Has pickup artist shitbag and wannabe philosopher Roosh Vaizadeh gone all Jack Chick on us?
Chick, you may recall, is the legendary fundamentalist Christian cartoonist who built a tiny publishing empire on miniature comic-book “Chick Tracts” spelling out the terrible temptations that lurk everywhere in our fallen world.
He’s not big on subtlety: in one famous tract, a heavy metal band finds grand success after signing with a manager named, I shit you not, Lew Siffer; two years later, one of the band members has died of AIDS, another of a drug overdose, and a third “is into vampirism.” But there’s a happy ending: After finding a Chick Tract, the lead singer pledges himself to Jesus, sending old Lew back to his home in hell.
In case his readers hadn’t gotten the whole Lew Siffer = Lucifer thing by that point in the tract, Mr. Chick shows him reverting to his devilish original form.
A setback for Lew, to be sure. But Mr. Siffer doesn’t give up easy, and the old man has been quite busy in recent years — at least if a recent post on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog is to be believed.
In a post with the title “Why Social Justice Is Satanic And We Need Religion To Defeat It,” Morman PUA blogger Rick Moser blames feminism on, could it be, SATAN?
Satan is every bit as real as God, and Satan’s plan for the world is feminism and social justice. Satan wants a world where men get publicly shamed for lifting too many weights at the gym or hassled by the school administrator for using gendered pronouns.
These may be small points in a big scheme of things, but hell is not some deep pit with grinning demons and flaming pitchforks. Hell is a classroom with angry, androgynous teachers and a skewed grading system.
And yes, he’s serious.
As Moser sees it, the “top priority for social justice is to destroy the authority of men,” and Satanic Social Justice Warriors have been undermining men since the days of ancient Babylon.
In Babylonian mythology, Moser tells us, a Social Justice Deity named Marduk famously murdered “Tiamat, the goddess of motherhood and beauty” and took up with the slutty “Sarpanit, synonymous with Ishtar, the goddess of sex and prostitution.”
Marduk did away with the old conservative ways and issued in progressivism. … Babylon was a feminist dream.
After reflecting a bit more on Babylon and other ancient civilizations, Moser skips ahead to the 20th century where, he says,
Radical politicians mandated laws that they said empowered women, but which really destroyed the family. They attacked people who were successful, destroyed personal liberty in the name of public welfare, and tore down the “hubris” of people who did not serve the needs of the community, the way they wanted.
The veneer may have looked new, but this revolutionary movement was no different than in ancient Babylon. …
Look at social justice warriors today and you see the same doctrine of universal salvation.
The solution? Right-thinking men and women need to embrace “[r]eligious patriarchy … the time-tested opposition to feminism and all forms of social justice.”
Lew Siffer must be quaking in his boots.
Most people spouting this kind of crap usually think it’s “Satin’s” doing. 🙂 Roosh can at least spell but that’s about all he does right.
“Androgynous teachers”–are those by chance, women with short hair he’s referring too? I know they think shorn hair on women is the work of the devil.
Frankly, I’d take the side of Lew Siffer over that of a “Mormon PUA” any day.
“Individual liberty must be protected by taking away individual liberty!” … seems to be a common brain fail with misogynist types.
Aaaaaand the first few comments under the RoK article are all denying that global warming is a thing.
I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.
“Hell is a classroom with angry, androgynous teachers and a skewed grading system”
…A skewed grading system…
Yeah, about that: http://www.bustle.com/articles/63030-girls-score-better-on-math-tests-than-boys-unless-the-teacher-knows-their-gender-because-sexism
Glad he at least agrees that sexism in the classroom is a problem… right, right? That’s what he meant by that? 😉
Thanks for the link to that article littletaeo
Why is Satan the bad guy again in this scenario? O.o
I’d love to see who feminism is going after for “lifting too many weights.” Is it one of those not-so-humble-brags? “We’re being persecuted for being too awesome and manly! Woe is us!”
I’d also love for someone to sit down and explain to me how “destroying the family” is supposed to work. What’s the replacement? What’s the evidence and causal relationship? What does it even mean, that there are fewer families and more single people? I’m seeing no shortage of families around me, despite the people around me generally being fairly liberal.
But, according to our last troll in the glossary thread, Babylonian women were all submissive house wives. Which is it? My lady brain is confused.
I want to post a church lady meme, but my phone and WordPress don’t get along. I can’t embed images. Someone help a satanic SJW out?
His ancient history/mythology interpretations bear little resemblance to what I learned back when dinosaurs walked the earth – nor to what I teach now. Maybe this guy should take my Intro to Archaeology course? Or would he think he was in Hell? (I promise my grading scale is quite fair.)
I was wondering the same thing. The only explanation I can come up with is that he’s offended by “do you even lift, bro?” jokes. Not understanding that they don’t mock weight lifting, they mock the over the top smugness of some self professed lifters online.
It still amazes me that these people think SOCIAL JUSTICE is a bad thing. It’s like they want to be comic book vilains.
Also Omg how can anyone be so short sighted thatthey think every problem in the wolrd is the result of women being treated like people? Everything is just sooo complex and yet hese guys think their simplistic, hateful and illigical view is genius and groundbreaking, bah.
Claiming a classroom with women who don’t care about mens boners, or about stroking the male ego and prioritize male students – i.e. a classroom where men are treated as no more important than women – is literally *Hell*… it reveals a level of entitlement that is quite frankly, absurd.
As for the biblical tradition being a patriarchal pile of shit… well, duh!
Another day, another mass shooting in the US.
Ha, funnily enough I once had a dream wherein Twilight-Zone-Like the denouement was that I was in fact in hell. The setting was a high school classroom with a student desk and being required to read a stack of academic papers…for ETERNITY. I woke up in a cold sweat, dropped out of my PhD programme, took the MA and ran…
Actually, Nanshe was the goddess of social justice in the pantheon that includes Marduk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanshe
Not sure what any of that has to do with the Christian Satan figure. Mr. Moser’s description of hell leads me to suspect he has lead an incredibly charmed life, though.
@WWTH: Obviously, men are hardwired by evolution to lift, and to grunt loudly and then drop their weights with a bang. Asking them to be respectful of others and not damage the gym’s property is a womanish plot to sap their vital essences, not to mention prevent them from getting laid.
Because women go for the muscle bound types, like Brad Pitt, don’t you know. /sarcasm
This reminds of that satanist dealio i heard about a few months ago, they had put up a (awesome) statue somewhere that resembled Satan. Now, according to their website, they are actually supporters of social justice and all that stuff. So that’s fun.
Also, ironically, im listening to a song called “center of hell” right now!
Don’t you know? It’s never actually Marduk and Tiamat, it’s really Satan and Jesus, and all these swarthy types are too dumb to comprehend it! /sarcasm
A Morman PUA? How the fuck does that work?
But I do want to destroy male authority.
Clearly when the general population does things that manospherians individually don’t agree with, it’s because of government imposition! It’s a given that if we had true individual liberty, we would all just naturally trend towards patriarchy.
Heh just wanted to say it’s nice to see that that Chick Tract I linked to made it into an actual post – it’s pretty classic in that dumbfounding Jack Chick sort of way.