#gamergate crackpottery racism that's completely wrong transphobia

Guess who convinced himself yesterday that the Oregon shooter was “Muslim or transgender?”


Even now that we know his name, the Umpqua Community College shooter remains an enigma, and commenters online and in the media have attempted to fill in the details with a lot of speculation, much of it fairly wild.

But the strangest speculation I’ve run across so far came from Mike Cernovich, the juice-hawking manosphere blogger who’s perhaps best known as #Gamergate’s “based lawyer.” Yesterday, Cernovich thought the long delay in reporting even the most basic information about the shooter was likely an indication that something nefarious was up.

So he tweeted this:

Flawless logic.

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9 years ago

That guy is a massive piece of shit, on several different levels I don’t want to go into because it’s grotesque. Blech.

9 years ago


Don’t the media immediately squawk “Muslim! Muslim!” in these situations? And just kinda hope they’re right this time?

What in the world would give him the idea that there’d be a coverup?

Film Runner
Film Runner
9 years ago

Damn, I had £5 on Roosh.

9 years ago

Well, inference to the worst explanation is an art in its own right…

How would a typical PUA regard such massive violence by an incel, though? And do they generally despise incels or do they regard them as kindred spirits?

9 years ago

It was hardly a “long delay” in the context of a police investigation (and possibly a dying suspect)… but there’s always enough time to jump to a racist, transphobic, appalling conclusion from ignorance.

Some people don’t need to jump.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

Yes of course, because the media is biased towards Islam. That’s why we call attacks by Muslims “terrorism,” but not rarely are domestic terrorist attacks called “terrorism” if they’re carried out by non Muslims, especially if they’re white. Not to mention, why would the media not tell us the guy’s name if he happened to be transgender? Yeah the liberal media is just so obsessed with defending trans people who like Muslims face no discrimination in this country. But the cowards liberals in the media will never allow us to think that a Muslim or a trans person would do anything wrong, because they don’t want to be seen as Islamophobic, or transphobic. Yeah its all political correctness run amok, never mind the overwhelming evidence to the country.

Caroline Thompson (@MitchTheRobot)

Mike, honey…

“Something is up. Shooter is Muslim or transgender.”

We always knew he was a white boy because it’s PRACTICALLY ALWAYS A WHITE BOY.

“Otherwise we’d have a name and race by now.”

The precise reason they didn’t come out barrelling with the race is because he’s white. He’s raceless–he’s just a “guy.” Same reason we didn’t hear the end of race the one time it was an Asian dude.

patti roberts
patti roberts
9 years ago

Surprised he didn’t say transgendered Muslim feminist that supports planned parenthood and is anti NRA…with red hair and overweight.

9 years ago

Does he put “lawyer” on his profile because it wouldn’t allow him to put “bellend” as an occupation?

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Well, if he hated Christians and all organized religion he could easily be the type of person who posts on 4chan regularly. The boards actively promote cynicism and misanthropy and there’s always the “asshole” variety of Internet atheism.

9 years ago

Other than bigoted groups having seething hatred towards both, what the hell do those two groups of people have in common!?

Alan Smithee
Alan Smithee
9 years ago
9 years ago

Moocow, forced (or strongly coerced) gender reassignment has been used in a number of homophobic Muslim regimes (Iran, but also Tunisia, Algeria and I think others) to “cure” people of same sex attraction.

And yes, I wouldn’t call that trans*, in much the same way as I would normally call forced sex rape.

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
9 years ago

Um, all I can think of is that some Muslims are trans? Oh! Both groups also are mostly comprised of mammalian lifeforms originating from Earth!

Is that the link? That’s it, isn’t it?

Josh Miller
Josh Miller
9 years ago

I was kind of hoping the earliest rumors were true and the shooter was an MRA, just so the incident would draw the behaviors of these terrible people to the attention of the mainstream (so one small positive could come from the tragedy, at least), but recent reports have come out claiming it was religiously motivated, I understand?

9 years ago

I thought it was Roosh! Who said that that is.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Moocow | October 2, 2015 at 11:47 am
Other than bigoted groups having seething hatred towards both, what the hell do those two groups of people have in common!?

I think that’s the only thing they have in common.

“These are both groups I hate, and it would give me great pleasure to see one or both of them be connected with something heinous instead of another white man like me!”

9 years ago

What a shit weasel.

I understand that the murderer wrote a note about being happy to go to hell, I think that definitively rules out being motivated by Islamic extremism.

This thing has aggrieved entitlement stamped all over it.

9 years ago

More like “based braggart”. Dude, like many manosphere morons, likes to big up (overstate?) his achievements ad nauseum. Also, from what I read, it sounds like he was an atheist, but does it even matter? Once the conspiracy theory is out there, these fools will never let it go away.

9 years ago


What in the world would give him the idea that there’d be a coverup?

I’m pretty sure that once you’ve persuaded yourself that the whole world is run by sooper seekrit conspirators of various kinds, you can readily see the hand of whichever group you most feel like hating today in any and every event anywhere and everywhere.

9 years ago


I knew the Girl Scouts were conspiring with Big Dairy to drive up the price of a gallon of two percent!!

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago


David Futrelle,

Yes of course, because the media is biased towards Islam. That’s why we call attacks by Muslims “terrorism,” but not rarely are domestic terrorist attacks called “terrorism” if they’re carried out by non Muslims, especially if they’re white. Not to mention, why would the media not tell us the guy’s name if he happened to be transgender? Yeah the liberal media is just so obsessed with defending trans people who like Muslims face no discrimination in this country. But the cowards liberals in the media will never allow us to think that a Muslim or a trans person would do anything wrong, because they don’t want to be seen as Islamophobic, or transphobic. Yeah its all political correctness run amok, never mind the overwhelming evidence to the country.

I’m not sure if I’m being dense or what but I’m having a really hard time understanding your comment. I can’t tell if you’re being insulting and think David is an idiot and babbling about conspiracies or you’re calling Mike Cernovich an idiot.

bananananana dakry
bananananana dakry
9 years ago

@Some sort of username

It’s not just you. I was sort of scratching my head and going ‘Whut?’ too.

9 years ago

@Some sort of username, I think CriticalDragon is being sarcastic. He’s been here for months and hasn’t blotted his copy-book that I can recall.

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago


Ah, okay, sarcasm was what I was leaning towards because despite my confusion it still felt /too/ coherent to be an MRA comment rushing to Cernovich’s defense.