My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on MGTOW.com was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.
Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.
Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on MGTOW.com.
Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?
This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.
Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:
Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.
Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?
Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?
I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.
If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.
That ‘ATM Machine’ phrase annoys me too.
Also “[time] AM in the morning”.
No. Stop that.
“If you put your PIN number into the ATM machine, you might catch the HIV virus.”
Give credit where it’s due. If they hadn’t been raised in such a sex-negative, purity obsessed, Madonna/whore culture at home, they might not have succumbed so readily to the manurosphere’s crude and limited attractions.
The parents/extended family/school/church have obviously neither taught nor modelled ethics and behaviour based on open respect for women as women rather than mothers-sisters-daughters or equal, honest, affectionate relationships between men and women.
(I’m a bit late with this and I realise someone else might have said something similar – but I’ve got to get other things done and I might not get to read the whole of the thread before I go.)
I have tits! When do I get my free stuff?
I’ve had to work my fingers to the bone for every little thing I have ever had in life!
“At which point, you might as well vote for Jeb Bush.” (“Jeb” is actually “John Ellis Bush”, so “Jeb Bush” is “John Ellis Bush Bush”.)
Kinda like how the “Gob” in Gob Bluth of Arrested Development? Considering that was meant to be an abbreviation of “George Oscar Bluth” – it’s technically “George Oscar Bluth Bluth” when anyone says his full name.
And then there’s the La Brea tar pits…
Torpenhow Hill
(“hillhillhill hill”)
There’s also John Ellis Bush Bush.
Umm, I’m stupid. Should read comments more carefully. Sorry :p
I think I finally figured out what the last one means. It means mig-toes are cranky old coots with no sense of humor, who take everything dead literally, and who probably send little kids screaming away in terror. And then wonder why no woman snaps them up like the faaaaabulous prizes they so totally are!
PS to Fruitloopsie: No worries, I’m totally over it. One of the nice things about being an old lady is that you become Sexually Invisible to all creepers. Also, LOL autocorrect!
Ah, but you forget: Your tits have to be perfect. Like “I may or may not have had plastic surgery that my beta cuck paid for” perfect.
They have to be big, they have to be round, and they can’t sag in the slightest.
Only then can you convince weak-willed men to give you the foretold Things That are Free.
@ Paradoxical Intention
They do realize that naturally large breasts do sag. Don’t they?
Tessa: I think you hit on the grand trifecta of dumb earlier, when you said they’re mad at women not being in certain jobs.
Actually, they’re mad at having to work certain types of jobs, and why can’t women get off their lazy behinds and do them, even though women are completely unqualified to do anything and need to stay in the house alone, with a man who refuses to pay any of the bills to take care of the house or kids becasue use needs to have her own money, which she can only get if she leaves the house and applies for jobs she can’t get becasue she’s not qualified.
Or the shorter version would be: WWHHAAAAAAAA!
“….and Shelters for Homeless women.”
What a bizarrely specific thing to be resentful over.
I think unfortunately, they’d prefer women stay with abusive husbands or fathers rather than escape and stay in a shelter.
My, my, my, the poster about only men being capable of true love is awfully selective. Could they be unaware of Christina Hendricks and her marriage to Geoffrey Arend? Julia Roberts and Danny Moder? Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman? Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth? Any rich, beautiful, and famous actress who married a less attractive, less wealthy, and less successful man?
This is very off-topic, but Christina Hendricks sort of helped me realize I wasn’t straight. Of course, she did this by simply existing, but yeah. She was my proverbial white rabbit down the very confusing hole of sexuality.
So, I’m very grateful to her for that, in a way.
Chai tea. “Tea tea.”
The answer to them is the same answer as to the ones, who wanna “Go Galt”: You wanna go? The fucking go, no-one care.
Shorter MGTOWs: “My extreme hatred of women, quickness to violence and total lack of regard for others clearly can’t possibly be related to my life’s terrible outcome and long string of failed relationships, so it’s CLEARLY a massive conspiracy against MENZ!”
Have we had Mount Fujiama yet?
Glendale, California.
I quite like Star Trek’s “Imperial Klingon Empire”; that’s the best sort of empire.
“Social Justice Warrior Warrior”