a voice for men drama drama kings gross incompetence MRA paul elam

Drama! Another A Voice for Men staffer jumps overboard amid mutual recriminations

Paddle, paddle, paddle
Paddle, paddle, paddle

Another rat has deserted the sinking ship that is A Voice for Men.

Attila Vinczer, the site’s former “Activity Director,” has now joined the swelling ranks of former allies on the outs with AVFM cult leader Paul Elam.

The last couple of departures from AVFM – Dean Esmay, the site’s former “managing editor,” and Dan Perrins, the skinny Canadian with the giant beard – left the Cult of Elam without much in the way of public explanation.

Vinczer, a more melodramatic sort than even those two, announced his departure by sending “every MRA I know” a bitter 8-page “Dear Paul” letter full of accusations and invective and enough self-pity to fill a conference hall. “I am no longer willing to remain silent,” he wrote,

particularly with the incredulously wanton threats made against me, by those who at a time, I thought were my friends and allies.

Incredulously? Incredulously. Vinczer has a fondness for using long words he doesn’t actually know how to use.

I have been accused of being a cheat, a liar, a thief, a con artist, dishonest in addition to being called a scum bag and coerced into doing things I was unable to do. Moreover, I have been threatened by a number of people to be publicly shamed, humiliated and thus excommunicated from the MRM for ever. This added stress has had a profoundly negative effect on my health, which deeply cruel, after I made it clear, that I was not well back in April.

Oh, he’s not done yet.

To call me a con artist and to embark on a path to knowingly, and willingly cause me, my family and particularly my children harm by cyber attacking me is criminally malicious. Those who still think I am a liar and dishonest should know, everything I have said, remarked and my entire interaction with AVFM has been digitally recorded. In my defence, I will not hesitate to make that public should the need arise to do so. Remember before you hit the publish button, in a battle both parties are injured.

That last bit, presumably aimed at Elam, backfired. Elam “hit the publish button” on a post attacking Vinczer on Sunday. “Boy, did you ever pick the wrong person to threaten,” Elam wrote.

I am itching to hit the publish button, complete with my opinion that my experience with you has left me with the certainty that you are a liar, a con artist and a dishonest scoundrel that has ripped off people over three countries and two continents.

Our risk mitigation is simple. Let you ride out of here on your exposed ass and make sure that your letter and this, the official AVFM response stays on the record. Protect other advocates from your thievery. Let you sit and rot in the filth of your own creation and never have anything to do with you again.

Yep, this is turning into one of the messiest MRA D-I-V-O-R-C-E-S I’ve ever seen; luckily for Elam, he’s got plenty of experience with divorce to fall back on,

So what drove these former allies into this online pissing match? Money money money.

Vinczer is accusing Elam of leaving him to hold the bag after a financially disastrous fundraising effort and an apparently even more financially disastrous series of Domestic Violence conferences.

Elam is accusing Vinczer of leaving behind “dozens of broken promises [and] unpaid bills,” as well as

manipulating people into covering your expenses knowing full well that if you did not make the money back that you could not reimburse.

So who’s in the wrong here? As far as I can tell from the admittedly self-serving stories of Vinczer and Elam, they both are.

Vinczer’s story seems to be a mixture of hubris and incompetence.

His attempt to raise money for AVFM by selling ridiculous-looking “commemorative coins” was evidently a giant bust; after borrowing $3400 from current AVFM “Chief Security Officer” Al Martin to cover the cost of silver for 100 coins, Vinczer explains that he was only able to sell 23 of them.

Vinczer’s  2015 TorontoDV Symposium was apparently an even bigger disaster. Vinczer flew an assortment of AVFM-friendly domestic violence experts from around the world to speak to a mostly empty room; Elam, who attended at least part of the Symposium, says there were only 8 or so in attendance, and it’s not clear how many of them actually bought $120 tickets for the event.

According to Elam, many of the “experts” and AVFMers who attended the event were stuck paying their own expenses instead of having them reimbursed.

But Elam and his pals are no angels themselves. If Vinczer’s account of their behavior is accurate, Elam and at least one of the “experts” brought to the event made diva-ish demands that drastically increased the expenses they expected Vinczer to reimburse. As Vinczer tells it,

Dr. Tanveer Ahmed agreed to be the keynote speaker at the 2015 TorontoDV Symposium. I secured his flight at a cost of $1,500.00, economy fair. He asked me if he could book the flight on Qantas where he enjoys certain perks for frequent flying.


This elevated the cost to $3,500.00, but I felt his presence would easily draw a sound audience covering the added cost.

No such luck.

This was a gross error as his presence did not sell a single ticket nor did the MSM publish any of his articles. The cost of his hotel bill was at $600.00. I picked him up at the airport on Thursday and dropped him off at the hotel. He got himself checked in. I had planned to pay him $3,500 on Friday and the $600.00 hotel bill. Tanveer has been paid $3,600.00. There has been some banking issue with my recent $3,000.00 payment that will be cleared up. Given his actual threats against me, I have been forced to deal with him in manner that will protect me against harm. More importantly the harm it would inflict against my children.

I’m not even going to guess how exactly Vinczer thinks his financial dispute with Ahmed might inflict harm on his kids.

Meanwhile, Elam insisted on his own travel upgrade:

The cost of flying Paul Elam to Toronto was $800.00, but he asked me to fly him business class as he does not do well in small seating due to his frame. The only option next to economy is firstclass on domestic continental flights between Toronto and Houston. The cost of that ticket was instead $1,378.26.

And Elam apparently also refused to share a hotel room with his unpaid “managing editor” Dean Esmay.

I also asked Dean, Suzy and Paul if Paul and Dean could share a room to save on costs. It turned out that Paul got his own room while Dean and Suzy shared a room.

Vinczer, ever the optimist, had hoped that “ticket sales would ignite once we announced Paul would be speaking at Ryerson.” Nope.

Not only that, but Elam and his unpaid “staffers” ultimately skipped out of the event early.

Saturday morning I woke up after falling asleep in my chair the night before. I felt well enough to head down to the Saturday venue and press on with the event. I had the cash in my pocket ready to give it to Suzy. However to my further shock, I was informed by third party that Paul, Suzy and Dean had left Toronto. I called the hotel and they told me they had checked out and they used the credit of Paul’s room to cover what was owing on Suzy and Dean’s room. I managed to have hotel staff reach Suzy, but she told me I should not speak with Paul and did not explain exactly why. Nobody bothered to offer any help instead drove to Detroit incurring a $300.00 cost to change flight from Toronto to Detroit.

Though Elam claims that Vinczer’s letter is “basically full of lies and poor me victim chanting,” he acknowledges that he left the event early, writing that

sitting around in a hotel with a group of people who are wondering if it is actually, really paid for, and who are making the same stack of complaints as the last people unfortunate enough to do business with Attila Vinczer will make that happen. Indeed, I made a decision to leave and urged Dean and Suze to come with me. That choice was actually a second best to what I should have done, which was decide not to come in the first place.

That raises a bit of a question: why did Elam (and his cronies) agree to go to the event when it was clear that almost no tickets had been sold? Why didn’t they try to convince Vinczer to just cancel the event? And why didn’t they try to stop Vinczer from embarking on the folly that was the commemorative coin fundraiser?

Ah well, it’s a bit too late for all that. Vinczer is now on the outs with Elam, and, as Elam put it in a comment to his own post “my wallet tells me he will not be missed.”

Vinczer, for his part, has declared that

I will never return to the MRM or the cult that has without thought or consideration thrown me under the wheels of the bus.

My not-so-bold prediction is that he will not be the last to abandon the Cult of Elam.


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9 years ago

It’s wrong to giggle at such sad broken failures of people. But I can’t help myself. It’s too incredulously wanton.

9 years ago

I don’t even understand why Atilla is paying for things and reimbursing people at all, shouldn’t this be coming out of AVFM’s funds in the first place?

I find it so weird that they expect to be treated like royalty and have their expenses paid for. Isn’t this supposed to be your cause, you know fighting for men and boys or whatever? I mean even if you made the argument that you need the money to cover your expenses so you can support the cause, I think unnecessarily upping the costs kind of exposes how much you actually care about the cause rather than putting that money towards something useful.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Of MRA-ish folks and malapropisms:

When I was working at a summer camp, one of the junior counsellors (a 17-year-old boy) called a teenage a camper “slut” during a staff meeting. The director rightly called him out for it, but instead of saying that it was really creepy and inappropriate to talk about a camper that way, he just told the guy to express himself differently.

“I just meant,” the counsellor said, “that she is a young lady of uncertain moral turpitude.”

(Incredulously wanton uncertain moral turpitude, I’m sure.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

Okay, so I’m not without error: e.g., I see a misplaced “a” in the post above. And, speaking of malapropisms, I used the word “remiss” the wrong way yesterday (I thought it meant “out of place” rather than “neglecting something”) but MRAs seem to use big words without even CARING about their meaning. Has anyone else noticed this?

9 years ago

If laughing at this MRA s***storm is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

Dan Perrins is out, too?!?!? Wow. Outcasts Attila, Dan, John Hembling, and Diana Davis are all Canadians. Now they’ll have more time to stir shit up here in Canada. On the bright side, maybe Elam will stay on his side of the border from now on.

Many of the comments on Paul Elam’s rebuttal article express sadness over Attila’s departure. He worked hard; I’ll give him that.

gabrielletpatterson | October 7, 2015 at 7:02 pm
This guy has kids?

Two boys, I believe. It’s not a good situation.

9 years ago

A book I’m reading used “two scorpions in a bottle” as a metaphor for a fight in which neither combatant actually wins. I have a new appreciation for that image.

It’s hard to keep a cult of personality going when all the personalities involved are toxic.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

At least they aren’t girls? Better odds of boys growing up to not be assholes than girls he’s spent their entire lives telling are useless, etc, growing up healthy? One can hope??

“I don’t even understand why Atilla is paying for things and reimbursing people at all, shouldn’t this be coming out of AVFM’s funds in the first place?”

Yes. Even if the hope was to make up the cost in attendance, the initial output should come from the group’s funds. And if they can’t sort that out? Fuck if I know. But Elam, AVFM head, expecting to be paid to attend an AVFM event? That… I was gonna say reeks of bullshit, but really, what it reeks of is fraud.

People donate to AVFM, let’s take that as a given despite the logical issue, Elam pockets all of it, doling it out “as he sees fit”, doesn’t pay his staffers but rather expects them to pay for AVFM events (technically fine I guess, fishy, but not too much if he was transparent about it), and then expects them to pay him to show up?! Either they need a contracts lawyer, or someone who’s donated expecting the money to be used for paying staff and such should sue, I’d wager on the later.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Alan, you around? I spent a year working reception for a litigator, but that’s the limit to my legal knowledge, I assume to have standing to sue for fraud you’d have to have donated money (or time I guess?) with a reasonable expectation it be used for a thing, when the person/group it went to knowingly lied to obtain the money? So Elam’s “everyone knows I use it as I see fit” covers his ass?

9 years ago

Lolololll!! Paulie said “con artist” without being self-referential!!

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

Also, how the hell did these people manage to talk at Ryerson? I’d have thought U of T would be more appropriate since U of T has an MRA group and has had for years now. Ryerson is almost as left-leaning as York.

Renting a room or other venue space on a university campus is fairly easy, especially if you or your subject matter isn’t very controversial. Given the low media and political profile of AVfM, I doubt any red flags went up for the meeting room coordinator when she booked Elam & The Gang for their little symposium on domestic violence.

9 years ago

These guys are in full-on eat their own mode. It’s delightful.

I wouldn’t be willing to a share a room with Dean either though. I bet his hair gets everywhere. I leave enough of my hair laying around as is.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

It’s downright weird that Paul insisted on his own hotel room, leaving Dean and Suzanne to stay together even though Dean is a married man.

@Argenti Aertheri

One boy has been in trouble at school a couple of times for assaulting another boy and for inappropriately kissing (I think?) a girl. He was around 12 at the time. Attila was highly indignant about these obvious lies *cough* and tried to sue everyone and their dog who were involved. At one point he mentioned having 25 lolsuits on the go! No wonder money was tight. 😛

9 years ago

A book I’m reading used “two scorpions in a bottle” as a metaphor for a fight in which neither combatant actually wins.

Are you reading The Scorpion Rules?

9 years ago

@Auntie Alias

It’s downright weird that Paul insisted on his own hotel room, leaving Dean and Suzanne to stay together even though Dean is a married man.

To me, the situation is weird no matter what either person’s marital status is.

On the other hand, I know of an organization that (to save money) assigned two conference organizers–one male and one female–to the same hotel room. I thought that was completely weird and could lead to all sorts of problems.

Has anyone else ever heard of this practice? (I’m not talking about a situation in which a woman and a man request the same room; I’m talking about an organization assigning the same room to both a woman and a man.)

9 years ago

When I read that post of Vinczer’s, one phrase kept playing over and over again in my mind.

“I can’t write for shit and I know it, but I wouldn’t be caught dead mutilating something that is ostensibly my native language like this”

9 years ago

And, I admit, I imagine Deano eating a lot of Mexican take-out and being farty.

9 years ago

Which may be why he changed from pants to shorts at that event.

9 years ago

Well, this shitstorm certainly couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people.

9 years ago

Makes sense they’d cut loose their Activity Director, given that, y’know, there’s so little activity.

And while it’s fun to laugh at these guys eating their own – people like me still have to live with the fallout of their toxic doctrine – dealing with an ex who believes this shit and partly is an ex because he tried to live in this fashion.

I have a son. Who spends time with his dad. I don’t know how to counteract this bullshit.

Anyway, I’m having a rough go of it lately. I should laugh at this shit, but I’m not really finding it funny right now.

9 years ago

He’s the Activity Director rather than the Activities Director because they know they’ll never have more than one activity going at a time.

9 years ago

Sorry to hear you’re feeling down, rugbyyogi. I hope the situation improves soon.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

I’m honestly wondering how many more people Paul can afford to alienate, especially if it keeps going like this? Doesn’t he basically fund everything he does through this ever-shrinking group?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Hugs, rugbyyogi. I wish you and your son the very best.

As long as your son has enough exposure to the rest of humanity to develop a people sense, he’ll hopefully be okay. Toxic people do most of their harm when they prey on closeted or overly trusting people. The best disinfectant is, as ever, sunlight.

9 years ago

Really sorry to hear that, it sounds like an awful situation. I don’t think people here are laughing because they fall to recognise the very real damage AVFM and its ilk do. Rather, it’s a chance to enjoy internet drama with no lingering feelings of guilt because the dramatis personæ are entirely unsympathetic.

Of course, even if every single Elam ally deserted him right now, misogyny would not vanish. This is, however, another blow to the self-image of AVFM fans and that’s enough to raise a chuckle for me. I totally understand that you’re in no laughing mood, though.