antifeminism crackpottery evil SJWs irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Return of Kings: “Satan’s plan for the world is feminism and social justice”

Marduk: The Original Social Justice Warrior?
Marduk: The Original Social Justice Warrior?

Has pickup artist shitbag and wannabe philosopher Roosh Vaizadeh gone all Jack Chick on us?

Chick, you may recall, is the legendary fundamentalist Christian cartoonist who built a tiny publishing empire on miniature comic-book “Chick Tracts” spelling out the terrible temptations that lurk everywhere in our fallen world.

He’s not big on subtlety: in one famous tract, a heavy metal band finds grand success after signing with a manager named, I shit you not, Lew Siffer; two years later, one of the band members has died of AIDS, another of a drug overdose, and a third “is into vampirism.” But there’s a happy ending: After finding a Chick Tract, the lead singer pledges himself to Jesus, sending old Lew back to his home in hell.

In case his readers hadn’t gotten the whole Lew Siffer = Lucifer thing by that point in the tract, Mr. Chick shows him reverting to his devilish original form.

A setback for Lew, to be sure. But Mr. Siffer doesn’t give up easy, and the old man has been quite busy in recent years — at least if a recent post on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog is to be believed.

In a post with the title “Why Social Justice Is Satanic And We Need Religion To Defeat It,” Morman PUA blogger Rick Moser blames feminism on, could it be, SATAN?

Satan is every bit as real as God, and Satan’s plan for the world is feminism and social justice. Satan wants a world where men get publicly shamed for lifting too many weights at the gym or hassled by the school administrator for using gendered pronouns.

These may be small points in a big scheme of things, but hell is not some deep pit with grinning demons and flaming pitchforks. Hell is a classroom with angry, androgynous teachers and a skewed grading system.

And yes, he’s serious.

As Moser sees it, the “top priority for social justice is to destroy the authority of men,” and Satanic Social Justice Warriors have been undermining men since the days of ancient Babylon.

In Babylonian mythology, Moser tells us, a Social Justice Deity named Marduk famously murdered “Tiamat, the goddess of motherhood and beauty” and took up with the slutty “Sarpanit, synonymous with Ishtar, the goddess of sex and prostitution.”

Marduk did away with the old conservative ways and issued in progressivism. … Babylon was a feminist dream.

After reflecting a bit more on Babylon and other ancient civilizations, Moser skips ahead to the 20th century where, he says,

Radical politicians mandated laws that they said empowered women, but which really destroyed the family. They attacked people who were successful, destroyed personal liberty in the name of public welfare, and tore down the “hubris” of people who did not serve the needs of the community, the way they wanted.

The veneer may have looked new, but this revolutionary movement was no different than in ancient Babylon. …

Look at social justice warriors today and you see the same doctrine of universal salvation.

The solution? Right-thinking men and women need to embrace “[r]eligious patriarchy … the time-tested opposition to feminism and all forms of social justice.”

Lew Siffer must be quaking in his boots.

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Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

And thank you, Mike, for linking to that Chick Tract. I literally (and I mean literally) laughed out loud at “Then I’ll give you a little wedding present… some AIDS.” I’d expect wording like that at Landover Baptist, so it made my day to see it coming from Chick.

9 years ago

I don’t get all the Satan hate.

The first time he ever shows up, he brings fruit and knowledge.

Who the hell DOESN’T like fruit? Or knowing things?

Maybe I don’t get it since I am not Christian. Or maybe fruit is misandry. Pretty sure knowledge is misandry.

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

Marduk? Ishtar? Really? we’re talking what 1600-1500 BCE? Babylon was one of the largest and most civilized cities in the world and the center of Sumerian culture – And it’s being held up as a bad thing?
I go into more detail but I’ve had too much weird today and the news about the kids in Oregon is depressing as hell.

9 years ago

Well now this just doesn’t make sense. If it’s hell, it’s hell for everybody, not just one gender or a segment of onew gender. Since allegedly men suffer and women benefit from feminism, this is clearly not “hell”.

9 years ago

That dude never read one Word about Babylon, for sure….

9 years ago

spacelawn, I assume you’re thinking of The Satanic Temple. The statues are Baphomet, actually, who is sometimes used to represent Satan, but is actually a separate guy in many traditions. It’s sort of like how Dionysos, Bacchus, and Pan get mashed together when depicted by outsiders.

Anyway, the Temple is basically a performance art troupe. They use the Satanist statues to make 1st amendment challenges to Christian propaganda. When some judge or legislature puts up a statue of Jesus or the Decalogue or whatever on public land, they roll up with a Baphomet and ask for equal treatment.

Mathieu Tremblay
9 years ago

Take it from the manosphere, justice is evil!

At this point, I refuse to believe that these guys hear themselves speak.

9 years ago

Umm, Tiamat betrayed her husband to her children, the younger gods, allowed them to kill him, subsequently sought the destruction of her children via monsters she bred specifically for the task, was challenged to single combat by her grandson Marduk, who slew her to prevent the slaughter of the younger gods, her children.

Hardly a goddess of motherhood. Moser seems to ignored the whole primordial chaos thing while ignoring that Marduk, Social Justice Warrior, is alpha by any redpill standards.

9 years ago

As a woman who enjoys lifting heavy weights at the gym, I have no idea what that guy is going on about.

9 years ago

I could be misremembering this, but wasn’t Ishtar the goddess of war?

9 years ago

…I don’t understand, I thought the general opinion of these sorts of dudes was that any belief system that was not their incredibly specific brand of “christianity” (mainly the kind that keeps all the hellfire and condemnation and completely ignores the whole “love your neighbor as yourself” thing), was WRONG and EVIL and PRIMITIVE. If Marduk had stayed with Tiamat in what was no doubt stereotypical 1950s domesticity, (because that’s totally the kind of thing that ancient babylonians were known for), they would have still been evilbad heathen gods, wouldn’t they? Why would someone arguing from a “Christian” perspective bring up other belief systems?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

That “Lew Siffer” made me feel so much better about my take on Lucifer, Lucy Furtinski. Which I made up for a class assign. Back in 6th grade. Religion fundamentalism just sucks the creativity out of people, doesn’t it?

Poor things.

Hail Satan! *enjoys the complimentary basket of fruit and evolutionary theory books that appear in flame next to them whenever they say that*

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

comment image

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


I can confirm that 3 out of four of these are true from personal experience. All of them might be true, but I don’t have a degree in Psychology (yet).

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

How can you teach psychology; it’s not even a real discipline? 😉

9 years ago

The Enuma Elish is mostly a celebration of Marduk as the ur-patriarch and founder of civilization. But it’s a weird story with a lot going on. I guess anti-Babylonian patriarchs would focus on the “disobedient child” angle. Dude does kill his parents, after all. Tiamat shot first, but only because Marduk wouldn’t hold still when she told him to keep the noise down, so again: unruly child, no respect for parents.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

I could be misremembering this, but wasn’t Ishtar the goddess of war?

– Storyseer

She was the goddess of love, war, fertility and sexuality.

A very powerful symbol. A woman deity who brought life and love AND defended them both. At least that’s my interpretation. Whatever else that may be true of Babylonian civilization, Ishtar was a great example of woman divinity.

So OF COURSE misogynist scumbags hate her 🙂

9 years ago

Ishtar doesn’t have children as far as I know, if that’s what you mean by “bring life.”

9 years ago

I think I heard somewhere that Tiamat was a pre-Babylonian fertility goddess before the Babylonians turned her into Shub-Niggurath. That may have been speculation, though, not sure. And according to the bible, Satan is Hell’s prisoner #1 and can’t do anything without God’s permission, so apparently Satan forming the SJWs fits into the greater good somehow. (Sarcasm)

9 years ago

@raysa, I never got all the Satan hate either, and I was raised catholic! The whole Garden of Eden temptation thing was him informing Eve she and Adam had been lied to. Don’t get me started 🙂

9 years ago


I’m not an expert in this mythology, but generally deities that fall into the “fertility” domain do bring life, or at least are supposed to *ahem* assist others in bringing life.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I just keep thinking of this video about a Christian woman connecting Monster energy drinks with the devil.

Also, in other (good) news, The (Unofficial) WHTM store is now up (and kind of functional)!

Currently, I only have a binder design up, but I’m working on (finally) getting other designs ready to go as we type. Feel free to send input on designs you want to see via my twitter @ParadoxyIntent!

(You can also check out my other design work on my RedBubble. [/shameless self-plugging])

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

For anyone interested, I’m going to be posting part 1 of a 31 part horror serial on my Tumblr in a couple of hours.

I am nervous, but I’m going to to this, damnit. I’ve spent hours this last week writing it. It’s almost halfway done. I’ve been able to write and edit 2-4 pages a day and I can’t believe it. Hopefully I will be able to keep this up. *knocks on wood*

9 years ago

Well, if being a feminist and working towards social justice makes me a Satanist, then, yay! Worship Satan! Get ready for the sweet party in Hell!