literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill YouTube

Here’s my segment from The Majority Report yesterday

I talked to The Majority Report’s Matt Binder about Men’s Rightsers, PUAs, MGTOWs, and the rest, as well as about some of the attempts of white supremacists to recruit in the manosphere (and vice versa). Enjoy!

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Obsidian wants bragging rights, along the lines of, “I went into their house and took a dump on their dining room table, and after that they wouldn’t speak to me. The power of my poo has silenced them! Victory to me!”

9 years ago

Secondarily: I would like to know of this alternative you mention? The pickup industry has really put a spotlight on the fact that men have not had a service business to cater to their relationship and sexual mating needs, certainly nothing coming anywhere near close to what women have enjoyed for decades, if not longer.

“The alternative is: Treat women like they’re people you’d like to get in bed with, with their permission, instead of Sexy Time vending machines.

Boom. That easy.”

No. It is not. The “friend zone” is very real; women can and will say you’re being “too nice” (often for doing the very things so many of them claim to want, by the way); and other factors. Mating is a lot more complex and to be frank, unsettling, for far too many of us to openly admit, because it goes against many of the very societual conditioning that feminists often accuse for other problems.

but it’s not like the unchanging monolithic block of long lasting obsidian changes itself. God man, it’s a meta-stable mineral! It doesn’t last forever, you’re allowed to change. Just please don’t make it take 145 million years.

At least stop twisting history to make your just-so story fit into the cracks of your lack of knowledge. People have always tried to seduce other people. Pickup artistry is nothing new. To my knowledge there’s a book from 1799 called the something something academy of compliments. In the 15th century people were lured to the New World by wild leaflets promising the harlotry indigenious women would mate with men right there in the fields (which is all kinds of icky, but, hey, history is terrible). It’s not some exciting new phenomenon. Are you familiar with Ovid’s Ars Amatoria? 2AD. 2. A. D.

2014 years ago! (ad starts at 1, not 0)

2014 years. My latin is rusty, but let me give it a go. Ut ameris, amabilis esto.

The pick up industry is just an industry of telling people that women are terrible and they need tricks to break through odd concepts like, indeed, the friendzone. It’s not even new. God, I remember reading one old literature reviewbook exploring exciting new findings in the art of ancient egyptian love spells (You wrote them on usable material, then buried them near the person you were armerously inclined to. Then they’d be driven mad with love and lust for thee, god’s promise, only 3 easy payments of 1 silver deben to be deposited via messenger pidgon)

It doesn’t change and it’s nothing new and yet here we are going on about it because, to be fair, it’s sometimes pretty fun to laugh at.

9 years ago

On the “too nice” thing, I don’t think it literally means “too nice.” It’s code. I think it means something more along the lines of “I’m not interested in this man, he doesn’t get the hint and keeps bestowing unwanted attention and affection on me but as a woman, I’m socialized to be nice and accommodating, particularly to men and I don’t know how to articulate that this is making me uncomfortable.”

If you ask women with male partners what they like or love about their partners, nice, treats me well, generous, kind etc. are frequently on the list of traits she appreciates. Nice isn’t actually a turn off for most women. It’s just that because get gaslit so often, we often don’t trust our own feelings and saying that a man who’s thought of by most people as being “nice” is making us uncomfortable by wooing us against our will is a difficult thing for a lot of women.

9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Obsidian wants bragging rights, along the lines of, “I went into their house and took a dump on their dining room table, and after that they wouldn’t speak to me. The power of my poo has silenced them! Victory to me!”

Ha, ha. Yeah, that too. PUAs possess powerful poo.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Since Obsidian has since been banned, I was thinking about not bothering with a response, but I figure he’s still lurking, so should I?

I mean, that’s a huge fucking pile of shit to go through.

Drezden | October 12, 2015 at 12:19 pm
All right, I’ve had enough.

No, I’m not going to address any of Obsidian’s points. I’m not going to address them for the same reason I won’t debate someone on the morality of necrophilia in the middle of my grandmother’s funeral.

I am, however, tired of this Gishiest of gallops clogging up the recent comments log.

Agreed, and thanks to David for finally banning the tedious troll.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Obsidian | October 12, 2015 at 11:53 am
Moreover, you good sir, have failed to offer any links of all the many people of color who claim that the Manosphere is so manifestly racist.

So, I think I realized why Obsidian thought I was “nicer” than the rest of you, and wanted to talk to me.

It’s finally happened. A troll assumed I was a man. I am truly a regular now (maybe?).

9 years ago

Since Obsidian has since been banned, I was thinking about not bothering with a response, but I figure he’s still lurking, so should I?

I do love reading your take downs, but I’m going to go with no on this one. It’s not worth the effort, especially since the majority of his links go back to AVfM. He can’t even provide unbiased sources. I mean, come on, his source for the existence of “heightism” links to JB’s blog.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

I’ll lay money that he’s now drafting something about “white feminists” silencing a black guy, for his podcast.

9 years ago

Ok, that happened.

@Paradoxical Intention

I just like to point out that despite his dozens of posts, Obsidian never actually discusses what David said during the interview. Not even a little.

Obsidian has shown with that meaningless flurry of spam that he isn’t remotely interested in what any of use have to say, so I’d ignore whatever the hell he just posted.

He certainly kept himself busy from 11:39 AM to 12:23 PM, though I’m guessing a lot of that was from a preexisting copy pasta link dump.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

What the fuck even happened here.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

ej | October 12, 2015 at 5:03 pm
I do love reading your take downs, but I’m going to go with no on this one. It’s not worth the effort, especially since the majority of his links go back to AVfM. He can’t even provide unbiased sources. I mean, come on, his source for the existence of “heightism” links to JB’s blog.

I figured. He kept posting videos from his channel to somehow back up his claims and he kept linking to AVfM, so I figured most of his stuff was bullshit. : /

I’m bored, but not bored enough to go through all of his self-promotion and a bunch of AVfM links.

Alan Robertshaw | October 12, 2015 at 5:08 pm
@ Paradoxy

I’ll lay money that he’s now drafting something about “white feminists” silencing a black guy, for his podcast.

That’s a sure bet.

I mean, the only reason he seemed to talk to me in the first place was because he assumed I was a guy, as I pointed out earlier.

brooked | October 12, 2015 at 5:27 pm
Ok, that happened.

@Paradoxical Intention

I just like to point out that despite his dozens of posts, Obsidian never actually discusses what David said during the interview. Not even a little.

Obsidian has shown with that meaningless flurry of spam that he isn’t remotely interested in what any of use have to say, so I’d ignore whatever the hell he just posted.

He certainly kept himself busy from 11:39 AM to 12:23 PM, though I’m guessing a lot of that was from a preexisting copy pasta link dump.

I noticed.

The only thing he addressed that David said was when David was talking about Milo, and he only did that to try and claim that David and Matt Binder shouldn’t be saying mean things about him because he’s gay, which I throughly eviscerated, if I do say so myself.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


And I was doing so well, too. ; n ;

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Misgendered by a troll and then the mammoth got you? I don’t think there’s a welcome package for it, but welcome to being a regular!

9 years ago

I’ve never been misgendered by a troll here. But I have on Gawker even though my avatar there is a Sansa misandry meme. Does that count?

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention
The Mammoth is not pleased. We must sacrifice more trolls!

Seriously now, I have another take on why he thought you were a man.
He seemed interested enough in talking to any of us here, but you were the one who adressed his arguments in full. If there was only one person who decided not to be “childish”, he might assume this person would have to be a man.
Or maybe he just thinks “man” is the default, which, I think, would undermine the argument that men’s issues are ignored by society at large.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

I don’t see why not! I was mostly snarking at NWO’s reactions to my gender and how his responses changed based on what he thought was in my pants, he freaks out over trans people existing, so my staunch refusal to pick a binary option really aggravated him.

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