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Red Piller: Anders Breivik’s “methods were atrocious but his message is redpill relevant”

Anders Breivik in court
Anders Breivik in court

And we return once again to the Red Pill subreddit, where the locals are finding intellectual inspiration in the manifesto of one slightly problematic Norwegian, er, thinker — Anders Breivik, a far-right, antifeminist ideologue who decided to promote this manifesto by murdering 77 people with guns and a bomb.

M4rkyboy 1 point 17 hours ago  As much as it pains me to have to cite such a person i feel i have to point out that Anders Breivik covered this in his 2083 manifesto. The collapse of economic marxism and its replacement cultural marxism, it's ties to the feminist movement, it's methods and it's goals. Economic marxism relied on a united proletariat, cultural marxism sought to recruit other victim groups to push its agenda-gays, muslims, women and others.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]TRP VanguardJP_Whoregan[S] 7 points 17 hours ago  This is ultimately why granting female suffrage has been such a disaster. Men earn their vote by entering the military draft (we agree to go die if the gov't deems it necessary); women are gifted their vote by turning 18. Men routinely vote for freedom and less government intervention in our lives, women routinely vote for more welfare and higher government intervention in our lives. And if women can convince even a small percentage of men to go along with them, a free society is ultimately doomed to eventual dictatorship.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]M4rkyboy 3 points 16 hours ago  Paul Joseph Watson talks about the barbarian at the gates in a recent video and how the gate has to be held open for the city to fall. The women are those holding the gate to western civilisation open.  Again, i hate to recommend it but the very start of Breiviks manifesto covers this succinctly and intelligently in far greater detail than i could give justice to in a Reddit comment. His methods were atrocious but his message is redpill relevant.

Dudes, when you find yourself saying “Lisa Simpson needs to be punched in the face, but this neo-Nazi mass murderer makes some good points” it might be time for you to sit down and clear your head and rethink your entire fucking life.

H/T — r/TheBluePill, for the second time today.


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9 years ago

Fnoicby: “The draft” is what happens when a woman holds the gate open and invites the barbarian within to go his own way.

steampunked (@steampunked)

The whole: We get these privileges because war! thing always makes me think of several of the Mesoamerican cultures where dudely types got to go to the coolest version of the afterlife if they died in war, and women got to go there if they died in childbirth or had given birth.

Because, you know, dangerous things done to keep civilization going…

9 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

“Sooo… Add women to the draft too? Problem solved.”

Actually, with 2016 opening all military jobs to women, the 1981 ruling of Rostker v. Goldberg will no longer apply. It states:

“[t]he existence of the combat restrictions clearly indicates the basis for Congress’ decision to exempt women from registration. The purpose of registration was to prepare for a draft of combat troops. Since women are excluded from combat, Congress concluded that they would not be needed in the event of a draft, and therefore decided not to register them.”

So it should be revisited. Even the official selective service page about it. So yeah.

9 years ago

Sometimes I feel like if there actually was a draft, maybe there wouldn’t be so much American appetite for responding to every problem with military action. It’s easy to rattle your sabers when you know that it won’t be your loved ones having to back those words up with their lives.

9 years ago

Oh, here’s a thing that I bet the Red Pillers don’t want to hear. When the United States set up the whole voting thing? The only requirements were: white, male, and property owner (mostly just property owner because only white males owned anything)… THERE WAS NO DRAFT. The Draft wasn’t instituted until September 16, 1940, during World War II, and hasn’t been used since the Vietnam War. And the vast majority of people who seem to be whining about the Draft weren’t old enough to have been registered when it was last put into action. In some cases it appears that their fathers weren’t even old enough to be drafted at the time.

9 years ago

They don’t really want equality of any kind. Their view of equality is not for folks to work together to put an end to war or for a country’s citizens not being forced to sign up for anything. If they really thought men were so oppressed by a system not created by women, they would talk about this war mentality and the system itself. How citizens of the world are being used by their government for its own agenda. Where it comes from. But they have never been interested in any kind of positive change. They just want women to be forced as well. What that is supposed to change I don’t know. But this is not about change but about punishing women for something they did not create. How irrational.

9 years ago

I think that “The Draft” is just code for a vague and ultimately incorrect concept of the burdens and responsibilities of traditional gender roles. If you want a clear picture of what is going through their heads when they mention “The Draft” go watch the movie “300”.

9 years ago

Isn’t it being beta for a redpiller to apologize for his sources? If M4rkyboy admires Breivik, he should be a man and admit it. First, M4rkyboy has obviously actually read the manifesto to be able to paraphrase it. Second, Breivik is hardly an original thinker on any subject. M4rkyboy could have just as easily paraphrased 50 other non-mass-murdering misogynistic assholes for the same theory.

9 years ago

As jillhorton mentioned, no one in the United States has been drafted since the end of the Vietnam war. That war came to be highly unpopular. Even though at the time President Richard Nixon said that the protests didn’t affect his decisions about the war at all, in his memoir he admitted that they did. The country was being torn apart by protests over an illegal, immoral war against a third world country that was not a threat to the United States. Sadly, even though the draft has ended, the United States continues to wage needless war. But now that young men can’t be drafted, the protests are much less vociferous. Many of the people, men and women, who enter the service do so because they can’t find work. So now it’s the have-nots fighting these unnecessary wars.

9 years ago

In other news of MRA hero Anders Breivik, he’s threatening to starve himself to death if his prison conditions don’t improve. He wants to be able to resume his political science studies and he wants to be able to spend more time with prison staff.

So the man who killed 77 people because he thought they had left-leaning politics now says he himself wants to die if he can’t take a political science course (most likely taught by a left-leaning professor) and have chats with prison officers (who work for the left-leaning government he hates). I assume that he also wants to be removed from isolation.

Not so much the brave loner now.

9 years ago

^ Anders previously claimed he was being tortured because the prison wouldn’t buy him a playstation 3.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
9 years ago

If we go by the idea of a meaningful actual draft not only would no women relatives of mine have a right to vote but no male relatives would have the right to vote (including yours truly). If we extend the idea to military service, exactly three relatives that I’ve known would have that right. None of those people were me. While I had to register for Selective Service this cost me essentially NOTHING except some time for paper work (I don’t even remember how much, but I imagine I had to fill something out).

When it comes to endorsing mass murderers I have to say:

9 years ago

I’m guessing Draft Guy gets a stiffy reading Starship Troopers.

9 years ago

“Anders previously claimed he was being tortured because the prison wouldn’t buy him a playstation 3.”

And this is who the redpillers see as a savior. It’s impossible to take Breivik’s stance seriously when he’s all butthurt and equating not being able to play Metal gear Solid 4 to waterboarding. It’s like hearing that John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln not because he freed the slaves, but because Lincoln bought an apple pie that Booth wanted and was pissed that he didn’t get to eat it.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

That’s pretty much the definition of white male entitlement, isn’t it – so used to getting 100% of everything, he has to throw a bawling, murderous temper tantrum when he only gets 95%.

And then the world will cave in and give him the last 5%. Because white men are simultaneously seen as gods on earth and spoiled bratty toddlers.

9 years ago

I believe them when they say they had to give their life…
They don’t sound like they have a life!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

[Breivik’s] methods were atrocious but his message is redpill relevant.

This, my dears, is called Gertruding, and it’s dishonest.

The insertion of a short disclaimer saying “I abhor this person’s actions”, amidst a much larger piece in which the author is manifestly not abhoring the actions, is a craven and dishonest act. It’s done purely so that if and when the piece gets called out for being pro-terrorist, the author can point to that disclaimer and pretend that it absolves the rest of it.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


See also: “I’m not a Republican/MRA/Nazi but…”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Haha, as if there’s even a difference between Repubilcans, MRAs and Nazis. Blaming that one on not having my coffee yet.)

9 years ago

Wonder when this Red Piller will be quoting favorably from Mein Kampf. How can you glean anything positive from someone who murdered scores of people in cold blood? Shows how sick they are.

Someone recently performed an experiment by taking actual 1930s Nazi rhetoric and replacing words like “Jews” with “Syrian refugees”, and then posting them as comments on the Daily Mail website.

The reaction from the regular commentariat there was depressingly predictable.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

This Anders is besmirching the name of good Anders everywhere.

9 years ago

Fun fact: Norway still has conscription and a recent change has made it mandatory for everyone – regardless of gender (or lack of thereof). You can still refuse and do other kind of work instead.

These red pillers’ arguments are insane and this fact breaks it at an even more fundamental level.

9 years ago

^ Anders previously claimed he was being tortured because the prison wouldn’t buy him a playstation 3.

Yeah, he was stuck with a mere Playstation 2 and called it being “treated worse than an animal.”
comment image

9 years ago

If they need there to be a specific reason why people are allowed to vote, other than being an adult person with regular human rights, why do they jump to “the draft” of all things? Wouldn’t paying taxes seem more reasonable? Men and women who earn money are required by law to pay taxes, i.e. they have an obligation to the state, and in return they have a right to participate in the democratic process (at least in theory). These guys are so obsessed with violence and the military, they forget about everything else.

If they want to take away women’s right to vote, they should at least acknowledge that women then should be tax exempt. But I suppose in their utopia women wouldn’t work.. or do anything, really.

9 years ago

Someone recently performed an experiment by taking actual 1930s Nazi rhetoric and replacing words like “Jews” with “Syrian refugees”, and then posting them as comments on the Daily Mail website.

The reaction from the regular commentariat there was depressingly predictable.

It’s the Daily Mail. If you posted Nazi rhetoric and didn’t change anything, it’d get upvoted.