My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on MGTOW.com was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.
Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.
Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on MGTOW.com.
Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?
This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.
Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:
Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.
Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?
Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?
I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.
If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.
“All of the above, obviously.”
Pretty sure it’s that one, though that exact wording sounds like one of the classic Greek philosophers.
“2) There’s no telling if the picture has any feminist motivation. In fact, to gauge how “offensive” it is, I’d only accept the opinion of a construction worker”
I was gonna offer to go ask my brother, but he’d just say that the whole thing is stupid. I suspect “who cares?” would be the best I’d get. I can say that my sample size of one construction worker doesn’t give a shit about the decor, location, size of the place, etc, just whether the food’s any damned good. And he’s worked under conditions in the “don’t tell mom, she’ll freak” category (and once with OHSA all “get off the damned roof y’all will freeze to death up here”)
“Women always marry up”
I’m confused. My Mom’s a doctor and made more money then my Dad. When they divorced she paid him child support. But that’s impossible because women only marry men to live off their money. So my parents can’t have gotten together.
Oh My God… I must not exist. I must just be a figment of my imagination. It’s the only logical explanation.
Why are these guys so OBSESSED with women all having multiple venereal diseases? It’s this weird hanging thread in all the literature and it perplexes me.
If women always marry up, then what about women who don’t marry at all? Or marry other women? Is that in their dynamic.
It’s always interesting to me, how these memes are never completely free of racism. The only person of color depicted in the first meme is a black man, next to the word poor. I guess rich men of color (and there are not an insignificant number of them in the world) aren’t in their little database. Are those betas or alphas, btw?
You know what I like about black men who hate women? They are just refreshingly honest and direct about hating them and why. (“I hate them bitches cuz when I was poor they wouldn’t give me the time of day. Now that I’m a rich rapper they wanna get all up in my stuff. F*** ’em!”)
They don’t seem to go through the crafting of these elaborately baroque philosophies about why, either. Or at least not in the same way.
@ChildOfMedia: “Those grapes were totally sour! And moldy too, I bet! With spiders laying eggs in them, ew!”
“I guess rich men of color (and there are not an insignificant number of them in the world) aren’t in their little database. Are those betas or alphas, btw?”
Alpha. If they are Black/African descent. Lower Alpha/Upper Beta if they are Latino. Beta and/or Omega if they are East Asian, Indian, etc.
Don’t know if you’ve heard of Heartiste/Roissy (if you haven’t, don’t google!) but he’s one of the long standing gods of the Manosphere and he says black guys are alpha, no matter what.
They’re saying they have fewer rights than PRISONERS AND ANIMALS now? Prisoners who are literally people who have literally had their freedom taken away and frequently encounter abuse. Animals, who are legally treated as PROPERTY and are used in medical/cosmetic testing and ARE EATEN ON A REGULAR BASIS. As oppressed as these guys think they are, I doubt anyone will be cooking them in a meat pie anytime soon.
(And PETA is a joke. They euthanize most of the animals in their care).
i did not proof read that last post. my bad
Honestly the last one actually made me chuckle. I especially like how the old man who they use to represent themselves is a total asshole.
I especially like the one that exposes the wishfull thinking behind MGTOW: “I will go my own way and women everythere will realize what they cannot have”. Erm… Yeah, sure, because women will really, really mourn the loss of someone with that mindset. “Go your own way” sounds like a nice philosophy, but the reality is simply that it’s not really about going anywhere or doing something you like – it’s just about daydreaming how much women will want you if you pretend they cannot have you. “.
I am so impressed that people figured out that last meme! Good work, everyone.
Grrr I hate this so much. What do they think happened to women who tried to also get these construction jobs? Do they know how the women in construction are typically still treated today? Don’t they see the stupidity in actively excluding a group from something while simultaneously getting mad that their own group are the only ones who do it?
It might be a bad spotlight on my childhood, but whenever I see PETA the first words to fit it is “People Eat Tasty Animals”.
Then I remember that it’s really “people for the ethical treatment of animals”. Somehow the first seems more honest…
Because nothing says I’m capable of true love like, “There’s the kitchen, and there’s the bedroom”.
Those MGTOWs just love the idea that women are sitting around moping that they’re gone. “Oh woe is us!” we wail. “I did so want to date him but he became a MGTOW! I am doomed to be single FOREVER!”
Forgetting for the moment that MGTOWs are a pathetically miniscule corner of the internet in terms of the general dating population, they are LITERALLY THE LAST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WE WOULD WANT TO DATE. They also have a hard time grasping the idea that, if the alternative is a MGTOW, being single is just fine by us.
I’ve said this before but, honestly, it bears repeating:
It’s like these people live on Bizarro World – privilege is oppression, oppression is privilege, harassment is criticism, criticism is harassment, up is down, and black is white.
That last poster reminds me of Married To The Sea. Only MttS is actually funny.
I love how they’re always going on and on about how women are only worth their youth, beauty and virginity and then try to claim that only men are capable of love.
Did you not read the touching personal story in the, um, poster? He only values women for their looks, but he’s such a generous soul that he’s willing to settle for a mere 9.5 instead of a perfect 10. If that’s not love, what is?
Yet he’s never met a woman who will settle for him. Ergo, women don’t understand love.
A decade ago, I worked flat out while my wife retrained in a medical field that turned out to be massively understaffed. She now earns four or five times what I do, and recently said that if I ever wanted to take six months off work to write a book or whatever, that would be absolutely fine with her. And we’ll have been together for fifteen years next year.
I know she’s supposed to dump me at any moment and run off with some rich guy that she can use as an ATM, but I’m honestly not seeing any sign of this right now. In fact, if anything, she seems very happy with the present setup.
What is her name and serial number? I must report her to the high female authority. She is obviously defective, and needs to be reeducated.
What’s with the randomly capitalized words in these images? If I string them all together, do they tell me to drink Ovaltine?
The next time JudgyBitch starts bloviating about how women are worthless because they study liberal arts instead of STEM (yes, every last one of us), kindly point her to any page of MRA memes and note that one heroic soul with a liberal-arts degree could have saved humanity from this horror.
Urn, that last poster – he does realise that there are 2 workmen sitting happily eating in the diner, right? In his photo. In front of the photoshopped women?
The last one’s also a bit muddled by the use of the word “workmen,” which is headed towards obsolescence these days. Obviously, the better word to use is “workers,” but that wouldn’t emphasize that the workers are men, and “men” might also be acceptable, but that wouldn’t emphasize that these men work hard unlike thieving females, so instead we have a meme with no hook that sounds like it’s out of a Punch and Judy skit from the nineteenth century.
Given that they’ve completely ignored how racial dynamics affect poverty and incarceration rates, I think you may be on to something there.
“See, men are suffering from poverty and police violence!”
“Yes, there is a huge problem with racism in our…”
“Misandry! It’s spelled M I S A N D R Y!”
Black men are only included because of their maleness, and since WOC don’t ever seem to exist in the world of MGTOW, we’re just supposed to see society as a simplified “men vs. white, able-bodied, thin, conventionally attractive, college educated straight cis feeeemales” dichotomy.
And even that they get wrong. Women in general are higher in social hierarchy terms than incredibly wealthy men, like Donald Trump? How do you even come to that conclusion?
Ninja’d while I was making this, but I might as well post it anyway: