A blast from the past!
Look who I found in the comments over on Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield’s site! None other than the 2011 Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave, offering up his unique (and in this case highly air-conditioner-centric) perspective on women’s history.
Brings back memories, huh?
Oh, and here are some photos I found of women in the pre-air-conditioner era sitting around at home eating bon bons while their husbands were at work. Bunch of lazy broads, if you ask me!
@Raysa I didn’t think I would see another South Carolina resident here.Hello! After living for so many years in the south, it was bizarre to move up to a colder climate. I was suddenly in a place where it was not a given that every apartment worth more than $300 a month would have some form of AC. I also had to learn about non-electric heating. It has been quite the culture shock.
You’ll like this TED talk from Hans Rosling then. (I just loooove the ending when he shows us what we get from washing machines that isn’t laundry.) There are also lots of images of women doing laundry without washing machines.
Oh, gods, Meller. The dipshit was strong with that one.
Gee all this time I thought women had been fighting to be ALLOWED in the universities! I have a bone to pick with my lying grandmother.
Also, ever notice you never see men with babies on their backs in field work photos? Old and recent? Even in contemporary workplace women are doing the lions share of childcare even though we work just as much. And we get paid less to boot!
Like we really just sat around until ac was invented, and said “what the hell, I guess I’ll work. As long as it’s comfortable.” Really???
Lol funny because I’ve never liked air conditioning….I was born in August, and I like it hot and humid!! I’d rather work in a building that gets to 140° F inside than a refrigerator. I put on a jacket in 90°+ weather when I walk into Walmart. (I freeze in Walmart. )
Women never worked as doctors? Female midwives? What are those? Women being pushed out of the medical industry almost altogether during the Enlightenment because all midwives and medical practitioners were then required for have university degrees, but women (even those midwives who had shared their knowledge and experience with the Enlightenment developers of modern obstetrics) were not allowed to attend college? What was that?
He forgot all those enslaved women who refused to work in the fields on plantations because it was just too damned hot outside.
(There really are few things I hate more in the online world than a willfully ignorant MRA passing judgment and making pronouncements based solely on an imaginary bullshit reality he pulled out of his ass.)
Those pushy doctors also made childbirth exponentially more dangerous as they would attend a woman at home after having just come from surgery or autopsy without even washing their hands.
Echoing others here, the electric washing machine was definitely the most important labour-saving device introduced in the first half of the 20th century.
If there’s something that keeps astonishing me in this debacle, it is how people like NWOslave do not understand that when it comes to working class and/or poor people, women have always worked hard, their fingers to the bone, just like their men. At home, at fields, in factories, on top of domestic work. And children were not excepted from this work.
Everywhere. In America, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa.
Being an idle do-nothing is a luxury afforded to those of wealth and upper class, and even there if we go back in time, it is not actual reality as it is a fantasy, a life where in reality you also worked the fields and milked cows, you just had money/resources to hire a bigger pool of people to also do that job for you (so you accumulated more wealth faster) and possibly allowed you to dodge the dirtiest and more dangerous jobs, and in the end of the day you all shared one room in a building (possibly with your horse and best cow) to sleep on a collective bed of hay until next morning.
Bay Area homes almost never need AC. Like Shaenon said, it’s pretty mild around here. There’s, like, a week in June where some of us start thinking really hard about having one, but for the most part it’s just kinda nice.
In information that’s a little more on topic, MRAs seem to be utterly ignorant of the fact that (textile & clothing) sweatshop labor has been predominantly women since the Industrial Revolution; that is when it wasn’t girls. Fabric is stereotypically a women’s domain.
So grateful that air conditioning was invented. I wouldn’t really know what to do with myself at work or at home since it can get really hot in the summers here in the Southwest.
lmao yall salty af tho xD like u cant come up wit any legit rebuttals so u gotta resort to makin lame jokes bout strawmen that u urself invented lol o ye my b strawwymyn ;))
… Can I get a translation from Blithering Moron to English?
SFHC: *squints* Sorry, can’t help you.
When your drive by troll post is completely incomprehensible
I kinda hope you’re being sarcastic, but let me break down some millennial lingo for ya’ll.
So what they’re saying is that this post is made up and that we’re being “angry” over something not real. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, MRA peeps think vaginal secretions take over men, I think this is the least weird and fake thing I could think of them believing in on this website.
I just love that he’s all “you can’t come up with any legitimate rebuttals” in a thread that’s nothing but rebuttals, many of them sourced.
Hmmm…lessee if I can take a stab at it:
I think the troll is accusing us of making this guy up. Sorry to disappoint ya, trolly, but NWOslave is a real live idiot with crackpot theories out the wazoo. Just like you. What a coinkidink!