It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.
What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.
The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.
Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”
Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:
Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:
Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:
Still others had even more radical “solutions.”
If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.
One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.
“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.
“Pity fuck a nerd day”? Yeah, that’ll catch on…
” Milo Yiannopoulos has managed to convince himself the reason that so many men are committing mass shootings is because they can’t “express that dark, powerful part of themselves”.
“None of us can, or should, express that dark side of ourselves as we please. This is the price and privilege of life in a civilized society. ”
Yeah what does it even mean? What “dark side” are they talking about? Macho contact sports that are so rough-n-tumble violent that they result in permanent brain damage are synonomous with American culture and they are welcome to sign up for it. Video games, porn, music and art are about as dark and violent as they can possibly get now, and they can always buy guns, join the NRA, and go hunting or even join a street gang if they want.
There are plenty of “dark avenues in America Town, too many actually. So if these aren’t enough for them, I really can’t imagine what “darkness” they are alluding to.
Does pity fuck a nerd day apply to female nerds who aren’t conventionally attractive too? Maybe not since they believe all women can get sex anytime from any man. How about male nerds who are attracted to men? Are men required to pity fuck them? Any volunteers for that from the chan and incel communities? Yeah. I didn’t think so.
And does the guy who suggested random pairing not know that he will be paired with women who aren’t conventionally attractive?
Long time lurker (hi!) coming out to say…holy shit. Misogynistic entitlement is not “crazy” or a “mental illness.” You are throwing the majority of people with mental illness (including some of us who comment or lurk here) under the bus when you say that. Ableism is against commenting rules. Please stop.
>>How about this- no one should outlaw masturbation, and these people should be free to orgasm as often as they like. Oh wait, that is how it is right now. No one is trying to keep them from orgasming, they just don’t get to compel another human to do that work for them against their will. How is that hard for them to understand?
True, but it would be better if men had easy access to pornography. I don’t know, maybe they should put it on the internet or something.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen them claim that feminists want to outlaw masturbation. That’s totally something we’d do in their world.
Oh, is that it? When I first heard of it, I checked a dictionary file for “r.{9}k”, saw that the only match was “realpolitik”, and assumed the board’s aim was something like “practical, not moral or ethical”. Your explanation is, in a weird way, a relief.
Thank you Mels, I’m already fed up with fielding “goddamnit most of us mentally ill people just want to be left alone” off line, so thank you for covering it here. Have you had a Welcome Package?
More about the history of /r9k/: it originated as an IRC script in the xkcd chat.
If they don’t even run the script there anymore, that’s kind of funny and pathetic.
@Argenti – I’m familiar with the Welcome Package, but hadn’t been linked to it myself. Thank you!
I’ve noticed that the kitty avatar making link appears to be dead. (It leads to the defunct Manboobz forum?) I’m not sure who has the ability to edit that page, but if anyone does, the avatar maker is here: http://neutralx0.net/tool/bnmk_e.html
@Funkula – Bringing up xkcd in that context makes me think about how there is (was?) a word filter on their forums to change any instance of “political correctness” to “basic human decency.”
So, wait. The problem is women having too much sex, but also we’re supposed to hand out pity sex? Men supposedly have a “way higher sex drive,” but “most if not all women” are having causal sex, and not most men? When we “go back to a time when only monogamous relationships were tolerated,” will that include the sex robots?
Personally, I’m betting the sex robots will cheat on them, because even a robot deserves more pleasure than they’d get from an MRA.
>>Long time lurker (hi!) coming out to say…holy shit. Misogynistic entitlement is not “crazy” or a “mental illness.” You are throwing the majority of people with mental illness (including some of us who comment or lurk here) under the bus when you say that. Ableism is against commenting rules. Please stop.
I’ve been diagnosed with a mental illness, and in my opinion, it’s offensive to use mental illness as an insult. However, I wouldn’t rule out mental illness as having a role in some of the beliefs and behaviors associated with misogynistic entitlement. After all, if you suggest that the Umpqua shooter had a mental illness, would that be throwing me under the bus? I think I’d have to live with it.
I’d suggest that if we evoke mental illness in the discussion of these issues, we keep in mind that most of us are not mental health professionals, and for a professional, to publicly diagnose someone you’ve never met is a violation of ethics. And I’d also suggest that when you evoke mental illness, it should be from a place of compassion, not condemnation.
Amazing how, once again, these “entitled little shits” have forgotten about all the women out there who are lonely and unable to find a partner. Even for casual sex.
Oh, wait, that’s right! Fatties and uggos aren’t human, much less women, my mistake.
How fucking far up your own ass does your head have to be for you do you to blame sexual liberation for the fact that you can’t get laid? Christ on a cracker, I had some dry spells where I got hella bitter but I never thought that women should be having *less* sex.
Nopenopenope. I have a mental illness too, and I don’t appreciate people using it to excuse murderous assholes. I’m paraphrasing, but I think Lundy Bancroft put it best when he said, in his book “Why Does He Do That,” that while certain mental illnesses might exacerbate or exaggerate abusive behaviors, the behaviors themselves stem from unexamined privilege and attitudes of entitlement. The underlying entitlement does not stem from the illness.
Family annihilators, for example, may have depression and self-esteem issues that contribute to their desire to end their own lives, but it’s their sense of entitlement that causes their decision to murder their families first. There’s a similar pattern with a huge number of mass shooters, who end their sprees by turning their guns on themselves or resorting to “suicide by police.”
tl;dr – Mental illness does not cause the bigoted entitlement behind these kinds of killings.
Oh, also, people tend to use “mental illness” to derail conversations about the actual causes of tragedies like this, and to reassure themselves that “normals” don’t behave this way and/or that it can’t be helped. Not accusing you of this, Felix, but I’ve seen that kind of derail more times than I can count, even here (usually followed by a smackdown), and it’s incredibly frustrating.
Can’t agree more. There’s plenty of people in society with mental illnesses that can get through their entire loves just fine without going on murderous sprees. Even those that don’t manage them, as RARE as they are, their problems aren’t a result of their condition but rather other factors of their lives. Mental illnesses do not cause murder, and only on occasion do they help contribute. I’m sorry you have to put up with that kind of discrimination and stereotyping.
1. Nobody has ever brought up mental illness after a shooting “From a place of compassion.” It’s always “Oh, well, he was just crazy, no need to look at toxic masculinity or male entitlement or online hate groups or any of the other real causes, because crazy! La la la.” Always.
2. I’m going to guess that you’re not schizophrenic. I am. As a direct result of being thrown under the bus in the name of the Almighty White Male Ego, I can’t even mention that anywhere but here without being immediately blocked by my friends and harassed off the site. I’m not dangerous, but the media has convinced everyone I am. It’s not fun. =/
So, concurring with Mels. Nopenopenope.
Bipolar and PTSD, so I feel you there Scented Fucking Hard Chairs. Because seriously, even when it sounds good, a la “better mental health care could have prevented this”, it’s laced with nice doses of “not his fault”… and for those of us who’ve had the massive headache of navigating the US’s mental health “system” all the bullshit about just how much choice we should have in our treatment. So no, it’s neither compassionate, nor helpful.
Mels, you should be able to comment on that post with the welcome package and just drop the link there.
I could probably be more coherent, but I just got a heaping load of bullshit dumped in my inbox from someone I’d thought I was done dealing with, so my brain is messy.
The funny thing about that is, it still implies that women would get to pick “nerds” to “pity fuck”.
Even if we boil the “pity fuck” pool down to self-described “nerds”, their chances don’t get any higher. And even if they get to pick, they’d still have to deal with those of us who aren’t an HB10.
But, we all know that’s not what they meant. We all know they meant: “We want to force HB10s into sexual slavery to pleasure us, the undesirables, because I need sex or else I’m going to shoot someone, which isn’t entitlement, no sir!”
Though, the idea that some of these guys agree that this is bullshit does warm the cold ventricles of my little black heart somewhat.
Did I tell or did I tell you? White Supremacist:
Talking Points Memo: “Report: Oregon Shooter Had White Supremacist Leanings”
“The Los Angeles Times reported Friday, based on information from an anonymous federal law enforcement source familiar with the investigation, that the shooter was obsessed with guns and religion and had white supremacist leanings.”
P.S. “Sheriff In Charge Of Oregon Massacre Probe Posted Sandy Hook Truther Video”
That would by he refused to name the guy.
My husband fucks a nerd every other day, so I feel my household is doing its part.
And does the guy who suggested random pairing not know that he will be paired with women who aren’t conventionally attractive?
Female persons who don’t give him a boner do not fall under the category “women.”
Even PUA/Red Pill forums, which are supposedly about pumping-and-dumping an endless string of lady-shaped penis cozies, are full of guys pining after this imagined pre-feminist past when each man was assigned a wife by the High Wife Council on his 21st birthday and didn’t have to put any further thought into getting laid. Deep down, what most misogynists want is a single woman, any woman, who has no power to leave them.
So, if we start taking women out of the sex pool by pairing them off into forced monogamy, doesn’t that immediately decrease the number of women available? Assuming the lucky 20% fellers who are already having all of the sex get first dibs on the most attractive (i.e., the ones that count), that means there will only be like a handful of HB8-HB9 to enslave and then a bunch of uggos, right? Or do all of the women magically become 23 and HB10 and adoring and compliant once this whole monogamous utopia begins? I’m just working through the math…girl brain can’t logic…