artistry men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny the poster revolution has begun

9 More Bizarrely Misogynistic MGTOW Posters That Will Brighten Any Room

Apparently the first step in "going your own way" is to forget everything you ever knew about grammar.
Apparently the first step in “going your own way” is to forget everything you ever knew about grammar.

My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.

Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.


Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on

Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?


This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.




Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:




Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.




Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?




Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?


I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.




If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.






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9 years ago

I take offense at that first meme. I’d like you to know that I only get away almost every day with what the girls call murder.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(By the way, tell me if that’s too unreadable and I’ll change the font. Trying to stick with the meme theme but Impact doesn’t work well at sizes below “Fucking enormous.”)

9 years ago

From the Salon article linked to above:

But underneath the jokes and the ball-busting is a very real fear of losing their credentials as a man. A study from Washington University found that in marriages where women earn more money than their husbands, the husbands were more likely to experience insomnia, depression, and erectile dysfunction. A simple difference in pay stubs is enough to make their mighty swinging members to curl up and pout.

Who are these strange people? I’m in precisely this situation, but with none of those symptoms. Quite the reverse, in fact: I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy with my life as I’ve been in the last five years, I sleep like the proverbial log and have no complaints in other departments either.

The thing that doesn’t make sense to me is why men would have a problem with my present situation. This is the closest I’ve come to genuine financial security, in that if I don’t personally bring in enough money one month, the bills will still be paid. Thanks to the financial bedrock that my wife provides, I can favour enjoyable and creatively stimulating jobs over necessary ones and occasionally even take on the odd freebie because it might pose an interesting challenge that I haven’t wrestled with before and which might be useful in future paid work. And because I’m the one who works from home, I get to see a lot more of my kids than the average Fathers4Justice campaigner. From my perspective, it’s blissful.

And yet MGTOWs constantly tell me that I’m doing it wrong. In fact, I remember one particularly hilarious example who assured me that my marriage would certainly be over by the end of the year – but as the year was 2011, he’d clearly attended the same prediction school as that group that said that the Apocalypse would be upon us a couple of days ago.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@bvh, jfwlucy, Argenti:
The correct answer is indeed ‘all of the above.’

Greece of the 3rd century was a place where the love between men was celebrated and seen as perfectly natural, because girls are icky. (At least, celebrated by the men. We don’t know how the women felt about it. Possibly relief.)

In 8th-century France, there was a serious academic argument that consumed the learned (read: monastic) community as to whether women had souls or not; and if they lacked souls whether it was possible for them to love God.

British travellers in 19th century Afghanistan recorded that respectable men would have young boys as sex slaves, since sleeping with women for reasons other than reproduction was seen as weak and unmanly.

In 21st century America, people produced the above images. Nobody knows what their rationale for it was.

9 years ago


Perfect! Can I steal that? I’ve tried to make that point so many times, but that image is more clear and succinct.

9 years ago

This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.

False Flag! The creator was utterly ashamed of it, and posted it with someone else’s name! No true MGTOW!

Also: “ATM Machine”. A common enough mistake, but here it’s one more useless word, as if there wasn’t enough text to read already.

9 years ago


Yeah, but “AT Machine” sounds like something out of Neon Genesis Evangelion… which is not really a bad thing, of course.


Who knows what women in ancient Greece thought? The evidence seems to suggest that much of male disgust for women during sex came from women enjoying the act too much (see the legend about the bet between Zeus and Hera, resolved by gender-switching prophet, that sex was more pleasurable for women than for men). There are pieces of pottery showing symposia where the man is literally yelling at the flute girl, hired for sex, to hold still and be quiet. “Doggy style” was reportedly preferred for similar reasons: minimal intimacy and pleasure for the woman, so as not to distract the man from his boner.

Then again, it was considered inappropriate for a woman in the fifth-century Athens to leave her home, except on feast days. Even with roughly a hundred feast days on the calendar, that’s a lot of sitting at home doing nothing. Who can blame them for trying to find enjoyment wherever they could?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thank you for that, Ben. I learned something.

9 years ago

I believe their habit of insulting women with reference to sexual diseases is just a variation of ‘Eww! you’ve got cooties!!’

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

If eleven workmen walk into a diner, of course eleven men are going to leave the dinner; what did you want them to stay there forever

Maybe it’s an eat-all-you-can-for-$10 buffet?

PETA is a joke. They euthanize most of the animals in their care

PETA is the one “animal rights” organization everyone knows about, and usually the only one known to people who don’t care about animal rights. All that advertisement money has to pay for something.

9 years ago

Black men are only included because of their maleness, and since WOC don’t ever seem to exist in the world of MGTOW, we’re just supposed to see society as a simplified “men vs. white, able-bodied, thin, conventionally attractive, college educated straight cis feeeemales” dichotomy.

Considering white people in general tend to view their race as some kind of genetic default setting, it isn’t surprising non-white individuals (including proponents and allies) are often little more than rhetorical ammunition.

They’re incapable of comprehending complexity yet have enough hubris to proclaim themselves to be “more consistent” or “objective” than everyone else. They come off as incredibly moronic but nonetheless pretentious enough to try exuding a false sense of sophistication. They seem to think throwing “big words” around somehow improves their argument, though their use – even the way they personally define it – is often erroneous. They’ll argue that a door isn’t a door, if admitting something is a door to an opponent means they might (*GASP!*) be wrong.

It’s gotten less and less amusing to deal with all that, hearing the same arguments from disparate people, when they also demand that you validate the notion they are the most individualistic individual ever. Because apparently individualism is about innumerable people all acting and sounding alike these days…

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
9 years ago

Digging that tl;dr red text.

9 years ago

In the first one, is the “all the rights, but none of the responsibility” bit they always seem to bring up about the draft only? Or do they mean other responsibilities? If they mean others, what are they?

happy cat
happy cat
9 years ago

Maybe this is going to be triggering (mention of sexual violence and school bullying). So maybe you shouldn’t read this.

The “I have tits give me free stuff” one really upsets me. I was a shy kid, I was bullied at my private school and when the boys noticed I could fill a bra, they punched me in that area every day. It made them laugh a lot. So yeah, I had tits and I got free stuff: free abuse, tears and trauma.

Yeah, I know all guys are not like that and a lot of boys get bullied too. I’m still traumatized.

Have a great day.

9 years ago

Gurren Xero,
Who pray tell, are these MGTOW who don’t spend all their time hating and obsessing about women? There are certainly happily single men who aren’t like that, but they don’t call themselves MGTOW. The whole point of the movement is “I’m going to be single because women are so terrible! They’re sluts who won’t have sex with me! They aren’t fit for work outside the home, but they also shouldn’t depend on men financially!”

9 years ago

This “women have STDs” trope is interesting. Beyond the playground “girls have cooties”, where do they suppose women get them from?

Faintly reminiscent of the Contagious Diseases Act and the “Lock Hospitals”.

9 years ago

I gotta say, the third and fourth are way better than what you usually put up. Decent images, text that vaguely fits the image, no major errors, legible font, … Hateful as fuck, but from a graphic design standpoint it gets all the way up a solid mediocrity. The rest make my eyes bleed.

9 years ago

The “give me free stuff” is so backwards… It’s the anti-logical (or mgtow-logical) translation of “here’s free stuff now show me your tits”, which of course would show nothing was for free in the first place.

I hate this myth of women getting advantages for being sexualized. It’s the handy resource for abusers and abuse enablers to not only shift the blame, but the whole focus of the conversation.

It’s useful to avoid discussing how sexualization affects women as a group by concentrating exclusively in how it impacts a certain group of women in isolated, specific situations.

And of course it helps see sexual harassment in the workplace as “women getting an advantage”, despite the most obvious fact that women getting harassed hardly ever get promoted or pay rises, in fact it usually is even more difficult for them, both because of the abuse, and because harassers don’t actually think highly or even professionally of the women they harass.

Finally, it’s stupider than stupidest to to think something is for free when you actually need to have tits in exchange for it. (of course they’ll rationalize “tits” as a mere anatomical accident, rather than a marker of sexualized gender assignment, because obviously bewbs are magic, no matter what)

9 years ago

I assume the VD thing is a weird form of slut-shaming.

Obviously all women can have sex whenever they want, in all societies, therefore all women constantly have unprotected sex with random strangers. Except the MGTOW guys and all the “incels” who are really such nice guys. Not them. Just everyone else.

It’s so paranoid and strange and filled with shuddering body horror that I find it fascinating.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Sure! That’s what I make these things for. ^^;

Dani (@Dani3po)
9 years ago

Wait, did Jessica Alba got away with murder? I didn´t know that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I feel exactly like the grandpa whenever manospherians start going on and on about Inventions and Architecture and Nation-Building and Civilization and Male Superiority. They’re wearing the t-shirt, but they haven’t actually been there and done that.

For all of their finger-wagging about the apex fallacy and how it proves male privilege doesn’t exist, they sure do love to trot the apex fallacy out when it comes to male accomplishments. Men are superior because inventions, therefore it’s right that they have all the privileges, except that only millionaire white cishet politicians have any real privileges while average men are paid slaves, so male privilege doesn’t exist. Poof! Voila. Now stop talking about it, but continue behaving as if it’s real.

9 years ago

This has nothing to do with anything except that someone mentioned Heartiste, and I was thinking that his former name is almost certainly to do with The Story of O. I looked up Roissy and found that it’s a region in France with basically no other significance but being the setting of O, so I think I’m right. (Don’t know if this is super old news, I can’t remember seeing it discussed.) O is often cited as like, a better alternative to 50 Shades of Grey. But it gave me nightmares. And in the context of Heartiste it really ramps up the skin crawl factor.

9 years ago

I have 2 theories as to why the image from “Girls” was chosen for that one meme
1. It features women doing their own shit and making their own choices. It also shows a non-supermodel being naked and that is just terrible don’tchaknow. I imagine MRAs in general hate that show with a burning passion.
2. They just googled “girls” and took the first picture they saw. Doesn’t seem like anyone put too much time or thought into these things.

9 years ago

I’m used to casual racism and misogyny, so I wasn’t too surprised to see women and girls get almost all the good spots on “Priorities” poster. But putting middle-class men below prisoners? If they remotely believed this to be true, they’d go out, rob a bank for $2000, and wait for the cops to arrive. Hell, I actually read a news story about a homeless guy who did just that. It’s an instant way to tell the poster is full of shit, even when viewing the world through their super-special MRA goggles.