4chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim rape culture that 80%/20% bullshit that's completely wrong

4channers: Women being sluts caused the Umpqua Community College shootings

The World According to /r9k/

It’s still not clear if the Umpqua Community College shooter, now identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, posted his plans on 4chan’s /r9k/ board the day before the shooting, or if the post, warning of an impeding shooting at a school in the northwest, was just a bizarre and highly improbable coincidence.

What is clear is that a lot of 4channers, particularly the “robots” of /r9k/, are offering the now-dead killer their sympathy and support. Indeed, in one thread on the board today, 4channers are blaming the shootings on women being sluts. Sluts, that is, who won’t sleep with them.

The thread starts with a post attacking “sexual liberalism” for allegedly leaving most men celibate while women have casual sex only with a small minority of the most attractive men.

Yep. As one critical anon put it, the OP’s “grand plan” seems to be “to force women in relationships with men they neither like nor are attracted to.”

Another anon thought the problem could be addressed, at least partially, on a voluntary basis:

imo spread on social media that October 1st should be pity fuck a nerd day to help raise awareness of violence and to help save lives

Not all anons were quite so, er, optimistic:

>while they just compromise Hahahahahahaha The only women who compromise are prostitutes. All other women have already decided what they will and won't do and what they already did with Chad and don't want to do again. And they're far more demanding because they know if you don't do what they want they can just get Chad to take care of it. Of course men will be angry, they have no similar recourse.

Others, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on the inevitable arrival of sexbots:

In a decade or so companion bots will be a thing and nobody will have to care about women again.

Still others had even more radical “solutions.”

Maybe if somoene did an outstanding massacre this issue could be discussed publically... Like, the guy kills a lot of people and then explain this issue to the world via live camera or something.


The solution: Mandatory fucking sessions, b-daily and randomly paired. Society is finally fixed.

If at this point you feel your faith in humanity slipping away, you will be perhaps be slightly reassured by the fact that a good number of those posting in the thread thought the OP and those who agreed with him were a bunch of self-absorbed, self-pitying assholes.

One anon got this point across with admirable succinctness.

 >'MARRY ME OR I'LL KILL YOU ALL' Kek, Robots are such fucking entitled little shits.

“Robot,” in this context, refers to the denizens of /r9k/, not the “companion robots” that others in the thread think will ultimately make women obsolete.

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9 years ago

That. Kind. Of. Thinking. Just. Have. To. Stop. Period.
Is USA still a democracy or what??

9 years ago

This is why chan”culture” needs to be burned to the fucking ground.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

“Gorilla warfare”

Koko wept.

9 years ago

Every time I see one of those people talk about “gorilla warfare”, I relax. They would clearly be incapable of guerilla warfare.

9 years ago

This only slightly less ridiculous than saying that gays cause earthquakes.

9 years ago

“Gorilla Warfare”
Not sure if that image tag works here, but I thought of this image:

9 years ago

Controversial* opinion: If you are the type of person who would consider attempting to murder dozens of people (or if you would support someone who did), just because you can’t get a date, then *maybe that is related to why you can’t get a date.* Something about the whole “violent tendencies” and “zero empathy for humanity” qualities you have just isn’t appealing to teh ladiez.

*Read: totally fucking obvious.

9 years ago

As I’ve mentioned in other threads on this blog, I’ve been single for over ten years and haven’t had sex since the end of that relationship either. By the logic of these people, I should be going on shooting sprees every week. Yet, so far, I’ve failed to attempt murder even once.

This shit doesn’t make any goddamn sense. I can only guess they must be completely obsessed with the idea of sex and sexual/romantic relationships, putting it at the absolute center of their thoughts and realities, while simultaneously doing nothing at all to try to get into a sexual/romantic relationship and instead just spending all their time bemoaning the impossibility of it and complaining about “sluts” on the internet.

9 years ago

There wasn’t a time when only monogamy was tolerated. There are times when a facade of monogamy was a bigger deal. Over 2 thousand years ago Gaius Julius Caesar fucked like half the women in Roman high society, and possibly quite a few of the men. With his life possibly on the line in the wake of the catiline conspiracy he took time out to troll a political opponent, Cato the Younger, by reading to himself a letter delivered to him on the floor of the senate, when Cato noticed and demanded he hand over the letter it was revealed to be a very explicit love letter from Cato’s sister.

9 years ago

My question: Will my “companion bot” be able to play tabletop rpgs with me, ’cause I’m not really into the physical intimacy thing?

-or- why is r9k still up?!?

9 years ago

women have already decided what they will and won’t do

Oh, the horror!

9 years ago

… men have a way higher sex drive…

When exactly did this become such an accepted fact in Western culture that it is never even questioned? Even here at WHTH, it is rarely noticed as a pretty massive assumption which is used to justify so much ass-hattery (from “women can get sex whenever they want” to “rape is natural for men”).

Ironically, the opposite concept – that women are sexually voracious – has been used as a reason to control women, in many periods in history & many cultures.

9 years ago

I don’t recognise the world these guys live in.

Incidentally, about “sexually liberal” societies being dangerous? Citation needed, because my impression is that safer to be a woman in (say) liberal Denmark than in conservative India.

9 years ago

There was an episode of Queer as Folk where one of the guys was a pity fuck and he held onto a grudge about it until much later when he got in shape and gained a lot of confidence and ran into the pity fucker again. The pity fucker hit on him, not remembering where he recognized the guy from, and the guy got revenge by turning the pity fucker into his own pity fuck. So no, a pity fuck day would only create more grudges, not fix anything. (I realize I’m using a fictional show as a basis for my argument but it’s better than their pulled-out-of-their-ass arguments).

Also, do these guys not realize that the only women who get their pick of men are the top 0.5% who look like models/actresses? Holy shit, how can you condemn fatties as worthless and unattractive and then turn around and complain about how no one finds you attractive?

Also, physical attraction is only one aspect of attraction and not the most important. Proximity, and similarity are also important. There’s also the mere exposure effect–the more you’re exposed to someone, the more fond you become of them. I read on one of these threads (here or at PZ’s blog) that some of these guys choose to lock themselves away from human contact. That’s the exact opposite of what they need to do to fix their attractiveness problem. They need to be around more people more frequently.

It would be nice if our society could make more spaces for people to interact and grow together as a community. I remember when I was single wishing there was an athiest group similar to a church because I just didn’t get much contact with other people outside of work and didn’t want to burden my friends with my need for human interaction. Plus they got uncomfortable if I ever talked about it (I was widowed, so they felt uncomfortable being confronted with my loneliness and I learned not to bring it up).

Ok, that deer doesn’t need to get any more teal.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

comment image

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

The idea that some people really do just live and die by their hormones and not “getting some” is literally the worst torture they can imagine is just…

I don’t really know. I honestly can’t imagine being this self absorbed that the solution to literally anything is having a waiting hole to stick your thing in. I think the most insulting part is that they think everyone else is exactly like them, and that mass shootings are only caused by PEOPLE LIKE THEM that don’t get enough sex. Are they subconsciously implying that they acknowledge how incredibly disturbing their obsession with intercourse is? That any one of them could be a potentially murderer? What do they gain by identifying literally any and all murderers as one of them?

9 years ago

@r9k posters re: “pity fuck a nerd day”: – Guys, guys, guys…
…plenty of hetero male nerds have sex, they just (a) take a moment to, y’know, actually talk with women and (b) often have sex with – even form awesomely nerdy relationships with, sometimes raise little nerdlings with – female nerds.

I know, I know – your mind is blown.

But it’s true.

9 years ago

This is so alien to me. The (5) guys I’ve been beyond a kiss with (mega ‘slutty’ by PUA standards), none of them would fulfil the ‘alpha male’ image these guys have. They were just normal guys. Some broke my heart, some I broke their heart, some it was just a mutual agreement that it wasn’t going to last. But what does it matter? If they where all ALPHA MALES, what then – I deserve to get shot???

9 years ago

When exactly did this become such an accepted fact in Western culture that it is never even questioned?

19th century at the latest. It was a time when women were regarded as pure fickle beings which was an excuse to significantly curb their existent rights in many Western societies (of course those who failed to reach the high standards set by men got a double whammy). It also was a time when some elites became very fastidious about sex.

Though I think there were theories that women spread sexual lust in men by some kind of emanation before that, but I’m not entirely sure.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I still find it so weird that they just state something that is CLEARLY and OBSERVABLY not true as if it is a fact, and build their conclusions from there. That shit about 20% of men having sex while 80% don’t…NOPE. Just. Not. True. Things are not even moving in that direction.
I see men and women of all levels of attractiveness having relationships – almost everyone I know is in some kind of romantic relationship.
Not that it would be okay to go around shooting people, regardless! But the endless ability of these guys to just pull some idea out of their ass and then use it as evidence to support some theory…well, it’s got to be the world’s worst superpower.

9 years ago

comeon, now, mockingbird, everyone knows the female nerd is a myth.

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

Somewhat related. Milo Yiannopoulos has managed to convince himself the reason that so many men are committing mass shootings is because they can’t “express that dark, powerful part of themselves”. Apparently the only way to stop shootings is to let men be macho, burly and love guns and booze. Except they’re allowed to do that anyway, so I’m not sure how this article helps solve the issue.

9 years ago

I don’t think that I can express my contempt at the patheticness of the assertion that women’s promiscuity is the problem here.

For a start this is a primarily US based problem. I live in the UK and spree/ mass killers are rare – less than one a year, in the rest of ‘slutty’ Europe it is also rare.

There are plenty of disgruntled and whingy whiney men – – like Thunderfart, or Sargon, or the MGHOW who appeared on Breakfast telly recently, but they do not shoot up ANYWHERE. That is not to say we have a more decent type of misogynist mind you!

Certainly the Norwegian atrocity was committed by a misogynist, but he was ALSO a far right, racist, homophobic shitbag.

Rodger hated women but he ALSO hated men – the ‘Chad’s’, and proved it by killing some of them first.

How they always bring this back to being women’s fault would be fucking laughable if the stakes weren’t so high.

Traditional marriage the answer? Oh yes, where women stayed faithful and men fucked around if they could get away with it – what a fine way of life to aspire to! Obvs these aholes couldn’t care less about women being happy in marriage or in any capacity at all, or they wouldn’t see a return to traditional marriage en masse as such a good thing, but to see that as a solution to the US’s problem with spree/ mass killing – you might as well blame t on violent video games!

9 years ago


Also, do these guys not realize that the only women who get their pick of men are the top 0.5% who look like models/actresses? Holy shit, how can you condemn fatties as worthless and unattractive and then turn around and complain about how no one finds you attractive?


This is something that jumps out at me every single time I read what these guys have to say. When they claim only a small fraction of men have casual sex, while all women do, they are only talking about the women who they would like to have sex with, i.e. those who look like porn performers or celebrities. Yet in the the group “men” they include all men. They’re just upset because they personally can’t have sex with Jennifer Lawrence. It’s entitlement all the way down.

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