It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.
What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.
The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.
Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”
Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:
Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:
Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:
Still others had even more radical “solutions.”
If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.
One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.
“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.
>>“Creepy” is also a synonym for “scary”, and trying to hit on people who are much younger than you often makes you seem “scary”,
But nobody’s accusing me of hitting on anybody, unless you are, and if you are, where’s your evidence?
I know what creepy means, but creepy wasn’t the word that was used. And creepy doesn’t mean anything. I haven’t done anything wrong, but if you find scary me somehow, I have no control over that, and it’s not my problem.
>>By the way, I sure as shit wasn’t looking for things to “Bully you over.” I Google Twitter accounts when I’m unsure if somebody’s a troll or not. Always hoping that I’ve just misread them… Always finding shit like that instead.
I think its strange and ironic that they think women are “less human”. If we simply just compare our behavior to these MRAs, even in the most basic way, its painfully obvious we think and behave in a more civilized way then they could ever hope (or even comprehend) to. Hell, even they have called us “too complex/emotional/complicated”, we -normally- don’t have to resort to name calling and hyper-aggression, animalistic violence, etc, we actually care about our personal hygiene, yes we are sexual beings (both men and women are) but I think I can say that most of us don’t let it control us and don’t use it as an excuse to hurt innocent people and assume they owe us just for existing. Every time I hear them say that it just seems really bizarre because they act quite animalistic/less human than we do.
The best thing about WordPress now allowing the posting of gifs is that it causes some pretty hilarious meltdowns. There’s nothing that offends a pompous troll like not taking something they’ve said seriously enough to craft a long well thought out essay in response to it. Besides, what else is there to say when someone purposely misunderstands well known phrases like “creeping on?”
You wrote this. It seems pretty clear to me that you believe you’re being accused of hitting on (“putting the moves on”), and I’m explaining why someone could think you were creeping on the girl.
If you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong (including coming off as creepy) why do you care if this is someone’s opinion of you?
My GIF didn’t work. Well, I guess this IS a meltdown!
If you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong (including coming off as creepy) why do you care if this is someone’s opinion of you?
It’s not that I care; it’s that I’ve got a bunch of people simultaneously trying to humiliate me with vague innuendo for no real reason other than a purely academic disagreement and it amuses me that they don’t think they’re bullies.
(You know, the fact that so damn many seemingly-alright people go into full-on poop-flinging Peltdown mode over their belief that ableism isn’t a problem just proves that it’s an even bigger problem than we tell them.)
Also, like I said, I think it’s fundamentally sexist. There’s a site where I hang out where people have been trying to run this game on me for years, and I enjoy posting Catie Wayne videos just to fuck with them.
>>>(You know, the fact that so damn many seemingly-alright people go into full-on poop-flinging Peltdown mode over their belief that ableism isn’t a problem just proves that it’s an even bigger problem than we tell them.)
Is that what this is about? Did someone say tht ableism isn’t a problem? “Peltdown mode”?
@Felix Ray
You should stop and walk away for a bit. What was said is not worth what you’re doing. It feels like you’re letting this get too personal for you, especially when you keep insisting you aren’t doing something wrong.
Take a break from the site. Go watch something you like or read a book or something, come back later when you’ve cooled down, okay? Don’t get yourself worked up over this.
I’m pretty sure SFHC looked at your twitter to see if you were a troll, i.e. someone who is not worth having a discussion with. She found a number of things that made her confused.
You attempted to explain those things, and the matter of the 18-year-old got fixated on.
And people might have been more “gracious” towards you if you hadn’t suggested that having a twisted ideology equals having a mental illness.
Normally I might be concerned that Felix Ray might just be misunderstood. But arguing that the words ‘creepy’ and ‘creeping’ are meaningless? Gotta be a troll.
But misogyny isn’t an ideology; it’s an emotional response, and it seems to have more to do with fear than anything else. One thing that keeps coming up again and again with misogynists is an exaggerated idea of women’s power. Like Anita Sarkeesian is going to completely destroy boy’s gaming with a few youtube videos.
And I didn’t mean to say that misogyny was a mental illness, only that if that’s where the evidence led, we shouldn’t be afraid to go there.
I know the word has a meaning, but not in this context. It’s basically a substitute for a real accusation.
>>You should stop and walk away for a bit. What was said is not worth what you’re doing.
Oh, I so disagree! Why I should I let these guys off the hook? However, this has pretty much run it’s course.
>>It feels like you’re letting this get too personal for you, especially when you keep insisting you aren’t doing something wrong.
Don’t you think that’s a valid point to raise here? Are you saying that I wasn’t attacked personally? I agree that it’s not a big deal, but all I’m doing is telling the truth. And you can’t handle the truth.
I don’t know; i think I just expected better from this site.
I didn’t say to let them off the hook, it’s just better to not argue and prove a point while likely upset. That’s why I suggested you go, take your mind off things, and come back.
Yes, you did bring up Catie Wayne. Go back one page and Ctrl+F “Catie Wayne”, and it shows up 9 times. Yours was first.
Go on, I even linked it for you. That’s the first mention of Catie Wayne.
You can’t be sexist towards men.
The White Knight trope isn’t a sexist stereotype towards men, but towards women. It assumes that one, the woman needs to be rescued, and two, she’ll pay out with sex for being rescued. It has nothing to do with the idea that “men will come and rescue women with sinister sexual motives.

So this whole fucking paragraph is lol-worthy.
4. You’re assuming that we’re going to take your word that you weren’t being a creeper and getting pissy that we’d dare suggest such a thing because “sexism”, completely oblivious of how your actions look to everyone else, but insisting that we take your intentions as Gospel Truth, and throwing a shit-fit when we don’t, claiming “sexism” and “cyber-bullying”.
How’s that?
Okay, either English isn’t your first language, you don’t spend much time on the internet, or you’re being deliberately obtuse.
Judging from what you’ve been saying earlier, I’m going to say it’s #3.
> Says that we should consider misogyny to be a mental illness, thus being ableist as fuck, which is against the site’s rules
> Gets upset when people call him out for said ableism, and calls it an “academic disagreement”, as though his ideas aren’t dehumanizing to other people with mental illnesses
> Claims that everyone else is bullying him.
I’m fucking dying over here. This dude is trying to martyr himself harder than Jesus on the fucking cross.
Misogyny. Isn’t. A. Fucking. Mental. Illness.
It’s just not. So many fucking people have pointed it out to you and why that is, but you keep running with this fucking idea that’s bullshit, and so many people have asked you to fucking knock it off.
Misogyny is a societal construct. Mental illness can, in some cases, make it worse, but misogyny, or any other form of bigotry, isn’t a goddamned mental illness.
As for the “it’s not an ideology” stuff, you’re right, it’s not an ideology, but it is a huge part of the Manosphere’s ideology. Right up there with Toxic Masculinity and other forms of bigotry like homophobia and racism.
Now, for fuck’s sake, stop with this bullshit.
Hey, if you want to keep embarrassing yourself and eventually get banned for being a tedious cockbite, by all means!
All we did was call you out for being fucking ableist as fuck.
Lol. 3edgy5me.
Fuck off with your “truth bombs”.
Translation: “I expected all of you guys to not challenge me, and you did! You’re all so mean! I expected you to swallow my bullshit wholesale and not call me out for being ableist and being creepy!”
Anyone else want to call for a ban?
I was gonna post about how I was sick of this five gifs ago, because fucking nobody posts the same gif four times in one post. So yes Paradoxical, I second that.
Look what John Oliver is talking about:
“…I don’t see how being in the house before dark, group dates or no alone time with a boy until intentions are clear hurts girls, or boys. How would it hurt them? At the same time stricter parenting of teens is not going to get these 4 Chan types a girlfriend. Contrary to their thinking, not every guy was guaranteed a girlfriend or wife back in the good ol’ days and where they got that idea, goddess only knows…”
It’s not the actual things but the mindset behind it that harms their daughters. Though I may not have been completely clear. Imagining the aging-PUA as a dad, so to speak, with a bit of the old mra thrown in.
@ Virtually and msexecption,
I think this “no alone time with a boy until intentions are clear hurts girls, or boys. How would it hurt them?” does hurt girls and boys.
As to how, I think it perpetuates harmful ideas that a boy and girl or man and woman can’t be alone together for any reason other than sex. It also seems to set up marriage as the end goal of any relationship, which is problematic. Further I don’t think you can know if you want to marry a person if you’ve only been in groups with that person. Group dates/get-togethers are great, but knowing someone individually takes one on one time.
There are numerous critics of the “Christian patriarchy ” who have discussed this in better detail
Don’t worry about banning me. I made a point of expressing my respect, and yet I was attacked personally over a philosophical difference. I didn’t attack you personally. Do you know how much feminist rhetoric you stepped over to get to that picture which you willfully misinterpreted? You’re better informed than the anti-feminist bigots I usually deal with, but you’re just as bigoted.
So misogyny probably isn’t a mental illness. So maybe I was wrong. It wasn’t But if to even allude to the possibility of it being a factor is going to be treated as heresy, you’re behaving like creationists who dismiss evolution not on the evidence, but because of the moral implications, and that’s the end of intellectual integrity.
Totally facepalmed when I saw John Oliver last night.
I wonder if the problem here isn’t the fear of stigmatizing mental illness, but the fear of de-stigmatizing misogyny. Maybe you wouldn’t know what to do if someone took away your right to morally condemn and feel superior to other people, by declaring their moral error a mental illness.
Ok, Felix, I was staying out of that discussion because everyone else had things covered. I do want to say this, however.
Reacting with “you misunderstood ” (to PI), “you’re bullying me” (to SFHC), and “you can’t handle the truth” (to the board in general ) when people say “hey, what you just said hurts me/people like me/my friends” is not expressing respect.
Also, it is possible to have tweeted “feminist rhetoric” and follow lots of “feminist icons” and still behave in ways that are problematic or creepy. If someone says you acted creepy, saying “I didn’t mean to. Can you show me how?” is leagues away from claiming the word has no meaning because you don’t believe it could apply to you.
People who believe the world is 4-6,000 years old are disregarding the overwhelming evidence that it isn’t that young. Claiming misogyny is a mental illness is ignoring the overwhelming evidence that it is a socially constructed problem.
Was that “you’re just intolerant of intolerance”?