antifeminism artistry empathy deficit entitled babies evil ex-wives evil fat fatties evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies evil ugly women gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA racism

Are these MGTOW graphics literally the most misogynistic things ever made by human hands?

And what exactly do MGTOWs have to offer? Certainly not charm or wit, or the ability to make a poster.
And what exactly do MGTOWs have to offer? Certainly not charm or wit, or the ability to make a poster.

Inspired by a post on GamerGhazi highlighting some terrible MGTOW graphics, I went and took a look in the archives of, and found a bunch that were even more terrible, including the one above.

Let me ease you into the terribleness, starting with some whiny, self-pitying fat-shaming:


Then let’s watch these guys attempt to reduce women to their sexuality:


Apparently they’re mad at Marilyn Monroe, for some reason?


And, in the graphic that inspired my headline, here’s some literal dehumanization:


After that bit of horribleness, let’s end on a lighter note with some of the worst graphic design you’ll ever see outside of A Voice for Men’s Meme Squad. 


MGTOWs: Officially beyond parody.

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9 years ago

“Every time I picture an MGTOW member, it’s often some 30-40something unshaven, haggard, pizza roll-eating, Natty Lite-swilling slob living in his parents’ basement or garage, apathetic to becoming gainfully employed (can’t have the wimmen get our wallets now when we don’t have dough) and blogging about his disdain for all the pretty women who’d rejected his greasy advances. Thus, the sweeping proclamation to “go (his) own way.”

It has nothing to do with how they look I don’t doubt that some or even most of them are good looking and have jobs they are just misognist a-holes. Plus yes there are lazy and selfish people who don’t want to work but I live with my parents most mentally and psychically ill people do please don’t compare us to them.

And to everyone else please don’t compare them to children that’s ableist and ageist they are fully well developed they are again like I said a-holes and should take responsibility and suffer the consequences for their actions.

Dear Paul, Black women and girls are just as beautiful and amazing as every other woman and girl on the planet.

9 years ago

Wait, so according to the way the rest of the first meme goes, it sounds like they are saying that women will pay child support, alimony, and palimony. I’m guessing that’s not what they mean, but since they are MGTOWs, I’m not sure they know what they’re intending to say anyway.

9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Yeah, no, I just can’t see this campaign against women going anywhere at all. Sure, our society is sexist. But are men going to walk away from women? No, they are not.

To paraphrase a female character in the cartoon “Bloom County”–maybe Bobbi Harlow–in addressing noted chauvinist Steve Dallas, “Stop dissing women. We’re what make your life worth living.”

I can’t get behind that sentiment, and unpacked it’s kind of ugly.

– The text that a man’s life isn’t worth living without a woman in it is odious.
– The subtext that women exist in order to make men’s lives worth living is also odious.

Stop dissing women because women are human beings. Not because women are useful to men.

I can’t get behind that sentiment either. It’s ugly because it’s sexist.

Nevertheless, I believe that it’s true. It’s true for fictional Steve Dallas. And it’s also true for MRAs, MGTOWs, and PUAs, who take women’s emotional labor for granted. I’m not saying that every woman in their lives is a positive influence. But they seem to feel that if one woman abused them, then we’re all abusers. They ignore the fact that they probably have other women in their lives who actually do make their lives worth living. Also, they love to blame women for their own inadequacies.

Yeah, I would definitely like to see these guys make their own lives worth living–and maybe send some of those positive vibes over to me also.

And I would actually go further than you. Don’t diss women because–just like men and other beings–we’re here. Being a human is not a prerequisite for respect.

9 years ago

I was so baffled by the workers/shirts one too, glad someone posted it.

Does anyone know where the photos the MRA is hating on come from or what they are?

9 years ago

So…philosophers eh?

“In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased…. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit.”

Problem is, who they’ve decided are the enemy. And so…another philosopher…

:”Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”

When pretty much all the so-called “enemy” is wishing they’d just disappear along with their perceived injury and their little 12-year-old acting-friends too! (evil cackle) They keep saying they’re going their own way, in hopes of getting their way from a small group and the “everyone else” is who ultimately goes away. Might as well come right out and say “We don’t believe you, idiots. If you really were going someplace you’d have been there by now.” while magnanimously allowing them to have a chair if they can for once work *together* with everyone else at the damn table to accomplish things for the benefit of all – ALL. If they can’t, well then maybe they aren’t worthy of being involved in such important decisions, hell they don’t even seem to be able to not go to the nuclear option before 5…4…BOOM! with their own people!

9 years ago

…My choice of philosophers…:) I could have included some of General Patton too. Those mgtows really don’t even comprehend the wide range of interests and hobbies other men have let alone women.

9 years ago


Saying that women are not human is beyond the pale.

Whenever I see it, it strikes me as overreach. Because even many misogynists will see that and think “dude, no, I can’t support that”, even if only because they’re not into bestiality! If you want to recruit, don’t drive away all but the fringe of the fringe.

9 years ago

“Being a human is not a prerequisite for respect.”

That’s quite nice, and something to remember.

9 years ago

@Ohl – I don’t have a lot of time (have been trying to squeeze in some Witcher 3 before the kids wake up), but as far as “proven by with studies” – I dunno, one’d have to do some research. It may be a matter of being something so “on the ground” that it hasn’t been studied as thoroughly as it might.

One thing might be native aggression/assertion/risk taking behaviors, but I’d argue that that’s moat likely largely a an effect of testosterone variances “between” sexes*.
But then you have culture and its norms as well as individual environments and other variable factors stepping in and mediating the forms and expressions of the above.

* As AA said, there’s also more than a binary out there. There’s also pretty wide individual variation. Then there’s also sussing out the effects of hormones on neural development in utero / during development. And then probably another dozen factors that I can’t name.
It’s much more a matter of a series of big scatter plot graphs that show trends rather than any one thing you can point to and say, “AHHH! There it IS! THE definitive difference!”

Oh, just thought of somehing, though: Google why so many sociologists and cultural anthropologists are worried about China’s currently skewed sex ratio. [Hint: A series of not-so-great things tend to happen when there’re are significantly more young men than young women. – Note: I welcome corrections, not my field…even if it was my field, I’d still welcome corrections.]

I took too long!
I hear my toddler running around.
Geralt, we shall have to slay monsters later.

9 years ago

I love how the average Joe is some skinny hipster and the average jane is not. I see that all the time on Mraz and other sites the average Joe pics are just pictures of alternative male models while the average have pics come from people of walmart. There are only two types of women to these guys the ones they want (super models) and every one else (the pirate crew from curse of the black pearl according to mra)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Ahhhhh free range toddler! Quick, before crayons are used on walls!

Ok, goofiness aside, thanks for backing me up on the gender binary thing 🙂

But it’s Argenti, not AA, please. Now, go catch that toddler! (D’aww, kids!)

9 years ago

That awkward moment when I’m not sure if I’m offended because I’m a woman or if I’m offended because I’m a graphic artist….

James Haynes
9 years ago

Facebook likes aren’t a limited quantifiable resource, they don’t deplete with use.

Steve Corner
9 years ago

Oh no, feminists are angry at memes! Male tears memes? No, that’s ok. SMH

9 years ago

@Steve Corner, I think you’re confusing “bafflement and hilarious mockery” with “anger”.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Steve Corner:
I’m angry at the misuse of the word “meme”, and the way it has come to mean “propaganda poster.” Does that count?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Do they still count as propaganda posters if nobody can tell what the fuck they’re trying to say? =P

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Propaganda is like terrorism, baptism or alternative medicine: it’s based on intentions rather than outcome.

9 years ago

Isn’t it cute how anti feminists make up their mind before reading or hearing what a feminist has to say that zie must be angry or hysterical? That way they can just dismiss us out of hand without ever engaging in any way and then feel real smug about it afterwards.

Sorry, Steve. You haven’t dropped any truth bombs on us. You’ve only admitted that male tears jokes make you have a temper tantrum.

Aris Boch
9 years ago

The shit religious extremists write (no matter, what religion) is much worse.

9 years ago

“Why do women put so much emphasis on their appearance?” Personal Hygiene. Look into it, boys. Obviously, we’re noticing the alternating “ugly fat girl”/ “brainless hot girl” memes, serving as a lesson to all women and girls: these individuals are morons. Tea Party morons, to be exact. The worst thing you can do to them is do them in with votes:)

Shamus Joy
Shamus Joy
9 years ago

In the 1970`s, feminist writers and activists employed the kind of economic , power,and class analysis pioneered by Karl Marx as a tool to elucidate and clarify the tangle of unsatisfactory relationships existing and played out by men and women at that time. Many of the memes and jibes, (fishes and bicycles comes to mind) , were crude and intended to hurt and shock or empower and transform according to the sex of the audience. These guys have employed the same analytical tools from a different perspective and not surprisingly come to different conclusions.

7 years ago

That average jane and joe thing. So, women are either obese slobs, or super models. God, do these people have brains? Still better than what you find on youtube. They give lessons on how to ignore women, and make them cry. They also blame us for global warming, no joke, because we buy a lot of shoes. Apparently since women are the majority of the worlds consumers, that means we are all consuming it for ourselves. No, we don’t go and buy things for our family. I don’t know about you, but every boyfriend I had hated shopping, so I did it for him.

7 years ago

Why are you all spending so much time talking about a group of men who have checked out? If they have checked out, then they are of no threat to any of you. Apparently nobody has real lives anymore, or converses with others in person, so everyone needs to be offended at something they would never know exists if it wasn’t for the internet. You all are just as sad as these mgtows.

I see where they are coming from regarding not getting married. The court system is completely biased in favor of women. It has been for a while. An entire generation of children have been raised by single mother’s and government welfare/child support. You take a strong male role model out the home, and we get what we have today. A bunch of whiny people who look for things to offend them.

Get a life, all of you feminists and mgtows