My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on MGTOW.com was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.
Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.
Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on MGTOW.com.
Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?
This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.
Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:
Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.
Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?
Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?
I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.
If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.
Is the first image claiming that poor women don’t exist? Apparently, men come in rich, default and poor, while women only come in rich and default.
Uh, so I guess I get that “11 workmen” would be angry at the girls in that picture. And I suppose I can buy that the grandpa is a SJW oppressing a boy…
But what do they have to do with each other? I DON’T GET IT MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING
Also, at least some of these posters are pithy. If you have more than 10 words on your poster/meme you’ve failed.
They think PeTA, the organization that rounds up and murders house pets, is good for animals?
I love how they’re always going on and on about how women are only worth their youth, beauty and virginity and then try to claim that only men are capable of love. Cue the Inigo Montoyga meme, because I don’t think they know what love means.
They being MGTOW. #notallmen.
Wait, isn’t the one about rich men marrying non-supermodels for love saying the exact opposite of what they’re usually saying about women, looks and marriage? I’m confused.
I guess they’d love a charity dedicated to rounding up men and disposing of them. PeTM
Women always marry “UP”? Hmmm. When I met my Mr Bluecat-to-be, he was living in a caravan he had borrowed.
I own my house – though, unfortunately, it is 20 miles from the nearest beach.
I’m doing this woman thang all wrong. But with the man I love.
“Women always marry up.” I wish I’d known that before I became the primary income earner in my relationship. Darn all that education and work. Should’ve just married up.
The way I interpreted the last one is something like “Thanks to women, men are always assumed to be posers” or something like that? Does that make sense to anyone or just me?
Really?!! Saying that on WHTM?! You’re just going to softball it like that? 😛
That last one is the kind of crap that’d get spat out if you tried to tell Siri a “Three men walk into a bar” joke.
Oh, the stupid…the overwhelming stupid…
And that last one is baffling.
1.) Is the grandpa disgruntled and angry because he’s one of those 11 workmen that walked into the cafe and left because those damned SJWs committed sacrilege by creating a picture that feature those feeeemales? And now he’s taking it out on his little grandson? (who is adorable, by the way.)
2.) Or, is grandpa an angry and disgruntled straw-man SJW who makes his living by discouraging little boys (as a straw-man SJW absolutely should, if he or she is to fit into the MGTOW’s narrow scope of reality)?
If it’s choice #1, then I guess there’s some connection–albeit extremely loose–between the first panel and the following ones. If it’s choice #2…yeah, I got nothing for ya there.
RE: the grandpa
It’s a meme I’ve come across before. I think it’s just a meme making fun of a stock photo that this dude straight up C+Ped on to his meme.
How many of these guys are teenagers who’ve never had a serious relationship before?
I get the grandpa meme now! Grandpa is a stand-in for MGTOWs. Grandson is stand-In for evil feeeemales who are claiming to do something (construction) they didn’t do, like the shirt claims he surfed and MGTOW/grandpa is calling bullshit.
Yeah, what a fabulous meme /sarc
on another thread we were discussing Waking Life Espresso’s Jacob Owens and Jarod Rutledge. Appearantly the mother of the young woman he claimed to have raped in the hospital when she was on drugs is planning to press charges!!!!
AA Wils,
neither — the grandpa isn’t part of the story, he’s a reaction shot. Like when we post a gif of Nathan Fillion being confused, and it means “I am as confused as Nathan Fillion.”
The last one means “I and/or 11 workmen am as angry at this picture of 11 women as that grandpa is about this shirt.”
Regarding the above (possible charges brought against one of the “Holistic Game”/Waking Life Espresso guys), you can read about it here;
They have also since denounced the Manosphere. They are blaming the online Manosphere for their horribleness.
“Only men are capable of true love.”
A) Greece, 3rd century BC
B) France, 8th century AD
C) Afghanistan, 19th century AD
D) America, 21st century AD
All of the above, obviously.
In regards to the last meme, well, brooked posted an explanation from the source, but I’ll try to put it in a less pretentious way:
The image of the girls on the rafters was photoshopped to mimic the original picture. The guy who made the “meme” finds it incredibly offensive because none of the girls in question have (probably) done any construction work. He sees this as their “taking credit” for the job of these men or something.
The grandpa telling his son not to wear the shirt is meant to echo the same feeling. “This kid has never surfed; why is he taking the credit for things surfists have done to pretend to be one of them?” So he’s not a “SJW”, he’s actually the good guy(?)
I see a few flaws with this thing because
1) If your meme needs to be explained, it sucks
2) There’s no telling if the picture has any feminist motivation. In fact, to gauge how “offensive” it is, I’d only accept the opinion of a construction worker
3) I’ve met a man who works in construction and he told me he had a colleague (a woman) who died falling off of rafters, so this guy can’t claim that no women ever did construction work
4) If eleven workmen walk into a dinner, of course eleven men are going to leave the dinner; what did you want them to stay there forever as paid slaves or something?
Damn ninjas. They come when you least expect them.
So, that last, one, the photo “Lunch Atop A Skyscraper,” is more-than-reasonably thought to be a staged, promotional picture. Real workers, but set up and taken for publicity purposes. That adds a completely different, hilariously ironic, set of overtones to the idea that women are co-opting men’s achievements, now dunnit? (…I think? I mean, that “meme” is fuck-all *baffling*).
“Advice for the Perplexed”
Do not dine in diners where pictures confuse you,
or doubt and a lack of composure will bruise you.
Your grandson may be twee and cute as a Smurf,
but you’ll be distracted just by the word “surf.”
As when a deer’s caught in a big rig’s bright high-beam,
so it is when women go sit on an I-beam.
Better to dash away into the trees
than transfixed with horror on pavement to freeze.
So if you’d preserve your upright demeanor
and also would ward off those moments most senior,
sidestep those pictures of high-risin’ women
as you would bypass a poisoned persimmon.
Ugh. The “movement” is call Men Going Their Own Way. I hate it when some of them spend all their time complaining about women and reinforcing their victim complexes. Unfortunately, those people are often the most vocal and what people see when the look into MGTOW.