Inspired by a post on GamerGhazi highlighting some terrible MGTOW graphics, I went and took a look in the archives of MGTOW.com, and found a bunch that were even more terrible, including the one above.
Let me ease you into the terribleness, starting with some whiny, self-pitying fat-shaming:
Then let’s watch these guys attempt to reduce women to their sexuality:
Apparently they’re mad at Marilyn Monroe, for some reason?
And, in the graphic that inspired my headline, here’s some literal dehumanization:
After that bit of horribleness, let’s end on a lighter note with some of the worst graphic design you’ll ever see outside of A Voice for Men’s Meme Squad.
MGTOWs: Officially beyond parody.
Also, you girls did not hunt the mammoth. Nice try though.
Because they haven’t checked out. They spend all their time obsessing about women and how terrible we supposedly are. Since we mock misogyny here, we mock them. It’s not a question of whether or not they’re a threat.
Because one can’t read a blog and make a few comments on it throughout the day and still talk to people in person too. Unpossible!
If we’re pathetic for mocking misogynists online, what does necroing a two year old post to scold us for it make you?
You first, bub.
Wait. Did you actually think we’re claiming to have been alive during the ice age?
Do you think they know that these posts they always necro are from years ago, and are expecting/hoping that no one will notice the recent comments sidebar, or do they just come blasting in so quickly that they actually miss the post date in the URL, in the article, and on all the comments?
‘Cause it really does seem odd to be accusing people of spending “so much time” on something when the thread has been dormant for two years. (And, I mean, we know MGTOW are pretty commonly featured here, but is that something that a drive-by troll would necessarily know just based on a single thread?)
Of course they do.
How else could they scream “Look at me!!!!” with a chance of being noticed. 😛
I dunno about you but I was totally alive during the ice age, bucko. I made that mammoth rue the day it decided to step up to the shieldmaiden. We feasted for days.
It was cold last week, I tell you what.
How many mammoth skulls do you have hanging from the rafters, outsider?
Maybe Meh is just so cool and so busy, in demand and high status that it took them two whole years to squeeze in the time to make a comment.