Was perusing some old stuff today and came across this beautiful No On Prop 8 ad from back in 2008.
I cried every time I saw it then, and I still cry now.
9 years ago
Also, I’m sitting in a big easy chair with my laptop, kind of leaned back, and the smallest cat is INSISTENT upon sitting on my boobs like they are a kitty shelf. I keep trying to explain to her that this is unacceptable because it partially blocks my vision, and she keeps doing it, anyway. I’ve given up and as a result am presently buried under tortoiseshell cat, craning my neck to see over her to my screen.
Alright, so there’s something i’ve noticed and maybe something YOU have noticed to, specifically on youtube, but also on other sites.
You see on youtube, you can have a video that’s about pretty much any controversial topic, and the ration of likes/dislikes and asshole/nice comments usually stays more on the positive end. However, when feminism is brought up in any way, shape or form, and you’re not against it, then the asshats really start pouring in, then the death threats start flying back and forth.
It’s interesting to note really that feminism is such “dangerous” topic to bring up (and be positive about) if you want to retain your sanity.
I “talked” yesterday with some gentlemen about it and how Totalbiscuit is maybe not very enlightened when it comes to the topic, now, i knew i was treading on a minefield when i brought that up and indeed, once i’ve said it, this guy started going on about the “professional victim” that is Anita Sar…. (can’t spell it :/) and then some guy joined in and started being an ass.
Oh my goodness, I will now always be sad when a rose doesn’t contain an anole.
9 years ago
It’s valerian – common natural sedative. I have never used it but apparently it is bitter. This concoction seems to have made it palatable enough though!
9 years ago
spacelawn – that is absolutely what happens. You can make the most rational and sensible observation ever, but use the f word and at best peeps will call you stupid. It happens to me all the time.
9 years ago
I couldn’t deal with the news either. Thanks for the thread.
I have an orange tabby Calminator 3000 ™ purring away in my lap. I wish I could duplicate him and send copies around to you all.
After so many horrifying posts on WHTH it’s just really life-affirming to see a picture of a dog and a cat so very clearly stoned out of their tiny skulls. ^_^
It has been a pretty bad few days over here in the frozen north of Europe as well. It’s pretty rare that Finland makes international news these days but I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen in this way… 🙁
In happier news, I’m getting a bit of extra cash this coming week! Hopefully this will mean a trip to my friendly local comic book store, or to my nearest gaming store. I just need to escape into a happier world and the best way to do that is through comics and roleplaying games.
History Nerd
9 years ago
Speaking of dankness.
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
…Of course there are warning labels on cow pharmeceuticals! I bet you’ve never experienced the tragic scene that is the aftermath of cows gone wild driving those tractors around outside the pasture fence! Steaks everywhere, beef just ground up and encased in sanitary plastic covering, it’s a bbq just right there!
It looks like it had some of that all natural product 😀
Those are really cute pictures.
9 years ago
I need to get my cats some of that for when they get all high strung. You’d think cats would be more chill.
9 years ago
Go watch a 12 week old (but smaller than usual, as his growth was stunted by malnutrition. He’s about 2/3rds the size of his brother, who is the same age) tuxedo kitten named Cassidy, who survived 8-9 weeks dragging around his amputated back legs (his mother likely accidentally chewed his paws off while trying to untangle him from his umbilical cord/placenta), on his road to recovery. He has gone viral everywhere, in the past few days (Regional news, Buzzfeed, ABC, GMA, HuffPo, some Dutch news site, The Dodo, Discovery’s blog, numerous others), after his video taking his first steps in his tiny, custom wheelchair hit YouTube, and because his survival has just been so unlikely (emaciated, e coli infection in stumps, so near death that his body couldn’t even produce a fever to fight the infection). He is so adorable, has a big personality, and his scurry-wobbling around like a little seal, playing and being a goof and getting affection from his foster mama who he is clearly quite bonded to, it will melt your heart. His larger, longhaired brother Topper, who helped him survive in the forest feral colony, also sometimes makes an appearance on camera (although Topper is ready to be adopted, and will go to his permanent home, soon. Cassidy requires many months of recovery).
Tinykittens official website. Started by Shelly Roche, she and volunteers do TNR and other care for the feral colony from whence Cassidy and Topper came: http://www.tinykittens.com. Go to http://www.tinykittens.com/cats to see some beautiful photos of the colony cats, many with gorgeous, unique colouring, and typically uncommon copper eyes.
Here is Cassidy’s Livestream. If not much is happening presently, you can rewind anywhere on the DVR since the last reset: http://www.tinykittens.com/feralcam
Watch this video of Cassidy, early in his rescue, utterly dependant on Shelly, showing how huge of an appetite such a tiny kitten hopped up on pain meds and antibiotics can still have. It’s adorable AND hilarious. The channel that hosts this also has numerous other clips, recorded from the livestream (lower quality than the best you can get on the livestream, though): https://youtu.be/uB6MICJaJlM?list=PLMTJS8fXWvxFk7CrJCKF70cDIr0oLaJph
Here’s Cassidy, 2.5 weeks ago, still quite sick, but starting to be playful and groom himself a bit. Shelly is holding Topper over him, so that Cassidy can play with his tail. It was considered justifiable revenge for all of the times Topper kept trying to pounce on his sick little brother and wrestle (that have to be monitored together, and separated, because the roughhousing could reinjure Cassidy’s stumps): https://www.facebook.com/tinykittens/videos/vb.462536430487893/923996254341906/?type=2&theater
Also check out the other mother cat and kittens Shelly is fostering in another room: http://www.tinykittens.com/live. The kittens are 8 weeks old, now, almost ready for adoption. Tip and her litter of five are sponsored by the people at Dreamworks, who are huge fans, and her brood is named after Dreamworks characters: Puss in Boots (Bootsie, for short), Tigress, Skipper, Hiccup, and Eep. Tip also nursed a few at a time, on rotation, from a litter of 7 born to a feral from the colony, named Sisko. When they were old enough to start weaning, at about 3.5-4 weeks, Sisko was spayed and returned to her colony, and her 7 kittens were also placed with Tip and her litter, and Tip has been nursing them all in combination with the addition of solid food… because Tip is an awesome mom. Because they went in with a friendly stray mom who accepts people without hostility, they have been able to get regular human socialization when it was necessary (best to start, by 4 weeks of age), to make them successful as house pets. The litter of 7 has a Bambi theme: Thumper, Flower, Owl, Bambi, Walt, Bluebelle, and Daisy. They had a little brother who was the 8th in the litter, but he passed after just a couple of days due to likely congenital defect. Prior to that, he was taken and placed with Tip, because she was nursing steadily and producing tons of milk, while Sisko was reluctant to feed her kits often enough, and wasn’t producing enough for 8. So the little guy, a black kitten, was posthumously named “Toothless” (after the black dragon in How To Train Your Dragon). He’s how the idea to have Tip foster additional kittens came to be, because it normally wasn’t in keeping procedure, but it was necessary. It was discovered that Tip readily accepted and nurtured the little guy, and then after that, that she would accept and love any kitten you handed to her. When she heard Sisko’s kittens crying for food in the other room, she was frantically trying to get to them.
Kitten cams are addictive. I get a little enthusiastic, can’t you tell?
9 years ago
I’m building a super awesome castle in Minecraft. The castle was originally designed for my Pathfinder game as a base of operations for the party, but the party kept getting sidetracked before we could start construction, and now the game is on hiatus for a few months while the DM moves. I put so much effort into designing it, and I had so many cool ideas for secret passages, and areas designed to suit the party member’s individual needs- a ballroom for the bard, a rooftop garden for the druid, a laboratory for the arcane trickster- I just couldn’t bear for such a kickass fortress to only exist on paper. So I borrowed my sister’s minecraft account and started stacking blocks. I have about half of the walls and floors finished, but only a couple of rooms are decorated. I still need to have my sister show me how to do secret doors and torch levers so I can hide the secret escape tunnel. It’s just a hole in the wall right now.
Oh thank God. I cannot deal with the news 🙁
Was perusing some old stuff today and came across this beautiful No On Prop 8 ad from back in 2008.
I cried every time I saw it then, and I still cry now.
Also, I’m sitting in a big easy chair with my laptop, kind of leaned back, and the smallest cat is INSISTENT upon sitting on my boobs like they are a kitty shelf. I keep trying to explain to her that this is unacceptable because it partially blocks my vision, and she keeps doing it, anyway. I’ve given up and as a result am presently buried under tortoiseshell cat, craning my neck to see over her to my screen.
Those animals look so stoned.
I’ll have some of whatever Rover and Fluffy are having.
There’s some stuff going round at the moment about Google’s happiness algorithm in three steps.
Be mindful and mediate,
Log moments of joy
Wish other people happiness.
I’m gonna try and put into practice as the last two months have been a lot less than pleasant and the future looks a little break tough.
Worse things happen at sea though so its always good to be chipper.
Anyone who’s having tough times I wish them well and that you’ll get through it.
Alright, so there’s something i’ve noticed and maybe something YOU have noticed to, specifically on youtube, but also on other sites.
You see on youtube, you can have a video that’s about pretty much any controversial topic, and the ration of likes/dislikes and asshole/nice comments usually stays more on the positive end. However, when feminism is brought up in any way, shape or form, and you’re not against it, then the asshats really start pouring in, then the death threats start flying back and forth.
It’s interesting to note really that feminism is such “dangerous” topic to bring up (and be positive about) if you want to retain your sanity.
I “talked” yesterday with some gentlemen about it and how Totalbiscuit is maybe not very enlightened when it comes to the topic, now, i knew i was treading on a minefield when i brought that up and indeed, once i’ve said it, this guy started going on about the “professional victim” that is Anita Sar…. (can’t spell it :/) and then some guy joined in and started being an ass.
Has any one else done this observation?
Wee lizard snoozing in a rose.
Oh my goodness, I will now always be sad when a rose doesn’t contain an anole.
It’s valerian – common natural sedative. I have never used it but apparently it is bitter. This concoction seems to have made it palatable enough though!
spacelawn – that is absolutely what happens. You can make the most rational and sensible observation ever, but use the f word and at best peeps will call you stupid. It happens to me all the time.
I couldn’t deal with the news either. Thanks for the thread.
I have an orange tabby Calminator 3000 ™ purring away in my lap. I wish I could duplicate him and send copies around to you all.
I’ve never tried animal medicine (well, unless you count ketamine) but there is one particular brand of doggie chocolates I love.
I spoke to the woman who sells it and she reckoned about a quarter of her customers were just buying it for themselves.
Oh, and the funny thing about animal medicine is that the stuff for cows still has the “Don’t operate heavy machinery or drive ” warning on it!
Here’s hoping I didn’t overlook any html-breaking autocorrects. 🙂
Well, that didn’t work. http://littlefun.org/uploads/52176924c856110a8d000024_736.jpg
Have some lovely calming music:
After so many horrifying posts on WHTH it’s just really life-affirming to see a picture of a dog and a cat so very clearly stoned out of their tiny skulls. ^_^
It has been a pretty bad few days over here in the frozen north of Europe as well. It’s pretty rare that Finland makes international news these days but I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen in this way… 🙁
In happier news, I’m getting a bit of extra cash this coming week! Hopefully this will mean a trip to my friendly local comic book store, or to my nearest gaming store. I just need to escape into a happier world and the best way to do that is through comics and roleplaying games.
Speaking of dankness.
*coughcough*self promotinggarbage*coughcough* *slinks away*
…Of course there are warning labels on cow pharmeceuticals! I bet you’ve never experienced the tragic scene that is the aftermath of cows gone wild driving those tractors around outside the pasture fence! Steaks everywhere, beef just ground up and encased in sanitary plastic covering, it’s a bbq just right there!
Check out the badass of the week!
This prison guard took down a prisoner that was bigger than her and had a gun to her head!
It looks like it had some of that all natural product 😀
Those are really cute pictures.
I need to get my cats some of that for when they get all high strung. You’d think cats would be more chill.
Go watch a 12 week old (but smaller than usual, as his growth was stunted by malnutrition. He’s about 2/3rds the size of his brother, who is the same age) tuxedo kitten named Cassidy, who survived 8-9 weeks dragging around his amputated back legs (his mother likely accidentally chewed his paws off while trying to untangle him from his umbilical cord/placenta), on his road to recovery. He has gone viral everywhere, in the past few days (Regional news, Buzzfeed, ABC, GMA, HuffPo, some Dutch news site, The Dodo, Discovery’s blog, numerous others), after his video taking his first steps in his tiny, custom wheelchair hit YouTube, and because his survival has just been so unlikely (emaciated, e coli infection in stumps, so near death that his body couldn’t even produce a fever to fight the infection). He is so adorable, has a big personality, and his scurry-wobbling around like a little seal, playing and being a goof and getting affection from his foster mama who he is clearly quite bonded to, it will melt your heart. His larger, longhaired brother Topper, who helped him survive in the forest feral colony, also sometimes makes an appearance on camera (although Topper is ready to be adopted, and will go to his permanent home, soon. Cassidy requires many months of recovery).
Tinykittens official website. Started by Shelly Roche, she and volunteers do TNR and other care for the feral colony from whence Cassidy and Topper came: http://www.tinykittens.com. Go to http://www.tinykittens.com/cats to see some beautiful photos of the colony cats, many with gorgeous, unique colouring, and typically uncommon copper eyes.
Here is Cassidy’s Livestream. If not much is happening presently, you can rewind anywhere on the DVR since the last reset: http://www.tinykittens.com/feralcam
Watch this video of Cassidy, early in his rescue, utterly dependant on Shelly, showing how huge of an appetite such a tiny kitten hopped up on pain meds and antibiotics can still have. It’s adorable AND hilarious. The channel that hosts this also has numerous other clips, recorded from the livestream (lower quality than the best you can get on the livestream, though): https://youtu.be/uB6MICJaJlM?list=PLMTJS8fXWvxFk7CrJCKF70cDIr0oLaJph
Here’s Cassidy, 2.5 weeks ago, still quite sick, but starting to be playful and groom himself a bit. Shelly is holding Topper over him, so that Cassidy can play with his tail. It was considered justifiable revenge for all of the times Topper kept trying to pounce on his sick little brother and wrestle (that have to be monitored together, and separated, because the roughhousing could reinjure Cassidy’s stumps): https://www.facebook.com/tinykittens/videos/vb.462536430487893/923996254341906/?type=2&theater
Tinykittens Facebook page. Shelly is also a very talented photographer, so she gets some beautiful, high-quality photos: https://www.facebook.com/tinykittens?fref=ts
Also check out the other mother cat and kittens Shelly is fostering in another room: http://www.tinykittens.com/live. The kittens are 8 weeks old, now, almost ready for adoption. Tip and her litter of five are sponsored by the people at Dreamworks, who are huge fans, and her brood is named after Dreamworks characters: Puss in Boots (Bootsie, for short), Tigress, Skipper, Hiccup, and Eep. Tip also nursed a few at a time, on rotation, from a litter of 7 born to a feral from the colony, named Sisko. When they were old enough to start weaning, at about 3.5-4 weeks, Sisko was spayed and returned to her colony, and her 7 kittens were also placed with Tip and her litter, and Tip has been nursing them all in combination with the addition of solid food… because Tip is an awesome mom. Because they went in with a friendly stray mom who accepts people without hostility, they have been able to get regular human socialization when it was necessary (best to start, by 4 weeks of age), to make them successful as house pets. The litter of 7 has a Bambi theme: Thumper, Flower, Owl, Bambi, Walt, Bluebelle, and Daisy. They had a little brother who was the 8th in the litter, but he passed after just a couple of days due to likely congenital defect. Prior to that, he was taken and placed with Tip, because she was nursing steadily and producing tons of milk, while Sisko was reluctant to feed her kits often enough, and wasn’t producing enough for 8. So the little guy, a black kitten, was posthumously named “Toothless” (after the black dragon in How To Train Your Dragon). He’s how the idea to have Tip foster additional kittens came to be, because it normally wasn’t in keeping procedure, but it was necessary. It was discovered that Tip readily accepted and nurtured the little guy, and then after that, that she would accept and love any kitten you handed to her. When she heard Sisko’s kittens crying for food in the other room, she was frantically trying to get to them.
Kitten cams are addictive. I get a little enthusiastic, can’t you tell?
I’m building a super awesome castle in Minecraft. The castle was originally designed for my Pathfinder game as a base of operations for the party, but the party kept getting sidetracked before we could start construction, and now the game is on hiatus for a few months while the DM moves. I put so much effort into designing it, and I had so many cool ideas for secret passages, and areas designed to suit the party member’s individual needs- a ballroom for the bard, a rooftop garden for the druid, a laboratory for the arcane trickster- I just couldn’t bear for such a kickass fortress to only exist on paper. So I borrowed my sister’s minecraft account and started stacking blocks. I have about half of the walls and floors finished, but only a couple of rooms are decorated. I still need to have my sister show me how to do secret doors and torch levers so I can hide the secret escape tunnel. It’s just a hole in the wall right now.