So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.
Sonsowey gets the discussion going with a plaintive question:
Does anyone out there think there is some force that could cause the obesity epidemic to reverse? Any chance we will look back on the multitude of landwhales as a sad relic of a more primitive time? Or is it nothing but bigger and bigger from here on out.
In fact, the “obesity epidemic” has already shown signs of plateauing — as several Roosh V commenters note. Indeed, obesity levels have been relatively stable for more than a decade, suggesting that Roosh V fans who think they’re suddenly being swamped by a rising tide of fat chicks are pretty much imagining the whole thing.
Never let it be said that Red Pillers lack imagination. Particularly when it comes to envisioning a possible solution to the Fattie Question.
Roosh V Forum commenter Kabal is hoping that sexy robot ladies can put some pressure on our nation’s non-robot ladies:
A leftward shift in the supply curve of male thirst would put more pressure on girls to get their shit together to maintain the same level of male attention.
At the very least, the more men’s balls are drained, the less inspired they will be to satiate the female demand for attention (e.g. Instagram likes, cat-calling, shitty approaches, etc.).
Yes, that’s right. It turns out that, despite all appearances to the contrary, women just LOVE being cat-called by random men as they go about their day, a desire they broadcast to the world by marching grimly ahead with disgusted looks on their faces as gross dudes make kissy sounds at them.
Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.
Uh, dude, maybe they could pass your own personal Turing Tests, but somehow I’m thinking your conversational skills are only slightly more advanced than that of AOL Instant Messenger bots.
So really, it’s only an aesthetic problem in making sex-bots more appealing to men.
An attractive real woman would certainly beat a realistic sex-bot in the eyes of most men. However, an unattractive real woman vs. a realistic sex-bot? Hm…
If that doesn’t work, well, there’s always eugenics:
Just like with intelligence and height, parents should be able to screen for lower probabilities of obesity in potential offspring via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
DannyAlberta, meanwhie, pins his hopes for an end to obesity on economic collapse and literal mass starvation.
in the event that we have a severe economic catastrophe (like the kind doomsayers like peter schiff have been predicting for over a decade) and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed and the average person is left with very little disposable income – then yes the obesity epidemic might end, simply because fewer and fewer people will be able to afford anything other than a caloric deficit …
if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.
Civpro has similarly apocalyptic fantasies:
I think it will turn around eventually. As “good men” are disenfranchised and outbred, the wealthy secular welfare state for which they are the social capital will crumble, and so will the freedom that women have to look so terrible.
Not all of the Roosh V forum regulars are quite so, er, optimistic.
Strikeback offers this Totally Real Not Made Up Field Report, describing how he and a petite date were nearly stampeded by “kaijus” — a kind of Japanese movie monster — on the dancefloor.
Maybe experts on population health can see something I can’t, but from a street level view, I’m not positive.
Let’s take last weekends. I was out dancing, 162lb me and a petite 100lb girl. Two category 4 kaijus, each challenging our combined bodyweights, pushed their way into our space, nearly steamrolling us. I expertly manoeuvred my girl out of the way. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall slim decent looking suited up guy losing control of his category 5 kaiju (a sight very common in Australia) and the gigantic butterball reptile spun our way while my girl froze with a horrified look on her face. Me to the rescue, once more… close call. We decided to leave the dance floor afterwards before more Cat 5 kaijus showed up.
Kaijus here used to be wallflowers, or hiding in the dark corners waiting for tall good-looking moneyed drunk male preys. Now they’re fearless and rolling straight out onto the dance floor to spread their toxic fats and smells.
The war is lost, gentlemen.
I think I speak for fellow, er, kaijus of all genders everywhere when I say: fuck you, dude!
Here’s a woman expressing that same thought in interpretive dance:
Can I just say that this is a particularly vomitous example of THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS? PGD was designed for the child’s quality of life, not the parents’ bragging rights, screening for horrible, often fatal disorders, and morons like this dickhole look at it and think “Hey, if they can screen for haemophilia or anencephaly, I can screen for a skinny, blonde-haired, blue-eyed son! Hitler approved!”
*Blond. Blonde is the feminine spelling.
Please stop using “Insane” or “Crazy.” I left it alone in the last thread because, hey, slip-ups happen, but that’s twice in a day now.
My personal theory about why Manosphere dudes hate on fat women goes like this:
1) Most manosphere dudes are sexually insecure and either think men need to use manipulation to gain (and potentially maintain) sexual relations with women (Red Pill types), or have given up on trying to have relationships (MGTOWs).
2) There is a cruel and untrue perception (sometimes perpetuated in popular culture) that overweight women are ‘desperate’. This equates to these guys thinking ‘I could have her if I wanted to’.
3) Red Pill types seek validation by having sex with women they consider other men consider ‘high value’. Since bigger women score low on these guys’ shitty 0-10 ratings, they are considered low value.
4) This results in ‘Men who have sex with bigger women are losers and only doing it because they’re desperate. Damn those fat women who degrade men these way!’
5) MGTOW types use bigger women as an excuse for why they’re not in relationships – fat is evidence of modern women’s degeneracy.
At the end of the day, it’s all really horrible (and hypocritical, considering how many Manosphere guys are not exactly Adonises when you see their photos). I really despise anyone who picks on fat people – the ‘superobese’ have enough problems without having to cope with assholes, and no-one has ever been helped by fat-haters’ mockery. Plus the evo-psych idea that men ‘naturally’ desire slender women is complete bullshit – look at the different cultural standards around the world and through (pre) history.
Can I just say that reading the stories about how people overcame eating disorders just makes me proud of y’all. Well done to everyone who has achieved a healthy relationship with their body, and my support for people who are still struggling somewhat.
I had an eating disorder too in college, and got down to about 115 at my thinnest. I’ve inherited my grandmother’s petite frame, even though I’m 5″5′, and people were always commenting “you’re so small!”. I don’t think they twigged I was eating way less than I should have until my body finally got annoyed at me for starving it, went “Fuck you, bitch!” and landed me with an awful digestive problem. I got through it, but it was a wake up call.
I gained a bit too much weight over the last few years and I want to get back to the shape I was before (ish), but not by wrecking my health this time. I am MUCH more at ease with myself than I was before. I’m going to do it slowly: exercise regularly, eat enough so that I’m not painfully hungry again two hours later, and if by that method I plateau at a little heavier than I was then so be it. Frankly, I don’t look too bad as I am now! ^_^
I do have another motivation though: a mild muscle/lymphatic problem means that when I do hit the gym, I work out not so much to lose weight but to relieve symptoms. Which is why I focus on weights more than cardio – it’s so much more effective at easing the tension and getting things flowing again. The weight loss is just a byproduct, tbh, though I imagine it will also help ease the condition.
If you’re a skinny person like me, you’ll find that working out regularly results in you gaining weight. Muscle is heavier than fat, and if you don’t have much fat to begin with then the muscle you gain will easily outweigh the fat you lose.
It also gives you the ability to defeat ninjas, which is surprisingly important.
“and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed”
I just want to jump on this, it’s a real pet peeve of mine from my economics degree.
Sovereign governments in charge of their own money systems can not become “broke”, the money is their creation and is a system they control.
A good metaphor is a football league, they can hand out as many points as they want for goals and this could cause problems but to say they could run out of points to give is total nonsense.
Governments can run into problems when spending exceeds revenue, but they can not go broke like a family or a company can.
The thing I hate about these dickweeds is their obsession with enforcing a cultural mandate of who is and is not attractive and exactly how attractive on a goddamn scale.
Anyone who doesn’t agree that their preferred body type/features are the most attractive of all is branded as a liar, filled with sour grapes, or as a fool rationalizing what they can’t get. There’s no room for a man to prefer different things from the culturally defined “hotness” without being in some way suspect or having “a fetish”. I would wager a majority of men actually prefer something different from the “ideal woman” in one way or another.
Just another way toxic masculinity hurts men.
“if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.”
FFS, they’ve decided that if society doesn’t pander to them that society’s gotta go.
Then again, a sizable fraction of MRAs spend their free time dreaming/fapping about RaHoWa, so it’s not a surprise.
@sunny @EJ –
Seconding EJ.
By the end of basic, I weighed like 165lbs (at 5’9″ – I’m about 135 now, slim but not too terribly fit at the moment).
I was quite muscular (I gain muscle easily, especially shoulder, upper back, and arm…probably chest, too, but that’s more difficult to see) and would have fit into the clothes that I wear now (US size 8).
Thank you all for sharing your stories… I though I would share mine.
I too was underfed while growing up, not intentionally but my family was big and servings were always tiny (less so for the men, though, go figure).
By 18, during some health screenings unrelated to weight, the doctors concluded I could have been almost 10cms taller based on the size of my feet and a weird condition in my tendons.
When I was 19 and got pregnant, I was 5.2 tall and a weight of 100 lbs (aporx. conversion). I gained twice the “recommended” weight during pregnancy, but lost nearly half after birth, and most of the remaining while breastfeeding.
I am now around 113 lbs, and it’s every day’s work to make sure not just to eat healthy but to eat at all. Anxiety is my worst enemy because what little hunger I get, it takes it away. I’m doing better these past months (after a particularly low point) so I’m gaining some weight and also due to excercise.
I really want to set a healthy example for my daughter, not only about eating but in regards to her body and herself.
Oh yeah, and fuck all the asshats who think weight has fuck to do with beauty or people’s value. Deserve to drown in a pool of nice sharp pointy brand new Legos.
What you’re describing, countries not being able to go bankrupt, was actually a contributing factor in Argentina’s debt crisis, and similarly in Spain and Greece as far as I understand.
Since there is no definite bankrupcy for a country, financial speculators were able to buy debt bonds at minimum value a few years after the economic crash, then wait until the country is up and running to reclaim the original value.
Most debt holders usually accept to get a lower value on order to get some return, but speculators would demand full value. We had the case of successfully negotiating our debt with 97% of the holders, and financial speculators would still demand full value (which they never paid in the first place).
There was recently a UN agreement to somehow fix this by placing a bar (can’t recall but must be around 60 – 70%), so if a certain percentage of debt holders agree to a solution, the rest are bound to the same agreement.
When I’m 140lbs I’m a UK size 10 (a US size 8) due to the fact I gain muscle easily and have enormous breasts. When I was 140lbs I was only just “average” bmi as I’m only 5’4. If these guys genuinely believe that a size 8/10 is overweight then my mind is blown.
And yeah, someone’s hb10 is someone else’s hb4. Attractiveness is based on personal preference. Some guys find my heavily tattooed body extremely beautiful, others find it off putting.
I can see a chatbot passing someone’s personal Turing test…if that person’s response to any woman online is to immediately bring up sex.
Good thing I’m not going by weight then, but clothes size and how good I think I look in my underwear. 🙂
I don’t think I put on muscle easily, but I’d like to be generally lean and fit just for the sake of it really, and to feel good (also just in case a band of ninjas descend upon this small seaside town). I plan to take up a water sport which would require general fitness anyway – especially kiteboarding, where you have to hold yourself up when you’re airborne. I love exercise anyway, so I might as well get good at it.
Virtually Out of Touch:
People criticize Michelle’s body? Which part? She’s incredibly fit.
From what I’ve seen, they criticize her butt, and claim that most of the pictures don’t really show how fat she is because they’re from the waist up. Also, apparently they sometimes call her “Moochelle Obama”. They usually try to make it into, “She’s being hypocritical by promoting ‘Let’s Move’ because she’s FAT!” because even they know that just snarking on someone for being fat (or in this case, supposedly fat) makes them look like douchebags.
I thought it was a general complaint, you know? God, women are so demanding! Can you believe they actually want you to clean up after going to the toilet? Ain’t no one got time for that!
“Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.”
So… he’d rather be with ELIZA than an overweight woman?
“Oh God, you’re turning me on!”
“Tell me more about ‘turning you on!'”
*whirring noises*
This current SexBot obsession of theirs is amusing insofar as they demonstrate a radical inability to think things through … SexBots will not only be for men.
Yes. “Realistic” SexBots = You can have sex with a hot “woman” who will always act like she likes it (or cry and plead with you to stop …. depending on what you like)
However, SexBots ALSO = any woman can have sex with a hot “man” who can be programmed to pound away with exactly the “right” shape and size at exactly the right tempo and force and length of time that she wants. Hell, robot dicks could change their shape and size as needed on the fly. Prehensile vibrating penises are probably only the beginning. The market research might go in totally unexpected directions. Who knows? By their own logic, this would only increase the temptation of women to just let themselves go because they could still count on orgasms on demand.
For a bunch of guys who are downright OBSESSED with “hypergamy” and the ancient/medieval* belief that women are actually more sex obsessed than men and just waiting for any opportunity to bang 13″ Tyrone (from a previous post), they seem to be remarkably blind to the implications of the possibility of “custom-made penises that will never tire and will always perform as you desire”.
* I don’t use medieval as an insult to mean ignorant, primitive, brutish etc. I mean it literally … a lot of medieval lit is suffused with suspicion that women are absolutely sex-crazed and will jump at any opportunity to get plowed by their equivilent of “alpha males”. Go read Canterbury Tales and see how many of the stories are about cuckolded men and their hypersexed wives.
I can’t imagine that the sort of sexbots that these doofusses are burbling about, with the ability to talk and to be actively involved in sexual acts, would be possible to make within this century. They might as well be getting excited about making a living as an asteroid miner, since it’s just as likely to happen within their lifetime.
Off topic, it looks like some dudes are jealous of the Free The Nipple campaign:
@sunny – Didn’t mean to offend, was browsing and thought I’d add my 2 cents in because I’ve seen many try to chase the scale down when getting fit when that was probably counter to their actual interests.
Ohhh, kite boarding – sounds fun.
I’ve been getting back into yoga – less exciting, but between a lifetime of bustiness on a relatively all frame and three pregnancies (and then carrying progressively larger children around) my lower back is pretty pissed at me, like, all the time.
Also, high impact stuff’s difficult for me – a stress fracture that turned into a shattered right inferior pubic ramus lets me know that it’s very much against my taking up running…nor is it too terribly fond of weather changes.
Soooo, yoga and then endless time on the boring-arse elliptical. At least we’ve got WiFi sorted in the space where we’re setting up a gym.
OHHH! And also chopping wood, my absolute favorite outside chore.
So frikkin’ cathartic.
Was is GrumpyOldSocialJusticeMangina that was humoring me last season when I went on about finding a great ax?
*small frame, not all frame
Jim Millman –
Have you seen that video David Futrelle put up here with all the extremely unattractive MRAs telling Anita Sarkeesian that she won’t “get to” give them bj’s?!?!?!
Look, its one thing to be physically unattractive, really who cares? But to be completely delusional misogynist a**holes on top of it? The level of cluelessness just abounds!
Also their age – I normally defer to elderly men and women out of courtesy. But these guys don’t act like the respectable grandpa. By that age I would think they had “made peace” with the fact women don’t want to have sexual relationships with them and moved on to contributing some wisdom to society, but no. Its all so very inappropriate and strange
I don’t know how anyone could call Michelle Obama “fat”. She very lean and muscularly toned. She has a butt that is not uncommon for her ethnic background which makes her look like hour glass figure. I think the people calling her fat are just looking for something to criticize because they don’t like her or are pissed that a black lady is our First Lady.
I heard of Michelle Obama fat-shaming years ago when Amanda Marcotte covered some rightwingers doing it. I got the impression they were expressing vicarious disapproval of Barack’s presidency in terms of common fatphobia.
I also recall Marcotte writing (paraphrased): “In our culture, every woman is fat”. I took it to mean that you can bully any woman by calling her fat, because it’s pretty much guaranteed she *will* feel a twinge of body insecurity regardless of her actual fatness or healthiness or looks.
@Arctic Ape
And also, “You’re fat” is the standard response to any women who dares to express herself in public in any way.
Margaret Cho recently wrote about it with HuffPo:
“When they’re attacking your looks or threatening you or something, it’s because they realize they have no answer. So you have to acknowledge anytime you’re attacked that way: Oh, that’s how they are defeated. That’s actually their defeat. And when you look at all of this trolling kind of stuff online, you realize, oh, they just admitted their defeat. It becomes much more palatable and pleasurable. I think, as women, it’s very hurtful to hear, ‘you’re fat, you’re ugly, you’re not what I want,’ or whatever, but really the only reason they’re saying that is that’s the only weapon they have because they have no intelligence, they have no points to back it up, they have no way to argue.”