UPDATE: The shooter has been identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper-Mercer. Rumors spread earlier in the day that the shooter was a a regular 4channer and active Youtuber known as “the eggman.” Obviously they were wrong.
This is beyond fucked up. In this archived thread from 4chan’s /r9k/ board, the apparent shooter at Umpqua Community College told fellow channers yesterday of his plans to shoot up a school today. He didn’t specify which school, mentioning only that it was in the “northwest.” /r9k/ is a board heavily populated by so-called “incels,” and the media is reporting that the apparent shooter regularly posted bitter complaints about his lack of success with women,
UPDATE 2: There is a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there, and the IDing of the killer has actually raised more questions than it’s resolved. An apparent Myspace page for Harper-Mercer suggests that he was obsessed both with guns and with the IRA.
There have also been reports that he was targeting Christians. According to the New York Post, a “woman who claimed to have a grandmother inside a writing class in Snyder Hall, where a portion the massacre unfolded” reported that
“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.
So was he — as an apparent supporter of the IRA — targeting Protestants? The Daiy Beast, for its part, says the shooter “hated religion.” Chuck C. Johnson of GotNews says he’s “confirmed” that the shooter was a Muslim.
Is the Myspace page really his? Is the report from the alleged granddaughter bullshit? Was the 4chan posting yesterday actually from him, or a comment from a troll that just happened to have been posted the day before a school shooting in the northwest?
I don’t know. But I still recommend that you read the rest of this post, if only to see the comments from the other 4channers.
Screenshots below:
Here’s his first comment warning fellow channers not to go to school today if they live in the northwest.
He then said he’d post again shortly before he started to shoot. (I don’t know if he did.)
Because 4chan is a fucking cesspool, other channers offered him advice:
Another anon suggested that indiscriminate killing wasn’t the solution, seeming to imply that more targeted killing was?
Others put forth their ideas of what sorts of people might be considered appropriate targets:
More encouragement. Note the reference to Elliot Rodger, the Santa Barbara “incel” killer.
A few others urged the OP to NOT carry out his plans.
After reports of the shooting hit the news, anons reacted with amazement:
Amazement and enthusiasm:
In case you’re wondering, “kek” is the equivalent of “lol.”
More excitement:
There’s much more of this in the thread.
Naturally, someone claims that the shooting could have been averted if only the shooter could have found a girlfriend.
Yes that’s right: he thinks the shooter was himself a victim, presumably of the entire female gender.
There’s a lot more in the thread but honestly I can’t stomach it right now.
Note: This post has been updated numerous times.
oh my god oh my god
I can’t comprehend what is happening in the world
We seem to have lost our humanity, that’s what’s happening
what does “beta” uprising mean. What does the beta mean? does it refer to beta males and all that crap?
Why don’t cops ever hang around and read these types of blogs?
I remember telling someone when I started watching the MRA movement and all it’s forms that in all likelihood we are going to see all kinds of shootings
Are these different posters?
Like, agreeing with him and suggesting how he might kill more people? Bluddybluddyhail.
What is the definition of a terrorist conspiracy? Of grooming someone to commit terrorism? Is this not it?
Do the police know about this 4chan thing David? Can they trace these people, does anyone know?
What or who is this “chad” they keep referencing?
Further down the thread you’ve got folks posting “you made us proud”…. Arggghhh.
I really hope they get traced and brought to justice.
You know what stinks about this? When it happens now, I no longer ask what pushed the man over the edge. Now I ask myself, “Is he out to shoot a bunch of black people, a bunch of women, or a bunch of Muslim people?”
firechild: I think “Chad” is a term for football-player-type males who they see as unfairly successful with women compared to them. (The fact that their “Chad” hasn’t encouraged anyone to kill people doesn’t register in their minds)
“What or who is this “chad” they keep referencing?”
Chad Thundercock (I kid you not), the platonic ideal of a real alpha male in Red Pill philosophy. He who has sex with all the women in the world and leaves none for the lesser “beta” males.
It just gets dumber from there.
Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
Notable – but not surprising – that the primary encouragements for not doing this is because it’ll make white people look bad or will lend weight to the “libcuck” argument. Nothing about taking lives.
Surely those contributors are guilty of incitement? I know that shooter brought it up, but then had LOADS of encouragement.
Of course after the fact they will all cry ‘I never thought he was serious’.
Beyond sick .
Those comments feel like they think it’s all a game to me. Like they’ve literally dehumanized anyone besides themselves and laugh when people die.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah, I can clear up a few things here.
“Chad” refers to what they think as brainless jocks who are more successful than them with women and are therefore enemies.
4chan has existed for almost a decade now. The authorities for sure know about it, but they can’t do much. The big part about that site is that the thread turnover is extremely fast and everyone is, by default, “Anonymous.” Threats like thus are posted on 4chan almost weekly. It’d be impossible to determine what was a legitimate threat and what was just anons being godawful.
Law enforcement needs to start collecting IP addresses and charge the advice givers with being an accessory. We’ll see how funny they think that is.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: these idiots are going to crush Internet freedom faster than any imaginary liberal authoritarian boogeyman they’ll come up with.
What the fuck
I live in Oregon so I’ve been following this all afternoon wondering why it happened. I read on another site that the shooter posted warnings on social media but this is the first I’ve seen screenshots… I… almost want to pretend like these aren’t real.
The fuck the fuck
What is wrong with people
I just can’t. I just can’t express myself here. The only way I can express myself in this is through gif form and that is inappropriate. The only way I can express it is through dramatic writing, so excuse me.
There must be consequences. Real consequence. They must all suffer the consequences for their actions. If they had suffer such consequences before, they wouldn’t be acting like this. They would be acting like decent human beings instead of filth. They have never suffered the consequences of their actions but they will this time. They must. They have to. There must be justice.
They are all accessories to murder. Arrest them all. One million years dungeon. All of them. All of 4Chan, forever. Then burn the servers. Burn all the servers. And piss on its ashes.
Such filth should not exist, should have never existed.
I weep for humanity.
I live in Canada and I called the police there and they know about this message board.
What is wrong with people indeed. Twitter reaction from a right-winger. Trigger warning for assholery. https://twitter.com/RWSurferGirl/status/649683864089038848
Holy fucking cow…….4chan really is full of the dregs of the human race. Absolute scum. Shit like this has happened before, giving coordinates to dead bodies of murdered schoolchildren and recipes for acids that cause internal bleeding. Really, just the lowest forms of life dwell in that cesspool.