antifeminism artistry empathy deficit entitled babies evil ex-wives evil fat fatties evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies evil ugly women gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA racism

Are these MGTOW graphics literally the most misogynistic things ever made by human hands?

And what exactly do MGTOWs have to offer? Certainly not charm or wit, or the ability to make a poster.
And what exactly do MGTOWs have to offer? Certainly not charm or wit, or the ability to make a poster.

Inspired by a post on GamerGhazi highlighting some terrible MGTOW graphics, I went and took a look in the archives of, and found a bunch that were even more terrible, including the one above.

Let me ease you into the terribleness, starting with some whiny, self-pitying fat-shaming:


Then let’s watch these guys attempt to reduce women to their sexuality:


Apparently they’re mad at Marilyn Monroe, for some reason?


And, in the graphic that inspired my headline, here’s some literal dehumanization:


After that bit of horribleness, let’s end on a lighter note with some of the worst graphic design you’ll ever see outside of A Voice for Men’s Meme Squad. 


MGTOWs: Officially beyond parody.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

DaveL | October 4, 2015 at 7:21 pm
@Paradoxical Intention,

Apparently, the message of that graphic is supposed to be that women of color should abandon their jobs, give up on education, relinquish their right to own property, to vote, indeed all their legal rights, and instead trust all their well being to the beneficence of men whose every word drips with rage and contempt for them.


I mean, it’s almost like they’re projecting the fact that they don’t do any real fucking “activism” onto feminists.

Granted, feminism does have its problems with intersectionality, especially with black women (which lead them to create the Womanism movement), but feminism still has a fuck-load more to offer WoC than these booger-brains as it sits.

9 years ago

Also… “gonorrhea breath”?! What are these guys, 12?

I was first introduced to this phenomenon by my ex. I was describing a part of my job at the time that involved moderating some content including photos and drawings, and I said something like, “you can probably guess what 12-year-olds like to draw” and his response was, “I know what I would draw!” (His inflection implied he would draw the same thing.) I thought it was just a weird joke, but no. He not only thought dicks were hilarious, he was proud of his 12-year-old mentality. He’s a very intelligent man in his 30s. I was really baffled as to why human anatomy was so funny to him.

Then I started seeing it a lot more, especially amongst people in their 30s or so (more from guys but some gals, too), like Wil Wheaton (or is he in his 40s now?), where they say, “I’m twelve!” Nothing against Wil, but I just don’t get the obsession with drawing dicks all the time (yes, Wil draws dick emoji and calls on his followers to do the same).

9 years ago


Manipulators usually see everything everyone does as an attempt to manipulate them. That’s how they justify their own manipulating ways.

It’s fairly common when victims stand up to them and warn that they’ll ask for help, abusers see it as a challenge to their authority. They see the victim entering their fight for power, rather than trying to escape from it.

It’s also telling that they chose that “Just give me a reason” phrase, since it’s the go-to threat for violent abusers (physical & threats to loved ones), rather than manipulators…

Definitely. So many pickup tactics are justified on the basis that they’re just “defending” themselves against women’s manipulative tactics.

9 years ago

That last one… pot, kettle, much?

9 years ago

Boecklin? That’s an unusual font choice for a meme. Combined with a stencil font it’s downright bizarre.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I am thoroughly in favour of the argument that the second of those images makes. It tells men to stop online catcalling, sending unsolicited creepy messages and so on. This is a good thing.

It expresses it in horrifying misogynistic language and imagery, of course, because it’s made for the consumption of terrible people; but that’s mostly a language thing. If you want to talk to Afrikaners you need to speak Afrikaans, and if you want to speak to misogynists you need to speak misogynist.

9 years ago

What’s with the random use of capital letters in a couple of those?

I’m guessing the “fight me” one is a reaction to that incident in the recent #MasculinitySoFragile thing, where some dude challenged women to an actual fight, and then ran away when one accepted the challenge. I guess they took that humiliation pretty hard.

9 years ago

Yeah, no, I just can’t see this campaign against women going anywhere at all. Sure, our society is sexist. But are men going to walk away from women? No, they are not.

To paraphrase a female character in the cartoon “Bloom County”–maybe Bobbi Harlow–in addressing noted chauvinist Steve Dallas, “Stop dissing women. We’re what make your life worth living.”

Sorry, I can’t find a link. This particular storyline appeared years ago, and her remark stuck with me.

9 years ago

I liked the ‘No interests’ entry on the first one. Indeed, unlike those vapid females, your average MRA/MGTOW is a true Renaissance man whose interests range from interactive video entertainment to diligent study of science and philosophy via the online learning medium known as YouTube.

9 years ago


That meme is over a year old. I think all of these are.

9 years ago

Yeah, why do people in stock photos put so much emphasis on looking good?

9 years ago

@reimalebario: Yeah– most memes seem to benefit from a simple, bold display font, which is why Impact became so darn popular for it.

9 years ago

Well, they clearly told us what they think. Maybe they should go their own way?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Yeah, no, I just can’t see this campaign against women going anywhere at all. Sure, our society is sexist. But are men going to walk away from women? No, they are not.

To paraphrase a female character in the cartoon “Bloom County”–maybe Bobbi Harlow–in addressing noted chauvinist Steve Dallas, “Stop dissing women. We’re what make your life worth living.”

I can’t get behind that sentiment, and unpacked it’s kind of ugly.

– The text that a man’s life isn’t worth living without a woman in it is odious.
– The subtext that women exist in order to make men’s lives worth living is also odious.

Stop dissing women because women are human beings. Not because women are useful to men.

9 years ago

My main beef is that they’ve used Bocklin Font for the first one. I love that typeface, how dare they ruin it for me!

9 years ago

Isn’t the difference between men and women is almost entirely culture-based ?

When reading thoses même, I wonder if they don’t come from an alternate universe where the human specie have the same level of dimorphism than anglerfish. Which would make all thoses MRAs a lot funner to see if they were 1/100 the size of females and permanently melded with their body on wedding.

9 years ago

Hey! Not sure if this has been noted in the comment section yet, but it seems like Attila Vinczer has left AVfM and there’s a bit of a beef going on. Reading Paulie’s article now.

MRAs really don’t get along very well with each other (or anybody else), do they? 🙂

9 years ago

What sort of moron thought using red text was a good idea

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I can’t get over the use of hideous colors, fonts, and layouts to complain about the human rights violation of unattractive women.

Dudes can’t even pick a visually pleasng font. Why should the world take their opinions on beauty seriously?

9 years ago

Uh.. I sort of skimmed through Attila’s 8 pages long email of resignation. Couldn’t quite make it through Paulie’s tedious response.

Long story short, I think AV’s complaint is that he didn’t get proper support from AVfM in fundraising matters and personal health issues. He’s also concerned that Paulie and others would spread false information about him, following his departure. There was also something about doxxing in there, but this is all very unclear and hidden among 8 pages of tedious detailed descriptions of who owes how many dollars to whom. AV also seems to refer to AVfM as a “cult”.

Paulie’s general response is that AV has been conning people for money in his work wih fundraisinh and organizing conferences. There’s a lot of talk about him borrowing money, letting others pay expenses out of their own pocket and then never reimbursing them, etc.

AVfM commenters seem to be firmly on Paulie’s side, although they express some level of shock/disbelief as most of them respected AV. However, we all know any form of differing opinion in the AVfM comment section leads to an instant ban, so this might be a skewed sample of reactions.

9 years ago

Yes, we are awful! MRA and MGTOW should definitely stay FAR, FAR AWAY from us. Win-win!

9 years ago

Commenting from my phone. Sorry for all the typos. :/

9 years ago

@YoulNeverGuess beat me to it, but the majority of manuresphere whining I’ve seen about Marilyn Monroe is in protest of “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” I’d bet money that that’s what the meme maker had in mind.

Bitter internet dudes see this as playing into the stereotype of women demanding to be treated like princesses while also having the audacity to want equal rights. Though I usually see them frame Monroe’s promiscuity as a part of why her life ended early and unhappily, trying to disguise their sl*t-shaming just a little bit. This one is more overt than most.

And I can see how a genuinely nasty person could use the “If you can’t handle me…” quote as an excuse to continue being nasty. But—I mean, “for better or for worse” is in the traditional wedding vows, for heaven’s sake. It’s an acknowledgement that no one is perfect, happy, enjoyable company 100% of the time. Everyone gets cranky sometimes. Everyone occasionally gets the flu. Everyone maxes out their ability to deal with things at one time or another. And if you have a friend or partner who will instantly bail on you when that happens, darn tootin’ they haven’t earned the right to your emotional investment in your good times.

But I suppose it should come as no shock that MGTOWs object to women believing that they should expect to be treated as flawed, but valuable, human beings.

9 years ago

Can somebody please explain this one to me? I mean, if the poster in the top picture is the point, couldn’t they have cropped it and fixed the perspective? (Hint: use Photoshop)

And what have the other two pictures got to do with anything? Did the kid’s mom buy him the t-shirt? I mean, what kind of a terrible mother buys her 5 year old a shirt that says “surf” when the kid has never surfed?

9 years ago

What did Milo The Professional Bridge Dweller do now?