It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.
What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.
The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.
Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”
Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:
Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:
Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:
Still others had even more radical “solutions.”
If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.
One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.
“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.
Oh, damn, we’ve been rumbled, it was us. /s
Btw.. remember when Had To Be Said pointed out that while manospherians sometimes act like jerks on the internet, when it comes to actual violence (such as throwing beer in someone’s face) in the real world (Montreal), SJWs lead by far. I hope HTBS is feeling ashamed right now.
So the shooter left a multi-paged suicide note and the following will be no surprise to anyone here:
All the 4chan bullshit fits right into that. Fucking hypocrites are ever so picky about the women they’ll fuck yet whine that no one will fuck them.
@titianblue, I feel your frustration. Seems like the idea that men are more sexual beings than women goes unchallenged in feminist circles more often than I’d like. Have you read “What Women Want” by Daniel Bergner? Very interesting read.
*What Do Women Want
That’s about what I sound like, yeah.
“Seems like the idea that men are more sexual beings than women goes unchallenged in feminist circles more often than I’d like.”
I think its not that women are less sexual but rather they are more likely to get sexually exploited and abused, as well as shouldering the risk of pregnancy and birth, that puts them at a higher risk of harm in any sexual act and therefore has evolved them to be more cautious, perhaps giving the outward appearance of being less sexual.
“Have you read “What Women Want” by Daniel Bergner?”
No, what does it say?
I wish I could say that it’s surprising how many of the things that David writes on boil down to “I hate it when women do things that I don’t want them to!” But I’ve been reading this shit for far too long, and now it’s mostly just a persistent sadness.
I can’t just go out and pick up a guy when I want casual sex. I bet none of these assholes would take a 34 year old woman with acne and occasional chin-hairs to bed, either. SPOILER ALERT, LONELY SAD DUDES: you aren’t getting laid because a woman has to be at least a “nine” to attract your attention, and you’re literally blind to every woman who doesn’t meet your impossible standards. But but frumpy speccy girls make your boner sad, I hear you cry. Well your brand of angry, misogynistic self-pity makes everyone’s vaginas drier than the Sahara. Clean yourselves up, get a life, and stop treating women like a damn reward for being a basic human being.
And I’m really surprised that with the way these 4 Channers appropriate and fetishize East Asian cultures, that they don’t become Buddhist monks (particularly because Buddhism is probably the fastest growing religion in the West, or at any rate its extremely popular) to deal with their incel, anger and depression. Or become a true blue Daoist ir something.
“Clean yourselves up, get a life, and stop treating women like a damn reward for being a basic human being.”
Oh but Cyberwulf, you’re forgetting about the “social contract” that was in place up until recently (feminism) where just by rolling out of bed before noon any slob was guaranteed a “cute girl next door” bride just for “being a basic human being”.
@Virtually Out of Touch: Because it’s much easier to blame someone else for your misery and then wallow in it (and that’s true of every human being, not just channers). Then you don’t have to accept your own flaws, and you don’t have to do anything to improve your life. It’s hard to accept that your self-image is inaccurate, or that you’re contributing to/aggravating your own unhappiness. Much easier to stay just as you are (because you’re already Awesome and Cool) and blame outside forces for everything.
Exactly. When I itemise my wife’s virtues, I come up with the following précis:
[ ] Laugh-out-loud witty
[ ] High-earning, highly skilled job
[ ] Hugely practical when it comes to financial/DIY matters
[ ] Generous to a fault, both with time and money
[ ] Keen interest in (and robust opinions) about politics/current affairs
[ ] High sex drive coupled with a jaw-droppingly filthy mind
[ ] Looks like a supermodel
Oh all right, I lied about the last one. But somehow I’ve managed to cope.
I love how the same people who accuse liberals of being entitled or even totalitarian for believing in a social safety net, believe in mandatory pity fucks for lonely d-bags.
“…stop treating women like a damn reward for being a basic human being.”
And that’s really where it starts. These asshats think of women as commodities, not people. They moan at the injustice of unequal distribution of women and seethe openly at “Chad” for taking more than his fair share and “using up” all of the “best” women in the area. They take up PUArtistry so they can access more and higher quality resources. Rather than being upset that ” will not be my girlfriend” they lament that the universe has not gifted them with a generic “girlfriend.”
Where does this attitude come from? I’m sure people here have lots of different and correct ideas. My personal favorite is lazy storytelling in media. In almost any book, tv show, movie, whatever, it is practically mandated that the hero have a love interest who, thanks to lazy writing, will end up falling in love with the hero as he completes his quest. These guys get exposed to this trope often enough, then they begin to expect real life to work that way too, and react angrily when they find out that it does not.
[blockquote]-or- why is r9k still up?!?[/blockquote] So that people posting about how they’d personally like to get sex out of acts of terrorism have a place to post, other than the rest of the Internet?
Congratulations! :p
Also, I wish more straight men would be ok with acknowledging that not everybody considers the supermodel look ideal in any way. Even if I were to only care about my partner’s appearance and nothing else, I simply happen to prefer something completely different. It is all a matter of personal preference, and it’s painful to me that so many people buy into the idea that there’s such a thing as objectively beautiful. It’s just not true at all.
Of course. Didn’t you know? It’s only a totalitarian entitlement if it doesn’t benefit YOU specifically.
@titianblue, totally agree. Women are portrayed as sluts or prudes, or both simultaneously, depending on which is considered worse by patriarchy at the moment.
Fuck it!
@fnoicby i haven’t read “What Do Women Want” by Daniel Bergner but the county library has it so I’ll check it out, thanks. I love book recommendations from here.
@Virtually, it says a lot of things, and pretty much upends most things which society seems to accept without question about women’s sexuality. Proves completely false the ideas that women are more attracted to personality than looks (you know, that “men are more visual” garbage), discusses how women become bored with monogamous sex far quicker than men do, etc. etc. It’s been a few years but I remember feeling quite vindicated when reading it. I do recommend it.
@zyvlyn Yep yep. What we teach boys (and girls) through the media definitely plays a role. And not only do we have the love interest as reward, we also have solving problems using violence as a prevalent trope in the media. In fact, if you mention that around certain people, they’ll start scoffing “oh well, what would YOU like to see, you fucking SJW? Batman and the Joker talking out their differences over fucking tea or something?”
Which is a shame, because the third thing that’s going on is pure escapism. People who interact with other people in real life – especially men who interact with women they aren’t related to – know that Batman is a fictional guy and that in real life you can’t just go around punching people. They know that women are actually people and aren’t stereotypes. If you cloister yourself away from society and spend all your time consuming male power fantasies in an echo chamber, the more warped your views are going to become.
@ dhag
You raise a really important point. I was going to give some illustrations but it came across as a horrible combination of TMI and humblebrag.
Suffice it to say attractiveness is a complex thing and in the real world it doesn’t boil down to some mythical and arbitrary hip to waist measurement or face symmetry.
The most telling comment is “Had the shooter had a gf and gotten love in his life, he wouldn’t have done that.” It shows just how powerful women are perceived to be in the toxic mythology of male sexuality. If somebody had just fucked the poor guy, made him feel like a man, lives would have been saved.
If the mythology of maleness says that sexual conquest makes someone a man, that means women have power over whether you’re a man or not.
I came of age in the seventies, thinking myself to be enlightened, believing in feminism to the extent that i was able to understand it, or women, or anything else back then, and yet, I didn’t escape the toxic myth, and I was still dependant on women to make me feel whole and lovable. And i suffered for it. Today they would have called me “a nice guy”. Antifeminists will tell you that women aren’t attracted to nice guys because they want to be dominated, because of some evolutionary bullshit, but nice guys don’t manage to hide their desperation, and desperation isn’t attractive. And where does desperation come from? Partly from that same shitty myth that a man isn’t a man without sexual conquest.
Back in the days when the patriarchy was not just an abstract concept, man held economic power over women that was pretty close to absolute. Women freed themselves of that control. Even if they’re not making as much money as men, and even if that’s unfair, and even if they sometimes have to negotiate a minefield of sexist discrimination and sexual harassment– I’m not denying any of that, but at least they do have options. They freed themselves from literally needing a man to have any kind of life. That was a heroic victory, to be sure.
But here’s my theory, and I’m no social scientist, so take it with a grain of salt. The economic liberation of women happened to be good for capitalism. It added to the work force, and it added to the disposable income of families, and so there wasn’t as much pushback from the powers that be as there might have otherwise been.
But men are dependant on women psychologically, because of the toxic myth. So women are not so dependant on men any more, and men are as dependent on women as always. And the toxic myth is great for selling shit, so capitalism isn’t going to be so helpful this time.
Whenever I suggest that men are also victims of sexism, poisoned by a a toxic mythology of gender that not only makes them dependent on women, but makes a mature relationship with a woman almost impossible, angry feminists assume that I’m trying to excuse men, to absolve them of responsibility. That’s not true at all. Men need to free themselves of emotional dependance the same women had to free themselves of economic dependance, and TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for being happy and whole as a man is the only way that’s ever going to happen. That also means men need to be responsible for the shitty things they sometimes do. You see how that’s good for women, right?
Just about anybody can be loved, by loving and serving others. Having sex requires fitting into someone else’s life in a specific way, whether short term or long term. That doesn’t always happen, and when it does, it usually requires compromise.
Sometimes, real men don’t get laid. Let’s all deal with that, shall we?