It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.
What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.
The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.
Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”
Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:
Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:
Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:
Still others had even more radical “solutions.”
If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.
One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.
“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.
“I can’t imagine pre-teens dating. What do they do? LOL”
Don’t know, wasn’t allowed, but I was pretty much done with puberty at 11, so I’m gonna guess the answer is “pretty much the same as two years later” — lots of silly crushes and FEEEEELINGSSSS and maybe sneaking into a PG13 movie? Idk, I just went from high school level books to being allowed the whole library, I wasn’t the social sort.
I didn’t realize until fairly recently that some people actually go on “dates”. I thought that was a TV thing. In my experience, it’s always gone like this:
1. Share some daytime activity, e.g. school, work, hobby, etc.
2. Come to enjoy each other’s company and get to know each other during said activity.
3. Get a cup of coffee together at Starbucks (or similar) on the way home from this activity.
4. Visit each other’s homes to hang out.
5. Get nervous and mess it all up. 🙂
I… What? Yes I am. In the paragraph directly above the one you quoted:
“These are the real reasons” = “Mental illness is not the real reason.” I can’t tell if you’re being bizarrely overliteral or trying to gaslight me, but the “Under the bus” bit indicates the former, so I’ll be generous and only show you one middle finger instead of two.
(PI’s already dealt with the rest. Thankyou. ^^;)
I don’t know about “gorilla war”, but I’ve seen this sign down in Dorset.
Bovington Camp and Monkey World Tank Museum need to be video games yesterday.
How is this shit not terrorism? These shitweasles have gathered together to make a common cause of trying to terrorize society into fucking them!
epitome of incomprehensibility:
Usually when I cry I’m angry or frustrated rather than plain sad. That probably isn’t the case for everyone.
That’s me and my sister’s experience, too! I have also heard that from at least one or two other women.
I’m 33. I noticed quite a bit of improvement on how often I would start crying between maybe 11 years old and 21 or so, not much difference between then and now. But it sounds like at this point you cry a bit more easily than me, so it might be easier for you to improve from where you’re at.
Your professor was being a jerk. And not just the sexism. Crying isn’t something that most people do as “a way out” or instead of taking other steps to solve a problem. For me at least, not crying is like holding my breath–I do have some control over it, but I come to a point where I can’t control it any more. Not in my conscious brain, anyway. I notice that my unconscious brain sort of doesn’t let me cry until the threat has passed–if, for example, I’m dealing with an angry phone call or an angry person and we’re getting mad at each other, my brain doesn’t let me realize how upset I am until the person has hung up/left the room.
And it’s not as though once I’ve started crying I can’t do anything to solve the problem calmly after crying. False dichotomy. I’m not crying because I want someone else to step in and solve the problem for me. Basically his whole comment seems to assume that it’s something people do on purpose because they’re trying to manipulate other people, which for most people is not true. Believe me, with the amount of shit I got in school for being a frequent crier, I would NOT be doing this voluntarily.
Maybe, even people who aren’t visibly upset/crying would do better to be more aware of when they should step back and take a break so that they CAN solve problems calmly instead of trying to attack them when they’re still upset and have tunnel vision.
Sometimes people cry at work. It does happen. Part of not making it other people’s problem can be to excuse yourself until you’ve calmed down a bit, though.
Some sort of username:
Well I bet my fuckin’ ass that Milo would be the first one to cry foul if I “expressed that dark, powerful part of myself”. But I don’t, and I fucking realize that this is because I recognize other people as legit human beings, just like I am, and that they’re not the people who have hurt me in the past. And even if I came face to face with those people, they are people as well, and making them hurt would not fix the hurt inside me.
The dude is fuckin’ pond scum.
“I can’t imagine pre-teens dating. What do they do? LOL”
Based on my observations of when my baby sister was a pre-teen, they don’t really DO anything. They just kind of say, “I like him/her! We’re going out now!”
Bovington Camp is a fantastic place, and not just for its proximity to Monkey World (which is also brilliant)
Since crying has been mentioned, I might as well throw this out there:
What’s up with crying? I used to never cry when I was younger, now I play 2 seconds of a Lauryn Hill song and floodgates are open. Almost any form of sad/happy/sentimental content of any sort will do it. Even stupid things like home makeover shows. Why? Any explanations?
For me, it was having a kid. There’s something about it where as soon as I think about like the passing of time or the evanescence of life or how much smaller he was just a year ago, that’s it, I’m done. Crap, almost did it to myself right there.
I think part of it is as you get older, you start having more connections that can lead your brain to a place like that. More emotional experience, so to speak, so there’s more things that can touch you because more emotional beats are relevant to your experience. And maybe part of it is learning that it’s not a such a big deal to feel like you need to cry, so you don’t fight it so much.
Then again, I’m a huge fucking sap, so that could just be me.
I remember as a kid getting choked up at the end of Hook when Captain Hook cries out “Mommy!” before he dies.
… Jesus, what a fucked up movie that was.
@dhag, I know what you mean–I don’t know if I can get through a single movie these days without crying at some point, and that’s only been true for me for maybe the past five years or so.
@bluecatbabe I have seen that sign! I drove my antique motorbike back from Bovington Camp and the tank museum (somehow missed Monkey World) veeerrrry carefully:
@Parodoxical Intention
>>SFHC had every right to call you out for what you said.
SFHC has a right to say anything. However, I don’t think you know what i said.
I was discussing the limits of ableism. The closest I came to “theorizing” that the shooter suffered from a mental illness was saying that if someone else suggested that the shooter had a mental illness, as a person with a mental illness, I wouldn’t take offense. I’ll stand by that, but it was always a hypothetical example. I’m much more interested in whether misogyny itself can be a mental illness. A different discussion.
>>Seriously? You’re going to #NotAllMisogynists this conversation?
I have no idea what that means, so I’m going to say “NO”
>>It’s not about misogynists.
It’s not about what you think it’s about.
Finally, when I say I’m stuck, it means that I’m stuck. I expressed my misgivings, and backed away from the argument. I don’t intend to go back to it.
Thanks for the replies. 🙂
I’m less of an introvert these days than I was when I was younger, so I’m thinking that might be a part of it.
“is misogyny a mental illness” is a worthless question in a vacuum. You have to get the definition of mental illness, and then you can see if it fit. And the discussion would more be about if such a definition have a worth, because it would need to be very specific to not risk to include, say, feminism or anti-racism along with racism and antisemitism.
Since AFAIK there is no drug or treatment who heal terminal stupidity of the level of thoses people, what good come from labeling it a disease ? At worse, it let people be misogynes and escaping responsability because “it’s a disease”. And even the best case scenario look like 1984.
Now, the common sense of mental illness I know is something that don’t make people much more violent than usual. And usually, the social consequence of a mental illness do a lot more mental damage to the bearer than the actual disease. It’s why people talk about ableism here.
Okay, nevermind the generosity, anybody who looks at “You’re hurting the mentally ill to protect mass murderers” and decides “Hey, let’s hurt the mentally ill to protect misogynists too” has to be trolling. Fucking Christ.
If hating women is a mental illness, than is hating men a mental illness as well? Why is that the misogyny illness is by far more pervasive than the misandry illness? Despite what MRAs think, it’s not even close. The logical conclusion would be that it’s cultural. Which kind of takes the point out of labelling it an illness in the first place, because the solution is less about fixing individuals’ brains and more about fixing the culture. So we’re just back where we started.
Spongebob time.
Not a problem. It was bugging me too.
My reading comprehension is fine, thanks. Perhaps the problem’s on your side of the discussion.
While that’s all well and good, you don’t get to speak for everyone with a mental illness, myself and SFHC included.
I’ll save us both some time then: It’s not.
> Says he doesn’t know what that means
> Proceeds to say he wasn’t doing the thing.
But you were. You were saying “Well, not all people with mental illness are violent, but neither are all men or misogynists!”. That is literally what you said.
Is this a Jedi mind trick or are you legitimately trying to convince me that I’m stupid and have no reading comprehension?
Again, my reading comprehension is fantastic. Maybe the problem is how you typed it.
If I had to take sides in the Manosphere, it would be with the PUAs because at least they are trying to help men become more attractive by telling them to hit the gym, eat healthy, improve their hygiene and dress sense, get some hobbies besides video games (not that there’s anything wrong with vidya, just that there is more to life), read some “classic” books, travel a bit if they can afford it, expand their cultural outlook, etc.
Even if done to just get laid, anyone of these things can improve a person’s experience and happiness level as an individual.
And it makes for more attractive men in the public sphere which is always a good thing for me.
@Virtually Out of Touch: Yeah, but they’re not doing these things because they like them, they’re doing them solely to get laid.
They don’t care about the books, the gym, the travel, their cultural outlook, ect., only about getting laid.
And Roosh isn’t doing anything to tell men to be more attractive, that’s for damn sure.
Oh, and back on the topic of “Asshole is not a Mental Illness”, I found this Salon article written by Arthur Chu on the subject around the time of the Charleston shootings.
After looking at Felix’s Twitter account… Felix, I don’t get you at all. Saying that you’re for both feminists and MRAs (what), slapping down Elam but retweeting “Lolol feminazis are fat!!!” (what), discussing how awful sexism is but creeping on women a third of your age (WHAT)…
It’s not even really brogressivism, what with brogressives denying that misogyny even exists. It’s just random.
I’m confused.
I don’t remember that retweet. Sounds like mockery to me.
I don’t think you know a lot about Catie Wayne. As far as I’m concerend she’s a feminist icon. Before anybody cared about online harassment of women, Catie Wayne became a target of 4chan harassment. They made her a meme, and they thought that made her their property.
I also think it’s fundamentally sexist of you to assume that my fanship is based on some kind of lurid sexual interest. I’m friends with her mother,for god’s sake.
I sometimes think of myself as an MRA AND a feminist, because I believe that both men and women are degraded by sexism, and if you look deeply enough, our interests actually dovetail. In brief, I believe that the problem with MRAs is that they blame feminism for the damage done to men by sexism. If you want to see more of my views on this subject, I write extensively in this thread.