literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill YouTube

Here’s my segment from The Majority Report yesterday

I talked to The Majority Report’s Matt Binder about Men’s Rightsers, PUAs, MGTOWs, and the rest, as well as about some of the attempts of white supremacists to recruit in the manosphere (and vice versa). Enjoy!

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9 years ago

Obsidian, your presence in the manosphere doesn’t prove the manosphere isn’t racist any more than Janet Bloomfield’s presence proves it misogynistic. We’re judging them by their words, not their demographic make up.

9 years ago

No-one can ever top NWOslave. They may try… but they will fail.

I also love that a ‘good faith’ discussion apparently begins with one side posting a huge string of comments (on a site on which he had previously been banned) and then expecting the other person, who had not agreed to any sort of discussion in the first place, to patiently go through them, comment by comment, point by point.

9 years ago

And here I thought that actions speak liuder than words(!)> Alright then, fair enough; what then do you have to say about the #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen fiasco a few Summers back? By your logic, I can say the exact same thing about White feminists – that they have shunned and excluded Black feminists for the better part of a century, and this is per the writings of Black feminists themselves, not anything I made up.

Your response?

9 years ago

Also, no-one has ever reminded me more of this than Obsidian. Honestly, this is what you sound like.

9 years ago

I’m sorry, I have no idea who the person you’re referring to is.

“I also love that a ‘good faith’ discussion apparently begins with one side posting a huge string of comments (on a site on which he had previously been banned) and then expecting the other person, who had not agreed to any sort of discussion in the first place, to patiently go through them, comment by comment, point by point.”

Yes, I do. When someone like Dave, who has made a cottage career out of taking scurrilous potshots at the Manosphere, goes on a fairly popular media show like Majority Report and does an over hour long interview, he and his audience can and should expect to have to deal with those of us who wish to question his statements with a few of our own.

Now, to be sure, neither Dave, nor any of you, are obligated to respond; Dave is well within his right to run his website any way he chooses. But he then ruins what little relative credibility he has left when he refuses to engage, directly, those he talks smack about from the safety of stans like Matt Binder. Let’s see what Dave is like when the other side can actually clap back.

Again: I’ve responded point for point to Dave’s interview upthread. Anytime you or anyone else here is ready…?

9 years ago

“Also, no-one has ever reminded me more of this than Obsidian. Honestly, this is what you sound like.”

And this is what you sound like:

Honestly, you do.

Let’s get to those points I raised in direct response to Dave now, shall we?

9 years ago

See the sea lion above.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

I realize there is much more thread, and I’ll catch up, but:

“Alan: I just pronounce that city in Pennsylvania as “Pitts-borough” in revenge.”

Having lived there, right in the corner of Oakland, Bloomfield and S’Liberty (or maybe Shadyside, maps are unclear on this), I find it hilarious that you effectively took the middle out of “Pittsburgh’s boroughs”. It’s very Pittsburghese. Now, this thread needs read.

9 years ago

Obsidian, you seem to need a lot of attention. I have a cat like that, but he’s cute and talks less than you do.

9 years ago

Has there ever been a logical fallacy so misunderstood as the (not always fallacious) ad hominem? I doubt it.

“Obisidian sounds like the sea lion in the cartoon I am posting, therefore everything he says is completely false and his points are absurd and his argument is invalid.” = ad hominem.

“Obsidian sounds like the sea lion in the cartoon I am posting.” = not ad hominem.

Honestly, read the wiki entry.

9 years ago

Argenti, I lived very near Pittsburgh and spent a lot of time in Oakland and Shadyside, wishing that I were a student at Pitt or Carnegie Mellon. And the Carnegie library! It’s a temple of books.

9 years ago

Lake Baikal overflowing into Vladivostok was one of my favorites.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“This thread’s inactivity is proof that WHTM is DYING FOREVER (and totally has nothing to do with the 7 newer threads and several recent MRA-linked shootings, nope, nothing at all). Time to revive it.”


9 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Take a look at the definition for ad hominem above.

Can we discuss Dave’s interview on Majority Report now? Let’s start out with a favorite topic of his – pickup artists. I am not interested in discussing particular personalities. Rather, I have a question for all of you: is it fundamentally wrong for a man to want to learn how to have sex with the women he actually finds sexually attractive? If your answer is “no” to that question, then what is the beef about? If your answer to this question is “yes”, what do you propose is the alternative – and why hasn’t such an alternative been available until now?

You were saying?

9 years ago

And they always think they’re so original when they pull this shit.

9 years ago

“Obsidian, you seem to need a lot of attention. I have a cat like that, but he’s cute and talks less than you do.”

You have a cat that talks? Really?

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Nope, never mind, totally did not need to be read. Just Obsidian being tedious. In other things, my tortoise just sauntered out to finish his leftovers from last night. I’m gonna go watch the adorable pink tongue be adorable.

9 years ago

“And they always think they’re so original when they pull this shit.”

Nah. Just focused. You were saying?

9 years ago

Argenti, I apologize, buit again Dave has covered a lot of ground in his lengthy interview. I think it only fair that I have a chance to pose some questions and respond to the many points he raised. Don’t you?

9 years ago

Tracy, I’ve been unclear on the definition of “sea lion” until now. But thanks to that very funny cartoon–and a certain commenter–I am now completely clear. Thanks!

PS: It’s similar–although not identical–to the “broken record” technique–to be employed only very judiciously and only in hostile territory. For example:

Customer: I’d like to unsubscribe from Comcast.

Customer service representative: We have great new deals!

Customer: No thanks, I’d like to unsubscribe.

CSR: I can get you a low, low price!

Customer: No thanks, I’d like to unsubscribe.

CSR: I can get you more channels.

Customer: May I speak with your manager? I’d like to unsubscribe.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Kat — I went to Pitt! If you’re still in the area I highly recommend you wander the first couple floors of the cathedral (the rather phallic building across from the library), the architecture inside is just as stunning as the outside.

9 years ago

Enjoy the pink tongue!

He’s about as interesting as I imagine chewing cardboard to be.

9 years ago


Obsidian, you seem to need a lot of attention. I have a cat like that, but he’s cute and talks less than you do.”

You have a cat that talks? Really?

Indeed, he does. It sounds like this: “Meow, meow.”

9 years ago

One of my cats makes a quacking sound when he wants to be picked up. *squee*

9 years ago

Rather, I have a question for all of you: is it fundamentally wrong for a man to want to learn how to have sex with the women he actually finds sexually attractive? If your answer is “no” to that question, then what is the beef about? If your answer to this question is “yes”, what do you propose is the alternative – and why hasn’t such an alternative been available until now?

Might I politely suggest you read this very blog upon which you are now so tediously posting, perchance you find the answer to these questions?

We shall resume in an hour.