artistry men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny the poster revolution has begun

9 More Bizarrely Misogynistic MGTOW Posters That Will Brighten Any Room

Apparently the first step in "going your own way" is to forget everything you ever knew about grammar.
Apparently the first step in “going your own way” is to forget everything you ever knew about grammar.

My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.

Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.


Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on

Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?


This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.




Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:




Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.




Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?




Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?


I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.




If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.






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9 years ago


The manosphere is the single best argument for free university education. Imagine if everyone got to go to solid, not for profit university and were required to take a few courses in sociological fields.

I totally agree.

Plus this: We as a society should absolutely refuse to let kids fail in school. This would require a massive effort and lots of money–but it would be a lot cheaper than a war.

Here’s a partial list of what we’d need:
Free, nutritious meals at school
One-to-one tutors in the school
Social workers in the school
Pay teachers twice what they’re making now
Expand the mission and membership of the PTA
Year-round classes for those who need it
Greatly expanded educational research into why kids fail

The right wing says we can’t afford it. I say that we can’t afford not to do it.

9 years ago

Th young children at Grandpa one is the funniest thing I have seen coming out of the Manosphere – is that really what they want us to think? That grandfathers should be mean and hyper critical to very young children? I have seen sketches where men do that to their kids (Fast Show – Competitive Dad for eg), but that is GENUINE irony. I don’t think the Manosphere does genuine irony.

9 years ago

I’m so glad you guys figured out the last meme. I was staring at it for so long, feeling like I was trying to decipher a code.

Also, that first meme is shining a spotlight on their victim complex.

9 years ago

Back when I used to play a lot of MMOs I pretty much exclusively played female toons. I didn’t get any more free stuff than my male friends. But when *they* played female toons, they got tons of free stuff. Because they flirted and asked for stuff.

Also, I gave out free stuff all the time, especially once I got high enough level that I had more money than I needed. I would ride out to the starting areas and just hand out a pile of stuff I’d just crafted because I knew how much it would help the noobs was way more than what I could get back out of it.

But these guys don’t want to acknowledge any of that. Because we’re freeloaders or something.

Print the Legends
9 years ago

I’m most offended by the use of “ATM Machine.” The M in ATM already stands for “Machine!” It’s redundant!

9 years ago

Thank God everyone is ok, he was arrested and no one in the comments is calling him any ableist terms but I don’t like them blaming the parents he should take all responsibility not some of it.

9 years ago

It just occurred to me that it the top poster they didn’t even bother to list poor women. It’s as if they want to pretend poor women don’t exist.

9 years ago

Poor women don’t exist! All women get rich off of either their husbands or from collecting welfare, or they get that sweet rape victim money we keep hearing about. If all else fails, there’s super luxurious homeless shelters for wimminz only. I thought everyone knew that!

9 years ago

@guest, et al – Frontline did a piece on the bacha bazi (sp?) boys a bit back:

This seems to be it on Vimeo if you don’t have access to PBS:

9 years ago

Ugh, I saw the Arizona shooting. I fear for our near future.


You seem to have (fortunately) missed them. There’s one person calling him a “crazed psychopath” and another declaring he should be institutionalized. 🙁

Much more amusingly, at least, is some idiot blaming “PC culture”. Seriously.

Justin Bernard
Justin Bernard
9 years ago

These “men” don’t realize that you can sign a nuptial agreement at marriage. And if you have kids.. Kids are expensive to have. That’s the simple fact. Doesn’t matter who gets custody, you’re paying for them!

9 years ago

I can help you out with that last one. There’s a subreddit called youdontsurf. Its deal is to take stock photos and add inane or random text over it, sometimes creating a bizarre story.

It used to be very random for the sake of making you go “whhhaaaaaat?” while laughing at bad stock photos. After a surge in popularity, obviously the content itself not as amusing anymore. More to the point, there is very little in the way of conversation on that sub, so I don’t know that it’s actually linked to any of the manosphere. It certainly wasn’t originally. I’m guessing this one doesn’t actually have anything to do with MGTOW.

Also, first ever comment here! (Been reading for quite a while though.)

9 years ago

They don’t understand that the reason that works out for them is the very reason that they’re able to pull it off: separation of their projected image from their actual selves. If someone creeps on their female character, they’re not the one being creeped on, so it’s less uncomfortable – and if it does get bad enough to get uncomfortable even for the dude behind the mask, they can log off and it won’t stick, because the majority of the psychological grossness gets left on the mask itself. If someone tries to find out more about them irl, they’re going to hit a brick wall because the female identity is a fake one; so they’re not going to get stalked or fear for their physical safety. And because the female personas are modeled in a way specifically designed to get them stuff, they’re not going to run into the backlash an insufficiently feminine or compliant player can receive in the game (or in real life, for that matter). They have this persona on for the express purpose of attracting male attention, so unwanted male attention can’t exist and can’t become a problem.

And on the flipside of that, as noted by happycat (which is awful, and worse, awfully COMMON) is that for real women and girls, the “free stuff” we get for having boobs tends to be unwanted and of a sexist, assaultive nature. Unsolicited attention from men old enough to be our grandfathers! Drinks on “Ladies’ Night” to get us drunk and lure in the boozing rapists! Roofies in case we don’t drink enough to make us pliable for our rapists! Grabs and gropes, pinches and punches and all kinds of dirty talk no one should have to hear! Gosh, just thinking about it makes me feel so…disempowered. And I know that it’s had a deep and lasting effect on how I deal with men, too…I NEVER flirt to get stuff, because there will ALWAYS be a catch.

If these guys could wake up in a female body one morning and spend the rest of the day enduring what I did from the time I was 10 years old (when I first started growing boobs), they’d never make another of those shitty memes again. What a pity there’s no pill we can slip into their drinks to make THAT happen.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

MGTOW …… LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since their inception I don’t know how many years ago, all they’ve done is blog about, youtube about, podcast about……. WOMEN.

I don’t know when they will forget us and just go their own way for cryin’ out loud already!

9 years ago

Darn it..

“If these guys could wake up in a female body one morning and spend the rest of the day enduring what I did from the time I was 10 years old (when I first started growing boobs)..”

Ew I’m sorry you went through that.

9 years ago

I wonder if the poster of the marriage one realizes that he is representing the women with $500 trillion dollars on her. Which, in case you were wondering, is about 5 times the estimated nominal GDP of the entire world. I did not know women had some sort of secret money that exists outside of the world’s economy.

9 years ago

Thank god PETA and animal rights don’t cover men. It would interfere with my business of raising men to be turned into fur coats or sold to be used as medical experiments.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Mizuki | October 9, 2015 at 6:03 pm
I wonder if the poster of the marriage one realizes that he is representing the women with $500 trillion dollars on her. Which, in case you were wondering, is about 5 times the estimated nominal GDP of the entire world. I did not know women had some sort of secret money that exists outside of the world’s economy.

That must be where all that sweet, sweet rape money comes from! And the money I get for being a woman, and the money I get for enslaving men with my ass!

Katie’s secret stash!

9 years ago

I just realized that autocorrect changed Bina to NINA sorry about that.

9 years ago

Clearly an ATM machine is a machine which dispenses ATMs.

9 years ago

I’m going to be totally nit-picking here:

The term “ATM machine” annoys me – because ATM stands for “automatic transaction machine.” Which means that adding another “machine” at the end makes it “automatic transaction machine machine.”

Okay, the nit-pickery is over. 😛

Reminds me of a scene in really awesome if underrated show, Delocated, where the main character tries to pitch a clothing line to a store owner he named after himself – “J.J. Jeans.” The J.J. standing for “Jon’s Jeans.” The store owner rightfully points out how repetitive and he continually tries to justify it, then quickly becoming angry when he is unable to.

9 years ago

Sorry, ATM actually means “automated teller machine.”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I thought it was automatic time machine?