You’ve got me thinking about vampires, nooooooooooooooooooooo~
I’m going to leave my comments about the story in your inbox; I’m not sure if you want everbody to read it?
9 years ago
What’s happening with the Mammoth Minecraft server? No go?
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Very cool! I’m trying to decide what kind of house I want to build right now. I found a neat area nestled in some extreme hills that called to me. I’ve flattened it out and made a neat pond, now to add a building. 🙂
9 years ago
@Felix Ray: Well, as the man said, a stopped clock is right once a day.
@kupo: I forgot for a second and thought you were talking about actual real estate.
9 years ago
I wouldn’t call this “calming” but about a year ago I was watching this music video from my favorite j-idol group like twice a day. never fails to cheer me up. https://youtu.be/EGy39OMyHzw
To build on Ellesar’s video, here’s the Cocteau Twins (as part of the supergroup This Mortal Coil) and their rendition of Tim Buckley’s “Song to the Siren.” It’s many things: quiet, calm, Gothic, and it’s so, so, fragile.
I might have tagged you on Twitter for this, but here anyway is a replug of a recently launched web series by a major production house in Bollywood. I must disclose that my cousin has composed the music for the show, however that is not the reason I’m plugging it here.
It is a hilarious and totally uncensored take on whiny entitled men who feel the women have it easy and wish to be in their position. So this one dude gets his wish and what happens next is the rest of the show.
The show is significant for a number of reasons.
In India, television content is heavily scrutinized and censured to ensure only UA content is broadcast. Which IMO is not a totally bad thing as the TV set here belongs to the entire family and parental control is not really a thing. YouTube so far is beyond the purview of such state censorship for now, so for the time it is a place where we can really get some edgy commentary on an issue as contemporary as growing MRA whining.
Also, mainstream TV entertainment is suffering a terrible spell of mediocrity, and one major reason is that most of the shows are daily, so they’re produced in such a rush that they all end up looking equally tacky and they go on forever.
This will be a limited series, so it is a leap forward in production values.
The backing of a big production house helps with the last one.
Sorry for geeking out. Being an aspiring screenwriter, I can go on and on about this stuff.
That was some serious sexual violation on a stair banister railing. My own stairs are experiencing sympathy-trauma, I don’t know if I’m going to be safe using them and my only bathroom is upstairs! Guess the dog and I will *both* need that extra walk in a bit. I bet my neighbors will be totally thrilled, I hope there aren’t any spiders lurking in the bushes (which there ALWAYS are, spiders are a plague upon the land until November in these parts, and they’re HUGE – I could never live in Australia or Florida.)….I know, first world problems.
Our older son has a friend (since middle school) who is going through a rough patch. Son has been dedicated to helping his friend through, despite his own issues (schizophrenia, etc.), to the extent of leaving the house on his own. It’s been wonderful to see his dedication to being That Good Friend who is there for you when you need one.
Younger son is adjusting to life at an urban high school. His teacher obliquely referred to an incident in which another student tried to bully him on the way back from lunch. He didn’t do anything that would have gotten him suspended, but she felt sure that the other kid wouldn’t try it again. He may not grow up to be a world-beater, but the world is not going to beat him.
So much of my life is built around my husband and kids. It’s like I’ve grown up to be my dad.
That was great! I watched both episodes. I’ve always wanted to see a feminist version if Freaky Friday. Do you know when the third one will be available?
I posted a bit in one of the recent news threads but this is probably a better place to introduce myself. Hi! Longtime lurker here. The utter sensibility of the commentariat here (due in no small part to hard moderation work, I’m sure), always feels like a bit of a sanctuary to me, even when the topic is triggery.
Also, what’s this I hear about about Mammoth Minecraft?? /Minecraft junkie
You’ve got me thinking about vampires, nooooooooooooooooooooo~
I’m going to leave my comments about the story in your inbox; I’m not sure if you want everbody to read it?
What’s happening with the Mammoth Minecraft server? No go?
You can do it either way. uWu
Man, those possums are well synced.
Very cool! I’m trying to decide what kind of house I want to build right now. I found a neat area nestled in some extreme hills that called to me. I’ve flattened it out and made a neat pond, now to add a building. 🙂
@Felix Ray: Well, as the man said, a stopped clock is right once a day.
@kupo: I forgot for a second and thought you were talking about actual real estate.
I wouldn’t call this “calming” but about a year ago I was watching this music video from my favorite j-idol group like twice a day. never fails to cheer me up.
My favorite youtuber… I <3 U, Catie!
To build on Ellesar’s video, here’s the Cocteau Twins (as part of the supergroup This Mortal Coil) and their rendition of Tim Buckley’s “Song to the Siren.” It’s many things: quiet, calm, Gothic, and it’s so, so, fragile.
I might have tagged you on Twitter for this, but here anyway is a replug of a recently launched web series by a major production house in Bollywood. I must disclose that my cousin has composed the music for the show, however that is not the reason I’m plugging it here.
It is a hilarious and totally uncensored take on whiny entitled men who feel the women have it easy and wish to be in their position. So this one dude gets his wish and what happens next is the rest of the show.
The show is significant for a number of reasons.
In India, television content is heavily scrutinized and censured to ensure only UA content is broadcast. Which IMO is not a totally bad thing as the TV set here belongs to the entire family and parental control is not really a thing. YouTube so far is beyond the purview of such state censorship for now, so for the time it is a place where we can really get some edgy commentary on an issue as contemporary as growing MRA whining.
Also, mainstream TV entertainment is suffering a terrible spell of mediocrity, and one major reason is that most of the shows are daily, so they’re produced in such a rush that they all end up looking equally tacky and they go on forever.
This will be a limited series, so it is a leap forward in production values.
The backing of a big production house helps with the last one.
Sorry for geeking out. Being an aspiring screenwriter, I can go on and on about this stuff.
Here it is:
That was some serious sexual violation on a stair banister railing. My own stairs are experiencing sympathy-trauma, I don’t know if I’m going to be safe using them and my only bathroom is upstairs! Guess the dog and I will *both* need that extra walk in a bit. I bet my neighbors will be totally thrilled, I hope there aren’t any spiders lurking in the bushes (which there ALWAYS are, spiders are a plague upon the land until November in these parts, and they’re HUGE – I could never live in Australia or Florida.)….I know, first world problems.
Who decided to bring in the cantina band!?
Classic brain bleach
Is this an appropriate place to post a picture of my cat? I’ll do it anyway.
P.S. Oddly, she doesn’t like boxes all that much.
I got to music at times like this. Music I wouldn’t necessarily call calming, but comforting. Today I’m starting here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-nwmrKi_a4
Here are some of the sites I like to window shop at. (I guess these would be “Halloween themed” for some people.)
Looking at junk I’ll never afford but looks super neat calms me down. Maybe it’ll calm you.
Our older son has a friend (since middle school) who is going through a rough patch. Son has been dedicated to helping his friend through, despite his own issues (schizophrenia, etc.), to the extent of leaving the house on his own. It’s been wonderful to see his dedication to being That Good Friend who is there for you when you need one.
Younger son is adjusting to life at an urban high school. His teacher obliquely referred to an incident in which another student tried to bully him on the way back from lunch. He didn’t do anything that would have gotten him suspended, but she felt sure that the other kid wouldn’t try it again. He may not grow up to be a world-beater, but the world is not going to beat him.
So much of my life is built around my husband and kids. It’s like I’ve grown up to be my dad.
That was great! I watched both episodes. I’ve always wanted to see a feminist version if Freaky Friday. Do you know when the third one will be available?
It’s always appropriate to post kitties here! She’s a cutie.
Great, now I’M window shopping on those sites at the cool attire I can’t afford. I hope you’re happy.
More dark but hopeful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46pKSylbdSc (The Killers, This Is Your Life)
Couldn’t decide on one Amanda Palmer. Lost (more topical) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra4zy-IZQHQ or Leeds United (more invigorating) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62UF7uROGU
Last one, Keane, Perfect Symmetry. Great meditation on loss, though pretty harshly anti-religious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRLv6zvyE48
I posted a bit in one of the recent news threads but this is probably a better place to introduce myself. Hi! Longtime lurker here. The utter sensibility of the commentariat here (due in no small part to hard moderation work, I’m sure), always feels like a bit of a sanctuary to me, even when the topic is triggery.
Also, what’s this I hear about about Mammoth Minecraft?? /Minecraft junkie
Thanks for this. I am way too caught up in this story and way too caught up in what the manosphere would make of a “man” like me.
@Some sort of username