.
Out of curiosity, what are some of this troll’s, erm, “highlights” in the past?