literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill YouTube

Here’s my segment from The Majority Report yesterday

I talked to The Majority Report’s Matt Binder about Men’s Rightsers, PUAs, MGTOWs, and the rest, as well as about some of the attempts of white supremacists to recruit in the manosphere (and vice versa). Enjoy!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


What I’ve heard so far is brilliant, but as a service to you and all our friends in the colonies I want you to practice 100 times saying:



Latte Cat
Latte Cat
9 years ago

I really enjoyed listening to this. I quite like the Majority Report, very fun to watch.

9 years ago

Considering that we supposedly can get laid whenever we want, I don’t think the failure lies with us.

Leah Renee
9 years ago

I’ll be honest, I clicked because I was really hoping to see the interview with the MGTOW guy.

9 years ago

Interesting to hear your voice for the first time! “They date-rape because otherwise they couldn’t have sex” is a decent soundbite for the whole community. And the cover image of an MGTOW apparently dressed in a bin-bag is inspired, as well.

Alan: I just pronounce that city in Pennsylvania as “Pitts-borough” in revenge.

9 years ago

Great job, David!

I love how you guys talk about 4chan and how trolling has changed. I remember when I was in college, 4chan was completely associated with Anonymous and they were thought of as kind of chaotic neutral: They were boycotting Scientology and stuff and they seemed dangerous and unpredictable but not malicious against regular people the way they are now.

9 years ago

I haven’t gotten a chance to listen just yet, but I love that the MGTOW in the screen cap is wearing caution tape. Thanks for warning us that you’re an entitled, misogynistic creep the rest of us are better off steering clear of, guy! I wish all misogynists would wear caution tape.

9 years ago

I listened to it yesterday and it was awesome! The first time I heard your voice was when you did an interview with Soraya Chemaly and Michael Kimmel. If you guys haven’t listened to that one I highly recommend it.

9 years ago

re: Alex Jones
I can attest to that part. I don’t listen to him, but my father does, and I really wish that he’d stop, because that snake-oil salesman bugs me to no end. No surprise that said snake-oil salesman jumped on the he-man woman hating stuff.

re: MGTOWs
I can attest to that part, too. At first, I actually thought that they were guys who actually “went their own way”, meaning that “Hey, we don’t need to date/marry! We’ll be just fine with our families and friends!”

That was until I read the forums. Oh, boy, how wrong I was.

At least figuring out what the heck MGTOWs were led me to WHTM last year. 🙂

(I didn’t know that it was pronounced “mig-tow”. I usually pronounced it as “emm-gee-tow”. Heh.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

What, Edinburgh?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

Speaking of pronunciation, is your name pronounced Few-trell or Foo-trell?

9 years ago


9 years ago

Ah yes, Milo Yiannopolis, the GamerGate-pandering pseudo-Journalist Breitbart Troll. Of course he’d be in this conversation, because obviously he’s one of the worst of the whole Manosphere thing in general.

9 years ago

And by be, I mean be involved in as a topic of course.

9 years ago

Scott Meyers, the man behind “Basic Instructions” (web comic), has a good mnemonic for Oregon.
“I’ll defend myself with a knife *or a gun*.”

He said he came up with it in an Oregon bar.

9 years ago

I swear everyone hears about a differ anonymous then I did growing up. I mean their public face was always doing good things, but that was only a small fraction of members who were promoted by the rest as a cover for child open and Internet harassment operations. They are no worse now then before, people just know about their bad side now.

9 years ago

To really pronounce Oregon correctly, you need to have spent six months starving your way across the Great Plains, staving off dysentery, eating buffalo you bring down with a single bullet and burying your family one by one. Then, when you haul your sodden, rabbit feverish carcass at last into the willamette valley, relieved that you no longer have to try and trade your extraneous axles for bullets, and at the same time disgusted with the whole enterprise, can you open your throat and give the word all of the nuance it deserves.

9 years ago

I lived in Oregon, and you forgot that you need to collect three beaver skins with their own teeth as well.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Rox-Illuminati | October 6, 2015 at 7:47 pm
Ah yes, Milo Yiannopolis, the GamerGate-pandering pseudo-Journalist Breitbart Troll. Of course he’d be in this conversation, because obviously he’s one of the worst of the whole Manosphere thing in general.

Don’t forget bible-thumping, “I-chose-to-be-gay-because-women-amirite?”, homophobe!

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I used to pronounce it Em-gutow

What, Edinburgh?

You make kitty laugh.×720.jpg

Patti What If Your Site is Ever Hacked by the MRA Loons?
Patti What If Your Site is Ever Hacked by the MRA Loons?
9 years ago

Just listened – impressive.

9 years ago

“When the train left Edinburgh/The passengers’ hearts were light and felt no sorrow”

(William McGonagall, ‘The Tay Bridge Disaster’)

Although McGonagall was (a) from Dundee rather than Edinburgh, and (b) somewhat renowned for his tortured rhymes and even clunkier scansion.

9 years ago

(I didn’t know that it was pronounced “mig-tow”. I usually pronounced it as “emm-gee-tow”. Heh.)

Ah! I’ve been saying “mg-(like ‘mug’ without the ‘u’)-toe”. Mind blown.

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