literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill YouTube

Here’s my segment from The Majority Report yesterday

I talked to The Majority Report’s Matt Binder about Men’s Rightsers, PUAs, MGTOWs, and the rest, as well as about some of the attempts of white supremacists to recruit in the manosphere (and vice versa). Enjoy!

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James Haynes
9 years ago

obfuscate/nomenclature are the words I always hate trying to pronounce, luckily I don’t need too that often.

9 years ago

One thing I just realized: When someone says “manosphere” out loud, I hear “Manos-Sphere.”


9 years ago


*casually plays Torgo’s theme*

9 years ago

Have feminists non-ironically demanded that men should be forced by the state, by society to marry women, on the ground that they don´t get any?
Do feminists un-ironically demands that men should have no other purposes in life than to be fathers and/or provide poontang?
Are these demands right next to claims that society doesn´t need men, women are going their own way and should get men out of their lives completely?

Don´t forget, they love to go on about how entitled feminists are and how it is all part of female nature, so make sure to attack their rank hypocrisy.

At least the beta revolt 4 channers don´t pretend they are alphas (aka inherently superior to anyone who disbelieve or laugh out loud at their butthurt misogynistic mantra).

9 years ago

How the hell did you manage to hold your head still for 30 min David!? You never even blink!

Annabelle N
Annabelle N
9 years ago

Is it possible to get a transcript, at least of the highlights? I have hearing issues and feel more comfortable reading than watching a video.

9 years ago

Hi Dave,
It’s been awhile since we last chatted. Hoping all is well with you! I got wind of your recent interview on Majority Report with Matt Binder by way of the Laughing Witch channel on YouTube; I left a series of comments there, but she suggested that I take my commentary directly to you, and I’ve agreed. Hopefully you’ll respond; let’s have a real back and forth with someone who is a Manospherian, though not of the kind and type you’re used to dueling with (White, middle class, etc.).

I’ll start posting up my comments in response to your remarks you made during your interview in a bit…


9 years ago

“First, let me say at the outset that not only am I a Manospherian, but I’m a Black, blue collar, working class one. I got started in the fall of 2009, with a small blog called The Obsidian Files, which became quite popular. In the summer of 2013, I co-founded a website called Just Four Guys. Since then I’ve been writing for A Voice for Men, Return of Kings, and I have an extensive archive of articles that I would love to discuss with you, Mr. Futrelle and your listeners! So, right from the rip, I call BS on Futrelle’s argument and claims that the Manosphere is inherently racist. The fact that I stand before you as a Manospherian belies such a notion.”


9 years ago

“OK, now that I’m logged on from my computer, I can better flesh out my response to Mr. Futrelle. In addition to my earlier remarks, I’d like to continue now with the promised links of my columns and articles, as well as podcasts that directly address (and often refutes) of Mr. Futrelle’s remarks per the interview above. I’m also looking into getting in contact with Mr. Binder to see if he’d be willing to interview yours truly. In the meantime, I have this question in response to Mr. Futrelle’s remarks regarding Roosh’s desire to have sex with “slim White women”. It’s not my personal preference, but why is that such a wrong thing? Please explain?”

9 years ago

“Now, let’s move to some of the things Futrelle addresses. My first question is this: is feminism an unmitigated good? Does it not have any downsides? is there no trade-offs? Futrelle is correct to say that the Manosphere is a reactionary movement of sorts. But we could say the exact same thing of feminism itself, or the civil rights movement, and so on. The Manosphere, when you really boil it down, is an examination of the question as poised above.”

9 years ago

“Regarding pickup artists: again, the question has to be: is it a crime for a man to want to learn how to attract the women he wants, for purposes of wanting sex? If your answer is “no”, then what really, is your problem with game? If your argument is that game is inherently flawed, my question then becomes: what’s the alternative, and why hasn’t it been available until now? I think the pickup artists have forced a number of very powerful questions onto the table for the rest of us to examine.”

9 years ago

“Regarding the men’s rights movement: Futrelle says that they haven’t done anything, but he forgets the fact that feminism has been around for more than a century and according to many in their number women still aren’t equal. So, who really hasn’t accomplished anything here? I say that the very fact that I’m here discussing these things with you and your audience right now, as a black, working class man, says that the Manosphere has been quite successful, and the party’s just getting started!”

9 years ago

“While I’m here, please allow me to give you my own little manifesto wrt men’s issues. I’m often asked, “Obsidian, what do you want?”. My answer is very simple: I want the concerns of men taken seriously. I want make disposability-something I know about first-hand as a life-long blue collar guy who’s career ended with a workplace injury-seriously. I want men’s health issues, which includes emotional, mental and sexual, taken seriously. I want the same people (read: women) who drone on about attractiveness standards, also give time to the very same things wrt men (for example: documented heightism against men by women in terms of dating, etc.). I want reproductive rights for Men, taken seriously. I want the education of boys, taken seriously. I want false rape accusations-something black men know about all to well in this society and historically running up through the present day-seriously. (Brian Banks, anyone?) I want family and child support court abuses concerning men, I want family court abuses against men, taken seriously. I want domestic and spousal abuse by women against men and boys, taken seriously. That’s what I want and that’s why I do what I do.”

9 years ago

“Now, let’s take the MGTOW movement. In the black community, black women have been saying “I don’t need no man” for decades and no one had a problem with that. Black women have had the cultural space to discuss their problems with black men and again, no one had a problem with that. Now all of a sudden men are doing the same thing and it’s a problem? Really?”

9 years ago

“I’m listening to Mr. Futrelle’s remarks on “date rapey” attitudes, supposedly, of Manospherians in general. As a Manospherian myself, please allow me to address it: my personal view is that I definitely could have had sex with women – rather plain, dull, not particularly sexually attractive women, who in all likelihood would not have presented a satisfactory sexual experience for me. In light of that potentiality, I declined to have sex with these women, and instead addressed myself to learning how to have sex with the women that I found sexually attractive and that I actually wanted. To date, none of them have reported that I “date raped” them.”

9 years ago

“It’s interesting that Mr. Futrelle and Mr. Binder want to go in on Milo Yannopoulos, an out gay man. Milo, whom I’ve discussed on my podcast yesterday in fact, proves that if you stray just one millimeter off of the social justice warrior reservation, you are then thrown under the bus. More here: Mathematically Illiterate Black Feminist Fudges Amber Rose Slut Walk Attendance Numbers!”


9 years ago
Reply to  David Futrelle

Hello Dave,
Oh yes, I am well aware that I’m persona non grata here; but, since Laughing Witch on YouTube suggested that I post my comments directly to your site, and since I’m the kind of man that never talks behind anyone’s back, I decided to take her up on her advice. So, here I am.

Your interview was a mere five days ago; if your readers have “moved on” that quickly, well, that says something about them and by extension, you, I would think. At any rate, I have responded to many of the precise points you raised in your interview with Mr. Matt Binder. It’s perfectly fine if you can’t or won’t respond; I have noticed that quite a few folks like you tend to respond to my ripostes with what Ms. Janet Bloomfield coined “stunned silence”.

Get used to seeing me around, Dave. The plot thickens – and I’m not your garden variety Manospherian.



Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Brevity is the soul of wit. Which is why MRAs never shut the fuck up.

9 years ago

Manospherians – tedious and clueless since 2009.

9 years ago
Reply to  dhag85

What, precisely, am I “clueless” about? As I’ve stated to Dave, I responded specifically to points he made in his interview with Mr. Binder. I freely admit that it was a bit “tedious” in part because of Dave’s refusal to engage in these discussions in good faith. But, given that the interview in question was well over an hour long, and in that Dave and Matt covered a lot of ground, I felt it appropriate to speak to said points. Please feel free to address my points in response upthread!

9 years ago

He was probably jealous that slavey got a mention. I don’t think most of the trolls realize how pathetic they are when they try to sneak back in.

9 years ago

Although a surprising number of them do try . . .

9 years ago

“Brevity is the soul of wit. Which is why MRAs never shut the fuck up.”

Sorry to burst your bubble, but again, Dave’s recent interview was over an hour long and where he covered a lot of ground; I wanted to be sure I responded to as many points that he raised as possible. Instead of getting bogged down in quibbles over personalities and sensationalism, which is Dave’s wheelhouse, I chose instead to directly get to the heart of the issues that most concern the varying factions of the Manosphere. Please feel free to address them upthread. Looking forward!