4chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim rape culture that 80%/20% bullshit that's completely wrong

4channers: Women being sluts caused the Umpqua Community College shootings

The World According to /r9k/

It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.

What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.

The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.

Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”

Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:

imo spread on social media that October 1st should be pity fuck a nerd day to help raise awareness of violence and to help save lives

Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:

>while they just compromise Hahahahahahaha The only women who compromise are prostitutes. All other women have already decided what they will and won't do and what they already did with Chad and don't want to do again. And they're far more demanding because they know if you don't do what they want they can just get Chad to take care of it. Of course men will be angry, they have no similar recourse.

Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:

In a decade or so companion bots will be a thing and nobody will have to care about women again.

Still others had even more radical “solutions.”

Maybe if somoene did an outstanding massacre this issue could be discussed publically... Like, the guy kills a lot of people and then explain this issue to the world via live camera or something.


The solution: Mandatory fucking sessions, b-daily and randomly paired. Society is finally fixed.

If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.

One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.

 >'MARRY ME OR I'LL KILL YOU ALL' Kek, Robots are such fucking entitled little shits.

“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.

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9 years ago

Gross. Also why do they call themselves “robots”? It it to show that they are completely devoid of empathy and have an overly inflated adoration of rationality?

Anyhoo, I feel the need to dissect this piece of shit.

Had the shooter had a gf and gotten the love in his life, he wouldn’t have done something like that

Um, this isn’t Elliot Rodger. This awful person didn’t release a ‘manifesto’ so to assume that he was dissatisfied with his love life only goes to show how much of an influence the Isla Vista shootings had. Now all other shootings are assumed to have the same motive.

BTW, I hate the word ‘incel’ as I consider it to be disgusting, presumptuous and inacurate. You are ‘celibate’ because you are a shitty selfish asshole that nobody wants to be with. You are ‘celibate’ because you refuse to even TRY to meet someone. IT IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY.

In a sexually liberated society, a decreasingly small number of people are having committed relationships and are instead focusing on casual sex

At which point I put my hands up and yell “hurrah! People are more open about sex! People who don’t enjoy monogamous relationships now have more options!” How these idiots see this as a bad thing is beyond me.

Also, it’s not even accurate. Plenty of people still prefer monogamous relationships and do not enjoy casual sex. It’s just that now people are picking what they want rather than what is forced upon them. But of course, that’s where these guys have such a problem.

I mean, I get where their horribly twisted logic comes from (society tells me I am owed a woman and now sexual liberation is telling me she gets to CHOOSE if she wants to be with me!? No fair!) It’s just that if you’re a dude and you’re interested in sex (as these guys presumably are) why are you against it? More women open to sex = more opportunities to meet people and have sex. But it seems that these guys don’t have any desire in actually meeting interesting people or having relationships, they just want to cash in their coupon and collect on their ‘somewhat-nerdy-but-not-nerdy-enough-to-make-them-feel-insecure-and-must-be-as-pretty-as-a-photoshoped-model’ women.

In the end, it’s perplexing but unsurprising to see these guys moan about how hard it is to have sex and then slut shame women at the same time.

The problem is that men have a way higher sex drive

Again I’m in this emotional state partway between disgust and face-palming ‘how are you this fucking stupid omfg’

It’s funny because this completely false line of reasoning is A) used to justified their shitty beliefs about dating and B) the biggest thing holding these horrible people back from having a better dating life (well, the biggest thing aside from them being horrible people of course)

The world of dating completely changed for me when someone explained to me that women want sex just as much as men do.

Meaning whenever a woman wants to have casual sex, she will have a large amount of men to choose from

Translation: I am too scared of rejection to ever try asking out a woman. So instead I’ll make up these elaborate pseudoscience fantasies about how unfair life is for poor men who don’t receive huge amounts of unwanted attention.

She will without exception pick the most attractive one

Bzzzt. There are plenty of studies that show that men care waaaaaaay more about the attractiveness of their partner than women do. So no, she will not necessarily pick ‘the most attractive one’.

leading to a society where ~20% of men have casual sex while most if not all women do

Translation: “Jeez, if I was a woman and I was hit on all the time, I would sleep with EVERYONE because I don’t actually give a shit about anyone except myself and my sexual urges. All women ever are clearly just like me so therefore I can only imagine a society where women are having constant casual sex with as many people as possible”

Seriously, if you think only 20% of men are having sex, that really says more about the quality of guys you hang out with than anything else.

As casual sex replaces relationships

Full stop. Why would casual sex replace long-term relationships? I ask because I am polyamorous. I have a lot of experience with all sorts of relationships except for monogamous ones. And one thing is for sure, there is no reason for casual relationships to replace long-term ones any more than there is a reason for potatoes to replace tuna. They both fulfill completely different needs.

But again, the really interesting part is why do these shitstains of humanity think this way? I theorize that, to them, they see no value in a long-term relationship (even though they claim to want this). They don’t give a shit about the relationship, They just want someone who dispenses sex when they want sex. So therefore, to them, casual relationships are superior.

And if they ever got that far, they would realize that casual relationships don’t really satisfy your needs (especially if you’re feeling lonely, casual relationships don’t really help, they just get your hopes up a bit. On the other hand, if you’re just exploring yourself and don’t’ really know what you want 5 years from now, casual relationships are a fantastic and healthy option).

more and more men will get starved of sex, love and intimacy

No, men are not being ‘starved’ of sex, love or intimacy. It’s called natural selection.

The vocabulary really is quite telling. They feel “starved”, as in “I as a human being am entitled to sex, love and intimacy because otherwise I will die”

Some men can’t handle this and that’s why we see atrocities like this

Looks like I stand corrected, apparently it’s “I as a human being am entitled to sex, love and intimacy because otherwise I will kill people”. Which is extremely depressing and really sad. I’m legitimately scared for the future as there seem to be no shortage of entitled shitheads who have access to guns

And in order to solve this problem we need to force people in to relationships with these shitheads. That’s so gross and reminds me of the PUAs using the Isla Vista killings as a promotion material “If only Eliot Rodger had maintained frame and used these negs, he wouldn’t have killed people! Now buy our stuff so you won’t end up killing innocent people”

NOPE. NADA. Not how the world works you exploitative selfish agenda-pushing assholes.

Want it all to end? Go back to the times where only monogamous relationships are tolerated, There’s a reason these mass shooting are a relatively new thing

No, you toxic douchebag. That will not solve anything. First of all, the last mass shooting was fueled by racism and had NOTHING to do with a lack of romantic relationships. Granted, I do believe that there is a common thread: Toxic masculinity.

Oof. Sorry for the massive teal dar (haha, that was typo but I’m totally leaving it). It just pisses me off so much when assholes try to uses these horrible tragedies as ‘proof’ of their noxious beliefs….

9 years ago

BTW, I hate the word ‘incel’ as I consider it to be disgusting, presumptuous and inacurate. You are ‘celibate’ because you are a shitty selfish asshole that nobody wants to be with. You are ‘celibate’ because you refuse to even TRY to meet someone. IT IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY.

I hate it because sex itself is not something only one person can choose to do and have it be done. “Involuntary celibate” makes it seem like someone external is preventing them from choosing an action that is completely under their power alone to choose.

Every incel that shows up in this comment section regularly fails to understand the idea that sex involves another person just like themselves. It is the single point of failure to their entire pity party.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ moocow

Excellent points.

I would just pick you up on one point. I would say that women do care about attractiveness when choosing partners. That’s almost axiomatic. However what our MRA friends miss is that what makes a person attractive isn’t necessarily looking like Brad Pitt or having the bank balance of Croesius.

As for sex being a need, well food and shelter are actually a real need but you rarely find the hungry or homeless engaging in murder.

9 years ago

“The rambling document left behind, and believed to be written by the shooter, lamented an isolated life with little promise, the official said.

The contents and tone of the document, the official said, tracked the often desperate and depressed writings from members of a loosely affiliated group known as the “beta boys.” The official said members associated with the group share profound disappointment with their lots in life and the lack of meaningful relationships.”
9 years ago


They call themselves “robots” because /r9k/ was named after a script that used to run only on that board, called “robot9000” that punished duplicate posting. Thanks to that script, /r9k/ was briefly intended to be a place for intelligent, meme-free discussion.

9 years ago

There is a great piece that I suggest if you guys have the time to read it. It talks about the way boys rationalize being rejected to self defense when the girl who did the rejecting is hurt or killed.

9 years ago

I am often bothered that “sex” is often put at the base of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. Along with things you would *actually* die without, like breathing, sleeping and eating. I mean, what the what? And how much has this influenced people’s ideas that sex is a right and a need that must be fulfilled? I always get that Sesame Street song in my head when I see it, “one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong…”

9 years ago


YES! Exactly what you said.

BUT, that would mean that these men would have to accept responsibility for their own lives, and stop blaming women.

They LOVE blaming women. They will never stop, because they love it.

Felix Ray
9 years ago

Once again I see men resenting women because it’s supposedly easier for them to get sex, as if that’s got nothing to do with the choices men make.

9 years ago

The logic still astounds me.

Women are sluts, and that’s why he (any number of recent hes) did it
No one would sleep with him, and that’s why he did it.


9 years ago

Are Chucks and Stacys what we functional human beings call other functional human beings? I don’t know 4Chan speak.

9 years ago

Honestly, more than anything, I almost kind of feel bad for these people. I mean, they’re terrible, awful people, but still. They’re just so petty, and sad, and self-loathing individuals though. It’s so obvious that most of their rage against “Chads” or “Staceys” or “normies” or whatever is really just their own self-loathing and fears of inadequacy/loneliness trying to find a way out. It’s all just projection.

Like, these are people who have had a handful of bad relationships, or relationships where a girl they really liked wound up getting with a guy who isn’t as “good” as they are (in their own opinion), and now they’re just… caught up in this fantasy world where only the models and movie stars get sex, or love, or attention, and they will be forever alone and unwanted until some mindless, soulless fucking-machine gets invented. Like, instead of going “okay, that didn’t work out. Maybe I need to do something different next time, or work to better myself,” they’ve decided that no, they aren’t the problem, the whole world is the problem because no one is able to see what amazing, kind, awesome people they actually are (in their own opinion, once again).

Hopefully most of these people are just dumb kids (their posting styles and worldviews make them seem like they never left highschool) and they’ll grow out of it eventually. I hope they do, for their own sakes. Hating yourself and the world that much has to be goddamned miserable.

9 years ago


I hope everyone reads that article you linked.

It’s a fast read, and very good.

Felix Ray
9 years ago


There is a great piece that I suggest if you guys have the time to read it. It talks about the way boys rationalize being rejected to self defense when the girl who did the rejecting is hurt or killed.

THIS! Thanks, Amy!

9 years ago

“Had the shooter had a gf and gotten love in his life…”

I get angry whenever I see this reasoning. So angry.

Don’t get me wrong, these guys are still absurd and they’re still assholes glorifying a murderer, but I can somewhat understand where they come from.

And how could I not? I’m a nerd who’s grown up in Western culture, so I know what’s what. Popculture teaches every boy and girl, that if you’re miserable the only salvation is finding true wuv, and the only true wuv that counts is when a Manic Pixie Dream Girl (or an assorted stereotype) falls into your lap and fullfills your every dream with no effort on your part, because that’s how true love works and not that icky casual relationship thing.

I’ve seen sad and depressed people latch onto the idea “if only I had a SO, everything would be so much better!” despite other people trying to talk them out of this delusion.

I don’t know if our cultural narratives were less shitty we’d have less murderers. But we’d probably have less /r9k/.

9 years ago


And I’m really surprised that with the way these 4 Channers appropriate and fetishize East Asian cultures, that they don’t become Buddhist monks (particularly because Buddhism is probably the fastest growing religion in the West, or at any rate its extremely popular) to deal with their incel, anger and depression. Or become a true blue Daoist ir something.

It’s probably partly that that would require them to actually know more about the cultures they fetishize than they can pick up from watching cartoons and listening to the occasional Manospherian talk about “bare branches” or “herbivore men”.

And partly that the first desire they’d try to renounce is the desire to whine on the Internet about not getting laid.

Print the Legends
9 years ago

When exactly did this become such an accepted fact in Western culture that it is never even questioned? Even here at WHTH, it is rarely noticed as a pretty massive assumption which is used to justify so much ass-hattery (from “women can get sex whenever they want” to “rape is natural for men”).

It’s more culturally acceptable, and expected, for men to talk about sex openly than women. So what ends up happening is far more men talk about sex openly than women, which leads many to believe that men want / care about / desire sex way more than women.

That’s how I see it, anyway.

9 years ago

re: the ‘sex as a human right’ thing
How about this- no one should outlaw masturbation, and these people should be free to orgasm as often as they like. Oh wait, that is how it is right now. No one is trying to keep them from orgasming, they just don’t get to compel another human to do that work for them against their will. How is that hard for them to understand?

9 years ago

We need an army of Katies.

9 years ago

I read the piece that Amy linked to, and the content is utterly shocking – I DO NOT recognise this culture, I really don’t. Is this an American thing?

The other thing blaring like a foghorn is – if she had said yes, gone on a date, and then not wanted to go on another date (which seems likely considering what kinds of boys these are) wt actual f would have happened then? Or 5 dates, or even 20? AT WHAT POINT is it ‘acceptable’ to say ‘I don’t want to go out with you’ without worrying that you are going to be murdered?!

9 years ago

Some sort of username:

Milo Yiannopoulos has managed to convince himself the reason that so many men are committing mass shootings is because they can’t “express that dark, powerful part of themselves”.

None of us can, or should, express that dark side of ourselves as we please. This is the price and privilege of life in a civilized society.

The manospherian petulant jerks only cry about it because they see themselves on the winning end of that dark side. But the inevitable moment they would become its victims — since there is always a bigger, hungrier shark around in that dark pool — they would cry about injustice and demand that others curb their dark urges.

9 years ago

@Judas – Koko gorilla warfare = taking off Mr Roger’s shoes and kitten possessiveness.

@Doug – That’s a thing of beauty.

@brian – Judging from some of the open discussions here, this comment section must be a Unicorn Sanctuary.

And I say that admiringly.

9 years ago

I can’t believe anyone could be so ignorant, intellectually lazy, hateful, and generally worthless. Even when I was their age (~16?) I wasn’t nearly this stupid. These people are human garbage. Let’s just hope that their constant whining is right and that they’ll never reproduce. Good god.

9 years ago

Why is Milo Yiannopoulos listened to by anyone anyway? The man’s got mush for brains. Anti-intellectualism to the point of “no u” ideology (e.g. the MRM, where sociological jargon that’s made it to the mainstream is simply turned on its head to legitimize the crazy bullshit they spew) is so incredibly tedious. How is being a member of a hate group not considered a mental illness? If I were a member of the APA I’d work my ass off to get “hate group crank” in the DSM so we could start rehabilitation, if that’s even possible.

Sometimes I wonder if these people are literally so stupid that they’re incapable of being helped.

9 years ago

That’s a really bizarre logic, isn’t it? The only explanation I can get is that they each think that, if the world was “right”, they would easily find one woman who would readily accept to be their partner, fulfill all their sexual desires, never get upset at them and never give them reason to be upset.
In other words, they don’t want people.
I’m hoping for convincing sexbots. Maybe some of these guys really will chill out and stop inciting mass-shootings if they get one, or, at least, I can dream.