I apologise for the length of time it has taken to report on the Red Bubble delivery. It was sent to a friend, who was out of the country at the time. He reported he really LOVES the shirt. The poster and book were also praised highly. All seem of good quality. Looking forward to seeing the merchandise for the unofficial WHTM store.
9 years ago
For anyone wondering what sound a baby giraffe makes:
9 years ago
I really need some brain-bleach, after having a pointless argument over Facebook – about how Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn’s panel at the UN will supposedly lead to internet censorship.
Completely ruined my mood and thus my night, so I need something to cheer me up…
9 years ago
Say, I can’t remember if I showed you folks the finished version of my “24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai” book. I remember posting a FB link in the past but I’m not sure if it was still a work-in-progress then or not.
Here ya go. I found a nice site with tops and pants I was considering buying (I shouldn’t, what I really need is shoes, and shoes to suit my foot problems are seriously expensive). Of course, converting these prices to $AU means that they’re now much more expensive than they would have been a couple of years ago.
And then. I checked the shipping information — US and Canada only. Phooey. I was also thinking about some of the accessories and/or household items as Xmas gifts. Phooey again.
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Simon’s back on YogCast BTW and I am very happy. :3
Tunak Tunak Tun is pretty fucking sweet too. Doing the dance is so fun,
9 years ago
Here’s another music video from another Japanese band I really like. This one is more “calming.” This one is NOT an idol group, if that pushed you away from my previous post. This is a video from a group called Suiyobi no Campanella, for their song Napoleon. It was hard to pick a video, because all of them are pretty awesome, but this one I saw for the first time today (though I’ve had the album with the song on it for awhile now) https://youtu.be/g_gPdGgbrNg
9 years ago
Is it a weird coincidence that I mentioned Marketplace of India on WHTM a couple of weeks ago? (Paul Elam mentioned that the MRM was strong in India, and I pointed out that Marketplace helps Indian women earn a decent living.)
Yeah, their stuff is pretty. Too bad they don’t ship to where you are. If there’s a fair trade store near you, it might carry some of their products.
Maybe, probably, I got it from your link. I’ve been looking at it on and off for a while (however long that might be). It was only when I thought to check about shipping costs that I discovered I’d been wasting my time. And got an attack of the phoooeys.
9 years ago
@Nick: The funny thing is, though it includes Hokusai illustrations it is in fact a Roger Zelazny story of that name (“24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai”). Curiously, it’s kind of a cyberpunk story.
The FB link should work for non-members, as they’re the ones I use to show books to my in-laws (who eschew social media):
As I say in the album, I’d like to maybe have a go at doing this book again… but right now I have a new and differently tricky project in the queue: restoring a damaged pop-up book…
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
As a result of a very weird series of conversations, this Monday I shall be running an RPG one-off for members of my local BDSM group. Most BDSMers are huge nerds, but this is aimed at people who’ve wanted to roleplay but have never had the chance before.
I shall be running Shadowrun (using a different system because its own is awful.) It’ll be a straightforward heist scenario, where they are breaking into an art gallery to steal certain valuable paintings, and I’ve planned a variety of different means by which they can accomplish it.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Wish me luck.
It has been a pretty bad few days over here in the frozen north of Europe as well. It’s pretty rare that Finland makes international news these days but I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen in this way…
As a Finn, I feel this pain. Fuck our government, fuck our idiots, fucking fuck just them all. Just wish that they would fucking fuck off from this fucking country and fucking planet.
If people want to try some new recipes, I got some for y’all.
“It’s valerian – common natural sedative. I have never used it but apparently it is bitter. This concoction seems to have made it palatable enough though!”
I had a valerian plant but my cat ate it and killed it like it was cat nip, so maybe they can’t taste bitter? I didn’t get the chance to try it. (Bitter is normally found in plants to indicate poison and/or discourage animals from eating it, so maybe a dislike for bitterness doesn’t occur in carnivores?) Anyway, the point is that cats know valerian is a drug and they go for it. We have a catnip plant outside our door – protected by a chicken wire cage – and I feel bad because we see all the neighbourhood cats slinking up to partake of our little drug bush and I feel like we’re lowering the tone of the neighbourhood.
Yay open thread! I’m feeling a bit better today, and wanted to thank you for your support.
I spent the afternoon watching movies with my daughter, who is the most cuddling person I’ve known, and also the sweetest. That was some serious soul bleach.
Finally, baby girl scares daddy who tries to cut her nail (warning: Adorable baby laughter):
I shall be running Shadowrun (using a different system because its own is awful.)
Upvoted x10. What a glorious, beautiful train wreck of a system.
I’m curious, how did y’all pick Shadowrun as your setting? Even leaving aside questions of system entirely, it strikes me as a very difficult setting and premise for new players.
Well my fluffy thought for the day is based on going to “science the shit out of this” in about 1.5 hours. Woooeeeeeeee.
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
I’m curious, how did y’all pick Shadowrun as your setting? Even leaving aside questions of system entirely, it strikes me as a very difficult setting and premise for new players.
The conversation went like this (paraphrasing wildly):
Person 1: “I love cyberpunk art, but it has the problem of not having many handles on it – you can’t easily identify within it.”
Person 2: “That’s probably because part of the aesthetic is that it’s inherently alienating. Fantasy is all about cosy familiarity, so it feels a lot easier to get to grips with.”
Person 1: “Yeah, true. If only there was some combination of the two.”
EJ: “Like Shadowrun, you mean?”
Person 1: “Is this one of these roleplaying games you play?”
EJ: “Yeah. It’s, like, a horrendous mashup of cyberpunk, fantasy and heist stories. It’s about elf hackers and cyborg wizards carrying out the plot of Ocean’s 11. It’s about as silly and camp as it sounds, too.”
Person 1: “I want to be a cyborg wizard.”
Person 2: “I’ve always wanted to try these RPGs. EJ, run Shadowrun for us.”
EJ: “Um, okay. If you can get me three players, a time slot and a place…”
::24 hours later::
Person 1: “So it’s agreed. EJ will run us Shadowrun on Monday 5th. We’ve already got enough people expressing enthusiasm that there’s a reserve list. Most of them have never played before, either. Lots have never played an RPG.”
EJ: “Your enthusiasm is terrifying and I am worried for what will happen if I refuse.”
Person 3: “Hey, Shadowrun, cool! Can I play? Let me show you the Wired Reflexes / Move by Wire combo I built for my Street Samurai, he can get four initiative passes! Here’s his backstory, I’ve referenced all the most obscure parts of the lore!”
EJ: “Ahem. In the interests of my head not exploding, Person 3, perhaps you should, um… let the new players play. Yeah, that. It’ll be unfair to new people to have you in with them.”
Person 3: “Awwww man. I never get the chance to tell people my character backstory.”
9 years ago
I think I need to test that product. I wonder if 75 soft chews will be sufficient to get me feeling as you know that cat does.
Very cool, and pretty much the story I expected. I’m envious. It’s been a good few years since I had the chance to run a game. I’ve been pretty isolated in general, and while most of the friends I do have ID as gamers, we seem to have too much anxiety and mental illness to make any complicated social events happen.
(deleted block of unsolicited advice goes here)
Report back and tell us how it went?
(also, is move-by-wire really supposed to stack with wired reflexes? I didn’t think it did…)
I’m just gonna drop this again.
And holy crap I’m a wealth of ideas today. Too bad most of them are going to take up SO MUCH TIME.
At least I’ll have something to do tomorrow after I finish up some WKHTM designs maybe.
Project Dogmat released an update vid today featuring the character creator!
@ Paradoxical Intention
I apologise for the length of time it has taken to report on the Red Bubble delivery. It was sent to a friend, who was out of the country at the time. He reported he really LOVES the shirt. The poster and book were also praised highly. All seem of good quality. Looking forward to seeing the merchandise for the unofficial WHTM store.
For anyone wondering what sound a baby giraffe makes:
I really need some brain-bleach, after having a pointless argument over Facebook – about how Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn’s panel at the UN will supposedly lead to internet censorship.
Completely ruined my mood and thus my night, so I need something to cheer me up…
Say, I can’t remember if I showed you folks the finished version of my “24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai” book. I remember posting a FB link in the past but I’m not sure if it was still a work-in-progress then or not.
Here ya go. I found a nice site with tops and pants I was considering buying (I shouldn’t, what I really need is shoes, and shoes to suit my foot problems are seriously expensive). Of course, converting these prices to $AU means that they’re now much more expensive than they would have been a couple of years ago.
And then. I checked the shipping information — US and Canada only. Phooey. I was also thinking about some of the accessories and/or household items as Xmas gifts. Phooey again.
You totally should show it again, even if you already did – I loves me some Hokusai.
I don’t know who originally introduced me to this video, but this is my go to feel better song:
Another amazing feel better song (which I think I learned about on WHTM!)
Simon’s back on YogCast BTW and I am very happy. :3
Tunak Tunak Tun is pretty fucking sweet too. Doing the dance is so fun,
Here’s another music video from another Japanese band I really like. This one is more “calming.” This one is NOT an idol group, if that pushed you away from my previous post. This is a video from a group called Suiyobi no Campanella, for their song Napoleon. It was hard to pick a video, because all of them are pretty awesome, but this one I saw for the first time today (though I’ve had the album with the song on it for awhile now)
Is it a weird coincidence that I mentioned Marketplace of India on WHTM a couple of weeks ago? (Paul Elam mentioned that the MRM was strong in India, and I pointed out that Marketplace helps Indian women earn a decent living.)
Yeah, their stuff is pretty. Too bad they don’t ship to where you are. If there’s a fair trade store near you, it might carry some of their products.
Maybe, probably, I got it from your link. I’ve been looking at it on and off for a while (however long that might be). It was only when I thought to check about shipping costs that I discovered I’d been wasting my time. And got an attack of the phoooeys.
@Nick: The funny thing is, though it includes Hokusai illustrations it is in fact a Roger Zelazny story of that name (“24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai”). Curiously, it’s kind of a cyberpunk story.
The FB link should work for non-members, as they’re the ones I use to show books to my in-laws (who eschew social media):
As I say in the album, I’d like to maybe have a go at doing this book again… but right now I have a new and differently tricky project in the queue: restoring a damaged pop-up book…
As a result of a very weird series of conversations, this Monday I shall be running an RPG one-off for members of my local BDSM group. Most BDSMers are huge nerds, but this is aimed at people who’ve wanted to roleplay but have never had the chance before.
I shall be running Shadowrun (using a different system because its own is awful.) It’ll be a straightforward heist scenario, where they are breaking into an art gallery to steal certain valuable paintings, and I’ve planned a variety of different means by which they can accomplish it.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Wish me luck.
As a Finn, I feel this pain. Fuck our government, fuck our idiots, fucking fuck just them all. Just wish that they would fucking fuck off from this fucking country and fucking planet.
If people want to try some new recipes, I got some for y’all.
Maru-kun’s latest is relaxing, as always:
“It’s valerian – common natural sedative. I have never used it but apparently it is bitter. This concoction seems to have made it palatable enough though!”
I had a valerian plant but my cat ate it and killed it like it was cat nip, so maybe they can’t taste bitter? I didn’t get the chance to try it. (Bitter is normally found in plants to indicate poison and/or discourage animals from eating it, so maybe a dislike for bitterness doesn’t occur in carnivores?) Anyway, the point is that cats know valerian is a drug and they go for it. We have a catnip plant outside our door – protected by a chicken wire cage – and I feel bad because we see all the neighbourhood cats slinking up to partake of our little drug bush and I feel like we’re lowering the tone of the neighbourhood.
Yay open thread! I’m feeling a bit better today, and wanted to thank you for your support.
I spent the afternoon watching movies with my daughter, who is the most cuddling person I’ve known, and also the sweetest. That was some serious soul bleach.
Finally, baby girl scares daddy who tries to cut her nail (warning: Adorable baby laughter):
Upvoted x10. What a glorious, beautiful train wreck of a system.
I’m curious, how did y’all pick Shadowrun as your setting? Even leaving aside questions of system entirely, it strikes me as a very difficult setting and premise for new players.
Well my fluffy thought for the day is based on going to “science the shit out of this” in about 1.5 hours. Woooeeeeeeee.
The conversation went like this (paraphrasing wildly):
Person 1: “I love cyberpunk art, but it has the problem of not having many handles on it – you can’t easily identify within it.”
Person 2: “That’s probably because part of the aesthetic is that it’s inherently alienating. Fantasy is all about cosy familiarity, so it feels a lot easier to get to grips with.”
Person 1: “Yeah, true. If only there was some combination of the two.”
EJ: “Like Shadowrun, you mean?”
Person 1: “Is this one of these roleplaying games you play?”
EJ: “Yeah. It’s, like, a horrendous mashup of cyberpunk, fantasy and heist stories. It’s about elf hackers and cyborg wizards carrying out the plot of Ocean’s 11. It’s about as silly and camp as it sounds, too.”
Person 1: “I want to be a cyborg wizard.”
Person 2: “I’ve always wanted to try these RPGs. EJ, run Shadowrun for us.”
EJ: “Um, okay. If you can get me three players, a time slot and a place…”
::24 hours later::
Person 1: “So it’s agreed. EJ will run us Shadowrun on Monday 5th. We’ve already got enough people expressing enthusiasm that there’s a reserve list. Most of them have never played before, either. Lots have never played an RPG.”
EJ: “Your enthusiasm is terrifying and I am worried for what will happen if I refuse.”
Person 3: “Hey, Shadowrun, cool! Can I play? Let me show you the Wired Reflexes / Move by Wire combo I built for my Street Samurai, he can get four initiative passes! Here’s his backstory, I’ve referenced all the most obscure parts of the lore!”
EJ: “Ahem. In the interests of my head not exploding, Person 3, perhaps you should, um… let the new players play. Yeah, that. It’ll be unfair to new people to have you in with them.”
Person 3: “Awwww man. I never get the chance to tell people my character backstory.”
I think I need to test that product. I wonder if 75 soft chews will be sufficient to get me feeling as you know that cat does.
Very cool, and pretty much the story I expected. I’m envious. It’s been a good few years since I had the chance to run a game. I’ve been pretty isolated in general, and while most of the friends I do have ID as gamers, we seem to have too much anxiety and mental illness to make any complicated social events happen.
(deleted block of unsolicited advice goes here)
Report back and tell us how it went?
(also, is move-by-wire really supposed to stack with wired reflexes? I didn’t think it did…)