My recent post featuring some of the lovely “posters” I found on MGTOW.com was just the beginning. Here are nine more bizarrely misogynistic MGTOW posters that will brighten any room.
Seriously, they call them posters. I dare any of you to blow some of these images up to poster size and print them out and put them up on your bedroom wall.
Anyway, here are the rest of the “posters.” Click on any of them to see them full size on MGTOW.com.
Apparently women are equivalent to dog shit?
This guy was so proud of his work — amazing job with the speech bubbles, dude! — that he PUT HIS NAME ON IT.
Sitting down in the middle of the street and crying works too, at least according to one famous WHTM troll:
Do you like to read? Well, you’re in luck, because this poster has ALL THE WORDS.
Do you really, really, really like to read? I mean like red-text-on-a-black-background like to read?
Wait, so they’re not going to tell her where the bathroom is, too? These guys really don’t think things through, do they?
I thought these guys hated being called dudebros.
If any of you can figure out what the hell this one is trying to say, other than “grandpa is kind of a dick,” let me know.
Christina Hendricks is indeed very awesome, and I’m glad that she could help you out. 🙂
And in this case, she’s a great example of a very beautiful, successful woman pursuing a man who is much less conventionally attractive than she is and is less wealthy and successful than she is because he (presumably) “has great personality, trust and a strong bond” and “was willing to break free from her shallow animalistic nature to seek true love.” Yeah, you get plenty of celebrity power couples, and you also get plenty of millionaire men who marry younger, more conventionally attractive women (although we don’t know what goes on between them and if they’re marrying those women just for their looks). That meme is just so annoyingly choosy.
They think guys in prison are better off than guys working in construction because they get “three squares and a roof”-really?
@ Everyone : Of course you weren’t aware Jessica Alba got away with murder, that’s why she’s still at large! Talk about the perfect crime…
The funniest thing about this “men pay the most taxes” argument is that men pay more taxes in the aggregate because men as a whole make more money. But wait…don’t they also claim there is no pay gap?
I wish someone could explain this to me.
How is it even possible for all women to ‘marry up’ when marrying up means you achieve a ‘better’ match than would be expected given your circumstances. They are basically saying the average woman scores above average in the marriage stakes. So much for men being ‘more logical’.
Have we had Mount Fujiama yet?
It’s Fujisan, not Fujiyama. Common noob error. [/pedant]
Though given that the -san is spelled with the character for mountain (despite the normal pronunciation being “yama”), if anyone said “Mount Fujisan” it would still be redundant. Also speaking of Japanese, my local Asian grocery store holds a yearly Natsu Matsuri Festival (summer festival festival). And Torpenhow Hill being “hill” four times is exaggerated; it actually means hilltop hill hill.
There’s a whole page of Wikipedia Devoted to redundant place names.
An antropologist friend of mine says that, along with the tautological place names (“hey, what’s that?” “Uh, that’s a [local word for any hill]” “ah, so that’s [local word] hill.” ) there are an embarrassingly large number of geographical features whose names are dirty jokes in the local language.
“So what’s that?”
“Uhh… *snickering* That’s Lake WordForBoobs.”
The word thrown about when men call women and feminists out on their shit. Of course women criticising men is NEVER misandry.
What shit? Are one of those posters somehow not misogynistic? Please elaborate.
From an honest point of view, all thoses posters are at best deluded and out of touch with reality, at worse hateful political tracts. Saying they are misogyne is a simple observation.
Little Chris Horner
Trolled in the corner
Bawling his male tears dry…
See… the nice thing about this pecking order is that MRA’s can easily graduate to the status of prisoner. Just keep it up, eventually the ‘Tea Party’ state will offer you 3 squares and a cot in a private prison operated by the “free market.” I look forward to each of them personally experiencing the benefits of their Libertarian utopia.
@ binjabreel
Doesn’t kangaroo actually mean “I don’t know” or is that a myth?
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | October 13, 2015 at 10:43 am
“Little Chris Horner
Trolled in the corner
Bawling his male tears dry”
Saying that misogyny is a lie
But what about misandry?
What about me?
Hyprocritcal Chris Horner
Cried in a corner
For 1 hour
Whining “me me and misandry!”
I’m not good at misandry/male tears poems but I tried.
Alan — according to QI it’s a myth. In one language it meant what it does in English, when the explorers asked another group about kangaroos then the idk confusion started since they spoke a different language with, I assume, it’s own word for the hopping animal.
Also, you get QI, fucker. I have to grab it on YouTube before they take it down 🙁
@ Argenti
I don’t have a TV so I too am reduced to catching QI on the net.
Speaking of which, have you heard Sandi Toksvig is taking over as host? Don’t know if you know her. She used to host the news quiz on Radio 4 and is generally wonderful.
Shame about the kangaroo thing though.
I’m super sad that Stephen Fry is leaving QI, but Sandi is a great replacement. I think she’ll do a really good job.
What Katz said 🙁
It won’t be the same without Fry mocking Alan Davies.
I really need to get in on all this sweet money from the mere fact I am a woman.
@Snowberry I really curious of what the point is of having Matsuri if you are just going to call it festival for all the non-Japanese speakers anyways. Maybe it is a ploy by the Japanese so they can smile at all the silly people being redundant. Or they are too nice to correct it.
Why are the mgtow claiming that jessica alba committed murder and got away with it?
I don’t get the last one 🙁