4chan advocacy of violence beta males empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim terrorism that's not funny! threats

4channers now threatening to shoot up every school they can think of, as well as Whoville and the moon

The mascot of the "beta uprising."
The mascot of the “beta uprising.”

Universities in the Philadelphia area were on high alert today after a threat directed at them was posted on 4chan’s /r9k/ board. The anonymous threat (everything is anonymous on 4chan) deliberately called to mind the threat/warning posted on the same message board last week, the day before a gunman shot and killed eight students and one professor at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.

“The first of our kind has struck fear into the hearts of America,” the writer of the new threat declared.

His cries have been heard, even by the president. This is only the beginning. On October 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM CT, a fellow robot will take up arms against a university near Philadelphia. His cries will be heard, his victims will cower in fear, and the strength of the Union will decay a little more. …

Martyr yourself for the cause or support those who have the courage to do so. We have the chance to make the world a better place for betas everywhere. 

The deadline passed without incident — as did the deadline for a similar threat directed at schools in Edinburgh. Scotland, posted shortly after the Oregon shootings — but not without shaking a lot of people up.

Now the most malevolent trolls on the /r9k/ board, knowing that they have the attention of the world, are rhapsodizing about the coming “beta rebellion,” gleefully mocking the victims of the Oregon shootings, and posting threats aimed at an assortment of schools around the world, from Texas to the Netherlands.

And so, alongside more traditional /r9k/ topics as “Post your waifu” and “DAILY REMINDER THAT ALL FEMALES ARE DECEIVING SUBHUMAN WHORES,” the board today is filled with simultaneously ridiculous and chilling messages like these:

 Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)15:01:08 No.22995724▶>>22995744 >>22995763 >>22995785 >>22995913 >>22995995 Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow if you're near Austin. happening thread will be posted later so long, space robots >> Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)15:01:43 No.22995744▶ >>22995724 (OP) Go to A&M instead please >> Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)15:02:30 No.22995763▶ >>22995724 (OP) Good luck, brobot.


Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)12:16:28 No.22989609▶>>22989676 >>22989718 >>22989734 >>22989758 >>22989777 >>22989782 Gonna fucking do it. Fuck society, fuck interaction that is literally 100% social constructs, fuck people, fuck the government. Tomorrow at 10:05 i will open fire at the university of Leiden. Not gonna tell you which faculty, thats up to you to guess. Shit's gonna go down, then i'm gonna go down. Going for the highscore. Only counts if suicide you cancerous fucks, get it right. >> Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)12:17:07 No.22989632▶ Quit being a fag >> Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)12:18:33 No.22989676▶>>22989707 >>22989609 (OP) oh shutup, you're gonna be one of those idiots who gets like 2 kills but injures 30 people.


in class right now beta uprising Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)15:11:10 No.22996081▶>>22996155 Im tired of all these people bullying betas like me tomorrow im gonna do something about it. I f you live on nor-cal don't go to school tomorrow! This is for the glory of betas everywhere! >> Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)15:13:09 No.22996155▶ >>22996081 (OP) This is just routine now. Move along robots.

4chan being what it is, other anons are posting ironic “threats” aimed at, among other places, the moon, Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, and Whoville — the latter a reference to a news reporter who mistook the board’s meme mascot, a frog called Pepe, for the Grinch.

In the wake of a mass shooting that left ten people dead, this is all a good deal less than hilarious. Yes, yes, 4chan apologists, I know that the anons writing the “real threats” are most likely shitposters, like the anons joking about shooting up the moon, in that they most likely have no intention of carrying out their threats.

But at the same time it’s clear they do intend to terrorize real people with their probably fake threats. As they know well, we have to take them seriously, given that a similar threat on the same message board only a few days ago was followed by an actual, real-world massacre.

This isn’t shitposting so much as it is terrorism, a form of terrorism enabled and in some ways encouraged by 4chan’s anonymous nature.

It’s also clear that the “beta uprising” the /r9k/ regulars are joking about — and designing flags for — isn’t altogether a joke to them either.

Anonymous  10/05/15(Mon)15:01:10 No.22995726▶ The Beta Uprising needs to be political, not violent. You NEETcucks have a captive audience, maybe take this seriously and develop an actual platform. You have problems that need to be dealt with, the bleeding heart liberals don't care because you're mostly white men. But now they're scared, maybe they'll listen to you for once. Or you can continue to be a literal terror organization and inevitably make things worse for all of us Robots. Do you honestly think normalfags will be on the losing end of this? >>  Anonymous  10/05/15(Mon)15:02:42 No.22995769▶ Literally the only thing that makes change in the world is violence, and lots of it. All throughout history, change, both positive and negative, has been brought about by violence.

Aside from the picture of Hitler, there’s not much deliberate irony in this discussion. These are two people discussing the future of a would-be political movement, in the wake of an act of terrorism that may be tied to the message board they are posting on. One thinks the terror caused by the shootings in Oregon will lead people to take their “issues” seriously; the second sees to think that continued violence is the only answer.

I’m not seeing a joke here.

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Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

Jenny — if it helps explain it any, ditto the bullying and eggshells and such… except I did think about it and do have access to guns. But even as a suicidal teen I couldn’t get past the fact that it wouldn’t make things any better, and making my bullies suffer wasn’t worth the cost. Which is why I think being an entitled little shit is a major factor, those of us who grasp that even entitled little shits are still people are less inclined to decide they have to suffer with us — yeah, they should treat us with basic human dignity, but killing them won’t teach them anything, and that’s assuming every single person you kill is a bully, a risk people with basic empathy won’t take. But then you get the people who think everyone has to be nice to them (if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything isn’t an option by them), or date/fuck them, or whatever thing that actually, no, you aren’t entitled to by the mere fact you’re a sentient being, and then anyone is a target.

Thanks! Yes, this helps, and the whole part about entitlement and empathy was really well put.

9 years ago

Our University in NZ has had a threat made against it on 4chan, reddit and facebook also. All students and staff just got sent an email informing us of a “security threat”. Apparently the police and the “high tech crime group” are looking into it, but I’m not sure what they can do.
Crazy thing is, now I feel scared. Even though it’s probably just sh*t. Amazing what people threatening to kill you can do.

9 years ago


You’re wrong: now would be the perfect time for a bastard to post a real threat on 4chan, just because so many people like you would automatically assume it’s a false threat since so many other 4channers are being ‘helpful’ in muddying the already stinking cesspool with additional fake threats.

I’m not sure what the point would be in posting a real threat in a place where it will be mistaken for trolling.

9 years ago

If the goal of posting it is to incite terror, it could be more successful if people find that there was a true threat amongst a sea of false threats. Then every single threat posted online afterward becomes truly terrifying.

Kit Fowley
9 years ago

I got an extension for Firefox that changes the word “cuck” to “pony” on webpages. Has made the internet a much more likable place.

9 years ago

Be interesting to know what the site administrators intend to do about that. Maybe I’m mistaken but directly inciting violence isn’t protected speech. Knowingly providing a platform for these people to network and egg each other on makes 4chan an accessory.

9 years ago

Someone reminded me the reason for the phrase “A few bad apples”. Rotten apples release lots of ethylene, which accelerates the ripening/rotting process. Unless you get rid of those few bad apples, the entire batch gets rotten.

That threshold was passed long ago. 4chan made the choice to preserve and protect the rotten apples, and by the time it was obvious they couldn’t ignore them, it was impossible to deal with them in any relevant way.

4chan isn’t “a few bad apples”, it’s an oozing pile with a few spots that look marginally palatable if you hold your nose and look under the right light.

9 years ago

Treat 4chan like a terrorist organization. Shut down the site and arrest anyone who was a member. Deny them bail and let them rot in jail until everything is sorted out.

9 years ago

There’s a simple solution here- get their IP addresses. Even if there can be no legal or criminal retribution, these pricks can still be named and shamed. I’m not big on social media vigilante justice in most cases, but I’ll make an exception here. These people are dangerous, and I’m willing to bet they’re not savvy enough to be using a VIP address while making their nasty little “anonymous” comments. Also, this isn’t the dark web we’re dealing with. Track them down and punish them.

9 years ago

Yes it is very easy for the fbi to get their iown address. By unanimous it just means hide from users, it’s not really unanimous.

Some people may be using shared ips or bounceing there’s but most these people won’t be because they think they are actually hidden.
The website keeps a list of everyone’s ip, it is how they track their own users. :p

9 years ago

Moggie, what Kupo said.

Also, people who make threats with the intent of actually following through often don’t want people to take the threat seriously. If people did, they’d be prevented from causing as much harm, which is problematic.

For instance, when I was a kid, I threatened my older sister with a cold wake-up if she hit snooze in the morning.

She took me seriously.

She told my parents, who found my bag of marbles in the freezer and took them away. Because she took the threat seriously, I couldn’t throw frozen marbles in her bed to ruin her morning sleep, and I got to listen to her stupid alarm clocks snooze cycles, and it stunk.

What these types of threateners want, in order to cause the biggest impact, is for people to ignore their threats. Then, when the threat is carried through, the following happens:

1. People are hurt by the threaten-er
2. People feel like the event could have (and should have) been prevented, if only the threat had been taken seriously (either by placating the threaten-er by giving in to demands or taking precautionary measures like closing campuses).
3. Further (similar) threats by individuals with similar ideology get taken more seriously, meaning those with similar ideology can cause a lot of terror and wasted effort on the parts of first responders, police, and the organizations that get threatened by making ‘fake’ threats. Responding to threats is expensive, time consuming, and extremely stressful.

Rinse and repeat. Because there are a ton of of fake threats right now, we’re more likely to not figure out what (if any) are real, which means we’re less likely to take any threat seriously. This means that someone who wants to cause the additional pain to survivors from the “But this could have been prevented” has a pretty darned good opportunity to do it.

9 years ago

Also to anyone wondering, it is pretty easy to track someone even if they change (or bounce) their ip address once or twice. Tor does it something like 21 times, and while it is very hard to do, their was an international task force that did it last year to bust a high end drug smuggling ring the us was one of the countries. So even tor can be broken.

And 2 or 3 bounces are easy for the fbi or any other intlgence agency. It just fucks with local police for the most part. And even then only until they call in an expert.

9 years ago

Is there anyway for the FBI to track 4chan users if they get a warrant? I know the posts are all anonymous but it’s not like the dark web in that it’s pretty much impossible to get an IP address, is it?

The short answer is, yes it’s perfectly possible.
The long answer involved several rude words amounting to what I believe is the FBI galloping incompetence.

For instance Gamergate could have been exposed and shut down in two weeks, IMHO, if someone just did their damn JOB. I’m not going to explain how for obvious reasons(basically it’s intelligence work), but it’s dead obvious what to do if that’s your speciality and you’re being paid to do it. They just didn’t…for reasons. And now front man Hot Wheels is in the Philippines. Great going guys, really, our tax dollars at work. You shouldn’t have. Wait, you didn’t. *fume*

Hopefully, in the close wake of school shootings, that will be incentive enough for law enforcement to do something. This is exactly why Moot kicked GG out. Archive and report…maybe that will light a fire up someone’s arse:

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I was interested in chan culture awhile ago, but I decided to stay away after learning about the Epilepsy Foundation attack (which had actual victims):

So yeah, edgy teenage racism isn’t on the same level as threatening or assaulting people. There’s just plenty of overlap.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
9 years ago

They really believe this will turn into some sort of revolution? “The Beta Uprising?”
If anything, it’s just letting people know what worthless shits these people are, and what a festering cesspool 4chan is.

9 years ago

Somehow this comment section manages to be even edgier and more hypocritical than /r9k/.

9 years ago

You can always count on 4chan to do the most tasteless thing possible.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

“Treat 4chan like a terrorist organization. Shut down the site and arrest anyone who was a member. Deny them bail and let them rot in jail until everything is sorted out.”

Going a bit far there, eh? I’m with you on shutting it down as inciting or aiding violence, but the rest… innocent until proven guilty.

Jenny, I’m glad something of worth came out of all that 🙂

bvh — thank you for better explaining what I was trying to say about yeah, it’s possible, but not worth the resources to trace every asshole.

9 years ago


Anon Here If you cant see the Irony you are right gtfo of /r9k/ and /b/ but why kill a site for a few bad apples. Do you really think anyone serious would post on 4chan now when a shooting just happened? Some of them might be retarded no one are that stupid.

Yeah, ’cause you know what’s on the mind of every single person who posts on 4chan.

Somehow I’m not reassured.

9 years ago

You know, even bone fide mainstream terrorist organization aren’t dealt with as harshly as that. Treating 4chan as a terrorist organization and shutting down the site is a thing, but it still need to be done within the limit of a non-autocratic state.

Note that 8chan (among other) prove that sites can be even more toxic than 4chan

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

They really believe this will turn into some sort of revolution?

– Latte Cat

And what would they demand? For every (beta?) man to get his own waifu slave?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

For those of us who have lived blameless lives and are scared of googling 4chanisms, what’s a waifu? Is it a racist Japanese-mispronounced Victorian orphan?

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Going a bit far there, eh? I’m with you on shutting it down as inciting or aiding violence, but the rest… innocent until proven guilty.

– Argenti Aertheri

No. It’s pretty clear 4chan is/hosts a domestic terror group. And I’m pretty sure membership in such an organization is grounds for arrest and conviction *on it’s own*.

And that IS what should be done. Shut down the site. Arrest all members for participating in a terror network. Be prepared to do the same to other sites frequented by misogynist sadist creeps who threaten with or agitate for violence.

milkshake fan
milkshake fan
9 years ago

“For instance Gamergate could have been exposed and shut down in two weeks, IMHO, if someone just did their damn JOB. I’m not going to explain how for obvious reasons(basically it’s intelligence work), but it’s dead obvious what to do if that’s your speciality and you’re being paid to do it. They just didn’t…for reasons. And now front man Hot Wheels is in the Philippines. Great going guys, really, our tax dollars at work. You shouldn’t have. Wait, you didn’t. *fume*”

What do you mean by exposed and shut down?

9 years ago

A wifeu is basically when you say a fictional character is your wife or love interest. Husbando is the same thing.
It is usally used to refer to anime characters.

Basically it’s like that character or actor/actress is my dream man/women.

Think of the set pillows. It’s not really a harmful word by itself. And from what I’ve seen it’s used by men and women pretty equally.

Any other anime terms you need defined?