It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.
What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.
The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.
Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”
Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:
Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:
Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:
Still others had even more radical “solutions.”
If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.
One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.
“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.
Welcome! To the blog where puking in disgust is totally a normal and expected behavior. XD
Enjoy your complementary package
mockingbird thank you for that article.
This smacks of “Well, that’s just my opinion!”, but you literally have someone with a mental illness, the same mental illness you theorized that the shooter has, telling you that’s not a cool thing to do, and telling you why.
It’s not “bad” for us to talk about schizophrenia, it’s bad for us to continue the stereotype that schizophrenia is dangerous by continuing to armchair diagnose obviously dangerous individuals that way.
You are, indirectly, harming SFHC by perpetuating this idea.
You can be “not convinced” mental illness isn’t a factor in this, but we have rules on this site about armchair diagnosing. Stop it. This is your one warning.
Seriously? You’re going to #NotAllMisogynists this conversation? It’s not about misogynists. It’s about you armchair diagnosing a murderer and someone with said mental illness calling you out for it. Men as a whole, or even misogynists, aren’t the victims here. People with mental illnesses are.
I will point out though that an argument can be made for all misogynists being violent against women, because sexism still causes harm.
One, it’s a figure of speech. Two, don’t tone police people here.
SFHC had every right to call you out for what you said.
Here’s an interesting fact. (By interesting I mean horrifying). When type “are women” into google’s search bar, the first option is “are women evil.”
However, a plain, old, interesting fact is that when you type “are men” into the search bar, the first option is “are men in black real.”
Humanity, I’m so proud…
Google suggestions are based on your previous searches, so they’re not indicative of the world at large.
There was an interesting example here when some journalist wanted to make a point and didn’t realise. Gave some insight into her favourite topics. Not quite as innocent as men in black! 🙂
@Marquerite I feel like the best response to EITHER of those searches is a tiny enigmatic smile and a whispered “you will never know for certain…”
I definitely agree with this statement. Toxic masculinity tells men that they can’t talk about their feelings with other men or even women, unless they are dating that said woman. And even if they are dating her, they have to have been dating her for a while so she won’t say “lol what a homo” and leave him for someone more “alpha”. So you end up with a lot of emotionally constipated men who think that if they get a girlfriend, finally, FINALLY they will have someone to unload all their feelings and emotions upon. They will have the support structure they’ve always lacked.
Meanwhile, if a woman has an emotional problem, she calls up her friend, they talk/cry about it for twenty minutes, and it’s done. Emotional catastrophe avoided, moving on. Women can hug each other, hold hands, share deep emotional bonds, and support one another unconditionally. Speaking as a woman who has a vast majority of female friends, it’s a wonderful thing and a great safety net. The patriarchy discourages men from having these relationships with one another. They’re more worried about maintaining their masculine image than they are about their emotional health. And so they rely upon their girlfriends/wives to maintain this emotional health for them.
I think this is a huge reason why men are so frickin’ angry about being single, where as women are more like *shrug*. I’m a woman who has been single all my life. If I have an issue, I have people to go to. I don’t expect a boyfriend to carry my emotional baggage for me.
Toxic masculinity is toxic. :T To men, but even more so to women, who end up dead.
not if you’re using a fresh browser history, then they reflect the most common searches.
for instance, you take any letter, (let’s say z), if you, personally, have never looked for anything starting with that letter then google suggests the most common searches starting with that letter.
@ margeritte
Who or what is ‘zac efron’!?
Alan, he’s plays a character from a TV show called scrubs. At least, that’s all I know about him.
Yeah, the guy who proposed mandatory daily sex with random pairings seems not to have thought this through, what with the “fatties” and “uggos” and “spoiled milk old ladies”. .Just looking at old ladies… Based on these numbers, and assuming I did my calculations right, women 65+ are 18% of the US population of women over 15 (I’m assuming that since these guys are extremely creepy they would include everyone over 15 in their “random pairings”), and women 50+ are 37%. So they would be having to sleep with women over 65 about once a week, women over 50 (including the women over 65) about twice a week. I’m sure they’d be thrilled with that. Oh, and women in what’s probably their preferred age group of 15-24 are 17% of the >15 year old female population. So they’re twice as likely to have to sleep with a 50+ year old woman as a young woman, without even getting into the fact that not all the 15-24 year olds are what they think of as “hotties”. But probably that guy just assumes that as the man he can just refuse to have sex, but can force the woman to have sex with him.
(I’m using US numbers because that’s where the shooting took place.)
I would also like to add to this: When these men finally do get into a relationship with a woman, they only see her as an Emotions Dumpster. She is to take their feelings and help them deal with it, but not the other way around.
When these men are confronted by a woman who’s crying and/or emotional, they have no idea how to handle it. They were always taught to get angry if they got emotional, but women aren’t, and that terrifies them, so they get angry, and claim that women are “insane” and “they can’t figure women out”.
They want women to help them be more emotional, but won’t help with our emotions if we need it.
td;lr personal example ahead:
Usually when I cry I’m angry or frustrated rather than plain sad. That probably isn’t the case for everyone. I know I get emotional/angry too easily and it’s something I’m trying to work on.
For example, this week and last week I’ve been helping my former boss, a retired prof, send a book application (I was employed as his research assistant spring and summer, but now I have a full-time job, so I can only work for him weekends and some evenings). We were both discouraged because the publisher he wanted rejected his book on the grounds it was too specialized, and now this book proposal to a different publisher is taking a long time.
Anyway, he said I was taking too long and I (tired and frustrated) burst into tears. He calmed me down and then said I should try not to react like this because I would probably encounter difficult situations in my other job that I’d have to stay calm about. Very true. But then he said something like, “Why do women resort to tears all the time? It’d be better if they solved things calmly instead of using tears as a way out.”
Well, I said rather coldly, “No, I’m just being a baby, and me being a baby isn’t an excuse to blame women in general. I don’t want to talk to you if you’re going to say things like that.”
But he said again that he’d observed women crying instead of solving things calmly.
Look, he was fair to give me some gentle criticism, but why be sexist? I don’t think women are more emotionally volatile than men, and I’m woman who is admittedly too emotional. But I attribute that to childishness and not my gender. I imagine – and hope – that at 37 I’ll be better at that than I am now (I’m 27).
(Also there is the separate issue of physical limitations. He has severe vision problems, which is why I have to type for him as well as editing/proofreading things, and I have ADHD so I struggle with time management – a less severe problem, but still a source of frustration.)
Gah! It’s tl;dr not td;lr. I always mess that up. I guess I should just stick with the general commentariat lingo and call it teal deer. I can spell teal deer 😛
@epitome of incomprehensibility
Too didn’t; long read. 😛
I’m pretty over emotional, too, but fuck that guy. Sometimes you have to get some frustration tears out before you’re able to solve things.
@ellesar I’m a little bit weirded out too at the Slut shaming going on because to me a good promiscuous woman is a godsend. The biggest problem with American Society isn’t “the sluts” it’s the sexual puritianism. Also Pro-tip: Not Demonizing Sluts and punishing women for being sexual creatures in any capacity including shaming and insulting may actually you know, tend to make it easier to have a relationship with one.
Seriously the closest human being tin the world to me emotionally right now is from Eastern Europe because getting outside the american bubble of puritanism would help tremendously.
I don’t recognize the world these men live in
If anything Prudery has been a much bigger contributing factor to my misery than promiscuity.
“Meanwhile, if a woman has an emotional problem, she calls up her friend, they talk/cry about it for twenty minutes, and it’s done. Emotional catastrophe avoided, moving on. Women can hug each other, hold hands, share deep emotional bonds, and support one another unconditionally. Speaking as a woman who has a vast majority of female friends, it’s a wonderful thing and a great safety net. The patriarchy discourages men from having these relationships with one another. They’re more worried about maintaining their masculine image than they are about their emotional health. And so they rely upon their girlfriends/wives to maintain this emotional health for them.
I think this is a huge reason why men are so frickin’ angry about being single, where as women are more like *shrug*. I’m a woman who has been single all my life. If I have an issue, I have people to go to. I don’t expect a boyfriend to carry my emotional baggage for me. ”
I’ve noticed a lot of married guys do not have “guy friends” that they hang out with while their wives have girl friends they do. These married guys get their social needs met through their wives, her friends and their kids. The single guys who have friends seem to have more female friends than guy friends if they have guy friends at all. I just think these guys don’t like guys , at least the ones in their areas. Now, in other countries I’ve been to its the opposite. Married men bond with male friends and the married women stay at home and bond with their kids more.
“They also may have daughters, and the calls for the end to marriage without a repeal of everything women got starting with suffrage, promoting pump and dump ‘game’, and forcing the Cleaver-Stepford way because if they have to be in the house before the streetlights are on and group dates no riding in a car with a boy until it’s a certainty that his intentions are to marry…that hurts daughters too. ”
I don’t see how being in the house before dark, group dates or no alone time with a boy until intentions are clear hurts girls, or boys. How would it hurt them? At the same time stricter parenting of teens is not going to get these 4 Chan types a girlfriend. Contrary to their thinking, not every guy was guaranteed a girlfriend or wife back in the good ol’ days and where they got that idea, goddess only knows.
daeros, I don’t find the US prudish at all. Pre-marital sex is the norm. Living together without being married is the norm, and aside from some assholes on the internet, nobody in mainstream American culture shames a girl or woman for having a boyfriend, partner, whatever and there are lots and lots of sexually active people. In fact if you are seeing someone its assumed you are having sex and if not, that’s considered “strange”.
I’ll read the link but in day to day life I’ve not come across prudery.
We run in different circles then, by a huge margin — no dating, period, until you’re a teen, then in a really public place (like the mall) in a group, back before a set time that was usually just silly (i.e. 6pm, cuz it’s dark in winter, despite school getting out at like 3 and homework before you go out…so, not long enough for a movie?), what he can drive?! Well he’s not giving you a ride anywhere!
Needless to say this all made social coordination quite difficult outside adult approved events… if they had any idea the shit we got up to back stage in theatre they’d retroactively kill us!
Then I went to college and group living with a partner de facto living there was indeed fairly common, but that was big, liberal, college city, not suburbia. I’m thinking there’s a regional type thing here having to do with housing attitudes in general — places where renting an apartment with friends is the norm and moving when the lease is up isn’t odd or much of a burden are probably far more inclined to shrug at people moving in together than places where “adults buy houses”.
Well, United States is a big place. Some communities are more “prudish” or traditional than others. But when people are shamed for having sex (or not having sex) it seems to be women who are mostly the targets.
(silliness ahead) …Or maybe United States is really a single consciousness? Maybe all countries are, like in Axis Powers Hetalia! And the nation USA fancies, codenamed Stacey (hmm… Slovakia? Tajikistan?), is going out with Chad instead of him.
That would also explain why Roosh can’t bang Denmark. Roosh is a lowly human, and nations only bang other nations.
My 1st paragraph was totally ninja’d by Argenti 🙂
“no dating, period, until you’re a teen”
I can’t imagine pre-teens dating. What do they do? LOL
“while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.”
Am I the only woman here who WISHES this were true? LOL
As usual, the channers tip their hands as to how little they really know about life, love and even just lousy ol’ sex. They need to get out from behind their computers and start talking to women…not to bluff them into bed, but just to actually learn to see them as human and connect with them.
Of course, that would demolish their whole worldview, and all their tidy preconceptions about us, particularly the one about slutty hypergamy. It would also put paid to the notion that pity sex is a desirable thing…after all, some of US are nerds, and the last thing we would want is for some guy to hold us in contempt while still screwing us. Because really…what do they think the most attractive men feel toward a needy, nerdy slut? The same thing as we feel toward guys we don’t want to have sex with, duh.