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Lisa is Nothing But a No Good Uppity B*tch: Red Pillers Take on … The Simpsons

Lisa Simpson: Not a Red Pill Woman

The regulars in the Red Pill subreddit are working themselves into a little bit of a lather over a story about an angry wife who tossed her beta-bucks-providing husband out of the house after he was photographed dancing on a table with a belly dancer at a bachelor party. Adding insult to injury, this was very the same woman who, only a week earlier, had been out on the town with “a handsome French bowling instructor.”

That woman’s name? Marge Simpson, her beta-abusing, alpha-chasing ways dissected in a blog post titled “The Simpsons: Hypergamy, and Male Disposability in “Life on the Fast Lane” and “Homer’s Night Out” (1990).”

Yep. They’re getting worked up about two quarter-century old Simpsons episodes:

IndyBrodaSolo 15 points 1 day ago Marge is one ungrateful bitch. She's married to a former astronaut, yet she nags all the time and accuses Homer of being slacker.

As the regulars see it, the Simpsons episodes offer clear proof of Red Pill wisdom.

Donateandfeelbetter 6 points 1 day ago Yeah what the hell does marge even do other then sit on her ass and bitch at homer anyways. If homer never had kids he could be belly dancing all night long!

But some of the regulars are as frustrated with Homer as they are angry at Marge. After all, Homer brought all this upon himself by not being the alpha asshole of every woman’s secret fantasies.

“Homer is beta as fuck, and Marge aimed early for BB [Beta Bucks]” writes one. “As she reaches 34 she sees her youth has gone and has a fleeting last chance for alpha.”

Another adds, I suspect only partially tongue-in-cheek:

Donateandfeelbetter 2 points 1 day ago Well homer would never have had this problem if he was a bad boy with huge muscles creepin at the Jersey shore every weekend. His fault for being a simp beta male.

But whatever anger the Red Pillers feel towards Marge — or frustration they feel towards Homer — is nothing compared to their fury at another Simpsons female: 8-year-old budding feminist Lisa Simpson

makethemsayayy 6 points 1 day ago i used to like the simpsons, now i find it fucking insufferable, I have to change the channel when annoying bitch Lisa goes on her tirade I have to change the fucking channel and Marge is a hypocrite cunt permalinkembedsavereportgive gold [–]Donateandfeelbetter 1 point 1 day ago Lisa is nothing but a no good uppity bitch who needs to get the feminist bullshit smacked right out of her little bitch ass mouth. Someone should hit that ugly undesirable bitch. The only reason she is a feminsit is because non of the guys other than milhouse want her nasty ass.

The one commenter who suggests that maybe putative alpha males shouldn’t really be getting this mad at a couple of Simpsons episodes from 1990 is rewarded with downvotes for his heresy.

friendlysociopathic -3 points 1 day ago If you have reached the point where a cartoon child forces you to turn off the TV you have gone too far. This is what I expect to hear from SJWs. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]MortalSisyphus 5 points 1 day ago Obviously he isn't responding to a "cartoon child" as you so simplistically put it. This was a character developed by real people and her words were written by real writers, and this is an ideology being pushed by thousands of media figures, educators, politicians, etc. on to the public. It makes perfect sense to avoid something being shoved in your face repeatedly. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]friendlysociopathic -2 points 23 hours ago* It is a cartoon little girl and it bothers him so much that he has to switch the channel. This is not alpha behavior by any metric on earth. If you think this is acceptable behavior in an adult male you are beta as fuck to the very core. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]Special Olympianmakethemsayayy 1 point 1 day ago Maybe I have, obvious pandering and claiming women are better than men is just gonna piss me the fuck off from now on. At least my assertion has all of human history behind it.

As another fictional beta bucks provider said of the hypergamous slut who was ruining his life, “you are tearing me apart, Lisa!” 

H/T – r/TheBluePill


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9 years ago

Nope, that Fellowship Of Patriarchy might be the winner.

9 years ago

That’s more words about the sexual desirability of an 8 year old girl (fictional or not) than I had ever hoped to read in my life.

9 years ago

The problem with using a 25 year old episode of The Simpsons is that the values of the show change with the times.

I don’t think an episode made today would be as supportive of Marge’s annoyance at Homer dancing with the exotic dancer because it is not as acceptable today for women to be upset by that sort of thing.

I don’t think they are wrong to criticise the values of a show but you have to acknowledge that a show that is 25 years old will represent the values of 25 years ago.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@katz – Is that a sea monkey on the left? I guess you really can train them to do anything, including undermining the nation’s morals.

RedPillers are Comic Book Guy, but without the charm and social skills.

9 years ago

In Germany drawn together is shown on comedy central, still

9 years ago


Dudes, she’s eight.

comment image

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

#neo-nazi #nazism #national socialism #white supremacy #1488 #white separatism

9 years ago

“That’s more words about the sexual desirability of an 8 year old girl (fictional or not) than I had ever hoped to read in my life.”–viscaria


Print the Legends
9 years ago

“Also re: the thing about Homer as a “former astronaut” – didn’t that astronaut stuff happen well after the incident with the bowling instructor? Actually, are we sure these comments aren’t supposed to be generally tongue-in-cheek? I’d rather not click over to the subreddit myself…”

“Life on the Fast Lane” aired in the show’s first season. “Deep Space Homer” didn’t happen until season 5. If there’s one thing I know, it’s my Simpsons.

9 years ago

Ugh. I was on my break and read too quickly to notice the part about Lisa being undesirable.


Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

In Germany drawn together is shown on comedy central, still

Whoa, really? I haven’t seen it in years. It’s just one of those really, really offensive TV I like a lot, like Tripping the Rift and stuff.

I bet they took out all the Nazi jokes, though.

9 years ago

Is there any chance the Fellowship of the Patriarchy is a joke in the vein of Landover Baptist? I can’t get over the fact that they made themselves a coat of arms that more-or-less follows the rules of heraldic design EXCEPT the main one, which is that you can’t put dark colors together like that without a light color (white or yellow) separating them. That seems like a touch of deliberate self-parody.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

…the fellowship of the patriarchy has appallingly bad heraldry…::sniffs with disapproval:: but what would you expect from people calling themselves THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE PATRIARCHY (really really hoping they’re joking…)

9 years ago

You guys think these jokers know the rules of heraldry?

9 years ago

@Pandapool: I don´t know about Nazi jokes, because I did not watch the show. Its a bit stupid. But in Germany Nazi jokes are quite popular.

9 years ago


I suppose you’re right. Can I just giggle at the fact that they have represented themselves with the Disney Villain Decorating Scheme and still think they’re the good guys?

9 years ago

Can I just giggle at the fact that they have represented themselves with the Disney Villain Decorating Scheme and still think they’re the good guys?

But of course. Although I bet they picked green and purple for another reason *vomit*

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

OMG the patriarchy heraldry was real? I thought that was a bad joke.

9 years ago

Homer *is* a slacker. That’s kind of the bulk of his character. And calling him a former astronaut is a bit silly given the total absence of episode-to-episode continuity.

Also ignores that one of the main points of that episode is that Homer is completely unqualified to be an Astronaut (a recently sobered alcoholic was a better candidate) and only went to space through a series of lucky circumstances.


Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

I’d just like to bask in the fact that i’m NOT THE ONLY PERSON who noted the lack of the Rule of Contrast on their heraldry ::smiles::

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

@Pandapool: I don´t know about Nazi jokes, because I did not watch the show. Its a bit stupid. But in Germany Nazi jokes are quite popular.

Well, they aren’t verbal Nazi jokes, let’s just say that.

9 years ago

Boy, did these guys miss the point about The Simpsons mainly reflecting tv shows and movies and spoofing various plots, characters and attitudes!

9 years ago

This has got to be fake. I just can’t believe they are this stupid.

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

These Dudebros conveniently ignore the catalyst behind all of “Life On The Fast Lane”: For Marge’s birthday, Homer buys a bowling ball, has his own name etched into it and the holes drilled to cater to his specific fingers. Then, after said “gift” ruins her birthday cake, he tells Marge, “If you don’t want the bowling ball, I know someone who does.”

Marge’s excursions with the French Bowler are necessary and when you really pay attention, pretty innocent. No infidelity takes place and because of this Alpha Male jerk, she realizes that although Homer can be inconsiderate and selfish at times, he’s still a better person than this “Dude”. She ultimately goes back to her Husband, which these guys award her no points for. It’s obvious these characters love each other, immensely. They may not “like” each other at all times but who does? And who else would be so patient and forgiving of the other person’s flaws?

“Homer’s Night Out” is ridiculous but harmless and not worth getting upset over. Yes, Marge overreacts to Homer dancing next to a belly-dancer but again, Dudebros miss the part where SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE. The entire town treats it like this massive, pearl-clutching scandal. It’s absurd but innocuous because Homer and Marge are still together.

I’ll bet these Dudebros are giant hypocrites, in that they probably have zero issue with the episode, “The Last Temptation Of Homer”, wherein he comes dangerously close to sleeping with another woman. Again, though, he ultimately doesn’t and his love for his Wife is stronger after having been tested. That’s the whole arc and point in episodes like this.


Why do they care so much about a stupid cartoon that’s a quarter-century old? I mean, they’re not even the GOOD episodes. I look forward to watching their heads explode at the Thelma & Louise-inspired episode, “Marge On The Lam”. 🙂

9 years ago

Yep.  [MRAs are] getting worked up about two quarter-century old Simpsons episodes:

So this is an actual real thing happening in verifiable existence, huh?

* Slowly leaves room, making sure not to expose my back to MRAs. *